Twiglet - We weren't going to start TTC until the summer that just passed, so our baby would have born in the spring 2011... but we had ONE night of unprotected sex and here we are!

Like I said, I love having my children close together... don't get me wrong. I think it will be amazing in another year or so, when they can play together...
but this newborn and toddler phase is hard! It definitely is heartbreaking when they both want you, and you can't be there. My oldest got sick a couple weeks ago, and was crying and crying because she didn't feel well... and I had to call my mom over to help with her because I just couldn't comfort her AND take care of my newborn. I couldn't stop crying myself because it killed me that for the first time since she was born, I couldn't be the one to comfort her.

Again, I know it will be worth it, but it is challenging that's for sure!
Going_Crazy - NO, I hate the snow!

It's pretty to look at and I like it on Christmas... but otherwise, it can take a hike!