BB- Glad Tristan is feeling better.
Beaniebaby - Hubby is doing better. He's still a tad sore but definitely on the mend.

I'm sure he will be up and running in NO time!

Yeah as much as I would love more children, two is perfect for us aswell. I always pictured a family of four, we have it now... so might as well be happy and enjoy it!
Starsunshine - YAY Leo for sitting up!
Silver_Penny - I already have the urge to have another baby, but it's just not in the cards for us (as stated above). I've been a little bummed this past week, accepting the fact that I will never be pregnant again, or give birth (which I ALSO loved! you're not crazy!), or have a newborn in my arms.

Hubby had a vasectomy this past Friday. We always knew two children was our limit, so we are done. But despite it being what we both wanted, I can't help but feel a little sad that I won't ever experience it again. But in reality, even if I had 12 kids, I would feel this way after each one! And let's face it, in today's day and age it just isn't affordable to keep having child after child after child, we would be BROKE! But I will definitely miss it.
So Alora rolled over today (front to back). She's been close for a while and she's really strong on her belly (pushes herself right up) but just didn't flip over until today! She kind of scared herself when she did it!
And an update on the potty training front, Kyree is doing AWESOME! No accidents for nearly a week!

I'm so proud of her!