October/November Conkers 2021***

Thought I'd do a v day bump pic. Survived the weekend at work now have 2 days off but ds2 bubble has burst so I'm having to home school him which is a nightmare.

@topazicatzbet hello bump! Looking lovely! Ah that’s not good his bubble burst (I like that description) don’t enjoy home schooling! They haven’t got much time left at school anyway!
Yay for V day @topazicatzbet such a great mile stone.

Unfortunately u have to pay to get a room on ure own its 250 quid for 2 nights so 5 nights wud be pricey.
So it probably be a ward for me unless there full and I get a room of my own.
Normally when womon get induced they get induced on the ward and get moved to delivery when they are having strong contractions.

But because I'm high risk I will go straight to a delivery suite and be induced there.
Think I prefer that tbh.

The itching hasn't been so bad today but still not itch free.

Was kept awake nearly all night by baby kicking and stretching. So strong now.

My nanna came over today and she doesn't think I'm that big this time. She said I'm alot smaller than I was last time. She also said I've dropped which I've noticed too.
Hoping he isn't making any plans to come early. I want him to stay put untill at least 36 weeks.

Braxton hicks have picked up. I get loads now. Some are a bit uncomfortable but not painful.

Be interesting to see how much he weighs now.
Going by my ticker he should be be 2 and a half lbs. Watch him be about 3lbs something lol.

Lovely bumps @playgirl666 and @topazicatzbet.

Will try and get some pics of my packing when I do it hehe.
@Suggerhoney wow! I didn’t know you had to pay for those rooms! At least if you go straight to delivery you get a room to yourself for a while. I’ve only stayed on the ward when I had my first.

wonder how much little man will weigh?! My bump is lower this time as I’ve usually been able to wear my jeans and jean shorts till a few weeks before baby arrives but I’m really struggling so I think my bump is just lower this time round?!
@Mummy2Corban thanks hun

@topazicatzbet yey for v day!!

@Suggerhoney I'm weird I prefer being on the ward to in a room, I put it down to how much chaos I live in it is too odd to me to be locked away Lol!! Glad the itching has calmed down but sorry baby is kicking hard! Having an anterior placenta I thought kicks etc would be lessened but she is so so strong!!
@Mummy2Corban Nope not this week going to try use it to rest up before the chaos of the summer holidays!!
Luckily in Norfolk they are offering a scheme to those eligible for free school meals of basically summer school, so all of Aug mon-fri 9-1pm the older 4 are there so I get a few hrs reprieve Lol!! Xx
Think I’m definitely in the better side of sickness forgot my morning pills, felt yucky all day but not sick, didn’t even realise till now at 6pm.

my obligatory fortnightly midwife appointment is next week. Otherwise just trying to soak up my last week of peace. Girls are due back this weekend.
@Catmumof4 yeah we had that email but we don’t get free school dinners so I can’t send mine!!! Dam it!!!!! Haha! At least a portion of the day they will be busy. I just hope this weather improves as we usually try go out for walks and picnics but the picnics won’t be happening if this weather stays like this.

@daniyaaq yay for no sickness!!!! Even though the feeling yucky still sucks. A few more days of peace and quiet!!!! Today I just have my 2 year old at home so that’s as quiet as my house gets!
Great bump. I now have both older kids at home. at least I have no school run but back to home schooling 2 with a 3 year old running around and juggling work. Thankfully it's only for this week.
@Mummy2Corban thats a cute bump. And you can still wear jeans. My little man refuses to move up and so wearing pants of any kind is uncomfortable and it’s hard being winter here.
Great bump. I now have both older kids at home. at least I have no school run but back to home schooling 2 with a 3 year old running around and juggling work. Thankfully it's only for this week.
Homeschooling was the worst part of Covid. I had to juggle full time work homeschooling the older one and occupying DD2 for most of last year. I didn’t enjoy it one bit.
@daniyaaq well yes I’m wearing them but they only get done up when I leave the house!!!! I found homeschooling hard! Trying to give my time over 5 children was not fun but having to work too!!! Hats off to you.

@topazicatzbet well hopefully it’s not to bad of a week for you. And again hats off to you having to work between it too!!!!!
Ugh sorry ladies haven’t caught up. Just taking my glucose test and the drink was awful. Like drinking a liquid coffee sweetener from a coffee shop lol. I’ve always at least had an orange flavour but this one was unflavoured. I’m burping it back up and it’s awful!! Feel tired and dizzy.

17 more weeks and I feel it’s really dragging now tbh! Also I’m not carrying nicely with this baby I look right fat compared to my other baby bellies that popped so nicely! This one is just spread all over my back and abdomen :/
Wow @Mummy2Corban ure bump has really popped now. I'm not sure but I think ures is bigger than mine. I got big quick but I feel the last few weeks it's just stopped growing.
Waiting to pop again.
I'm definitely smaller with this one and it's weird how I didn't feel any movements untill 19 weeks even tho my placenta is at the back. I felt them earlier with DS and that was anterior placenta.
I actually don't feel big at all. I thought I was gonna be massive by now.

28+2 days
20210705_182307.jpg 20210705_182313.jpg

Ignore my disgusting skin its from all the scratching.
The big scar is from the liver transplant.

Only appointments I have this week are.
Covid test tomorrow at 2:25pm and then growth scan at 3:25pm.
Wednesday I have midwife and then nothing for the rest of the week. It I'm still itchy Wednesday tho they want me to ring and get more bloods done. So may have another appointment for that booked in this week. Still scratching and making myself bleed](*,)

@daniyaaq so glad ure feeling better now hon.

How is everyone else doing.

Mummy2Corban it's it's crap thei make us pay for a privet room. It never used to be like that.

When I had Tommy was given a room on my own. But they moved me because somebody else came in and wanted a privet room and payed for it so I got moved onto the ward.

I don't mind being on a ward either. I mean having a room If ure own is nice because u can have the TV on loud and stuff and u get ure own bathroom but I quite liked being on the ward and chatting to the other new mums.
@Suggerhoney oh my! Your poor skin it looks so sore. I really hope it doesn’t get any worse for you. Wow lovely! That’s an impressive scar. How old were you when you had your transplant? I think your bump looks about right?! Will be interesting to see how big bubs is and what the midwife measures you at?

@Reiko_ctu that drink sounds yuk!!!! I’m sorry it keeps repeating on you!!! When do you get results? I think this stretch is a bit uneventful! Nothing much going on!!!

my back hurts a whole lot again! A lady stopped me at the park and asked when I’m due… she was shocked it was October!!!! I don’t think I’m that big!!!!! Hahaha!
@Suggerhoney oh my! Your poor skin it looks so sore. I really hope it doesn’t get any worse for you. Wow lovely! That’s an impressive scar. How old were you when you had your transplant? I think your bump looks about right?! Will be interesting to see how big bubs is and what the midwife measures you at?

@Reiko_ctu that drink sounds yuk!!!! I’m sorry it keeps repeating on you!!! When do you get results? I think this stretch is a bit uneventful! Nothing much going on!!!

my back hurts a whole lot again! A lady stopped me at the park and asked when I’m due… she was shocked it was October!!!! I don’t think I’m that big!!!!! Hahaha!

It is sore hon. I try not to itch but its so hard.
I was measured last week and was measuring 28 weeks so bang on. So should measure about 29cm this week.
So according to Google and my ticker babies at 28 weeks should weigh 2 and a half lbs.
I'm gonna be 28+3 so he cud be a bit more. Will weight and see.

Having terrible diareah tonight but I think its the ICP medication doing it. It did it with my son too.
But when I eat it just comes out like water.
Hope baby is getting enough nutrients.
I'm still not eating that much. My appetite disappeared a few days b4 my BFP and has never came back.
I'm 10 Stone now tho so baby must be getting something. Pre pregnancy weight was 8st 12. So I've put about a Stone and 1lb on so far.

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