****October Bumpkins 2010 - Parenting Thread****

crazyrae - Added! :D

I don't know where the kick toy is from, I've borrowed it from a friend!
The sides have balls that they put through a hole too and it's made by Fisher Price.

I'm on the Depo, I have been on it before and it totally stopped my periods! This time I bled for 2 weeks, I've had nothing since and hope I don't! :lol:

Tristan has started being sick loads again :( Stupid reflux!!

I've been expressing so Hubby can top Tristan up with a bottle before bed but he will not take a bottle! He is clueless, he just licks it!!!
Hey everyone!

Alexa did her first belly laugh today!! :) It was soo freakin cute! Nothing in this world sounds better than her precious laugh. :) :happydance:

Sooo... I'm not on Birth Control yet and my periods are irregular. Thought I was preggers again for one minute. I'm not. :p

Hope everyone elses babies are healthy and happy.

& Oh... Alexa is halfway turning over (back2belly)..... but she only does that when she wants to watch the TV or she is stretching.
Anyones baby accomplish rolling over yet??
Just got back from the doctor and Rose is 16 and a half pounds. I know this is a big weight, but she doesn't have a lot of chubbiness - she's super long (wearing 9 month sleepers because of her length!). The doctor is worried because she's "off the charts" and basically implied that I feed her more than I should. He kept saying that when she cries it doesn't necessarily mean that she's hungry and that it could be gas or that I could try holding her, etc. Um.. yaaaa... I don't feed her every time she cries. I know her "hungry cry" as I'm sure most moms do! He also doesn't want me to suppliment her with formula anymore and just breastfeed. Or just do the formula but not both. I don't care what he says if it is like it was in the hospital and I have to hear my baby screaming in hunger I'll give her some damn formula! In a way I'm tempted to switch over to just formula so I can keep track of how much she is eating but I'm just not sure. She's had over 2 months of breastfeeding so she has gotten a lot of the immunities and such from me but I know it would be good to keep going with it. I don't know.. I just know that I felt terrible and cried a bit after the appointment. It doesn't feel good to have someone think you're doing something wrong with your baby and acting like there's something wrong with her.. I want to try to find a pediatrician or another doctor or something, but it's nearly impossible here to find a doctor.
crazyrae - Added! :D

I don't know where the kick toy is from, I've borrowed it from a friend!
The sides have balls that they put through a hole too and it's made by Fisher Price.

I'm on the Depo, I have been on it before and it totally stopped my periods! This time I bled for 2 weeks, I've had nothing since and hope I don't! :lol:

Tristan has started being sick loads again :( Stupid reflux!!

I've been expressing so Hubby can top Tristan up with a bottle before bed but he will not take a bottle! He is clueless, he just licks it!!!

Thanks! Found it online when I searched all fisher price toys - must be an old toy as not many places sell it now but found it on ebay for £30 (£50 from amazon marketplace)! It's called Fisher-Price Kickin' Bobbin' Bear Gym if anyone else wants one!

Sorry to hear about the reflux :( hopefully it will pass again soon
BB - sorry to hear about Tristan's reflux, hopefully it stops soon.

Lildreamy - YAY for baby laughs! I can't wait until Alora starts giggling. And I bet you're relieved you aren't pregnant??? ;) At least not for NOW. :)

Jules - :hugs: Just remember, all babies are different and ALWAYS go with your gut instinct. Whatever you feel is best for Rose, is probably the best decision. ;) And remember, doctors don't know everything either. They all have different opinions, and if you CAN find another doctor you should try. But I think I remember you mentioning you live out East?? We have a bunch of clients out there (through my work) and it is VERY hard for us to find service providers (medical personnel) in that area so I can only imagine. :wacko: But I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

So last night wasn't as good as the two nights before (Alora went 10ish hours two nights in a row, just wanting her soother a couple times :smug:)... but last night she woke up every couple hours, didn't want to eat really... just fussed off and on. Not sure why. Anyway, I have a nasty headache today. :( Hopefully tonight goes better!
Juless-I don't think you have anything to worry about, ugh I hate doctors. I agree with MommyKC, you do whatever you feel is right, you know what's good for your little girl.
Juless - Sorry to hear your doctor is a Jack***. :/

Mine and your baby are very similar. Alexa is also 16 pounds and 25 inches. We have tall babies. Fortunately for me though, my doctors are supportive. I actually ask them if I'm over feeding her or what?? And my doctor is the opposite of yours. She says you can't over feed her, feed her when she is hungry, and the doctor is proud of her weight and length. Like you say. Our babies aren't fat (other than Alexa's cheeks hehe :) ) Look at her tummy, not fat... Mostly firm? :shrug:

Don't let that doctor get to you, or find a better one. That one is stinky!

Side note -- I also BF and FF. But more so now Formulka because of work, but she breast feeds at night.
Some Doctors are stupid!
Jules wasn't Rose 11lb odd when she was born? So about 5lb gain in 2 month 5 days?
Tristan was 6lb 7oz and now weighs 12lb 11oz so thats 6lb 4oz gain in just over 2 weeks more than Rose! He's still on the chart :)

Is anyone elses baby still getting up in the night? Tristan still wakes 3 times a night!

Crazyrae, I thought it would be, my goddaughter who we borrowed it off is 15 months old!
Ya, Rose was 11 pounds, 10 ounces. So she's only gained a little over 2lbs a month which I believe is pretty normal. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing. She is happy and healthy and that's all that matters to me! I wouldn't change my big girl for the world! She's just more to love, hehe!
Doctors will go on about anything to keep them in a job. For me it was her slow gaining and I let them talk me into supplementing for a while. In hindsight, she never didn't have a gain in any week...always minimum 3 ounces, and the last before they told me to supp was 6.... Her Daddy is 6'5 and 185 pounds, his metabolism is crazy fast... and shes long and lean just like him.
Obviously if Rose was born that big shes going to be a big girl for a good while!
Hi girls

I must get Macy weighed soon, she was 11lb 12 last time bless her, she is also scoffing her milk like no tomorrow now and becoming very unsettled in the day, and is starting to cry after feeds. So she is starting to get a hungary munchkin!

AF arrived anyway, in all its glory, I think it takes a few depo shots for it to stop Ive had it before.

Macy sleeps for a 12 hour stretch at night, will have her bottle at 7am and today went back to sleep until 11am!That was nice!!! She is lazy, normally she will sleep for another hour after her feed in the morning. Ive been lucky with all my kids.

We it was my birthday yesterday, hubby had day off and went for lunch with family. Got some nice pressies including some genuine Ugg boots, so very pleased with my pressies.

Take care xxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry to hear the Doc made you feel like you were doing something wrong Juless, don't listen to her, its clear that she's got it wrong, are they even taking into account birth weight and weekly weight gain?! Mental! Sophia is a bit of a chunky monkey and she doesn't overfeed so i'm not worried. If I do overfeed her by accident she chucks it straight back up so not gonna worry and you shouldn't either!

Is anyone elses baby still getting up in the night? Tristan still wakes 3 times a night!

Sophia was just waking once before xmas but then she got this cold and she's now taking less from her daytime feeds because she's full of mucus still, so she's now waking twice again. :hugs:

Hi girls

Macy sleeps for a 12 hour stretch at night, will have her bottle at 7am and today went back to sleep until 11am!That was nice!!! She is lazy, normally she will sleep for another hour after her feed in the morning. Ive been lucky with all my kids.

We it was my birthday yesterday, hubby had day off and went for lunch with family. Got some nice pressies including some genuine Ugg boots, so very pleased with my pressies.

Take care xxxxxxxxxxx

Wow that's amazing re the sleep, lucky you!

Happy birthday for yesterday.

YAY for sleep! :yipee:

I've been lucky actually, Alora goes about 10 hours at night now. It's great. She goes down around 9:30pm and gets up around 7:30am. :D She wakes a few times in the night for her soother but goes right back to sleep. I have only fed her once at night in the last 5-6 days! :D So hopefully it means this routine will stick *knock on wood*, I'm hoping anyway! It will be especially nice when she stops waking all together, but I remember having to still get up with my firstborn at least once a night, to give her the soother, until she was about a year old. :shrug:

It's still easier and quicker than feeding them anyway!

Beaniebaby - I hope Sophia feels back to her old self really soon! :hugs:

Hi ladies havnt been on in a long time but just thought id pop and WOW all of our babys are growing so much already its lovely to see faces to all the bumps too :kiss:

Ive been so busy with lewis it feels like i havnt had time to stop and think in 11 weeks :coffee: we have only just started to put him to bed in his cot as he has been sleeping on me since he was born :blush: it was just easier and i really needed the sleep but so far so good he will sleep from around 11 at night until 2am for bottle and then then from around 4am till 7 am not bad considering its really new to him like mommy k said i have to get up a few times to put his dummy back in but falls ryt back to sleep thank god for my lightshow/mobile he loves it lol ! he has only been in his cot for 4 nights so im hoping it can only get better

He has his first lot of injections on tuesday so wish me luck im dreading it how have ur lil ones coped with them ? its a bit late for him but he has had flu virus all over xmas and new year so not been able to have them until its cleared

WHOA ESSAY lol sorry

Hey Steffy!

I hope the transition to Lewis' crib goes well, and he gets used to it quick. ;) We all do what we have to in order to get some sleep sometimes! :)

I'm taking Alora to get her shots on Wednesday and I'm not looking forward to it either... :nope: It always sucks seeing them in pain, no matter what the cause. But just remember, they really only cry for a minute or two and then it's as if it never happened... and the shots are better than them catching the illness that it prevents, just remember that. ;)

thanks he slept 6 hours straight last night for the first time ever im chuffed lol although i did get upand he had managed to wriggle around in his swaddle blanket that much hed turned hiself the opposite direction not sur how:haha:

Ive been told to get some calpol just incase his jabs give him temp but yeh thats tru i just keep thinkin hes gonna hate me after which is silly lol i spose none of us like seein our babys in pain
Rose has her needles on Friday and I'm dreading it! Also, she will be about a half month late for them because they had no appointments available! I hope it doesnt cause any problems...
Yesterday I tried to breastfeed with no formula to see how it would go. It wasn't too bad during the day, although she seemed to want to eat almost constantly. Last night was the problem. She was extremely gassy and fussy and just couldn't stay asleep. By 3am I was so exhausted I put her in her crib to see if she could put herself to sleep, but I stayed awake and kept an eye on her. Poor thing was kicking and grunting for so long! Every so often I rubbed her belly and did the bicycle kicks but it just temporarily helped. (I should say too that she did get one bottle of formula around 2am because she just didn't seem to be satisfied). The last few days she's had just a little formula and mostly breastmilk and her gas seems worse! I'm guessing she's intolerant to something I eat possibly.. I know that lactose intolerance runs in my family so maybe it's the milk? Oh man, I can't imagine cutting all dairy out of my diet.. I don't eat a lot of it though, really. Mostly cheese in the food I make. I don't drink a lot of milk at all either so I'm not sure. I don't eat super spicy foods (don't like it) and I very rarely drink caffine. Just not sure what it could be!
One question for those breastfeeding - when you pump milk, do you get a lot? I've never been able to pump more than about 4-5 oz and that takes me nearly an hour. It gets to a point where it just stops coming, even with massage to try to express more milk. My mom said that maybe the reason Rose is never satisfied with just breastmilk could be that she isn't getting enough from me, but when she's eating I will sometimes take her off the breast and I can see that there's milk. Maybe I just can't pump much or something.. it's strange.
we hit the 4 month sleep regression 3 weeks ago at 3 months, I am hoping it passes soon, I was used to getting a full nights sleep and now Little Man has me up twice in the night again lol
Jules I think this is normal. I remember being told that babies are much better at getting milk from the breast than we are with a pump so try not to worry :)

Tristan has his 2nd lot of jabs on Wednesday, Daddy is coming this time, I hated the 8 week ones :cry:

Poor mite is bunged up again and has conjunctivitus! :( Just seems to be one thing after the other with him!

He slept his best ever Saturday night!! :mrgreen: 9.30pm - 3.30am then up at 7.30!! :D He's gone back to going to bed at about 8.30pm waking at 1.30 then again at 5.30 then up at 8! So we are improving! :) I'm just finding that the bedtime feed is becoming stressful, as soon as I put him near my breast he screams! If hubby takes him away from me he shuts up straight away and then screams as soon as he is put near my breast!! Any ideas why this may be?

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