October bumpkins 2019

Harper is also really fussy at night time and sleep deprivation is starting to hit now. She literally sleeps all day despite best efforts to try wake her for periods but then from 11.30pm she's wide awake for hours! Then when she does go to sleep, she's up every 2 hours. Husband has now gone back to work and it's the school holidays so I'm acting solo on minimal sleep DD1 was a great sleeper from day 1 do this is New lol xx
Sounds just like my son, except last night I went ahead and let him have 4oz. He slept for 4hours straight, man did I needed that 4 hour nap. lol. All day today he's been taking 31/2 oz so I think his intake is inclining.

sending you :hug:. You're doing great, mama.
Harper is also really fussy at night time and sleep deprivation is starting to hit now. She literally sleeps all day despite best efforts to try wake her for periods but then from 11.30pm she's wide awake for hours! Then when she does go to sleep, she's up every 2 hours. Husband has now gone back to work and it's the school holidays so I'm acting solo on minimal sleep DD1 was a great sleeper from day 1 do this is New lol xx

Rio is same. He sleeps so peacefully during the day and at night he is just whining. Very difficult to get him to burp and whenever he doesn't burp, he gets gassy and irritated.
Whenever he is awake during the day, he just whines n grunts.. only cuddling and taking him in arms help. I got him a swing over the weekend so will see if he settles in it..

DS1 was a happy chilled out baby that it has started to get on my nerves now :(
Rio is same. He sleeps so peacefully during the day and at night he is just whining. Very difficult to get him to burp and whenever he doesn't burp, he gets gassy and irritated.
Whenever he is awake during the day, he just whines n grunts.. only cuddling and taking him in arms help. I got him a swing over the weekend so will see if he settles in it..

DS1 was a happy chilled out baby that it has started to get on my nerves now :(

That's exactly what tommy is like.
He also is hard to feed. Like some bottles he will just be chilled and content and others he shifts around and cries or grunts.

Thankfully last night was a better night and he didn't feed every 2 hours.
I fed him at 8pm then put him in his moses basket. I had to rock him for a while but he fell asleep and then woke at 11:45 and I did the same thing. Fed him and changed him then put him strait back down in the moses basket. Expected him to scream and he did cry a few times but as long as I rocked and did the shhhh noise he settled back down and went to sleep and then didnt wake up until 4:30am
I'm hoping it's the same tonight.

It's so hard when they wont settle esp when it's at night.
I agree Sugger it sounds like reflux. I’ve heard some people have success feeding their babes in a more upright position, you could try that so less acid splashes up. From the colic support group I was on with my son, I’ve heard Similac Alimentum is the best formula for colicky/reflux babes.

I’ve been there, I know how hard it is. My son used to sleep maybe 6 hours in a 24 hour period. He cried 4+ hours in a row, he’d stop to eat and then start crying again. Maybe squeeze in a nap for a half hour at a time. I remember googling whether a newborn could have problems with sleep deprivation because he NEVER slept. Just screamed. Endlessly. But honestly I’d say he cried upwards of 16 hours a day for 11 weeks straight.

Lol can you tell I have bad memories? :haha:

Anyways point is I know how hard it is to be sleep deprived with a hard to console LO! Hopefully he gets over it soon - if it’s reflux maybe the doctor can prescribe something to help xx

That's the one thing I dont get tho hon.
Tommy doesnt cry and cry he only has the odd cry here and there.
And he will sleep flat on his back.
He is just hard to get wind up and is hard to feed. Some feeds are but with others it's a fight he just grunts and stiffens his back.
He also farts alot lol.
He is definitely a windy baby lol.
We had a better night last night and had is having bottles every 4 hours again now.
He went from 11:45 until 4:30 was a bit of a fight to get him to settle tho.

So many things I wish I did when I was pregnant that I now cant get done.
So everything is just piling up now but I know that it will get easier in a few weeks so I can get everything sorted then.

Good luck @Teanna hopefully it all kicks off soon hon. Being over due really really sucks. I've been there hon so I know what it's like. <3
That's the one thing I dont get tho hon.
Tommy doesnt cry and cry he only has the odd cry here and there.
And he will sleep flat on his back.
He is just hard to get wind up and is hard to feed. Some feeds are but with others it's a fight he just grunts and stiffens his back.
He also farts alot lol.
He is definitely a windy baby lol.
We had a better night last night and had is having bottles every 4 hours again now.
He went from 11:45 until 4:30 was a bit of a fight to get him to settle tho.

So many things I wish I did when I was pregnant that I now cant get done.
So everything is just piling up now but I know that it will get easier in a few weeks so I can get everything sorted then.

Good luck @Teanna hopefully it all kicks off soon hon. Being over due really really sucks. I've been there hon so I know what it's like. <3

Ah I see - Emmett is like that too. He can be fussy during feeds and he grunts a lot and starts farting before he’ll latch and do a feed. Sometimes he feeds no problem, other times it’s 10-15 minutes of grunting and whining with lots of farts before he eventually calms down. Not much crying though. I usually just let him work it out, he does eventually pass the gas.
Glad last night was better!

Teanna thinking of you, hope you’re snuggling a baby right now!
Ah I see - Emmett is like that too. He can be fussy during feeds and he grunts a lot and starts farting before he’ll latch and do a feed. Sometimes he feeds no problem, other times it’s 10-15 minutes of grunting and whining with lots of farts before he eventually calms down. Not much crying though. I usually just let him work it out, he does eventually pass the gas.
Glad last night was better!

Teanna thinking of you, hope you’re snuggling a baby right now!

She had her baby yesterday, as per her FB :)

Congratulations @Teanna
Thanks ladies! Have had so many visitors so haven't had a second to be on this. My little princess is such a good girl. Not trying to brag and I know it'll possibly change but I feed her, (breastfeeding) change her and put her to bed at 11/12ish. Then she will either stir around 2.30am or sleep through to 5.30ish. If she wakes at 2.30am she will sleep through to 7.30 and then I just feed her, change her and head back to sleep until around 10/10.30.

After such a difficult labour I'm just so happy my little girl is content. Though I do struggle at times with her latch for breastfeeding and it can be sore at times, she is brilliant for me. I'm still a bit nervous about feeding in public and have only fed her once while out. Thankfully she usually sleeps for hours during the day so I get time to get out, get things done and get home before she wakes because if she isn't fed quickly she gets very frustrated very fast haha!

As for my c-section, my scar is healing quite well. I'm a bit devastated over the little 'pouch' it has left me as they had to stitch me a certain way, something to do with my skin, but its only been 8 days so hopefully it goes flatter as it's like an indent between my pubic bone and my bikini line. Also hate not being able to drive so have had to walk and get buses although Ariya seems to enjoy nosying about when she does wake up in her pram.
Thanks ladies! Have had so many visitors so haven't had a second to be on this. My little princess is such a good girl. Not trying to brag and I know it'll possibly change but I feed her, (breastfeeding) change her and put her to bed at 11/12ish. Then she will either stir around 2.30am or sleep through to 5.30ish. If she wakes at 2.30am she will sleep through to 7.30 and then I just feed her, change her and head back to sleep until around 10/10.30.

After such a difficult labour I'm just so happy my little girl is content. Though I do struggle at times with her latch for breastfeeding and it can be sore at times, she is brilliant for me. I'm still a bit nervous about feeding in public and have only fed her once while out. Thankfully she usually sleeps for hours during the day so I get time to get out, get things done and get home before she wakes because if she isn't fed quickly she gets very frustrated very fast haha!

As for my c-section, my scar is healing quite well. I'm a bit devastated over the little 'pouch' it has left me as they had to stitch me a certain way, something to do with my skin, but its only been 8 days so hopefully it goes flatter as it's like an indent between my pubic bone and my bikini line. Also hate not being able to drive so have had to walk and get buses although Ariya seems to enjoy nosying about when she does wake up in her pram.

That's great hon. That was what Tommy was like his first 2 and and a half 3 weeks he was so content and just went down so easy.
That's why I've been getting so frustrated because it was such a sudden change.
I thought it was something I had done but my husband took over last night and he was up until 4am to so i now know it's not me its definitely colic or reflux. :-(
Update: Jocelynn Ellen was born Oct 29th at 9:38PM. She was 19 inches long and 6 lbs 15 ons. Was in labor for a day and a half and managed to go natural most the time but when I got to 10cm dilated she was showing signs of not tolerating labor and and her heartbeat was low and not improving so it was determined it wouldn't be safe to push her out so I ended up with an emergency C-section. It was a good call as she was positioned badly in the birth canal and I wouldn't have been able to get her out quick enough.

She was born screaming...and pooping haha, but unfortunately screamed a bit too loud and gave herself a pneumothorax so had to be placed on oxygen and I couldn't hold her until the next morning. I've been discharged this afternoon but she will be in the special care nursury until they finish weaning the IV and antibiotics. She was off oxygen yesterday and the pneumothrorax is totally healed on it's own. Her kidney ultrasound was also good and she has full function from both kidney's and is
otherwise a healthy and oddly alert newborn.

75336364_10212565658691072_3954547891766296576_n.jpg 75210774_10212565659611095_7165340213894447104_n.jpg
Teanna your daughter is so beautiful!! Her eyebrows, wow! Congratulations, and sorry she has to stay in the NICU. I can imagine that’s so hard to leave her there while you go home. Fx she comes home soon!

Jessie I also have that C-section ‘pouch’. If it makes you feel better, I also had a similar pouch (a bit less defined) after I had a vaginal birth - I think it’s exacerbated after you give birth because of all the extra skin etc. It’ll be less dramatic as time goes on!

Emmett slept 5 hours last night - down around 1:30, then slept till 6:30, fed quickly and back down till 10! My grandparents and aunt are in town, so we went and ran a bunch of errands today (mall, Costco etc), then went for dinner at a nice restaurant tonight - he was just a dream all day. It’s just so weird for me since DS1 was such a monster baby - I didn’t dare bring him anywhere for a good 3 months.

Speaking of DS1, he seems to be slowly getting used to the new baby in the house. Feeling super proud to be the mom of these boys!

D816D77A-DEBF-4ADF-ACBC-4C4B1DB4B607.jpeg 818D50B6-F74E-4D94-9EF0-5EA0518663E0.jpeg
Time has gone so quickly, only seems 5 mins ago that everyone was getting bfps, now we all have our tiny humans x

It's crazy how quick it's all gone. Feels like a week ago I just got my BFP and now I have a almost 6 week old newborn. Just wowsers8-[

Update: Jocelynn Ellen was born Oct 29th at 9:38PM. She was 19 inches long and 6 lbs 15 ons. Was in labor for a day and a half and managed to go natural most the time but when I got to 10cm dilated she was showing signs of not tolerating labor and and her heartbeat was low and not improving so it was determined it wouldn't be safe to push her out so I ended up with an emergency C-section. It was a good call as she was positioned badly in the birth canal and I wouldn't have been able to get her out quick enough.

She was born screaming...and pooping haha, but unfortunately screamed a bit too loud and gave herself a pneumothorax so had to be placed on oxygen and I couldn't hold her until the next morning. I've been discharged this afternoon but she will be in the special care nursury until they finish weaning the IV and antibiotics. She was off oxygen yesterday and the pneumothrorax is totally healed on it's own. Her kidney ultrasound was also good and she has full function from both kidney's and is
otherwise a healthy and oddly alert newborn.

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Oh she is gorgeous sweety and what amazing eyebrows. She has really long legs shes going to be tall. Congratulations hon. Wishing you a very speedy recovery :hug:

Teanna your daughter is so beautiful!! Her eyebrows, wow! Congratulations, and sorry she has to stay in the NICU. I can imagine that’s so hard to leave her there while you go home. Fx she comes home soon!

Jessie I also have that C-section ‘pouch’. If it makes you feel better, I also had a similar pouch (a bit less defined) after I had a vaginal birth - I think it’s exacerbated after you give birth because of all the extra skin etc. It’ll be less dramatic as time goes on!

Emmett slept 5 hours last night - down around 1:30, then slept till 6:30, fed quickly and back down till 10! My grandparents and aunt are in town, so we went and ran a bunch of errands today (mall, Costco etc), then went for dinner at a nice restaurant tonight - he was just a dream all day. It’s just so weird for me since DS1 was such a monster baby - I didn’t dare bring him anywhere for a good 3 months.

Speaking of DS1, he seems to be slowly getting used to the new baby in the house. Feeling super proud to be the mom of these boys!

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So cute. 2 lovely boys. I think if we do get blessed with one more it wud be nice to have a boy. 2 brothers close in age is so nice. <3

So ladies I'm doing ok now. Little man seems to be improving a bit now and not as bad. Hes not as fussy and is feeding better.

I'm not missing pregnancy as much now so I think that may of been down to hormones and sleepless nights.
I do miss the bump and feeling the movements but I dont miss the aches and pains. Haha.

We put up little mans cot today in our bedroom. He is still in his moses basket at the moment and he still has room for more growth so no need to transfer him to a cot just yet but its nice to have it all set up.

I saw a nurse yesterday about contraception. And I'm now on the mini pill. I will only be taking it for 16 months as I want to stop taking it for a good 2 months b4 we ttc again.

Have any of you had ure AF yet. I still haven't but I'm getting alot of watery cm that has a sweet smell to it. Sometimes it really feels like AF has started because u can feel it but it's always the same clear watery cm. Hope I see AF soon because I'm getting a bit worried because we have done pull out method a few times and I did end up getting pregnant using the pull out method with DD but it did take 15 months.

I'm prob just being paranoid lol.
Update: Jocelynn Ellen was born Oct 29th at 9:38PM. She was 19 inches long and 6 lbs 15 ons. Was in labor for a day and a half and managed to go natural most the time but when I got to 10cm dilated she was showing signs of not tolerating labor and and her heartbeat was low and not improving so it was determined it wouldn't be safe to push her out so I ended up with an emergency C-section. It was a good call as she was positioned badly in the birth canal and I wouldn't have been able to get her out quick enough.

She was born screaming...and pooping haha, but unfortunately screamed a bit too loud and gave herself a pneumothorax so had to be placed on oxygen and I couldn't hold her until the next morning. I've been discharged this afternoon but she will be in the special care nursury until they finish weaning the IV and antibiotics. She was off oxygen yesterday and the pneumothrorax is totally healed on it's own. Her kidney ultrasound was also good and she has full function from both kidney's and is
otherwise a healthy and oddly alert newborn.

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congrats, she is beautiful!!<3<3<3<3
Teanna your daughter is so beautiful!! Her eyebrows, wow! Congratulations, and sorry she has to stay in the NICU. I can imagine that’s so hard to leave her there while you go home. Fx she comes home soon!

Jessie I also have that C-section ‘pouch’. If it makes you feel better, I also had a similar pouch (a bit less defined) after I had a vaginal birth - I think it’s exacerbated after you give birth because of all the extra skin etc. It’ll be less dramatic as time goes on!

Emmett slept 5 hours last night - down around 1:30, then slept till 6:30, fed quickly and back down till 10! My grandparents and aunt are in town, so we went and ran a bunch of errands today (mall, Costco etc), then went for dinner at a nice restaurant tonight - he was just a dream all day. It’s just so weird for me since DS1 was such a monster baby - I didn’t dare bring him anywhere for a good 3 months.

Speaking of DS1, he seems to be slowly getting used to the new baby in the house. Feeling super proud to be the mom of these boys!

View attachment 1071812 View attachment 1071814
he is so CUTE!!

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