****October Bumpkins 2010 - Parenting Thread****

MommyKC - aww bless Have you managed to find another swing for Alora?

To anyone thats had their first period - whats it been like?

I've had mine, I'm exclusively breastfeeding and I've already had mine...TWICE! And it only gave me like a weeks break, at first it was heavy then it returned to normal. Then I got the Implanon birth control and bled for a day.
Wriggley - My hubby actually came home with a new swing yesterday. :cloud9: We really couldn't afford it but he must have understood how badly I need one. It was so sweet of him. :D

I THINK I've had my period (bleeding after delivery slowed down and then it got heavier again for a few days) but it only lasted a day or two and then was gone again, and I had some mild cramps. So I'm pretty sure I had it, but it definitely wasn't normal yet!

Aurora - I've brought Alora in bed with me occasionally, ONLY in the morning (6-8am) when I'm desperate for sleep and she won't settle, but otherwise she's always in her crib. I believe it's important to get them used to it right away.

Beaniebaby - You're right, sometimes sticking to something like putting them in the crib right away doesn't work. :shrug: I just know for me, it sure did! With my first daughter, by 4 months she knew full well that her crib was for sleeping and I would literally swaddle her, give her a soother and put her in the crib and she'd go to sleep. I wouldn't have to rock her, or do anything. It was heaven. :cloud9: So from that experience, I'm doing exactly the same thing this time. In fact, I've started even earlier with Alora. I figure it can't hurt to get her used to her crib NOW, and she isn't great at naps unfortunately but when she does nap, and occasionally wake up... I just go in there and give her a soother and rub her head, and she usually goes back to sleep for a bit. I did the same with my firstborn and eventually they stop waking up (and they sleep until they're hungry, etc). And this way, she will learn that I don't just pick her up immediately once she starts fussing... when it's time to sleep, she stays in her crib. I will tend to her but NOT take her out! :haha:
We all have our own techniques and what works for us, I just know doing this worked great last time so I want to stick to it again... hopefully it works again!!! LOL [-o< My toddler sleeps 11-12 hours now, SOLID... doesn't wake up at ALL!

I keep waiting for the night when Alora surprises me and goes 7-8 hours! :D The last few nights, when she wakes for her 2-3am feed, she only takes 2oz and then passes back out. :dohh: Clearly she doesn't NEED the food... but she's still waking. Hopefully she either drinks more when she wakes up or cuts that feed out! One can hope eh? :rofl: It just feels like such a waste to get up and only give her 2oz!
Well having a great day today, Sophia did her usual long naps between feeds today and has been v. settled and both girls were down at 8pm. Took Bella up slighty late at 7pm. I only bath them every other night and as I bathed them last night it wasn't part of the bedtime routine tonight, so i'm pleased that Sophia doesn't need bath to help trigger sleep. I gave her her bottle whilst reading Bella her story and then settled her in her room just by giving her a cuddle, winding her, etc and put her down wide awake with the dummy and within about 5 mins she was sparko, not a peep out of her! This is just a miracle in our household, Bella never slept during the evenings for months and didn't actually go down as early as 8pm until something ridiculous like 18 mnths and even then it was always a battle! She fought sleep even until recently and would often be in her bed at 7.30pm and not fall asleep until 9pm! It just proves that it sometimes depends on the baby/child! It does help Sophia doesn't have colic or reflux like Bella did, poor luv. I hate comparing them but they are just so different. I know people said the 2nd is always easier but I didn't think there'd be this much of a difference. I guess I must be more confident and relaxed too which must help I guess.

Has anyone started doing the 'dream' feed at 10-11pm?

I keep waiting for the night when Alora surprises me and goes 7-8 hours! :D The last few nights, when she wakes for her 2-3am feed, she only takes 2oz and then passes back out. :dohh: Clearly she doesn't NEED the food... but she's still waking. Hopefully she either drinks more when she wakes up or cuts that feed out! One can hope eh? :rofl: It just feels like such a waste to get up and only give her 2oz!

That sounds really promising hun, really hope she drops that feed soon for you! Sophia usually leaves about an oz out of a 5 oz bottle so is clearly not ready, but hey ho like I said earlier I can't complain really as she's an angel. :cloud9:

How long do your babies stay awake when they wake up? Rose has been staying wide awake for 4-5 (sometimes longer...) stretches of time. She'll sleep 4 hours, wake for 5 then back to sleep. It can be exhausting, cause it's usually at 1am that she wakes!
beanie baby: Can i ask what dream feed is? :blush:

Shae is a little angel. He can be a nightmare to settle sometimes of a night time but he is getting better. He wont go to bed any earlier than 9pm, but he has his bottle and sleeps right through until 7am, then once he has had his morning bottle he will sleep again until 9am ish. It works perfect for me. I know he doesnt settle until late but it works for us.
MommyKC that's so sweet. I just ordered a swing for Luca's Christmas. I can't wait to get it.
I can't believe my little one is two months old. This yr has flown in.
DH told me last night that he was going to go and see about a Vasectomy which is great news. He had seemed to be a bit reluctant after L was born.
So Alexa had her two month Appointment yesterday even though she is now two months and 1 week.

She got her shots. :'(

They didn't tell me that she would be in pain afterwards, and running a fever!
Everytime she moved her legs she would cry out in pain. It brought me to tears. I called them back and begged them to prescribe some baby tylenol, because I couldn't find any anywhere. & on top of all of that... she now has a cold. :(

I feel so sorry for her, I wish I could bear her pain and illness on myself. :( I hate seeing her suffer.

But on another note. Her weight was 13.5 Pounds, Length 23.6 inches. They said her weight was at the 98% and her lenght was at a 78%, and her head at the 90%.

I have a big baby! :D Which is ok, because I know that she is healthy. :)
Molly stays awake from 9-12 and then takes a little nap then awake from 1-5
beanie baby: Can i ask what dream feed is? :blush:

It's basically just feeding your baby while they are asleep. Many parents put their babies to bed around 7-8pm, and then just feed them without waking them, changing them, or anything around 10-11pm just to fill their bellies and get them sleeping longer. :D

I haven't done dream feeds as I can't! When Alora sleeps, she's OUT! I can't get her to drink anything when she's asleep. She might suck on the nipple a few times but that's it... she's dead to the world! :haha:

Jules - Alora is awake for long periods but thank goodness it's during the day! :wacko: But usually she's only awake 1.5-2 hours before she gets cranky and needs a nap. All babies are different though!

Alora seems to be in a pretty good schedule anyway... she has her bath around 8:30pm, bottle around 9-9:30pm... in bed by 10-10:30pm... then sleeps until 2:30am-ish.... then back up to eat again around 6am... then back down until about 8am. It's working pretty good... though I still can't wait for a full nights' sleep, it's nice having regularity anyway. :shrug:
I keep waiting for the night when Alora surprises me and goes 7-8 hours! :D The last few nights, when she wakes for her 2-3am feed, she only takes 2oz and then passes back out. :dohh: Clearly she doesn't NEED the food... but she's still waking. Hopefully she either drinks more when she wakes up or cuts that feed out! One can hope eh? :rofl: It just feels like such a waste to get up and only give her 2oz!

That sounds really promising hun, really hope she drops that feed soon for you! Sophia usually leaves about an oz out of a 5 oz bottle so is clearly not ready, but hey ho like I said earlier I can't complain really as she's an angel. :cloud9:


Yeah I spoke too soon... :rofl: Last night she DOWNED her 5oz at 3am! :dohh:
Alora is pretty fussy but she does seem to be getting easier and easier... at least at night time! :haha: Her fussy time was about 7-11pm... but she's getting easier to settle for bedtime now, which is awesome! :D

How long do your babies stay awake when they wake up? Rose has been staying wide awake for 4-5 (sometimes longer...) stretches of time. She'll sleep 4 hours, wake for 5 then back to sleep. It can be exhausting, cause it's usually at 1am that she wakes!

oh that would make me a very cranky mommy! Have you tried teaching her it's sleep time by leaving the lights out, keeping her in the room she sleeps in, not playing with her, etc. Might take some time but she might figure it out!
beanie baby: Can i ask what dream feed is? :blush:

Shae is a little angel. He can be a nightmare to settle sometimes of a night time but he is getting better. He wont go to bed any earlier than 9pm, but he has his bottle and sleeps right through until 7am, then once he has had his morning bottle he will sleep again until 9am ish. It works perfect for me. I know he doesnt settle until late but it works for us.

I know MommyKC answered this question earlier but couldn't resist saying how amazing your little Shae is doing and if I was you i wouldn't bother introducing a dream feed as from what you're saying he's already sleeping 10 hrs straight! Didn't even think that was possible at that age but we've had a few reports in here so well done you (and Shae of course!).

I never did the dream feed on my first as she had reflux and colic and until 4 mths she was so unsettled in the eve she never settled to sleep until after midnight, so she was never asleep at 10/11pm to administer a 'dream' feed! :rofl: This time around we thought we'd try and introduce it since Sophia has been going down between 8-9pm but as she always has such a full wee nappy we feel guilty so find it easier to just change her and then we feed her drowsy but awake and she goes back down really easily, sometimes easier than if we wait for her to wake out of hunger.

How long do your babies stay awake when they wake up? Rose has been staying wide awake for 4-5 (sometimes longer...) stretches of time. She'll sleep 4 hours, wake for 5 then back to sleep. It can be exhausting, cause it's usually at 1am that she wakes!

That does sound like a long time for her to be awake for during the night, it sounds like she has her night and day mixed up. Sophia was always awake, feeding and not settling back down between 2-6am in the first 3-4 wks but she's stopped that now. My first was awake during a lot of the day and night but that was due to her being v. unsettled and uncomfortable from her reflux and colic and resulted in lots of screaming etc. Is Rose unsettled or happy awake in her awake periods? Do you let her sleep for 4 hrs continuously in the day? If so maybe try waking her after 2 hrs? How many hrs is she sleeping in total and how are they spread over the 24hrs? Our routine has got better since a friend tipped me off that we should be trying to keep Sophia awake from 5pm to get her to sleep at a good time. If she does fall asleep I just change her position or take her dummy out/change her nappy so that she is drowsy but awake and that seems to be good enough. Before we introduced this into the routine she was sleeping loads between 4-7pm and rarely going off before 9.30/10pm.

Our routine at the moment is:-

7.30 awake
7.30-8am I get showered and get Bella up and ready whilst Sophia sits in bouncy chair in bathroom (with dummy firmly in place! :haha:)
8am bottle of EBM whilst Bella is eating breakfast
9.30-11am approx. asleep
11am 5oz formula
12pm-3pm she sleeps quite a lot during this time, at least 2 hrs, sometimes more if we're out and about as the car and pram send her off :blush:
3pm 5oz formula
4pm-5pm approx. asleep
6pm 2oz EBM top up whilst Bella's eating tea
6.30pm bath with Bella every other night, if not she just sits in her bouncy chair in bathroom whilst I get Bella ready
7pm 5oz formula whilst i'm reading a story to Bella in Bella's room
7.30pm winding and cuddles in her room with lights dimmed
8pm asleep (this has been the last two nights in a row! :blush:)
11.30pm she either wakes naturally for a feed which my OH does or if he wants to head off to bed he changes her nappy and then gives her the bottle drowsy but awake - 5oz formula again
12-4/4.30am asleep
4/4.30am 5oz formula
4.45/5.15am asleep
6.30am-7.30am still asleep but stirring a lot/waking on occasion so I just put the dummy in and she goes back off

I would say on average she sleeps about 5 hrs during the day :blush: and about 9-10hrs at night (broken). I am so lucky as Bella probs slept about 30mins-1hr max during the day for the first 4 months (that was broken and in v. short cat naps, woken by her feeling uncomfortable we think from the acid from her reflux), was then overtired so didn't settle until 12-1am (lots of screeming all eve!), but would then do a 5 hr chunk of sleep but then take a good 1.5-2 hrs to feed and settle so wouldn't settle til around 7am (which would be hell with a toddler if it was this time around so i'm counting my lucky stairs I can tell you!).

I keep waiting for the night when Alora surprises me and goes 7-8 hours! :D The last few nights, when she wakes for her 2-3am feed, she only takes 2oz and then passes back out. :dohh: Clearly she doesn't NEED the food... but she's still waking. Hopefully she either drinks more when she wakes up or cuts that feed out! One can hope eh? :rofl: It just feels like such a waste to get up and only give her 2oz!

That sounds really promising hun, really hope she drops that feed soon for you! Sophia usually leaves about an oz out of a 5 oz bottle so is clearly not ready, but hey ho like I said earlier I can't complain really as she's an angel. :cloud9:


Yeah I spoke too soon... :rofl: Last night she DOWNED her 5oz at 3am! :dohh:
Alora is pretty fussy but she does seem to be getting easier and easier... at least at night time! :haha: Her fussy time was about 7-11pm... but she's getting easier to settle for bedtime now, which is awesome! :D


Its still early days I guess, or could even be a growth spurt. When do they have their growth spurts by the way I can't remember. Know there was one at 3 wks. Hopefully you'll have more luck tonight!

Sorry to hear that your LO was unsettled after her shots LilDreamy. Sophia has hers this week, am dreading it! I think i'll be taking the calpol with me as think you can use it from 2 mths!

How long do your babies stay awake when they wake up? Rose has been staying wide awake for 4-5 (sometimes longer...) stretches of time. She'll sleep 4 hours, wake for 5 then back to sleep. It can be exhausting, cause it's usually at 1am that she wakes!

oh that would make me a very cranky mommy! Have you tried teaching her it's sleep time by leaving the lights out, keeping her in the room she sleeps in, not playing with her, etc. Might take some time but she might figure it out!

I agree. When I get Alora up at night, I keep all the lights off (just a night light on so I can see and get around), but it stays dark so that she stays sleepy for her nighttime feeds. It sucks waking up a baby sometimes but I would agree with what Beaniebaby said, try not letting her sleep TOO long during the day... eventually she will figure out which is day and which is night.
Beaniebaby - It could be a growth spurt? :shrug: Generally growth spurts occur on 3's and 6's... so 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, etc. :D

And it sounds like you have a great routine! I keep reading so many Mommies put their babies to bed around 7-8pm... there's no way I can do that! :( Alora would wake up before I even get to bed... :haha: But I always put my firstborn to bed later (until I went back to work and had to get her up earlier) and it worked. Our routine works like this usually:

8am - Awake for the day, get Kyree up and fed while Alora hangs out in the swing.
9-9:30am - 5oz bottle then "playtime" on mat, bouncer, etc (I do dishes or whatever)
10-10:30am - Cuddle time, then nap
10:30-12ish - Nap, I usually shower at this time and I feed Kyree lunch at 12pm
12:30pm - 5oz bottle (keep in mind she doesn't always finish her bottles)
1pm - Kyree goes for nap, and then have cuddle time with Alora
1:30-2pm - Get Alora settled for nap
2-3:30pm - Naptime
3:30pm - Bottle
4-5pm - Playtime
4:30-5pm - Kyree wakes up from nap and we have supper around 5:30pm
Sometimes Alora will doze in her swing or whatever at this point but she doesn't really have naps in her crib.
6:30pm - Bottle
8pm Bathe Kyree
8:30pm - Kyree goes to bed and I bathe Alora (she is too little to bath them together yet)
9:30pm - Bottle
Then I basically try to get Alora settled for the night, often takes me until 10-10:30pm.
10:30-2:30am - Sleep
2:30-3am - Wake for bottle
3:30-6/6:30am - Sleep
6am - Bottle
6-8am - Sleep

Wow thats a novel when I actually type it all out! LOL
Kyree sleeps so well, please ask her to pass the same along to Caitlyn :lol:
Beaniebaby - It could be a growth spurt? :shrug: Generally growth spurts occur on 3's and 6's... so 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, etc. :D

And it sounds like you have a great routine! I keep reading so many Mommies put their babies to bed around 7-8pm... there's no way I can do that! :( Alora would wake up before I even get to bed... :haha: But I always put my firstborn to bed later (until I went back to work and had to get her up earlier) and it worked.

I'm only just going to bed now, i'm such a night owl i'm rarely to bed before midnight. So Sophia's been in bed since 8pm, woke up for her feed at 11.30pm and was back down by midnight and i'm still not in bed! She'll be awake at dabout 4am so I really should get to bed now! Every day I say i'm gonna get an early night and then I never do!

Re the bath I wasn't bathing the girls together to start with but I find it easier and quicker to do it now Sophia's that bit sturdier and she loves her bath. We have one of those plastic seat things and I put Bella in the bath first in one end with the seat in the other and then I put Sophia in. Bella helps me wash Sophia and is v. gentle and to date hasn't even splashed her in the eyes. I think this is because she's that bit older at 3 and she understands that I take Sophia out and she gets to splash to her heart's content whilst i'm dressing Sophia etc. on the changemat at the side of the bath. Once Sophia's ready I put her in the bouncy chair in the bathroom and wash Bella's hair and body etc. as I don't use anything product wise in the bath when Sophia's in with Bella, just water. This seems to be working well and has shortened the bedtime routine no end!

I think Kyree will be good with bathing with Alora too, I just want to wait until Alora is a little sturdier before bathing them together. Ahhh I cannot wait until they can bath together though! :D But with the baby in the bath, don't you only put in a small amount of water because of the baby?? It seems like there wouldn't be enough water for my toddler to bath in! :shrug:

And I don't know how you do it! :haha: As SOON as I get Alora to sleep, I go to sleep. I need all the rest I can get! :p

So last night went good, Alora went to bed at 10:30pm... woke up at 1am which is early for her (usually wakes up around 2:30am to eat) so I tried giving her a soother instead, and she slept until 5am!!! So 6.5 hours!!! :D THAT felt great! And then I fed her at 5am and she was back down at 5:30-8:30am! :)
I hope it continues! Though at this point, I doubt it will just yet. ;)
Last night went great! Rose ate for 20 minutes, slept for a few hours, ate again for 20 minutes, slept again. She woke 3 times but only for short periods so I was able to get lots of sleep in! I feel so much better today! She's wide awake now - I hope she sleeps good again tonight!

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