Buttonnose, that sucks about falling down the stairs.

And I only take Alora every two months to be weighed now, when she gets her shots. She was weighed more often before when she was smaller but now its just at her doctors appointments.

I know she's a healthy weight though, we've had no problems with her gaining.
Many babies hate tummy time, until they get stronger and better at it. Once they realize they can move around by going on their tummies, and eventually crawl... they learn to love it!
And we are all different, and we all do what we have to do with feeding.

I will wean at four months because my baby is on formula and thats when I started my first daughter and she did great. If Alora is still doing fine on formula alone when we reach four months, then I will hold off, but the plan is 4 months. In Canada, four months is actually the current recommendation for weaning. So just goes to show how everywhere and everyone is different.