*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

I would love to have a waterbirth Yo-Yo but its not offered at my hospital and Im high risk (incompetant cervix) so I cant see a midwife.

Well I have three boys, I am ultra girly so I feel your husbands pain lol. In some ways I dont mind because I feel like a queen of the castle, I have my own beauty room (My name is Erika and I am a makeup addict). No one uses my bathroom lol but I also long for that mother daughter bond, proms, wedding, hair, makeup etc. So I am secretly hoping for a girl but wont be shocked if its a boy.

I love your perspective :) queen of the castle. I'm sure your boys are sweethearts. I'll be routing for a girl for you! I love wearing makeup but these days it doesn't happen as much since I'm just at home. I wish u could teach me to wear it better. If that makes sense.
How were your births with your boys?
I guess I should introduce myself a little more as well.

I'm 27 and DH is 27 (I am 5 months older than him though) haha he never lets me forget that. We have been married 2 1/2 years. Our first babies were two dogs who are now 4 and 3. They are very big but very gentle with DD. We love them so much!
We moved 2 hours away from where we grew up and our family so it has been an adjustment. We have met some very sweet people and made so close friends whom we are vacationing to Punta Cana DR in March. I live in Indiana same state that I grew up in.
DD was born July 20,2012. I was induced with her at 39 weeks. I wasn't sleeping and was itching all over my body aka miserable so my Dr. Agreed to induce. I received the an epidural before pitocin because I was contracting. I was give. Pitocin at 6am, waters broke at 8 am, started pushing at 12:45pm, and she was born 15 min later at 1:02pm. :) I couldn't be happier with my delivery. I hope this time I can go on my own and it be as smooth.
My hobbies are chatting with you ladies, photography, shopping, love shoes and clothes, cooking with hubby, and any outdoor activity when it is warm ;)
Fun fact about me. I have an identical twin sister. She is my best friend.

Sorry so long! I talk a lot too. Hehe
Thank you jmandrews. My boys are really sweet, my 5 year old is more of a daddies boy and likes to hide his nice side.

I was planning to surprise my husband with a trip to puerto plata in may for his 30th birthday but now I was considering cancelling. I planned excursions that I know I wont be able to do and my husband would be bored just sitting on the beach all day. Its a tough call I need to decide something fast.

All of my pregnancies have been induced for one reason or another. With my first my doctor said he was traveling for the holidays if I didnt want a stranger in the room I could be induced that night at 39 weeks. With my second I was induced because the whole area where the hospital is located was blocked off for the presidental inaugation in 2009 so I checked in that night. With my third son it had became a habit and I begged my doctor to induce me. I was having that condition where your pelvic muscles hurt during pregnancy. I cant remember the medical term for it but it is so painful I wouldnt wish it on anyone. Its like after you sit or lay down for a while and attempt to get up you get major main like your pelvic bones are shifting. But I have decided no matter how miserable I am that I want to experience going into labor on my own with this baby.
Thank you jmandrews. My boys are really sweet, my 5 year old is more of a daddies boy and likes to hide his nice side.

I was planning to surprise my husband with a trip to puerto plata in may for his 30th birthday but now I was considering cancelling. I planned excursions that I know I wont be able to do and my husband would be bored just sitting on the beach all day. Its a tough call I need to decide something fast.

All of my pregnancies have been induced for one reason or another. With my first my doctor said he was traveling for the holidays if I didnt want a stranger in the room I could be induced that night at 39 weeks. With my second I was induced because the whole area where the hospital is located was blocked off for the presidental inaugation in 2009 so I checked in that night. With my third son it had became a habit and I begged my doctor to induce me. I was having that condition where your pelvic muscles hurt during pregnancy. I cant remember the medical term for it but it is so painful I wouldnt wish it on anyone. Its like after you sit or lay down for a while and attempt to get up you get major main like your pelvic bones are shifting. But I have decided no matter how miserable I am that I want to experience going into labor on my own with this baby.

Wow that's pretty cool that you have a different story for each even though you were induced with all. I will be here to cheer you on to the end! We can do it no matter how whiny we r at the end. Haha
Oh cm and about ur vacation could u find friends to go so that way it would be a little more fun? We are going with two other couples.
My introduction:

OH and I are in our twenties. I work from home as a computer programmer, and he is in the Air Force. :) We have 2 small dogs (a miniature schnauzer called Murphy, and a cavalier cross called Shadow), and 2 cats (Kitty & Eevee), as well as a tank full of tropical fish. We have been married since August 2010 and TTC since September 2010. Sadly I have PCOS and conceiving is very difficult for us without the help of Clomid!

Unfortunately, we have had 3 miscarriages. The first two were very early, but the last one (we had a vanishing twin at around 6 weeks as well) would have made it if it wasn't for a subchorionic hematoma that grew too large and collapsed the sac. :nope: I bled all the way through that last pregnancy with several gushes so I am ultra sensitive and checking for blood every 5 minutes with this pregnancy so far. And so far.. So good. :happydance:

Really hoping this is our rainbow baby!
So sorry for your losts whigfield.

jmandrews being a twin must be great. Can your kids tell you and your sister apart? I have twin uncles and their not identical but we always find it amusing when their babies cant tell them apart. Oh and feel free to ask me any makeup questions you want. Youtube is great for learning techniques. I can tell you some channels to check out.
Whigfield I love that you have all those animals! So sorry for your losses. I hope this is your rainbow baby as well. This baby has many guardian angels watching over him or her. :)

Truthbtold haha yes everlee at first could not tell us apart. My sister lives in NC so we don't get to see her much. It was nice when she visited because I could give DD to her when she would go to no one else. Now she knows the difference. Funny how she can tell at such a young age. My sisters DD is almost 1year and she has been able to tell us apart from the beginning. No fooling her!
I will def have to check out YouTube! Would love some channels.
I got my bfp yesterday! After a couple of faint ones the day before.
Due oct 1st give or take a day or two.

Hubby and I had fraternal twins last, they are 20 months old and I have 3 older singletons 13, 8 and 5 years old so this makes baby #6 eeek
We are both very excited!
This is our last baby.
Hi!!! Welcome!!! Congrats! You have a very big family :) so much fun! You twins were born at very healthy weights too! H&H 9 months :)
Thanks! Yup our house gets very busy. Wouldn't change it for the world though.
the older two are from a previous relationship the younger 3 (soon to be 4) are with hubby.
Happily married! Im 31 in february. Stay at home mum.
I haven't really felt pregnant today and yesterday. I'm hoping that's normal. My nipples go from hurting pretty bad to not at all.. mostly not at all though. I went in today to get my HCG levels checked again to make sure they were rising properly, but I didn't get the results back today. I hate waiting! I'm scared :/
Yes that is normal. I remember with DD I didn't feel anything. Not like I do this time. I'm sure you are fine. Still very early for symptoms. :) I didn't have any true symptoms with DD until later in the first Tri.
But I agree waiting is no fun :) hope they call tomorrow so you can have peace of mind.
Hi ladies

im due oct 1st by lmp or oct3 rd by ovulation day.

I'm glad I found this thread I just read through it and I am glad to hear the others have the same concerns as I do. First, I'm having horrible pains on my right side that come and go so I hope that's normal dh thinks that if it was ectopic that the pain would be all the time and probably not even detectable yet.

Also I'm not girly girl either so I would probably want a boy as well but I'll take what I can get.

I'm 31 dh just turnd 38 we have ttc #1 for one year until we finally turned to iui/clomid/trigger. I'm still in shock that our first iui worked as dh has low morphology so I'm fx that everything works out. I think I still have a wall up until we get betas/scan and such to ease my mind. I've read so many horror stories on here that it frankly scares the crap out of me. I go Saturday for betas.

I wish everyone here a h&h 9 months and I look forward to chit chatting with you all.
Welcome Sprite!!! Would you like me to add u as oct 1st or 3rd for now? We can always change it.
You could be experiencing round ligament pain. Happens as your uterus grows and you round ligament stretches. I have it off and on. I've already had it a couple of times. I had it bad with DD. Try not to stress and don't read others horror stories. I'm so excited for you and your first pregnancy! You and your DH have come a long way for your sweet miracle. Try to enjoy it because likely everything is fine. Wishing you a H&H 9 months! Look forward to chatting and getting to know you!
Sprite nvm I will go with ur ticker and use oct 1st if that's ok :)
Welcome zephyr!! :happydance: Baby 6, wow! :haha:

Welcome sprite30! I'll keep my fingers crossed it's not an ectopic but I think your DH is probably right - are you having any bloods done or have any scans booked? Congrats on the IUI/Clomid/Trigger though - first time, that's awesome!! :happydance:
Welcome aboard Zephyr and Sprite30.

I was having a panic attack last night, I usually dont keep testing but I decided to take my second FRER. To me it look like my positive was not as dark as it was monday. I went to bed all worried after googling and reading horror stories. Then I woke up this morning and realized that its the control line that was lighter and the positive line was darker lol. No more testing for me.
:haha: Truthbtold!! I have done the exact same thing. I have definitely decided no more testing for now. Next week I hope to get 3+ on a digi though...
I tested again, just to see it 1-2 weeks had changed to 2-3 and it has! :happydance:

welcome to all the new mummys and congrats!

I had a blood test this morning, wobt be getting results back until Monday afternoon, so i will finally know how far along I am..

I'm also not feeling very pregnant, my only sympton is EXTREAMLY sore boobs. I've never felt so sore, ever! also (tmi) i always feel very wet down there so I have to keep checking that AF hasnt arrived!

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