Hay hon I'd say you did the right thing because that scan pic is so amazing.
Dont worry about the not gaining much weight hon. I didnt gain much with DD and she always measured a week behind on fundal height. She 5lb 7 at 35+4 weeks but wud of been around the 7 and half lbs marker if I went full term.
Ure growth scan is the day after my growth scan hon Haha. My growth scan and high risk pregnancy consultant appointment is on Wednesday 4th september. It wud I'd been on Tuesday 3rd but had to changed because clinic is shut that day for some reason.
Bet my baby will be weighing about 20lbs hahahaha. I've put on just over 2 stone in this pregnancy so far. I put on over 3 stone with my big baby so I'm hoping this one wont be over 8 and a half lbs. Just have to wait and see I guess.
Sorry to hear about ure pelvis hon. I feel ure pain I'm really suffering to. Baby is still not engaged but he is head down and low.
Oh lovely
Awww hon bless ya. Seems like a few of us are being induced early now. I'm hoping my induction will be the day I hit 37 weeks but I've been told it will between 37 and 38 weeks but I'm going to push for 37 weeks because I'm in agony. Shud get my actual induction date at my next appointment on 4th sep
Awww hon that is high. Is urine showing any signs of protein? Hopfully ure BP will come back down again and u dont develop pre eclampsia and u wont have to be induced. I'll keep it all crossed for you hon because pre eclampsia is horrible.
Dont worry hon they can turn anytime u still have time for her to turn and I hope she does. Also hope she has a huge growth spurt and is good healthy size.
I had another really painful night last night. And have spent another day resting on the sofa. I'm starting to get really frustrated with myself because all I want to do is nest but i physically can't do it because I'm in agony.
I'm up the hospital tommorow again to be monitored and have yet more bloods taken. Will find out last weeks bile acid levels. I've been getting itchy again so wondering if they have jumped up?
They went up really up really night at 34 weeks with DD and was induced a week and half later so be interesting to see what happens this time. Hopefully they will remain stable because I really want to get to 36 37 weeks this time. But it all a wait and see what happens.
Providing they stay low I'm gonna push for 37 weeks induction because this pain I'm in is awful and effecting my mental health. I keep crying because of the pain. I'm using crutches now but dont think they will help much.
Its gonna be hot here this weekend and I'm dreading it.