October bumpkins 2019

It's crazy how quick it's all gone. Feels like a week ago I just got my BFP and now I have a almost 6 week old newborn. Just wowsers8-[

Oh she is gorgeous sweety and what amazing eyebrows. She has really long legs shes going to be tall. Congratulations hon. Wishing you a very speedy recovery :hug:

So cute. 2 lovely boys. I think if we do get blessed with one more it wud be nice to have a boy. 2 brothers close in age is so nice. <3

So ladies I'm doing ok now. Little man seems to be improving a bit now and not as bad. Hes not as fussy and is feeding better.

I'm not missing pregnancy as much now so I think that may of been down to hormones and sleepless nights.
I do miss the bump and feeling the movements but I dont miss the aches and pains. Haha.

We put up little mans cot today in our bedroom. He is still in his moses basket at the moment and he still has room for more growth so no need to transfer him to a cot just yet but its nice to have it all set up.

I saw a nurse yesterday about contraception. And I'm now on the mini pill. I will only be taking it for 16 months as I want to stop taking it for a good 2 months b4 we ttc again.

Have any of you had ure AF yet. I still haven't but I'm getting alot of watery cm that has a sweet smell to it. Sometimes it really feels like AF has started because u can feel it but it's always the same clear watery cm. Hope I see AF soon because I'm getting a bit worried because we have done pull out method a few times and I did end up getting pregnant using the pull out method with DD but it did take 15 months.

I'm prob just being paranoid lol.
No AF yet, but call me crazy on day 27 of postpartum I could swear I felt my left ovaries trying to ovulate. lol . All of the sudden it was pulling tugging and hurting. I thought for min, "what is this pain, I almost know this pain?" It literally came in like a wrecking ball, " wait, am I ovulating?" shortly after that I bled/spotted bright red. The bled/spotting stop quickly after and went back to lochia??. I could be wrong, but I was like, "noooo... I thought I wouldn't see AF for until I started weaning my cutie pie off my boobs." HAHA.
quote and unquote you "I'm prob just being paranoid lol"

FX you are being paranoid, but if it should be a little bean the more the merrier.;)
No AF yet, but call me crazy on day 27 of postpartum I could swear I felt my left ovaries trying to ovulate. lol . All of the sudden it was pulling tugging and hurting. I thought for min, "what is this pain, I almost know this pain?" It literally came in like a wrecking ball, " wait, am I ovulating?" shortly after that I bled/spotted bright red. The bled/spotting stop quickly after and went back to lochia??. I could be wrong, but I was like, "noooo... I thought I wouldn't see AF for until I started weaning my cutie pie off my boobs." HAHA.
quote and unquote you "I'm prob just being paranoid lol"

FX you are being paranoid, but if it should be a little bean the more the merrier.;)

Oh gosh I hope were both just being paranoid hahaha. I did do a cervix check because of the CM but my cervix is low hard and tightly closed. Unless ovulation has already taken place.
I'm 6 weeks post partum tommorow and still now sign of AF. I'm formula feeding.
I cant remember how long it took for AF to come after having her.

Oh gosh hon yeah I remember those tugging pains. Hopfully it's just everything shrinking back down still.
I'm sure we will both be fine hon. Guess I need to give it more time.

Mo pregnancy symptoms at all so I think I'm.jisy being really paranoid.
Hi everyone how are we all and how are the babies coming along?

Tommy is 6 weeks old tommorow and is slightly more settled. He is still very windy and he farts alot and they stink lol.
I think it may be the formula. So we have now changed it from cow and gate to Hipp Comfort and I'm hoping it will help.
And will be more gentle on his tummy.
Hi ladies.

I've really dropped the ball on keeping up to date on here, but I just wanted to update you all that I had my little man.

Matthew Werner Thomas Scott came into the world on October 28 at 9:53pm. 10lbs 3oz, 22in (56cm).

Now that I'm on leave, I'm really gonna do my best to keep up with everything on here. Hope everyone is doing well though. :)

IMG-20191029-WA0000.jpg IMG_20191102_1656037.jpg IMG_20191030_1018595.jpg 75282248_10156907642888095_3493440439090937856_n.jpg
Hi ladies.

I've really dropped the ball on keeping up to date on here, but I just wanted to update you all that I had my little man.

Matthew Werner Thomas Scott came into the world on October 28 at 9:53pm. 10lbs 3oz, 22in (56cm).

Now that I'm on leave, I'm really gonna do my best to keep up with everything on here. Hope everyone is doing well though. :)

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Awww congratulations hon. Hope ure recovering well. <3
Hi ladies.

I've really dropped the ball on keeping up to date on here, but I just wanted to update you all that I had my little man.

Matthew Werner Thomas Scott came into the world on October 28 at 9:53pm. 10lbs 3oz, 22in (56cm).

Now that I'm on leave, I'm really gonna do my best to keep up with everything on here. Hope everyone is doing well though. :)

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Congrats, he's so cute. :)
Hi ladies.

I've really dropped the ball on keeping up to date on here, but I just wanted to update you all that I had my little man.

Matthew Werner Thomas Scott came into the world on October 28 at 9:53pm. 10lbs 3oz, 22in (56cm).

Now that I'm on leave, I'm really gonna do my best to keep up with everything on here. Hope everyone is doing well though. :)

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Congrats he is precious.
Hi ladies.

I've really dropped the ball on keeping up to date on here, but I just wanted to update you all that I had my little man.

Matthew Werner Thomas Scott came into the world on October 28 at 9:53pm. 10lbs 3oz, 22in (56cm).

Now that I'm on leave, I'm really gonna do my best to keep up with everything on here. Hope everyone is doing well though. :)

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Congratulations :)
He is a chunky baby.. my boy is 6weeks and still far from 10lbs :)

We are doing better on wind and crankiness.
My doc advised gas drops which have really helped us. Weight has gone up by 3lbs since birth so happy with that. Night feeds r now 4 hours apart so getting a good sleep.. settled into a routine..

Oh and Rio has started smiling.. not gas smiles (that we get loads too) but social smile.. he can also hold his head well on tummy and is tracking objects..
My DS1 was always late with things so we r surprised with how quick Rio is, even when born at 37weeks.. guess second/third borns r faster..

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Hi ladies.

I've really dropped the ball on keeping up to date on here, but I just wanted to update you all that I had my little man.

Matthew Werner Thomas Scott came into the world on October 28 at 9:53pm. 10lbs 3oz, 22in (56cm).

Now that I'm on leave, I'm really gonna do my best to keep up with everything on here. Hope everyone is doing well though. :)

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Congrats! He is adorable :)

Demotivated - he’s so cute! I can’t wait to see smiles. DS was around 5 weeks, so 2 more weeks until we should see some! For now it’s all gas lol.

Emmett slept 8 hours 2 nights ago. Then he didn’t do it again haha. He’s sticking to his 4 hour stretches for now. We’re having more family coming to visit this week, then that’s it. It’s bittersweet because it’s been nice to see everyone, but the amount of cooking and cleaning that it takes to entertain people is massive. It’ll be kind of nice to just get back to normal.

Some pics!

8ADD3F43-4020-4442-9629-1257346CDBD9.jpeg F797607A-109B-42C5-A4F7-9116644324BE.jpeg 4593A579-47E6-42B3-967E-A37392DD72F9.jpeg
Hi everyone!
Loving all the baba updates!! Really hope we can keep this up :)
Miles is just over 3 weeks old, and he is just so sweet :) I do wonder every day how I got so lucky. He also looks just like his older brother.
Miles is weighing just over 12lb already lol. He is so chubby!
He is going every 3/4 hours during the night too.

I am wondering when everyone started with a routine, and if so what is your routine if you don’t mind sharing?
With Mason I was very much about getting into a routine as soon as I could (but I honestly can’t remember anything) and having 2 to look after I find my brain is like mush 95% of the time and I can’t seem to sit and actually think back haha!

Hi everyone!
Loving all the baba updates!! Really hope we can keep this up :)
Miles is just over 3 weeks old, and he is just so sweet :) I do wonder every day how I got so lucky. He also looks just like his older brother.
Miles is weighing just over 12lb already lol. He is so chubby!
He is going every 3/4 hours during the night too.

I am wondering when everyone started with a routine, and if so what is your routine if you don’t mind sharing?
With Mason I was very much about getting into a routine as soon as I could (but I honestly can’t remember anything) and having 2 to look after I find my brain is like mush 95% of the time and I can’t seem to sit and actually think back haha!


We don’t have a routine haha. We didn’t have one with Elias either - I kind of just went with whatever. Mainly because all the routine schedule examples I saw had so many scheduled naps and I could never make Elias sleep when he was supposed to, which would throw off the entire rest of the day. Plus I’m not into waking babies up from naps :rofl: But I know lots of people have great success from schedules!! Hope someone can give a good suggestion for you
Ladies AF has arrived and I'm so happy. I can now breath a sigh of relief hahahaha. I was getting so paranoid about pregnancy.

Never thought I'd be so happy to see old aunt flo hahaha.
Can carry on taking my mini pill now without worrying.

No real routine yet with Tommy but he is feeding at the same every evening and night. 4pm then 7pm then 10pm then he will have about 1-2oz around midnight and then sleep through until 5am so its great.
I can't wait for my little lady to get into a bit of a routine. She seems to have a 3-4 hour awake periods during the night. Last night i went to bed at 11pm and of course she woke up haha then she didn't go back to sleep until 3am and then woke again at 5am then 7am then I was up for the day doing the school run with DD1 so I've had 4 hours broken sleep. But she's very cute and so worth it haha x
Tommy still sleeps alot. He doesn't stay awake for really long periods he definitely sleeps more than hes awake I hope that's normol
Tommy still sleeps alot. He doesn't stay awake for really long periods he definitely sleeps more than hes awake I hope that's normol
That's all they do at this age. Can sleep upto 20hours a day ..
Though mine has days he sleeps like a sloth and days when he is so awake!!
Sutton is 5 weeks and he usually gets a bath around 8ish. I always give a bath every night for all my kids. Do t necessarily use soap every time and always lotion them down after every bath. It helps sooth my kids and we never have dry skin issues. He’s usually fed around 10-11pm, wakes around 3-4am and then 6-7am. He has about 3 big “awake” times throughout the day. He likes to be held a lot or in his swing. But sleeps well at night in his halo bassinet. He’s done all of this schedule on his own really. Other than the bath.

I hold him so much! I am trying to soak up all the baby snuggles because he’s the last and soon it will all be over with! :(
That's all they do at this age. Can sleep upto 20hours a day ..
Though mine has days he sleeps like a sloth and days when he is so awake!!

Hahahaha like a sloth lol.:rofl:

Sutton is 5 weeks and he usually gets a bath around 8ish. I always give a bath every night for all my kids. Do t necessarily use soap every time and always lotion them down after every bath. It helps sooth my kids and we never have dry skin issues. He’s usually fed around 10-11pm, wakes around 3-4am and then 6-7am. He has about 3 big “awake” times throughout the day. He likes to be held a lot or in his swing. But sleeps well at night in his halo bassinet. He’s done all of this schedule on his own really. Other than the bath.

I hold him so much! I am trying to soak up all the baby snuggles because he’s the last and soon it will all be over with! :(

I hold my hands up I'm guilty for that as well hon. I hold Tommy alot.
I get told off by DH but I cant help it. Haha.

Think Tommy had a bit of a bad tummy last night. He wudnt settle and kept crying and had diareah.
There is alot of bugs going about. His poop is much better today. So I'm hoping it was just a bug and he is better and will be able to settle tonight.
I was up until 3am. He just cried and cried from 10pm untill 3am. Not like him at all:-(

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