****October Bumpkins 2010 - Parenting Thread****

I don't feel completely back to normal yet either. I have been getting pretty nasty cramps when I get my period (which is still kind of irregular) and down "there" doesn't feel normal yet either. Hubby and I have been able to DTD okay, but it gets sore really fast and when we do DTD, then we can't again for like a week because I feel so sore. :(

They say it takes 4-6 weeks NORMALLY to heal down there... but it can take up to a year before it feels normal again. :hugs:
Sorry to hear some of you are still having probs hope you all feel better soon:hugs:

I have started to give lewis teething gel and he seems so much better but id rather give him something herbal if i could have heard of some teething powder do any of you use this ? where can i get it?

I was just wondering how your little ones nap in the day lewis is going 3 hours between bottles and staying awake 2 hours then having hours nap after every bottle still this seems a bit spread out to me :wacko: or is this normal ? i thought he would be awake alot more by this age . i dont mind at all but he isnt really interested in his bottle which could be the teething i suppose but i was wondering if maybe i should try and str:wacko:etch him to 4 hours ?!? i feel completley lost lol
Hi ladies, hope u and babies r doing well.

We r doing good. Leos on day 4 of solids. Potato for 3 days and parsnip today :) also started a new bedtime 3 days ago. Up until now hes always been swaddled and always gone to sleep on us b4 going in his cot. So past 3 days weve been putting him in his cot awake and unswaddled after his evening bottle (between 8.30 and 10), putting his light/music show on and just left him. 1st night it took him bout 35min but i had to go to him and stroke his cheek. night 2 he took 10min and last night just 5 min. Hes then sleeping 8+ hrs Altho last night he woke at 3.45 for juice and went back to sleep till 9!!

I'm feeling pretty 'normal' now Altho I had a section. The scar surface is sore to touch tho :-(

Cant believe how quick time is going. leos 20 wks now!!

I don't feel completely back to normal yet either. I have been getting pretty nasty cramps when I get my period (which is still kind of irregular) and down "there" doesn't feel normal yet either. Hubby and I have been able to DTD okay, but it gets sore really fast and when we do DTD, then we can't again for like a week because I feel so sore. :(

They say it takes 4-6 weeks NORMALLY to heal down there... but it can take up to a year before it feels normal again. :hugs:

Sorry you and BB dont feel normal yet either.
Tbh even though the doc said they have healed i dont think they have healed properly i get pain down there just if im stood up for more than about an hour say shopping, and this is like 4month pp

I felt really lucky to be honest for such a big baby at 9lbs 12 i had an amazing quick labour lovely water birth just gas and
air, but everything after to do with recovery seems to have gone wrong
It makes me worry as my mum had to have a historectomy (sp) after having me and its just really worries me as dont want anything to stop me having more children :cry:
Phillippa - :hugs: Don't worry about that. You're young and having pain down "there" doesn't necessarily have anything to do with your uterus. I'm sure you'll be able to have many more children of you want to. :)

Steffy - Alora is the same. She's only ever awake for 1.5 hours before she gets cranky and has to sleep. And she never naps very long either (an hour MAX). And she eats every 3ish hours too. I'm going to start stretching her out to 4 hours but not until she starts solids, because then that means she'll only have 4 bottles a day (right now has 5). I think going 4 hours without that extra she'll get from food will make her too upset. She would be starving for her bottle by the time she got it. So I'm waiting another month or so before doing that.
The 17th just cant come quick enough as i wanna know whats happen if anything is wrong ect.
Hi girls

I too dont feel right and have had a period on and off for 3 weeks now, its always dark brown or light pink it does my head in, its that bloody depo i bet ya.

I have started Macy on solids, she was showing signs. Trust me girls not a decision I took lightly seeing as my other daughter has celiac disease.

Macys food schedule now is:

7-8am 8oz of formula also used to mix brekkie
11-12pm 8oz bottle
4pm - 4 oz bottle
5pm - half a jar of dinner and a dessert
7pm 8 oz of milk

I did try the lunch initially after brekkie but it was making her sick throughout the rest of the day as I think she was too full up after brekkie. Only today have I changed her formula as all the bottles I was making were 7oz and she would drink them all except the bedtime one hence only giving her 4oz at around tea time now. I am avoiding gluten because of celiac and also its not easy to digest. She is enjoying her food, my HV said what I am doing is fine and that all babies should be on 3 meals a day by 6 months.

Women have suggested to me dreamfeeding to delay weaning, I hope I dont offend anyone but I dont believe in that method and my baby is obviously settled if sleeping through the night. I told my HB about it and she disagrees with it too. If Macy sleeps through but drains all bottles in the day and is still unsettled then solids it is.

Anyway gonna go, soooo tired, kids have had the sick bug this week, praying I dont get it, its my daughters birthday party Sat, 12 ten year olds, wish me luck. xx
Ellaandcallum - Good luck at your daughters party on Saturday! Hopefully you don't catch the bug. :( It was the opposite over here... I caught the stomach bug but noone else in my house got it. I'm grateful though, I would much rather get sick than have my girls get sick. :(

And I don't blame you for starting solids. All babies are different and when they are ready is different too. I started my first daughter around 4 months and probably will with Alora too. She already seems really hungry all the time (and she has 5 bottles during the day, about 5-6oz each, sleeps about 10 hours at night :smug:). I mean she eats every 3 hours and always seems like she's starving once the 3 hours come around. I think solids will help her feel fuller, but I'm waiting another month before giving her any, but I know it will make a difference when I do. ;)
I think I'm going to try Rose on solids in another month to see how she does. She is constantly hungry and seems to want to eat at least every 2 hours! Right now her weight is probally at least 18 pounds so maybe it's harder for her to feel full? She's also not sleeping as long at night as she was. She sleeps about 8-9 hours a night now instead of her 10-11.
Went to the Doctors yesterday, I am being referred for a scan to check the cyst I had on my left ovary and going for swabs Friday.

Had Tristan weighed yesterday, he is now 14lb 2oz! My HV tried to put me off weaning but once she realised I wasn't backing down she gave me some advice, eg no gluten before 6 months.
I have started to give lewis teething gel and he seems so much better but id rather give him something herbal if i could have heard of some teething powder do any of you use this ? where can i get it?

I use Nelsons and they are brill! I've bought them from Boots and Asda :)
BB thanks i will deff try that next time i go to asda :) and good luck with your appointment x

Mommykc - glad to know im not on my own i was starting to think it was just me as other ladies seem to be able to keep lil ones up for way longer than me and that sounds like a good plan to stretch him out to 4 hours once he starts solids which i shouldnt think will be too long now as hes showing signs but i want to stretch it to 5 months if i can :)
how is everyone doing??

We are good, can't believe Little Man is now 4 months old! I got him weighed 2 weeks ago and he was 14lb on the nose, I was worried because he seems too have dropped from above the 50th to below the 25th line but he eats well and is happy enough so I am guessing it is down too being more active (kicking about & wriggling)

I was starting too get worried last week that we would make it to 6 months for weaning, or even close to as he has started waking up 2-3 times in the night again and keeps trying to swipe food off our plates, staring at food. So I read my BLW book and well I am so glad I did because it says this is all normal development for this age and not signs for weaning, so I live in hope that we can make it too 6 months after all. What I have found that really helps is when we eat I give Little Man a spoon too play with, he feels like he is taking part and well his co-ordination is fab! he can get it right too his mouth no worries. I am now hopinh I can get too 5.5 months if not the full 6 months, I was more worried what with him having such bad eczema, I didn't want too risk making it worse by weaning early.

Anyone else's baby got bad eczema?? we are struggling alot right now, NOTHING is working only steroid cream and you can only use it for 7 days then have to have a break, within 24 hours of stopping the steroid he is red raw again, it is heart breaking and he is scratching his head to bits but he loves his hands out too much too cover them :(
oh, and I just converted little man's pram into push chair mode, he's growing up so fast :(

he loves it though, I just sat him in too take a photo and he beamed!
Tristan hasn't got eczema luckily :)

We will be weaning him in just over 2 weeks I think, earlier than we originally planned but he is feeding every 1-2 hours still and is still waking 1-3 times a night.

We also changed Tristan's pram, he loves it :) He now stays awake most of the time we are out!!

Today we got up at 7am then he napped from 8.30-10.15, we went into town and he stayed awake until about 10 minutes before we arrived home and woke up as soon as we walked through the door! He usually naps more than that! I put him down for a nap at 3 he woke at 4, had a feed and has gone back to bed and is still there!! :shock:
Research coconut oil and eczema and see if anything comes up? It seems to cure everything skin related. It sure has helped Autumn and her cradle cap and sensitive skin. And most recenetly, a yeast infection under her arm, it was pretty bad. I washed it and put coconut oil on it last night, it was so painful she screamed blue murder. 14 hours later... GONE. Just a bit of red skin!
I did a quick search and there are tons of pages! It must be virgin coconut oil, but seems people have had much success. :)
thanks bb ive tried nelsons and it works fab :) 5 mins after having it hes fine and he loves the taste hehe

ive also changed lil mans pram to pushchair :( hes growing up way too fast for my liking 4 months next sunday and 14lb 8 oz he does like it aloy more though which is good and also stays awake for longer just looking at all the new things :) i tried the raincover for first time today (new pram) and he threw a MASSIVE paddy lolgood job it wasnt raining
aurora thanks so much, I'll look into it, I am willing to try anything on my poor man, I hate keep using steroid cream and well we can't use it constantly anyway as it thins the skin so I NEED too find something else that is going too help him
Ive also converted pram to pushchair, Macy was getting bored lol! She too has had a little eczema but has had it a little since birth, mainly on her arms and tops of legs. I put some cream on her last night which bought her out in an allergy rash on her tummy and legs as her skin was dry so I have some calomine lotion so will see how she is in the morning. I do have some non steroid cream for eczema but scared to use it now the E45 irritated her. Sudocream is good though, she had a small patch of it under her leg and it cleared it up really well, but it just doesnt rub in too well. It looks like a trip to the docs maybe in order, she doesnt seem to be in discomfort or look like shes itching.

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