Newt your profile piccy is lovely!!

Luca is a cutie too! How do those baths work?
Weekend wasn't too bad, Hubby got in at 5.10am

I was a bit pissed off at that! Bit too late I think? Tristan must have known Daddy wasn't in because he was really unsettled all night and I couldn't sleep either!
Saturday Hubby was rough but still got up and went into town to finish Christmas Shopping at 9.30am whilst Tristan and I chilled at home! We then went to our friends in the afternoon and went to bed early!
Yesterday we just watched TV all day, Tristan was lovely! He smiled and cooed all day long! For those of you on my Facebook I'm going to upload a new video of him
Last night wasn't too good, Tristan is normally brilliant at bedtime, we put him down awake and he usually drops off but last night he cried

He eventually did drop off after putting his dummy in countless times but then at each feed during the night he did the same!?

He's now gone back down to sleep (it's 9am) which he never does!!?
Got the Health Visitor coming at 10.30 to weigh him and check that his weight hasn't dropped off the lines! Fingers crossed it hasn't!
How are all you girls?