October/November Conkers 2021***

@Mummy2Corban I have my consultant appointment tomorrow and the kids last day is on Thurs. Jasmine is very emotional atm because she moves up to high school this Sept x
@Catmumof4 my eldest got a bit of heat exhaustion in our last heat wave. Just try and keep her cool tonight, she probably is a bit dehydrated and needs to drink! Juice and ice lollies tomorrow and some water to sip tonight if she wakes up.
I need to call my dr tomorrow to get an appt for a holter monitor but no idea when I’ll actually get to do it. We’re off on holidays wed-fri, work on Saturday for me and then off on holidays tues-fri again the week after.
Thanks for the advice hun atm she is still sipping her juice but I'm so worried she will get dehydrated!! Xx
Nothing baby wise for me this week or a few weeks to come. Looks like I only see my at 28,34, 36 and 38w. My kids don't finish school till a week tom. (How stupid going in for 1 day) we are having a bbq on fri for ds2 b day which is a week tom.

I'm so not looking forward to work this week, I think I'm just gonna have to gradually work my way through patients and if I have loads left they will have to sort something.
How is everyone? Anyone have any appointments this week?

nothing much going on this week for me! My biggies breakup for summer on Wednesday so that’s something to look forward too!!!

I've not much on this week at all. I have a tellaphone appointment tomorrow with the neonatal mental health team and my midwife and I think one of the main midwifes at the hospital. Its just to discuss my plan. Like my induction and after care.
Then I have no more appointments untill 27th July. I have 2 appointments that day. I have a neurology appointment in the morning and then in the evening I have the repeat 4d scan.
Then 30th July my midwife is coming to do a home visit.
Then that's it for appointments untill August 3rd growth scan and August 4th consultant.

All looks lovely that uv been up to!! Not hurting today by some small miracle but omgosh this heat!!! Literally feel like I'm dying!!! It's 9pm and just gone round to the kids with wet flannels!! My poor 2 year old decided she was going to throw up totally out of the blue earlier which was awful so now worrying about her!! And I just know it's going to be a long night up and down bleurgh! Not coping well xx

This heat is awful. :-(
Sorry ure little one Was sick hon.
I've been giving my almost 2 year old ice lollies. I have to hold them but he licks them lol.
0087A36B-FBB8-464A-94E8-182B1AEA6B77.jpeg 84751EF4-C294-4C7A-95B0-BB050B266FA7.png I’ve been meaning to update you guys! Had my anatomy scan last Monday and all was well. Baby was on track and everything looked healthy! We managed to keep the gender a surprise. At one point we thought we saw boy parts and another point thought we saw girl parts . We will prob have another scan closer to the end since my last kiddo had shoulder dystocia. Attaching pics of our sweet babe!
View attachment 1100402 View attachment 1100403 I’ve been meaning to update you guys! Had my anatomy scan last Monday and all was well. Baby was on track and everything looked healthy! We managed to keep the gender a surprise. At one point we thought we saw boy parts and another point thought we saw girl parts . We will prob have another scan closer to the end since my last kiddo had shoulder dystocia. Attaching pics of our sweet babe!
Such a cutie!!!
I haven't got any appointments this week, but I have midwife on the 27th, then my home visit on the 28th and my growth scan, consultant and diabetic team on the 29th x
Ugh I strained my pelvic floor doing a bowel movement today, and it was also sex night, very gentle mind you but gosh my whole vag is just sooo sore. Feels like I’ve been majorly kicked! Between the palpitations, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, and pelvic pain honestly this is the worst pregnancy I've had! I’m a mess!! Hope the rest tonight helps as I’ve told my kids I’ll take them to the beach tomorrow… I will just be enjoying my beach chair once we get the trek from the car done.
@Reiko_ctu sex night?! Do u schedule it lmao! Can't imagine trying that atm the pain!!!!

At consultant appointment really hoping for some help or an idea of date!! Can't take much more of this pain x
@Catmumof4 hope all goes ok with the consultant. Let us know what they say. How’s your little one? I can imagine that leaving school is emotional… specially after all the stuff over the past year.

@topazicatzbet its all a bit uneventful isn’t it! Just standard midwife appointments! Never understand why the schools do the last day like that! Why not say Friday? When do yours go back?

@RachRav what a super cute lot of scan pictures! Out of my 5 that we stayed team yellow I never saw a hint of what baby was! Glad you managed to stay team yellow! Exciting stuff. Awesome everything looks good!

@Suggerhoney i always love how many appointments you have! It feels as though you’ve always got something going on! And something to update us on! Living through you with all these scans!!!! Why does the midwife do a home visit? Same as you @playgirl666 why do you have a home visit?! I want a home visit haha!!!!!

@Reiko_ctu im loving on your sex night!!! Sex at this point isn’t so great after us it. We had sex the other morning and my bits felt the same! And yes totally make the most of a chair on the beach!
@Mummy2Corban I'm very jealous of your lovely bump pic!!

Consultant is amazing. The best iv had in all my pregnancies!! She really listened to me!! I'm to go bk on my amitriptyline but only 10mg and hopefully that will help control some of rhthe fibro pains. She was unhappy with the midwives for dismissing my pain so quickly, and because I only passed my gtt by 0.2 she wants me to do a week of finger prick testing to see what those results are! I did my pre lunch prick and it was 5.3 the instructions said it should be below 5.3 so I'm still borderline!
Also she agreed to let me have my section at 38 weeks!!!! As long as I have the steroids shot which I'm fine with! So that means now just 10 weeks!!!!!! 2 hands Wahoo xx
@Catmumof4 how good is it when you speak to someone that actually listens!!! Hopefully with that amount of meds is controls some of the fibro pain you have which will hopefully make a difference. Yay for 10 weeks left! The countdown begins!
I was stalking a crib on Amazon and today it went down to £60 so I thought seeing as I’m 29 weeks today that I should order it!
Sorry I haven’t been on much ladies just been trying to get organised and rest as much as possible, HG has reared it’s ugly head but I guess I should be thankful for a couple of weeks break from it.

we went for a 4d scan on Friday, baby boy wasn’t playing ball so this is the best image we could get , hope you can all see it properly I had to take a pic quite far back or the image was to large to post on here xx


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