****October Bumpkins 2010 - Parenting Thread****

I kinda worry that I could be overfeeding Rose.. it's so hard not to know! If she is crying for food, I feed her! Just that it's so hard to know how much breastmilk she's actually getting.. Lately she's been getting a lot of formula too so I worry that she might be getting too much? She does get full though and not finish all her bottles, so she must be just eating what she needs, right?
Jules- I agree its sooo hard! And then I wonder is my milk really enough for her? I mean obviously she's gaining weight but is it really satisfying her chubby lil tummy? I'm also afraid when I go back to work and have to start pumping if I'll actually produce enough via pump for her during the day... I've been contemplating Fenugreek (have a bottle in my purse actually) but haven't started it as everyone says it can cause an overage of foremilk...
its a herb thats known to increase milk supply
you can buy it in tablet form or powder/seed :D

i haven't tried i want to though, i want to increase my supply so i can pump loads to put in the freezer! but i cant take the tablet form cos its in a gelatine capsule :(
I seem to have lots of milk while she's feeding but when I pump I'm lucky to get 4 ounces total from both sides. It just gets to a point that it stops coming, even with massage and everything, I can't pump near enough to actually store any, which is disappointing cause I really wanted to do that. As glad as I am to be giving my baby breastmilk, I get so frustraited with it at times! I'm sick of my boobs constantly leaking through my shirts (even with pads...), I'm sick of spending over an hour feeding her just to have her be starving hungry a half hour later and drink a ton of formula anyways, and I'm sick of having to deal with the pain! My poor nipples.. luckily they aren't cracked or bleeding, but she latches on super hard so once her latch is proper the pain is better, but still there because they are so sensitive. I also don't like trying to breastfeed in public.. my cover thingy is a pain in the butt. Gah, I shouldn't complain - some people have it so much harder! I guess I just feel like Rose is eating so much formula it's almost like my breastmilk doesn't make a dent in her hunger.. I am tempted at times to just go to formula only but I just don't know..
Athena slept in nice 3 hour blocks last night from around 11-8!! I feel like a new woman!! I took my first dose of Fenugreek last night... I hope I can pump enough to keep her on BM while I work.

Jules I'm so sorry... :hugs: You have to do what's best for you and Rose, and if thats 100% formula well then so be it. No one will judge you here!
Jules - I agree with Stoneswife. We all do what we have to do. I had a great supply of breastmilk (I could pump 2oz from ONE boob within a minute!) but it never held Alora over. She was eating every hour, all hours! Once I switched her to formula, she goes 3-4 hours between feeds which is like heaven in comparison! I wanted to breastfeed so badly but sometimes it just doesn't work for everyone. :(

And I don't think you can overfeed them?? They will stop eating when they are full... and IF they do eat more than they can handle, they often spit it up. :shrug:
Good point MommyKc- I think if I overfeed her she'll make it come up...

I don't know if the fenugreek is working this fast but this morning I pumped 2.5ounces compared to the struggle to get 2 out of 2-3 pumping sessions!
i'm lucky to get 2 oz from both sides spending 40+mins on the pump!

i can pump quite a bit just before hes due a feed, but then he gets fustrated at the breast, so i end up having to give him what i just pumped!
i know i just need to pump more even when getting nothing to increase supply, but i just dont seem to have the time!
Vegan I too don't pump enough I don't think. I'm really worried about whats going to happen when I go back to work...
Pumping can be a funny thing... some women's milk just doesn't come out easily using the pump (but obviously comes out from their baby suckling). I was lucky with that, the pump always took tonnes of milk out of me which is a shame that I wasn't successful at BFing. :(

Just keep at it ladies and it should get your milk out easier, the more often you do it. :)
I can pump quite a lot quite quick too.

Girls I need you to help me give my head a wobble, I'm sat here so angry and upset.
The other week I went downstairs and the TV was on mute and hubby was asleep, he was watching filth on TV :( He knows how much I hate it and I thought he respected me enough not to watch it. I was more annoyed coz I now knew the reason he didn't come to bed until all hours and let me go to bed alone! Because I was so upset then I went downstairs when he came to bed removed adult channels and changed the parental password. After trying to speak to him about it he changed the subject. Anyways tonight I go downstairs thinking I'd sort the washing out and then snuggle up on the sofa with hubby for a bit as we just don't seem to get much quality time together, I goes downstairs and what do you know! He's guessed my password and is watching the filth AGAIN even though he knows how upset I was last time! I kicked him awake and he acted like he didn't know what was going on...his excuse last time? He's accidently flipped to that channel...BULLSHIT! It's password protected! He's gone back to sleep and I've changed the password again!!

This might not seem a big deal to you and that I'm making a fuss over nothing but I'm so upset :cry: I'm still feeling yack, I have another infection in my episiotomy so I'm still not healed which means we've still not had sex (we've done other stuff), I've developed stretchmarks AFTER having Tristan and generally just feel gross! :( I'm feeling really insecure at the moment too which isn't helping but he isn't making me feel any better either!!!
I hope that your husband can start respecting your feelings more brunettebimbo. :( If him watching that upsets you then he should respect you and not watch it - or at least sit down and discuss it with you and maybe come to some compromise.

Also, thanks for the breastfeeding advice and encouragement guys!!
BB- I totally agree w/ Juless, he should respect that you don't like it and not watch it or both of you come to a comprimise... I don't understand why men love watching porn... Ugh men!!! :hugs:
Hugs BB i agree you really need to sit down and have a proper conversation with your DH about it as its really not good for you to be feelign like this. hormones are still all over the place after having babies and him doing this could really end up damagin to you. If he loves you surely he will at least have the time to sit down and talk about it? :hugs: hun x
BB - :hugs: I know how you feel. :( My DH watches that stuff once in a while, and it doesn't bother me too much now (and he doesn't watch it often at ALL) but he used to have tonnes and tonnes of dirty magazines hidden in our basement. :( Since he owned them BEFORE we got together I never made a fuss about it... but once I found out he was buying more of them while we were together (and even bought one with women over 40??!! :sick:), it really bothered me... and made me feel insecure like I wasn't enough for him... and he had to look at other women. It's kind of silly, I know, but it's hard enough being women AND mother's... and feeling the way we feel right now on top of it, with sleepless nights and changed bodies... :( So one night my hubby took all those magazines and burned them. It was actually really sweet of him. :cloud9:

Anyway, I agree with the other ladies... he should be respecting your feelings about this. I would talk to him... and MAKE him talk, don't let him change the subject. :nope: At least compromise? I'm not sure what your limits are but maybe let him watch the programs with YOU there? Rather then him sneaking around??? I know it might be awkward for you but I'd rather my hubby watch that stuff with me there. :haha: Anyway, I hope you get it straightened out hun.
:hugs: BB, sorry to hear you're going through it with your OH. I completely understand as i've been through the same thing on and off with my OH ever since we got together. The last time I caught him was about a yr ago now but since we're not intimate at the mo and i'm in the other room with Sophia (to give him some sleep for work!) I can imagine he's up to his old tricks again. I'm trying to put it to the back of my mind though as can't allow myself to get upset about it all over again, we've been here so many times now. I genuinely don't think he does it even half as much as he used to as he hardly gets any spare time but what gets me is the lies, it used to be the fact he was doing it and the way it made me feel and my insecurities etc. but now i'd just prefer him to be honest with me about it (if he really can't stop for me!). Over the years he's made so many promises to stop and I genuinely think he does for a while and then we hit a rocky patch or he gets a bit depressed and then it starts up again and I catch him at it. With him its on his PC he looks at porn or his phone! I just don't understand it but according to our group of friends all the lads do it, they're just better at hiding it from their other halves! Not sure how true this is. I think what's right for one couple isn't necessarily right for another, some women are happy to let their men look at it yes and even enjoy it themselves but if it makes us feel insecure and upsets us then they should respect that. I'm sure he'll come around once you talk to him and you explain how its making you feel.

On a brighter note, hope everyone's enjoying their weekends. I'm getting festive this weekend, the trees are going up and i've written about 60 cards this eve and started wrapping presents etc. Done loads of online shopping this wk too and really broken the back off it. I love Christmas!!!

Sophia's settling down really well now and has started going off in her moses basket awake in the evening in her room between 8.30-9pm. Last night she did 9-1am, 1.30-5.40am and 6.10-9.20am. Really pleased this that. So far tonight she's done 8.30am-1am. My OH has just given her her bottle and put her back down and now i'm off to bed. I am a nightmare as am such a night owl, really should have gone to bed earlier and made the most of the fact she was asleep! Instead i've been writing cards and wrapping presents! :dohh:

I think Molly has hit a growth spurt she's killing me always eating
Rose has been staying awake for much longer now. Unfortunately, she stays awake during the middle of the night mostly! She'll sleep for 4 hours, be up for 4 hours, then sleep all day! When she's awake ALL she wants to do is eat too!
Molly's sleeping all night, just wakes up to eat, wakes up round 7am, naps from 9-12, up until 5 or 6! she's an angel :) I can never have another baby they are bound to be devilish I got way too lucky with this one ha

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