*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Congrats on the house. Wowza you'll be busy if you close on the house before baby is born. Is it standard to have a growth scan before baby is born? Or only if your concerned? when I had my shower everyone kept asking me how big the baby was. I have no clue? And I didn't think I was getting anymore scans? I guess I'd have to ask for one if I want it if it's not standard.

Also I had this weird pinching feeling earlier tonight like my cervix might be opening or something, it was very weird and I got up and moved around and sat back down and it went away so I have no clue what is going on. Is that normal? I've heard people say as it gets closer to the end that they can be 1 cm dialated for weeks so I wonder if my cervix is changing?
Mushy-- That morning I had wheat toast with some country crock butter and water that was at 8am. I didn't go for the test til 11am or later. I felt absolutely horrible after the test. I don't think my body was used to that much sugar. I even water down my juice I drink.
Just found out I passed my glucose test but am positive for a group b strep urinary infection. I have to go on antibiotics now and again when I go into labor. Anyone else ever have this?
I had a bit of a scare this morning. I took my blood pressure and it was 144/97, last night it was 124/74 so I was confused how it could possibly go up so high in just 12 hours. I pulled the plug out because it looked loose, put it back in and took it again 10 minutes later and it was 125/73. I'm terrified of my blood pressure going high again since I am 9 days away from where my daughter was born due to pre-eclampsia with very high bp.
Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well today.

I'm having a rough one. Woke up a lot during the night with major hip and upper thigh pain. Feels like I did about 200 squats yesterday...and of course I did nothing of the sort! So no idea what caused it. Maybe tmi (sorry!) but DH and I dtd two nights ago and I was up top so I wonder I that caused it. Though the pain was pretty extreme for something I'm used to doing! Haha

Then I finally got comfortable and ended up sleeping through my alarm so I was late for work. You guys I'm sooooo over work! So ready to be off! Hopefully just a couple more weeks.

Now the thigh pain has eased up but the hip pain is still big time and now have a lot of pelvis and abdominal pain. Not sharp or cramp like...more like sore muscle pains. I wonder if Baby Brooke has hit a growth spurt or settled into some new weird position and is stretching everything out in there around her. It's super uncomfortable! An my low back is also really starting to hurt which so far hasn't been a big issue. Blah. Definitely heading into the home stretch here! I imagine all the aches and pains and discomfort just get worse and worse from now till the end! Blah

Need to go next week for my diabetes test. Also checking my thyroid.

The good news is the babies have been very active and I'm feeling them both a lot! When James kicks me I can feel and see it from the outside really well now! And I swear Brooke is a dancer or gymnast or something. I think she just twirls and spins all day long! Haha
I had a bit of a scare this morning. I took my blood pressure and it was 144/97, last night it was 124/74 so I was confused how it could possibly go up so high in just 12 hours. I pulled the plug out because it looked loose, put it back in and took it again 10 minutes later and it was 125/73. I'm terrified of my blood pressure going high again since I am 9 days away from where my daughter was born due to pre-eclampsia with very high bp.

Yikes! That's scary! I'd just keep checking it throughout the day and really keep tabs on it. If it shoots up again maybe call your doc. Better safe than sorry! We want you to make it past your daughters early delivery this time! Good luck and get some rest if you can!
It's my bday and I turn 35 today. What?!? How did that happen???:saywhat: I still feel 22.

Happy Birthday!!!! I know how you feel. Time just flies the older we get doesn't it??? I'm 32 now and I swear I just graduated high school! Lol
Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well today.

I'm having a rough one. Woke up a lot during the night with major hip and upper thigh pain. Feels like I did about 200 squats yesterday...and of course I did nothing of the sort! So no idea what caused it. Maybe tmi (sorry!) but DH and I dtd two nights ago and I was up top so I wonder I that caused it. Though the pain was pretty extreme for something I'm used to doing! Haha

Then I finally got comfortable and ended up sleeping through my alarm so I was late for work. You guys I'm sooooo over work! So ready to be off! Hopefully just a couple more weeks.

Now the thigh pain has eased up but the hip pain is still big time and now have a lot of pelvis and abdominal pain. Not sharp or cramp like...more like sore muscle pains. I wonder if Baby Brooke has hit a growth spurt or settled into some new weird position and is stretching everything out in there around her. It's super uncomfortable! An my low back is also really starting to hurt which so far hasn't been a big issue. Blah. Definitely heading into the home stretch here! I imagine all the aches and pains and discomfort just get worse and worse from now till the end! Blah

Need to go next week for my diabetes test. Also checking my thyroid.

The good news is the babies have been very active and I'm feeling them both a lot! When James kicks me I can feel and see it from the outside really well now! And I swear Brooke is a dancer or gymnast or something. I think she just twirls and spins all day long! Haha

I had the same kind of pain after DTD and being on top. I could hardly walk. It went away the next day.
I had a bit of a scare this morning. I took my blood pressure and it was 144/97, last night it was 124/74 so I was confused how it could possibly go up so high in just 12 hours. I pulled the plug out because it looked loose, put it back in and took it again 10 minutes later and it was 125/73. I'm terrified of my blood pressure going high again since I am 9 days away from where my daughter was born due to pre-eclampsia with very high bp.

I'm sure it was just an inaccurate reading but it's good it's gone down now. I had to go to see the midwife again today to check my blood pressure as it was fairly high last time. This time it was 140/70 and they said as long as I wasnt getting headaches or blurred vision it would be ok. I'd just let your doc know so they can keep monitoring it. I can imagine the stress of getting to this point and worrying about another premature birth could make your blood pressure rise so just try and put it to the back of your mind (easier said than done, I know!)
Got my blood sugar monitor today, and I have to see the dietician Friday.
I always have so much to catch up on! I really need to come on here more often! I'll try to touch on each subject that I missed.

My step-mil is a horrible person! She only cares about herself and how she is treated. She favours whoever spends more money on her. My older bil and his wife were at the top of the list, but the younger ones have taken over since they bought her a pearl bracelet for her birthday and a diamond ring for mother's day. She's never liked me because I don't constantly tell her how great she is. She even suggested that I would get an abortion based on the gender of the baby. My younger bil's wife also told them some lies about us which we found out from my older bil. Instead of asking us about it, she just started giving us short answers and not speaking properly to us. We haven't told them that we know. We even offered them a free flight to come visit us since they've never been here and we've lived here for 3 years. They said they didn't want to come and that we should visit them. This would be a 12 hour drive with a 3 and 4 year old. We haven't called her since then and that was over a month ago. I just don't need that added stress during my pregnancy. She could choose to call me, but I know that she feels she shouldn't have to lower herself to do that. I think we will make the obligatory phone call to tell dh's dad when we have the baby, but we won't be doing anything further than that. Sorry, I just started venting there. I just get upset thinking about the whole situation.

Happy Belated Birthday Geralyn! Also, I love your paint job! Did you have to sand the dresser before you painted? I've been wanting to paint a dresser at home, but worried that the paint won't stick properly if I don't sand it first.

We haven't settled on a name yet. We're east indian so we want a somewhat traditional name. Our daughters are Jasmeena and Saveena. So far, we've only come up with Shaan (like Shawn, but dh hates it), Nayan, and Anmol. I like Anmol (it means priceless), but dh is worried about how people would pronounce it. What do you ladies think? It pronounced 'unmole' so we're also worried about kids making fun of his name. Its soooo hard picking names!

I failed my 1hr gd test, but passed the 2hr one! I was able to go home and come back for the blood draw. I'm glad I only live 2min away!
I had a bit of a scare this morning. I took my blood pressure and it was 144/97, last night it was 124/74 so I was confused how it could possibly go up so high in just 12 hours. I pulled the plug out because it looked loose, put it back in and took it again 10 minutes later and it was 125/73. I'm terrified of my blood pressure going high again since I am 9 days away from where my daughter was born due to pre-eclampsia with very high bp.

Yikes! That's scary! I'd just keep checking it throughout the day and really keep tabs on it. If it shoots up again maybe call your doc. Better safe than sorry! We want you to make it past your daughters early delivery this time! Good luck and get some rest if you can!

I had a bit of a scare this morning. I took my blood pressure and it was 144/97, last night it was 124/74 so I was confused how it could possibly go up so high in just 12 hours. I pulled the plug out because it looked loose, put it back in and took it again 10 minutes later and it was 125/73. I'm terrified of my blood pressure going high again since I am 9 days away from where my daughter was born due to pre-eclampsia with very high bp.

I'm sure it was just an inaccurate reading but it's good it's gone down now. I had to go to see the midwife again today to check my blood pressure as it was fairly high last time. This time it was 140/70 and they said as long as I wasnt getting headaches or blurred vision it would be ok. I'd just let your doc know so they can keep monitoring it. I can imagine the stress of getting to this point and worrying about another premature birth could make your blood pressure rise so just try and put it to the back of your mind (easier said than done, I know!)

I've taken it like 6 more times today and only had a high reading once. They've been anywhere from 109/71 to 125/85 today which is all within reasonable range. My doctor knows I monitor it well at home (usually twice a day, morning and evening) and wants me to let him know if it goes up and stays up. I usually drink lots of orange juice which helps my bp stay lower but I am trying to cut it out until after I go for/get the results of my 2 hour glucose test just in case I have gestational diabetes. I'm just waiting for the requisition form in the mail which should be here any day and I will go the next morning.
I always have so much to catch up on! I really need to come on here more often! I'll try to touch on each subject that I missed.

My step-mil is a horrible person! She only cares about herself and how she is treated. She favours whoever spends more money on her. My older bil and his wife were at the top of the list, but the younger ones have taken over since they bought her a pearl bracelet for her birthday and a diamond ring for mother's day. She's never liked me because I don't constantly tell her how great she is. She even suggested that I would get an abortion based on the gender of the baby. My younger bil's wife also told them some lies about us which we found out from my older bil. Instead of asking us about it, she just started giving us short answers and not speaking properly to us. We haven't told them that we know. We even offered them a free flight to come visit us since they've never been here and we've lived here for 3 years. They said they didn't want to come and that we should visit them. This would be a 12 hour drive with a 3 and 4 year old. We haven't called her since then and that was over a month ago. I just don't need that added stress during my pregnancy. She could choose to call me, but I know that she feels she shouldn't have to lower herself to do that. I think we will make the obligatory phone call to tell dh's dad when we have the baby, but we won't be doing anything further than that. Sorry, I just started venting there. I just get upset thinking about the whole situation.

Happy Belated Birthday Geralyn! Also, I love your paint job! Did you have to sand the dresser before you painted? I've been wanting to paint a dresser at home, but worried that the paint won't stick properly if I don't sand it first.

We haven't settled on a name yet. We're east indian so we want a somewhat traditional name. Our daughters are Jasmeena and Saveena. So far, we've only come up with Shaan (like Shawn, but dh hates it), Nayan, and Anmol. I like Anmol (it means priceless), but dh is worried about how people would pronounce it. What do you ladies think? It pronounced 'unmole' so we're also worried about kids making fun of his name. Its soooo hard picking names!

I failed my 1hr gd test, but passed the 2hr one! I was able to go home and come back for the blood draw. I'm glad I only live 2min away!

Hope, I'm so sorry you've had such a hard time with your in laws. : ( That would be difficult not to have that support.

Your daughters' names are beautiful! I actually think Shaan is very cool--I'm sorry your DH doesn't like it!! Anmol has SUCH a great meaning!! I would have pronounced it incorrectly--I think I would have said it like, "Ann Mall." So he may have to explain it when he meets new people lol, but that's no biggie. I don't think kids would make fun of it--I'm a teacher, and I think that for the most part, kids are pretty open and accepting. I think it is lovely, so if it is a name you and DH can agree on, I say go for it! : )
Thanks SoBlessed! I figured that most of the time people wouldn't be reading his name so it wouldn't be too big of a deal. I really love Shaan (which means peaceful), but I know dh is totally against it. Sooo hard!
Happy Belated Birthday Geralyn! Also, I love your paint job! Did you have to sand the dresser before you painted? I've been wanting to paint a dresser at home, but worried that the paint won't stick properly if I don't sand it first.

I failed my 1hr gd test, but passed the 2hr one! I was able to go home and come back for the blood draw. I'm glad I only live 2min away!

Thanks! It depends what type of paint you use. I've done pieces with latex paint that I've sanded but this one I didn't need to sand because I used Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint. No prep needed
Thanks SoBlessed! I figured that most of the time people wouldn't be reading his name so it wouldn't be too big of a deal. I really love Shaan (which means peaceful), but I know dh is totally against it. Sooo hard!

You're right--most of the time, people don't really see names in writing without also hearing them pronounced. And even so--if someone says it incorrectly, he corrects them, and move on. : )

It is hard to compromise on names!!! We fought long and hard over this one lol--we finally agreed on Joshua Davis. DH picked Joshua, because he loves the Biblical Joshua, and I picked Davis, because it is a blending of my brother's name and DH's brother's name.
Day one of finger pricking down.. Had one breakdown. It sucks, it hurts, and I dread it. I hope it gets easier..

I really hope all you ladies pass your glucose tests, I wouldn't wish this on anyone :(
Day one of finger pricking down.. Had one breakdown. It sucks, it hurts, and I dread it. I hope it gets easier..

I really hope all you ladies pass your glucose tests, I wouldn't wish this on anyone :(

Aww, I'm sorry, NW. : (
One of my best friends ended up with GD, and she had a VERY hard time with it at first, but quickly got used to it. I hope it gets easier for you!!!
Wow feels like forever since I've been on here to catch up! Anyway this will all probably sound like rambling but here it goes...

Happy Belated Birthday Geralyn!

Oh how exciting on the house Jcliff!!!! So happy for you! :happydance:

Cntrygrl how devastating, one point! :( Hopefully the 3 hour one will go by quickly.

Mushymilkfor2, I have the same issue with being super uncomfortable at bed time. I also have RLS so that doesn't help in the least but that's besides the point. :haha: I went to the maternity store and bought one of those wedge pillows. Some nights I stick it between my legs which helps to ease my knees and my back but lately has also been easing up the pressure in my pelvic area/hips from the baby being so low. Other nights I stick it under my hip and it's wonderful. I have had nothing but issues sleeping as I am a tummy sleeper so it's been a rough transition. :p Hope it gets better for you. Also you look great and don't worry your bump will come soon. :hugs:

Awww that's awesome you are feeling a lot of movement from the babies MamaMac123. I cannot imagine how neat that must feel (and maybe uncomfortable at times) to have more than one moving in there. I only have our little man but I swear he moves enough for two! :p

Newlywed2013, I feel for you hun and I hope it does get easier!!! :hugs:

AFM - Not really a whole lot to report I guess. We are 30w1d now and it seems like the time is zooming by now. We are still waiting to hear back from the specialist in terms of getting a freaking appointment to re-schedule C-Section and all of that. I have my last appointment with my regular doctor on Friday and she will have to give me my paperwork for my leave for work. I just cannot do it anymore. I have RLS throughout the day especially at night and I have carpal tunnel my hands, wrists, and arms (to about the elbow). It's painful and it's too hard to type all day plus sit in one spot. Oh and don't forget the scoliosis! Ugh. My last day of work will be next Friday no matter what anyone says. :haha: Our little guy is super active and I am really loving watching him move around in there although it does kind of look like my belly has an alien or something trying to bust out. ;) Also I am going to try to keep up with my journal (finally) again so feel free to drop by, just follow the link in my sig. :flower:

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