October bumpkins 2019

Girls, meet Lincoln, born 12.05 Tuesday afternoon.
and a View attachment 1070732 very good weight of 7lbs3!
I lost quite a bit of blood and was worried they wouldn't let me go, but I persuaded them and got home this afternoon! Full of painful trapped wind and badly anemic, but we are home which is the best place to be! Lincoln is quite sleepy and I'm having to wake him up to feed, but otherwise he's happy and perfect!
So sorry ladies I’ve been missing. Had lots going on. So first congrats lady!! And I ended up very similar to you.

Long story short, little miss Ariya Jane was born on Tuesday 22nd October at 3.38am weighing 7lbs 7. She arrived during emergency csection which is why I’ve not been on. I had the most traumatising labour after being unable to progress past 4cm in 40 hours of labour. Baby’s head was coming out back to back and rather than being tucked in to allow her soft part of her head through first, her hard forehead was coming angled first. I was so upset during my labour as midwives told me time and time again she was in the perfect position for birth and I knew otherwise. I was transferred to the hospital via emergency ambulance after 23 hours labouring in the midwife led unit. I spent 17 hours labouring at the hospital where I stayed at 4cm for 12 hours before baby got in distress and they told me I had no choice but to go into theatre.

Anyway I’m recovering well I’m just heartbroken because I really wanted things to go smoothly and I just feel so let down by the midwives who failed to pick up on baby’s unnatural position. But here’s pictures of my lovely little girl who changed my life forever.

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Congrats!! She is a cutie!! You did well mama.
Congratulations Jess. She is adorable. Sorry that u had to go through all that trauma but the worst is over.. congratulations :)
So sorry ladies I’ve been missing. Had lots going on. So first congrats lady!! And I ended up very similar to you.

Long story short, little miss Ariya Jane was born on Tuesday 22nd October at 3.38am weighing 7lbs 7. She arrived during emergency csection which is why I’ve not been on. I had the most traumatising labour after being unable to progress past 4cm in 40 hours of labour. Baby’s head was coming out back to back and rather than being tucked in to allow her soft part of her head through first, her hard forehead was coming angled first. I was so upset during my labour as midwives told me time and time again she was in the perfect position for birth and I knew otherwise. I was transferred to the hospital via emergency ambulance after 23 hours labouring in the midwife led unit. I spent 17 hours labouring at the hospital where I stayed at 4cm for 12 hours before baby got in distress and they told me I had no choice but to go into theatre.

Anyway I’m recovering well I’m just heartbroken because I really wanted things to go smoothly and I just feel so let down by the midwives who failed to pick up on baby’s unnatural position. But here’s pictures of my lovely little girl who changed my life forever.

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Congrats, glad everyone is doing well.
I'm officially 1 day overdue. Is there anyone else still pregnant?
Congratulations Jessie! So sorry to hear your labour was so challenging. Wishing you a speedy recovery xx If it helps, I feel pretty much 100% and I’m only 12 days post section.

Teanna - I’ve never gone overdue but a friend of mine went almost two whole weeks! With my first I planned on going overdue, and set up a little reward system for getting through each overdue day :haha: Like 40+1, get an ice cream, 40+2, go to a restaurant for dinner, 40+3, take a bath with a fancy bath bomb. Just little things to give me something to look forward to each day instead of focusing on how far overdue I would go!
@Sander Great idea! At least I should get the official induction date Monday, midwife suggested it will probably be Halloween or Nov 1st. I'm hoping I don't make it to 41 weeks though.
@Sander Great idea! At least I should get the official induction date Monday, midwife suggested it will probably be Halloween or Nov 1st. I'm hoping I don't make it to 41 weeks though.

Oyyyeee!!! You must be getting very uncomfortable! I hope baby comes for you soon! Halloween induction, that was what I wanted! I was due the same as you. We ended up having to go two weeks early due to preeclampsia otherwise I'm sure I'd be in the same boat as you! Not sure about anyone else in your boat. If I remember our due dates were the last of the groups. Hang in there Mama!!! :hugs:
@Sander Great idea! At least I should get the official induction date Monday, midwife suggested it will probably be Halloween or Nov 1st. I'm hoping I don't make it to 41 weeks though.

Theres me thinking my November baby would be an October baby, and now your on the verge of a november baby not an October baby! Lol praying that's not the case for you though hun, with my first I went 3 days over and she came on her own :)
Awwww Jess she is lovely. My goodness u really went through it. I'm so sorry it was so traumatic. Just remember u are amazing and u got ure bay baby here safe and sound even tho it didn't go they way u wanted. Wishing u a speedy recovery hon.

Hi hon I went 14 days over due with my first son and it really isnt any fun at all. Not sure what the rules are over in other countries but here in the UK they induce you at 12 days over and I dont think they let I go past that any more but I cant be 100% sure. I was 14 days over with my son but that was back in 2006. I was induced in the end.
It's so frustrating seeing ure due date come and go.
Hope things starts soon.

So the last few days have been the most hardest so far.
I'm not sure if its reflux or colic or both.

So when tommy was born he was such a chilled out baby and so easy. He wud have his last feed at midnight and then go through until 5am and I thought this is great.
Then around 2 weeks old baby started getting what I thought was colic so was put on infacol and then dentinox which did help bring his wind up but he still was fussy during feeding.

Anyway the past week has been hell.

He is fussy when he feeds like hes in pain.
He shrieks loudly and cries but the crying isnt constant like with colic and normoly cuddling him or feeding him settles the crying.

He refuses feeds but still cries
Hes not feeding as much formula as he was only about 2 to 3oz
And now at night he is wanting to feed every 2 hours and just wont settle. Again he will only drink 2 to 3oz.
He spits up alot and projectile vomits with no warming at least once a day.

My once chilled out baby is now very fussy and very hard and I just dont know what to do.
I'm absolutely exhausted to the point of feeling unwell because of lack of sleep.

None of my others were like this. They wud just have here bottle then go right down to sleep for 4 hours until next feed.

I am up every night with him until 3:30am he just wont settle or takes a very long time to settle.

We see a doctor on Thursday for our 6 week check up and I will see what the doctor says.

Has any of you experienced this?
I'm at my wits end and just so sleep deprived but the worst thing of all is knowing he is in some kind of pain and not being able to help him.

He was so chilled out the first 2 and half weeks and I just dont know why this has suddenly changed.

I'm really struggling ladies and just dont know what to do.
I cant get into see a doctor any earlier because they are fully booked
Awwww Jess she is lovely. My goodness u really went through it. I'm so sorry it was so traumatic. Just remember u are amazing and u got ure bay baby here safe and sound even tho it didn't go they way u wanted. Wishing u a speedy recovery hon.

Hi hon I went 14 days over due with my first son and it really isnt any fun at all. Not sure what the rules are over in other countries but here in the UK they induce you at 12 days over and I dont think they let I go past that any more but I cant be 100% sure. I was 14 days over with my son but that was back in 2006. I was induced in the end.
It's so frustrating seeing ure due date come and go.
Hope things starts soon.

So the last few days have been the most hardest so far.
I'm not sure if its reflux or colic or both.

So when tommy was born he was such a chilled out baby and so easy. He wud have his last feed at midnight and then go through until 5am and I thought this is great.
Then around 2 weeks old baby started getting what I thought was colic so was put on infacol and then dentinox which did help bring his wind up but he still was fussy during feeding.

Anyway the past week has been hell.

He is fussy when he feeds like hes in pain.
He shrieks loudly and cries but the crying isnt constant like with colic and normoly cuddling him or feeding him settles the crying.

He refuses feeds but still cries
Hes not feeding as much formula as he was only about 2 to 3oz
And now at night he is wanting to feed every 2 hours and just wont settle. Again he will only drink 2 to 3oz.
He spits up alot and projectile vomits with no warming at least once a day.

My once chilled out baby is now very fussy and very hard and I just dont know what to do.
I'm absolutely exhausted to the point of feeling unwell because of lack of sleep.

None of my others were like this. They wud just have here bottle then go right down to sleep for 4 hours until next feed.

I am up every night with him until 3:30am he just wont settle or takes a very long time to settle.

We see a doctor on Thursday for our 6 week check up and I will see what the doctor says.

Has any of you experienced this?
I'm at my wits end and just so sleep deprived but the worst thing of all is knowing he is in some kind of pain and not being able to help him.

He was so chilled out the first 2 and half weeks and I just dont know why this has suddenly changed.

I'm really struggling ladies and just dont know what to do.
I cant get into see a doctor any earlier because they are fully booked

My second had this it sounds like reflux definitely, doctor prescribed gaviscon and ranitidine it helped a bit but not that much, it didn't really go away until I was given the go ahead from my health visitor to wean at 16 weeks, it was only then that solids stayed down and helped the milk stay down
My second had this it sounds like reflux definitely, doctor prescribed gaviscon and ranitidine it helped a bit but not that much, it didn't really go away until I was given the go ahead from my health visitor to wean at 16 weeks, it was only then that solids stayed down and helped the milk stay down

That's what I thought hon. But be isnt sick all ths time be does keep most of it down but hes just not taking as much feed.
He also doesnt cry all the time and he is fine sleeping on his back.
It's just the way he squeals when u feed him and moves around. Hes absolutely fine with some feeds but then others he really plays up.

Its really no fun. X
He seems to sleep better in the day than at night its just a nightmare. I hope it passes soon and he goes back to doing 4 hours through the night. Its every 2 hours at night and it takes over an hour to feed him and wind him so there is no time to sleep. I hate to think he is any kind of pain that most worst part of it all. X
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I agree Sugger it sounds like reflux. I’ve heard some people have success feeding their babes in a more upright position, you could try that so less acid splashes up. From the colic support group I was on with my son, I’ve heard Similac Alimentum is the best formula for colicky/reflux babes.

I’ve been there, I know how hard it is. My son used to sleep maybe 6 hours in a 24 hour period. He cried 4+ hours in a row, he’d stop to eat and then start crying again. Maybe squeeze in a nap for a half hour at a time. I remember googling whether a newborn could have problems with sleep deprivation because he NEVER slept. Just screamed. Endlessly. But honestly I’d say he cried upwards of 16 hours a day for 11 weeks straight.

Lol can you tell I have bad memories? :haha:

Anyways point is I know how hard it is to be sleep deprived with a hard to console LO! Hopefully he gets over it soon - if it’s reflux maybe the doctor can prescribe something to help xx
Sugger, Im sending you :hug:, Hun. Im sorry baby Tommy is having a hard time at night. In moments like this we all wish we can just mind read and make everything ok for our little ones. <3<3
I wanted to share my baby's photo for Halloween. We're not going out, he's too young and we've been having high winds and future forecast says it will be too cold for him to be out. So we are passing out candies, will, more like, "Please take one." We're not opening the door neither, as its Flu season. What is everyone's plan for Halloween?

I woke up in early labor this morning and have been having contractions consistently all day which is frustrating since I thought I'd probably be in the hospital by now. Midwife checked me and I'm 3cm and 100% effaced, though at the rate my contractions are going I doubt anything will happen until tomorrow at the earliest. I do have an induction scheduled for Halloween so at least there's an end date officially if nothing really gets going before that.
Yay!!!! 3cm and 100% is promising!!! I hope baby comes before or on Halloween without intervention! You got this!
Harper is also really fussy at night time and sleep deprivation is starting to hit now. She literally sleeps all day despite best efforts to try wake her for periods but then from 11.30pm she's wide awake for hours! Then when she does go to sleep, she's up every 2 hours. Husband has now gone back to work and it's the school holidays so I'm acting solo on minimal sleep DD1 was a great sleeper from day 1 do this is New lol xx
I woke up in early labor this morning and have been having contractions consistently all day which is frustrating since I thought I'd probably be in the hospital by now. Midwife checked me and I'm 3cm and 100% effaced, though at the rate my contractions are going I doubt anything will happen until tomorrow at the earliest. I do have an induction scheduled for Halloween so at least there's an end date officially if nothing really gets going before that.
Good luck, huh. I'm excited to see our youngest of the bunch.. sending you super power.

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