October/November Conkers 2021***

@Catmumof4 hopefully you won’t get a sore arm!

@topazicatzbet so so cute! Can’t complain at having to buy more baby clothes! I got my next sale stuff and I cried cause it was so little and cute!!!
The speculum
I’d like to see the science on regular checks like that because my midwives told me it can actually irritate your cervix and cause more thinning and irritation!! Hopefully it’s not too often after today. Hope you get a nice result!!
@Mummy2Corban come join the September group too hon we have a October lady in there and ure so close to me. Then u can be in both groups we need more ladies in there.
I did suggest at the beginning when poor cupcakes had her mmc that the September group be a September/October group but because there are a few ladies due end of August and there group is a joint july/August group they felt like they were really far behind the other womon and also said how they wud prefer just a September group because its easier to keep up.
So I just joined both groups.
I love being in both.
My original due date was October and I know its now September 25th but that's so close to October even tho I'm having baby early.
I see what u mean. I wud say ure definitely bigger this time. I see the other photo u was alot further along and ure not as big as that yet but not far off.
I got big quick tho and now its tailed off.
I thought i wud be ginormous by now but I'm not that big at all.
Everyone keeps saying how cute and neat my bump is.

I feel so bad that I still feel so comfortable and not heavy. I still have so much space between my uterus and ribs as well and I can still suck alot of my bump in without it hurting and at ease.
Think the baby goes up and down because some days my bump look really low and other days higher.
I walked back from the hospital today after having some bloods done and that's about a 10 15 min walk and I walked up the school and back as well and nothing really hurts.
My pelvis can get sore but it's feeling OK at the moment.

30 weeks on Saturday.
Looking forward to my 4D scan.

I had a tellaphone consultant appointment today and I said I don't want to go any further then 37 weeks. Only because of the itching.
He said we can discuss it at my next appointment in 2 weeks time which will be face to face.
He was quite sympathetic about the itching bless him.
He wanted me to get more bloods done so I went up there this afternoon and Had that done.

Oh @daniyaaq
Bless you. I'm sorry they have to keep checking ure cervix it really isn't nice at all.
I really hope ure baby stays put untill full term and ure cervix doesnt start doing anything crazy.

Loving all the names ladies.
@Mummy2Corban I agree with sugger join Sept one lol!! Iv kind of joined them all just because I seem to have no life and get connected to seeing how people get on lol!! X
I am reading in most of the due date groups because a lot of us were TTC in the testing threads together! So great to see healthy pregnancies esp after some of them trying for such a long time!

@playgirl666 you’re on continuous glucose monitoring right? I'm annoyed at the glucose monitor the clinic wants me to use. I researched mine to find the most accurate one and it’s been great, if I retest I always get the same number. Super consistent. So the clinic gave me a new one that goes with their app and this morning it gave me a 5.5 fasting which I’ve never gotten so far, so I took it immediately again and it was 5.1. So inconsistent!!
I am reading in most of the due date groups because a lot of us were TTC in the testing threads together! So great to see healthy pregnancies esp after some of them trying for such a long time!

@playgirl666 you’re on continuous glucose monitoring right? I'm annoyed at the glucose monitor the clinic wants me to use. I researched mine to find the most accurate one and it’s been great, if I retest I always get the same number. Super consistent. So the clinic gave me a new one that goes with their app and this morning it gave me a 5.5 fasting which I’ve never gotten so far, so I took it immediately again and it was 5.1. So inconsistent!!
I'm on the freestyle libre sensor that goes in my arm, everytime I scan it the readings go to my diabetic team, before I got the sensors I was on gluocomen and I loved it x
@Suggerhoney i can’t wait to see baby boy in 4d! I’m wondering if by Monday when rules relax if they will let more people into the scan room. Hopefully your consultant agrees to a 37 week induction. 7 weeks!!!!!!!!!!
@Suggerhoney i can’t wait to see baby boy in 4d! I’m wondering if by Monday when rules relax if they will let more people into the scan room. Hopefully your consultant agrees to a 37 week induction. 7 weeks!!!!!!!!!!
We relaxed our rules here and the scan places still kept all their rules the same :/. GL though!!
Hey ladies!:hi: I know it's been FOREVERRR since I have been here and honestly I haven't caught up on the thread yet, but I plan to this weekend just wanted to pop in and say hello as I'm sure some of you might of got worried. We're all good! It seems like this boy packs on the lbs by the day, even though it's just me packing them on:haha:
I did my 1 hr glucose test 2 weeks ago and unfortunately failed it so I went back and did the 3 hr on Tuesday. I'm hoping I pass but I also had gd with my last pregnancy so if I do end up having it again at least I have some experience with it. Other then that things have been great and pregnancy seems to be flying by. I can't believe we're in 3rd tri already, seems like just yesterday I was staring at the hpt in shock and now I only have a little over 12 weeks to go:shy: I'm getting so excited though! I can't wait to meet my first son:kiss: I will admit that I'm a little nervous for how Giselle will react to having a new sibling that she will need to share me with, especially since she is still breastfeeding and bed sharing..but we will be buying her her own bed next week to start working on that before her brother gets here.
And we have officially named this baby boy as well :dance:
I hope you guys are all doing well, and I will catch up soon:flower:
I don’t think I have any milestones left to count down to! Just till my 38/39 week appt when I decide to get a membrane sweep XD.

after my 2nd was 2 weeks early I said I didn’t want another 38 weeker because she was the most difficult to breastfeed but i don’t think I’ll have the patience this time… if they can do a sweep at 38+2ish I’ll probably take it! I’m mentally done already and I’m only 24 weeks!! XD. Keeping track of blood sugars is just mentally a lot.

we’ve got 2 weeks of holidays planned now, then my last 2 weeks of work and starting up homeschool, then another vacation in September, and then the official homeschool classes starting up… and that’ll be about 6 weeks till my due date at that point so can only hope it goes quickly. I am exhausted though, truly. So tired and can’t pick myself up for anything.
Hey ladies!:hi: I know it's been FOREVERRR since I have been here and honestly I haven't caught up on the thread yet, but I plan to this weekend just wanted to pop in and say hello as I'm sure some of you might of got worried. We're all good! It seems like this boy packs on the lbs by the day, even though it's just me packing them on:haha:
I did my 1 hr glucose test 2 weeks ago and unfortunately failed it so I went back and did the 3 hr on Tuesday. I'm hoping I pass but I also had gd with my last pregnancy so if I do end up having it again at least I have some experience with it. Other then that things have been great and pregnancy seems to be flying by. I can't believe we're in 3rd tri already, seems like just yesterday I was staring at the hpt in shock and now I only have a little over 12 weeks to go:shy: I'm getting so excited though! I can't wait to meet my first son:kiss: I will admit that I'm a little nervous for how Giselle will react to having a new sibling that she will need to share me with, especially since she is still breastfeeding and bed sharing..but we will be buying her her own bed next week to start working on that before her brother gets here.
And we have officially named this baby boy as well :dance:
I hope you guys are all doing well, and I will catch up soon:flower:
Hey! I’m glad you’re in disbelief about third tri… I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever lolol!! Your youngest is still so little so I hope things go well with a new baby! I think little girls often love to have a new baby though as they are more maternal! Maybe she’ll surprise you xx

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