I'm really not sure how much Rose is eating since I breastfeed her in between feeds/bottles. I sometimes worry she's eating too much, but my aunts who are nurses assured me that if a baby eats too much she'll just spit it up.
Last night was.. interesting! I've mentioned before how Rose goes to bed for the night super late. Well, I've read a book called "The Lull-a-bye" method. Basically you put your baby in her crib while she's almost asleep but still awake. You talk to her and lull her to sleep, rub her belly, etc. If she gets really upset, you pick her up, calm her down, but put her back in the crib before she's alseep. It's to teach them it's okay to fall asleep in your crib and how to self-soothe at night so they can fall asleep on their own. (So you don't have to talk them to sleep each night!). Usually I nurse her to sleep, so she goes to bed already asleep. It sometimes takes her so long to be ready for bed this way though! Plus I don't want to have to go through what my sister is going through as she's weaning and trying to teach this at the same time!
We started last night and it took 2 hours, but we did it! I never imagined babies were so strong-willed, lol! She only actually cried at the end when she was so sleepy and overtired. In the beginning she just yelled angrily, lol! It took a lot of patience, but around 10:30 (a new early record for her!) she smiled at me and drifited off to sleep, still smiling.

It was lovely! I'm hoping after a few nights it will take less and less time. It's a lot of work, but will be worth it. It will be nice to be able to lay her down for her naps and know that she's getting enough sleep. I know some people co-sleep or do think nursing to sleep is the way to go, and that's totally fine! It's up to each parent of course! I just want to start now to teach her these things before she's older and it gets much harder! I had some friends on facebook saying they co-sleep or want to nurse them to sleep which is great. Though one said that babies are too young to know how to put themselves to sleep which isn't quite true. Right in the beginning they don't know, but after a few months they do develop an internal clock and do know how to do it, if you let them. Wow, sorry for the novel! Guess I just want to be sure I explain it all properly, as I don't want to offend anyone who puts their baby to sleep differently!