****October Bumpkins 2010 - Parenting Thread****

What a f#*king joke!!! We aren't entitled to the Sure Start Grant :growlmad:

We aren't either, pisses me off, we're not entitled to anything other than regular child benefit, why did i pay taxes all those years?????

It's a joke! :growlmad:

MommyKC, I do that, I put Tristan to bed about an hour before I go to bed unless I'm really tired and I go to bed with him!
Has anyone thought about what they will be doing about work?

I would love to be a SAHM but I figured that I should go back to work so that when we have finished having kids and they are at school I will have my career to go back to.

I was originally going back 3 days but it's really upsetting me, I don't want to leave him that much.

Does anyone know what we will be entitled to?

If I go back 2 days it's 15 hours and 3 days is 22.
Has anyone thought about what they will be doing about work?

I would love to be a SAHM but I figured that I should go back to work so that when we have finished having kids and they are at school I will have my career to go back to.

I was originally going back 3 days but it's really upsetting me, I don't want to leave him that much.

Does anyone know what we will be entitled to?

If I go back 2 days it's 15 hours and 3 days is 22.

Its looking like I will have to go back in march when LO is only 4 months old, its killing me just thinking about it but we really can't afford for me to be off any longer than that, it makes me cry whenever I think about it, leaving her at such a young age!
I don't get a choice about cutting my hours unless I take a demotion which would defeat the object of me going back, so its 5 days a week for me.

Have you tried the online calculator where you can work out what you are entitiled to with benefits and stuff? I think its called entitledto.com or something like that. xx
Wow in Australia im lucky the goverment alone is giving me $1300 a fortnight

Cooper is 7wks today going to fast!
What a f#*king joke!!! We aren't entitled to the Sure Start Grant :growlmad:

We aren't either, pisses me off, we're not entitled to anything other than regular child benefit, why did i pay taxes all those years?????

It's a joke! :growlmad:

MommyKC, I do that, I put Tristan to bed about an hour before I go to bed unless I'm really tired and I go to bed with him!

have you tried child tax credits?

Sorry i've not been on here for ages - still struggling without a phone to surf the web on :(

You might be interested in reading this article on babies & crying https://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/families/article7107080.ece

I thought it was excellent & agree with it & it's good to know it's now been proven with science!
Wow! The last few nights Rose has been sleeping great! Last night she slept from 5pm - 1:30am! :o Then she fed for 45 minutes and slept again till 6am! I feel so rested! She's been up since but is currently having a little nap. I hope this continues!
Hey ladies! I have the internet now... so should be on more often.

Here is a quick picture of alexa taken yesterday 2 1/2 months! Will catch back with you guys in the next few days. :)

Last one is of her at two weeks


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Very sweet, lildreamy, what a cutie!

So I spoke slightly too soon on the sleep front with Sophia as last night although she did a great first chunk of 6 hrs 15 mins (slightly less than the 7 hrs she did the night before), she woke up at 2.15 for her feed but then during her next chunk of sleep from 3 onwards she was stirring lots and I had to keep getting up and putting the dummy back in again etc and ended up feeding her again at 6am (1.5 hrs earlier than the night before). I wouldn't have minded so much as its still an improvement on what we were used to but as my eldest was throwing up all night I didn't get to bed until 1.45am (30 mins before Sophia first woke up!) and then Bella was sick again at 3am just as I had settled Sophia back down so I didn't get to bed again until 4am. So I had 30 mins sleep from 1.45-2.15 and then v. broken sleep from 4-6am! Luckily as Bella was tired (we'd even had to bath her in the middle of the night and change all her bedding etc. etc. on two occasions!) she slept in so I got to catch up on a bit of sleep then as Sophia was down but boy am I exhausted today!

Sophia has her jabs tomorrow. :cry:

Aww very cute baby pictures! :cloud9:

Jules - Wow Im glad to hear Rose is sleeping so well!!! Enjoy it! :D

Beaniebaby - I'm sorry to hear you had a rough night. :( Mine wasn't great either, but not terrible. I only got a 4 hour stretch, then 2 hours... and that was basically it. :wacko: Not like the 6ish hours the two nights before. And today Alora actually napped really well, but when she woke up she ate and then has been miserable! She's back asleep on my hubby right now but I don't want her sleeping too much in the evening as it will throw off nighttime but boy was she cranky! I don't get it either because she napped well? :shrug: I have an awful headache today though. :( It just won't go away.

I'm going to try putting Alora to bed earlier tonight... we'll see how it goes. I'm always really scared trying something new.
Beautiful Pictures :)

Tristan has his jabs yesterday, one in each leg :(
He looked at me, his eyes went wide and he screamed then held his breath through both injections then sobbed :cry: My poor baby!

He was really unsettled after his jabs, he would drop off to sleep then wake up screaming :( I gave him some Calpol then took him for a long bath with me then put him to bed, he only had 3 night feeds :) He's a happy, smiley talkative boy today :mrgreen:

Heres some updated piccys of my gorgeous boy :cloud9:


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Aw v cute pics girlies. I'm dreading taking Leo for his injections - they're next wed. I think I might have to get some calpol in so I can give him some if he needs it. He's such a chilled out baby I'm hoping he doesn't become too unsettled after them. I'm going to get him weighed today - not been for nearly 3 weeks so am very curious to see how much weight he's put on.

I'm sorry about your night's sleep beaniebaby - that sounds awful!
Beautiful pics. Dh has to take his into work and put them on a pendrive as I broke my camera attachment. Here's one of Luca's christening though.
He had his jags today, just a wee angry whimper and then he was fine. He's been fine, just a little grumpy but his temp is absolutely fine so I haven't bothered with the paracetamol, and just let him nurse. I've an essay to finish though so I'll be hoping he sleeps well tonight.


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Has anyone thought about what they will be doing about work?

I would love to be a SAHM but I figured that I should go back to work so that when we have finished having kids and they are at school I will have my career to go back to.

I was originally going back 3 days but it's really upsetting me, I don't want to leave him that much.

Does anyone know what we will be entitled to?

If I go back 2 days it's 15 hours and 3 days is 22.

I'm going back at the end of January because it's my last clinical placement before I qualify. I don't want to take so much time off that I fail my competencies when I return from just being out of it too long. I should have a bit of time off when I finish at the end of April while I look for a paid job although I'll do 1 or two days bank nursing.
It's 37.5 hrs but it's 12.5 hr shifts so really it's 3 days, dh will have Luca two days and my mum will have one day with him a week so I feel like he'll have the best of both worlds.
I was able to be a sahm with my girls until they went to school but this time before we started ttc we agreed that we would share childcare/working this time.
I'll miss him like crazy but I know he'll have a great time with daddy and gran.
In Canada you get a full year off (52 weeks), paid at 55% of your wages so I'm taking the full year as I want as much time as possible with my daughters. Though I HAVE to go back in October 2011. I would love to stay home with my girls, but financially it just isn't possible. :nope:

Gorgeous baby pictures ladies! :cloud9:
On another note, new routine went OK. It took me 1.5 hrs to get Alora settled though, instead of the usual 30-45 minutes. :wacko: So that sucked, but once I got her down she slept 5 hours (10pm-3am). :D So not too bad. She does the first stretch okay but then she's up after 2ish hours all the time. I wish she'd sleep longer for her second stretch too. Ah well, not much I can do I don't think since I already do everything I can! Some mornings I end up bringing her in bed with me until close to when Kyree gets up, just to get a little more sleep. :shrug:

And most days Alora naps horribly... I don't know why but she won't nap longer than 20-30 minutes. And then she gets miserable because she's overtired. She will sleep for hours if I let her sleep on ME but I don't... so as soon as I put her down in her crib, she wakes up shortly after. HOWEVER, right now she's in her crib and has been for nearly 2 hours. :yipee: I cannot wait until she starts to get into a regular routine with her naps, right now they are all over the place (and as stated, often non-existent)... but I remember it was so nice when Kyree napped 2ish hours in the morning and 2-3 hours in the afternoon, like clockwork. I can't wait until Alora naps better! But then again, I'd rather her naps be crappy then her not sleep at night, so I will take what I can get I suppose!
Gorgeous pics girlies!

Sorry to hear Tristan was unsettled after his jabs BB. Sophia had hers today and I pre-empted any unsettlement by giving her her first ever dose of calpol in the waiting room afterwards. She went off to sleep ok this eve at about 8.30pm a bit later than usual as she slept for about an hr and a half after her jabs late afernoon/early eve. She was her usual self so i'm not sure whether that was as a result of the calpol or not. I can still hear her screams :cry: She was right as rain after lots of cuddles though but broke my heart whilst we were in there!

Pleased to hear your revision to your routine's going well so far MKC, just sorry you're not getting much of a break during the day. That's one thing i'm lucky with Sophia likes her daytime naps!

We had another really bad night last night though, Sophia didn't sleep as well as she usually does after having a slightly unsettled day as I think she desperately needed to poo lol as she hadn't been since Mon. She went this morning first thing and i'm pleased to say I have my happy little girl back!

The night's sleep was also broken with Bella being sick AGAIN!!! We couldn't believe it as although she was sick twice on Monday night she was right as rain yesterday all day and before bed! Well she woke us up screaming in a pool of sick in her bed at around 3am again! Luckily it was all on the bedding and not her so no need for a bath this time but the bed needed to be redone etc. and then Sophia woke up as I got back to bed! Once again she's been fine today! Meant I had to keep her out of nursery though which was annoying as had loads of jobs I wanted to get done. Really hope she's not sick tonight as otherwise i'll have to put off our trip to the theatre tomorrow to see Snow White! Its 'Mummy and Bella Day" and my OH is on holiday to look after Sophia so that I can take Bella to lunch and to the pantomine. I decided to do this as felt bad she's had to share me since Sophia came along so wanted to spoil her! Really hope we can still go, she's so looking forward to it. :cry:

I really don't know how we got so lucky! For the last 4 nights, Rosalina has slept through the night! We didn't do anything to try to get her into a routine, she just had a night where she kept on sleeping and now she's up during the day, sleeping all night! Last night she slept from 7pm - 6:30am! She seems to be keeping the schedule too! I'm thinking when we travel next week for Christmas she'll get all mixed up but hopefully not! Also, she's developed a bit of a rash on her chest.. I think it might be from the bathtime shampoo/cream we've started using. It smells great, but maybe her skin is too sensitive for it. I have really sensitive skin so maybe she inherited it from me. :p Going to switch to a natural product to see if that helps. She's going to the doctor again soon too so I'll ask about it.

Glad to hear everyone is doing okay! Poor babies having to get those painful needles! Rose is getting her's soon too and I'm dreading it. :(

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