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October/November Conkers 2021***

Just had my 16 week appointment and just feeling deflated again, should have been exciting. She was able to find baby this time but baby was misbehaving kicking the Doppler and moving too much.

showing signs of anaemia though I been really good with keeping up supplements. So talk about iron transfusion getting me down.

also got checked no infections or anything so no reason I should be having so much BH, I’ve also started having increase in heart rate not sure if related. Got referral for scan to check cervix length and that it’s still closed...talk of stitches freaked the life out of me.

Midwife wants me to monitor if increase in heart rate happens at same time as contractions, so do that for about week first then do scan but a part of me just wants to go do scan now so I can mentally prepare myself.

so not I’m sitting here like ok, what’s next?
Ugh I’m so sorry you’re having a rough go. I totally feel you. My thought on the heart rate and BH would be dehydration. I know you’re doing your best to stay on top of that but you’re still probably slightly from the sickness don’t you think? And both those things are big signs of dehydration. I think your cervix will be fine! So hard coming out of an appointment feeling less encouraged and more discouraged about your symptoms. Sorry you didn’t get a good listen to baby. I hope the time speeds past till your scan and you can see LO!!

I’m having some worrying symptoms myself but need to see my GP because midwives don’t deal with anything not related to the baby/pregnancy here. Mine is chest pain, short of breath, extreme fatigue and tingly fingers so I think it’s heart related. Could be anxiety but need to get it checked out as soon as possible, it sucks.
@Reiko_ctu after my molar I had very low iron. I had heart palpitations and my hands and feet were always tingling and feeling very tired. Totally agree though that you should get checked out. Hope your ok x
@Reiko_ctu after my molar I had very low iron. I had heart palpitations and my hands and feet were always tingling and feeling very tired. Totally agree though that you should get checked out. Hope your ok x
I had my hemoglobin checked at the hospital for my food poisoning, and it was just 1 point under the normal range. They didn’t do my ferritin but my last ferritin draw at 12 weeks was actually the highest it’s ever been for me! I guess that’s what waiting 3 years to get pregnant again does. But yeah all my symptoms would be explained by low iron.
I’m waiting anxiously for our province press conference today in about 3 hours to see what they’ll open up and remove restrictions on Covid wise. We can only do take out at restaurants or eat on the patio right now, see 1 other safe family outdoors, can’t have anyone in our homes but inhabitants. No church gatherings. Hoping they can open things up a bit. I’m wondering if they might allow a spouse to the ultrasounds too but I doubt healthcare will change anything. Maybe if I rush DH to get his vaccine XD. I’m thinking of doing a private scan just so DH can come along and see this baby while it’s in my tummy!!
We had dinner with my parents last night as they live in our suite, and I mentioned the private scan idea and my mom was like oh it would be so nice to see the baby we want to see too! Like, I love her and want to include her but really this is such a private thing for me and DH. I really don’t want my parents to come XD
I was thinking the same about getting a private scan. DH is allowed to but for us it’s worked out that he hasn’t come. I was thinking if I book one seeing as this is our last it would be nice too. Understand why you wouldn’t want them to come.
Hi ladies! How we all doing? I haven’t been on here for a good few weeks, will be 16weeks on Thursday, time seems to be flying now. I have midwife appointment next week, need to discuss with her about COVID vaccine as I’ve had my appointment through. Still in 2 minds about it. Waiting for our 20weeks scan appointment can’t wait to find out what we are having. Started feeling baby move too this week. Been feeling in much happier place now hopefully everything keeps running smoothly.
Hi ladies

I'm so sorry I've been MIA.
I've just been sp busy.
I had some more bloods done yesterday because of the itching.

I've also got a liver scan booked for June 3rd.
So another appointment for June.
Gosh June is gonna be crazy busy.
I have no appointments now untill my consultant appointment on June 2nd.
Then liver scan on June 3rd ( so gonna ask them to have a peep at baby hehe)

Then growth scan of baby on June 10th
Midwife June 16th and another consultant appointment on June 31st.
So crazy haha.

Movements the last few days have really been crazy. This little dude is so very active.
I feel him all night and all day on and off.
And today for the very first time I saw my belly move when he kicked.

Been getting lots of round ligament pain and bump has grown again.

I will do another bump pic at 23 weeks which is on Saturday.
But my neighbour who didn't see me for 3 days said its gotten bigger.
I feel very pregnant now and love going past the mirror and seeing my bump.
It's definitely alot higher.
Also I've noticed my hair has gotten thicker and is so shiny.

And my boobs are ginormous. I feel like a cow with udders hahaha.
Anyway that's me.

Hope ure all doing OK.
Good to see u back @Penguin20
Hi ladies! How we all doing? I haven’t been on here for a good few weeks, will be 16weeks on Thursday, time seems to be flying now. I have midwife appointment next week, need to discuss with her about COVID vaccine as I’ve had my appointment through. Still in 2 minds about it. Waiting for our 20weeks scan appointment can’t wait to find out what we are having. Started feeling baby move too this week. Been feeling in much happier place now hopefully everything keeps running smoothly.

Good to see u back hon.
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Hi ladies! How we all doing? I haven’t been on here for a good few weeks, will be 16weeks on Thursday, time seems to be flying now. I have midwife appointment next week, need to discuss with her about COVID vaccine as I’ve had my appointment through. Still in 2 minds about it. Waiting for our 20weeks scan appointment can’t wait to find out what we are having. Started feeling baby move too this week. Been feeling in much happier place now hopefully everything keeps running smoothly.
Yay glad you’re having some good weeks and baby is moving. I would love to hear about what your midwife says about the vax. I want to get it but feel nervous about a stillbirth. I doubt my midwives will have anything to say about it, they really just let us make our own choices here lol. Everything online from our government recommends it for pregnant women. My midwife appt is on Monday so I’ll see if she has any info for me too!
Hi all. I haven't been on since I found out I was pregnant. It's been one he'll of a rollercoaster. I hope your all having a healthy 9 months. This is baby number 7 for me. And the last. My partner got the snip and I'm being sterilised.. when I had my scan the synographer said I have a low placenta at the front that will have to be repeatedly checked, this is the first time iv had a low placenta. I was having a repeat section anyways but I was wondering if anyone knew how else it could affect the pregnancy?
Hi all. I haven't been on since I found out I was pregnant. It's been one he'll of a rollercoaster. I hope your all having a healthy 9 months. This is baby number 7 for me. And the last. My partner got the snip and I'm being sterilised.. when I had my scan the synographer said I have a low placenta at the front that will have to be repeatedly checked, this is the first time iv had a low placenta. I was having a repeat section anyways but I was wondering if anyone knew how else it could affect the pregnancy?

So good to have u back.
Sorry about the low lying placenta.
I had some bleeding at 6 weeks and also almost 15 weeks. They thought maybe my placenta was low lying but my bleeding was down to a erosion on the cervix. All very common in pregnancy apparently.
They double checked my placenta at the 20 weeks anomaly scan but mine is prosteria and High so my bleeding was definitely the erosion.

From what I read with a low lying placenta sometimes as ure uterus grows it can move and go higher.
The fact ure having a section is a good thing.
I think that's the option they take if the placenta is covering babies way out.
I didn't read anything about them being bad.
Just that extra scans wud be needed.
I'm glad there keeping a eye on you.

My pregnancy has been a right emotional roller coaster too.

We had a high risk result for downs syndrome 1 in 33.
We went for the non invasive harmony test but unfortunately my blood results from that kept coming back inconclusive.
Due to me being a liver transplant patient.

My only other option was then the Amnio but I refused to have it for fear of miscarriage.

Thankfully all my scans including the Anomaly scan went really well and shows a healthy baby, but we won't know for sure if he has it or not untill he is born. Apparently not all down syndrome babies show on a scan.

But something is telling me baby is healthy and I'm trying to stay positive.

Do u know what ure having?

We're all team blue so far apart from one lady.
So we need more team pink lol.
Hello all! I’ve been spending my evening reading through posts and catching up with everyone. I’ve been MIA! The past month was the last month of school which has been crazy and stressful; along with that I’ve been so so sick most days. Finally starting to feel less sickness at almost 15 weeks. I’m also pretty sure I’ve been feeling baby move! My hubs is out of state till probably August so I’ve been dealing with the reality of being pregnant and taking care of our 3 kiddos alone for an extended period of time. Wish me luck! One more appointment till our anatomy scan . Sticking with team green!
Yay glad you’re having some good weeks and baby is moving. I would love to hear about what your midwife says about the vax. I want to get it but feel nervous about a stillbirth. I doubt my midwives will have anything to say about it, they really just let us make our own choices here lol. Everything online from our government recommends it for pregnant women. My midwife appt is on Monday so I’ll see if she has any info for me too!
Will do lovely, it’s such a difficult discussion. We live a in small town more like village and we’ve been very lucky this area has had small amount of COVID cases but unfortunately where we live was the home of the poet Dylan Thomas so we get a lot of tourists during the summer months. I hope the midwife can give me a honest and direct answer as to whether the vaccine is a must or not.
Hi girls! I’ve got my 20 weeks scan today and going to ask about the Covid vaccine so will report back!

I think I’m going to have it, I’ve already been recommended to have it as I’m a frontline key worker so come into contact with lots of families and children! But been wanting to wait till the 20 week scan!
So good to see more people come in, and getting through the first trimester sickness.
Yesterday I was very uneasy about the unclear treatment path from both midwife and GP so I (feel bad about it sometimes) used my connections at hospital to get checked. Got to see Bub, so far all is good, I’m definitely having contractions, they are slightly affecting cervix as softer than the OB would have liked so while closed wasn’t confident it will stay that way.

I’ll basically be saying bye to my midwife and going under observation of OB. Going to review me again in 2 weeks and might consider pressaries to calm the uterus down if contractions increases in frequency or strength,

not anaemic, that was another set of good news and definitely no infection.

I’m glad I went I feel calmer. Was told to rest the rest of the week so yay me.

Baby was seen literally head butting my cervix, had to jiggle around to make him move and even then he shifted slightly away so they could see and measure but remained in the same area. Naughty little thing, watch him/her move all the way up and refuse to come when it’s officially time
Anyone else feel weird saying they are tired when literally spent all day in bed. It’s evening and I’m so so beat I just want to sleep but haven’t really done anything today.
@ciz lovely to hear from you! Any info on the covid vaccine is much appreciated. I am in 2 minds too.

@RachRav hey! I’m glad your all caught up! Must be tough having to look after 3 kiddos on your own... specially when your feeling poorly.

@angie90 Goodluck with your scan hun x

@Suggerhoney your gonna be so busy! And your so close to 24 weeks!!! Bit sigh of relief!

@Catmumof4 hey! Congratulations on no.7! Sorry I’ve no experience of a low lying placenta. I guess if your having a section it won’t matter so much if it moves?!

@daniyaaq im so pleased you went and got checked out. Great on the iron and infection news. Lovely you got to see this cheeky baby and I glad they will keep an eye on you. Rest up girl! I think when you are resting it does make you so much more tired... not sure how or why though! Hahaha!

few more days until we tell everyone our news! I can’t wait to set everything up for Saturday morning!!! Eek! And I’ll finally be able to talk names to DH! I’ll get pictures so you can all see!!!!

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