BB - Aww Tristan is so cute. Sorry he isn't feeling well.

Poor guy.
Beaniebaby - He's a little nervous... but he wants to get it done so he doesn't seem that worried about it. It does suck getting something so final, in a way, but I KNOW my hubby won't have any more kids. Ever. It doesn't matter even if I decided down the road I wanted one... he wouldn't. So if I ever wanted a third child THAT bad some day, it would have to be with another man. And that won't be happening.

Sooo vasectomy it is!

I might as well accept it and enjoy the fact that we won't have to worry anymore.
Starsunshine - You would think for a baby swim class they would keep the pool warm??

That doesn't make much sense. Ah well, try again in a little while, maybe it will go better?
I think Alora may be starting the teething process. My first daughter started getting cranky here and there around 3.5 months (didn't get teeth until 5.5 months but it can be a LOOOONG process) and that's exactly where Alora is at. She has always been a super happy baby and the last week or so, she's had these crying fits out of nowhere that aren't like her.

She just gets inconsolable for about 20 minutes, poor girl. I'm not sure what else it could be?

But I'm thinking her teeth may be starting.