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October bumpkins 2019

Names are a challenge here. We can't agree but hubby has been wearing me down on a few. We will see :shrug:
Hi ladies.

Honestly, haven't really been keeping up to date on here and I have several pages to read back on, but we had our 4D ultrasound this weekend and it went pretty well. Got a really good look at our new boy and I feel like him and my older son look pretty similar.

The last pic is of DS1,for comparison. All the rest are the new LO.68445313_10156721470473095_2975789467085832192_n.jpg 68451226_10156721470533095_3885433905104289792_n.jpg baby 1.jpg baby 2.jpg alex baby 1.jpg
Hi ladies.

Honestly, haven't really been keeping up to date on here and I have several pages to read back on, but we had our 4D ultrasound this weekend and it went pretty well. Got a really good look at our new boy and I feel like him and my older son look pretty similar.

The last pic is of DS1,for comparison. All the rest are the new LO.View attachment 1066430 View attachment 1066432 View attachment 1066434 View attachment 1066436 View attachment 1066438
They both look so similar :)

So I had a BP issue today.. went to ob for weekly monitoring and it came up at 130/87..
Now she wants me to come in every 2-3 days for monitoring. Aarrrgh . Not happy.. I just hope it comes down on its own.. :(
Hi ladies.

Honestly, haven't really been keeping up to date on here and I have several pages to read back on, but we had our 4D ultrasound this weekend and it went pretty well. Got a really good look at our new boy and I feel like him and my older son look pretty similar.

The last pic is of DS1,for comparison. All the rest are the new LO.View attachment 1066430 View attachment 1066432 View attachment 1066434 View attachment 1066436 View attachment 1066438
I see the similarities. So cute :)
Saw midwife today, manual reading of bp was 152/95, no protein but have blood in urine, static growth as well. Thankfully seeing consultant and having a growth scan on Thursday, I would assume I will be put on medication on Thursday, just hope little ones growth hasn't dropped to much.
Can't believe we are all on the home stretch now eekk
We had a boy named picked out early on, but at like 10 weeks I knew it was another girl and I started to freak out and obsessing with girl names to the point I wouldn't sleep until we could decide on something. It was bad lol
Anyway Serena Rose is what we're going with this one. Even if I wanted to change it now I don't think I can X'D My two older children are dead set on that name too and I do like it so hopefully she'll look like a Serena when she's born X'D
Saw midwife today, manual reading of bp was 152/95, no protein but have blood in urine, static growth as well. Thankfully seeing consultant and having a growth scan on Thursday, I would assume I will be put on medication on Thursday, just hope little ones growth hasn't dropped to much.
Can't believe we are all on the home stretch now eekk
Hopefully all will go well with your growth scan and I'm glad you're being seen enough. I hope your BP comes back down though. I usually forget to breathe when they are checking my BP so as long as I remember to do that mine is usually good.
Saw midwife today, manual reading of bp was 152/95, no protein but have blood in urine, static growth as well. Thankfully seeing consultant and having a growth scan on Thursday, I would assume I will be put on medication on Thursday, just hope little ones growth hasn't dropped to much.
Can't believe we are all on the home stretch now eekk

BP issues suck. Went for my appointment now and it came out 120/84, so around my normal range and still no medication needed. Back again on Saturday for check..

I just died over these adorable scan pics hon. Look at that chubby little face. Those cheeks are just yummy. They only do those 4d scans up 34 weeks max here and I wud love one but we dont have the money. Hubby just keeps saying ure be seeing him soon enough hahaha. I know that's true but those scans are so cold and u can see exactly what baby looks like.
Still cant work out If boy or girl hon i so cant wait for you and shorty to give birth. Think I'm more excited about you twos births than I am my own hahahaha. :haha:
I cant wait. I'm so happy you guys stayed team yellow now because it just makes it so exciting.
Hi ladies.

Honestly, haven't really been keeping up to date on here and I have several pages to read back on, but we had our 4D ultrasound this weekend and it went pretty well. Got a really good look at our new boy and I feel like him and my older son look pretty similar.

The last pic is of DS1,for comparison. All the rest are the new LO.View attachment 1066430 View attachment 1066432 View attachment 1066434 View attachment 1066436 View attachment 1066438

They look so similar hon
Wow. Great pics.
Hi ladies.

Sorry I've been a bit quiet. My sickness has come back and I pretty much feel nauseous all night and all day. Sat here typing this now feeling like I just want to throw up and its horrible.
Totally exhausted as well and no energy but my iron is very very low again.

I have SPD PGP and Sciatica and its absolute agony and I haven't been able to do any housework or anything because of the constant pain.

I will get my induction date when I see the high risk pregnancy consultant again and it shud be around September 23rd at 37 weeks.
Been told I wont be going any further than 38 weeks but I'm going to be pushing for 37 due to the amount of pain I'm in. So fingers crossed for the 23rd September[-o<
Baby is head down and midwife said he is the right size for my gestation by the feel of him. Ge is back to back still so i really need to get on that ball and get him moving because I do not want a back to back labour.

Been itching again so bot sure if the bile acid levels have gone up. I will find out on Friday and also have more bloods done.
Obviously if my bile acid levels do shoot up then I will be brought in for induction earlier but hoping there ok.
No pre eclampsia my blood pressure and pee are still normol yay. \\:D/
Hoping I do not develop it but pretty sure I had it by this stage last time.
I have my hooping cough injection booked for Tuesday at 33+1 which is a bit late but It completely slipped my mind and when i brought it up to my midwife she was like u need that asap. So having it done Tuesday morning.
Kids are all back to school in 2 weeks and to be honest I can not wait because I'm so tired and it will be nice to just chill out completely.
Had a hospital appointment this morning..

C section is provisionally booked for the 23rd of September I'll be 38+1 x

Oh wow hon. My induction may be the same day Haha wudnt that be funny us both having our babies on the same day lol. Will get my date at my next appointment in 2 weeks time.
I just died over these adorable scan pics hon. Look at that chubby little face. Those cheeks are just yummy. They only do those 4d scans up 34 weeks max here and I wud love one but we dont have the money. Hubby just keeps saying ure be seeing him soon enough hahaha. I know that's true but those scans are so cold and u can see exactly what baby looks like.
Still cant work out If boy or girl hon i so cant wait for you and shorty to give birth. Think I'm more excited about you twos births than I am my own hahahaha. :haha:
I cant wait. I'm so happy you guys stayed team yellow now because it just makes it so exciting.
Thank you! We could have saved the money honestly and used it for diapers and such but this is our last baby and we decided we should do just one more!
I’m so ready to know the gender! I definitely feel less connected to this baby vs my other two because I don’t know gender. Still love it and so excited to meet and see him/her and all of that I just feel like being able to call them by name and stuff let me get closer to them. Idk sounds strange...
I'm hoping not to be induced but it's looking like I will be, currently at my hospital appointment blood pressure was 175/99 after taking it 4 times settled at 166/92, just waiting on Dr now who is not even at the hospital yet! Had my growth scan and estimated weight is 6lb!! He's got a fat tummy lol, so maybe I am growing another 10lber, considering my last ds was only 6lb 15 at 38 weeks when delivered it will be interesting how much he will weigh x
Yes good luck to everyone who is going to be being induced! I can’t believe how fast it’s going girls. I’m sorry I haven’t been very active, this thread is so fast pace I get worried if I post a message il miss people out and then I feel bad lol.

I wasn’t induced with my last pregnancy, I had my son on his due date after a 3 hour active labour, looking back I was very lucky. However at the time I was very overwhelmed and a bit shocked lol.

I’m dreading what this little one is going to weigh, as my son was 9lb 6oz on his due date.

I’m allowed back in the birthing centre, that’s if my blood pressure doesn’t go up or anything.

Is anyone having lightening crotch? As of today I’ve been getting it loads!!! I did not
miss this weird uncomfortable zap of pain in my noonie!! Ha. I don’t remember having it this soon with my son though...


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