October/November Conkers 2021***

@Catmumof4 hahaha! Well that’s great that I’m one appointment it feels that your closer to the finish line. I was going to get a second hand crib but on FB marketplace there about that secondhand so for £60 I thought I’d get it new! I shall stash it under a bed somewhere and make it in September!!!!!!

@Weemcb26 so lovely to hear from you! What a beautiful little face!!!! Sorry that HG seems to have reared it’s ugly head again!
@Catmumof4 well during our on pregnant life we like to dtd 2-3 times a week so we do “schedule” but it does get bumped sometimes. We had almost zero sex for her first 7 weeks of my nausea and then 1 per week after that a quickie! Beginning of 2nd tri I was back to normal Libido and now I’m just feeling awful 24-7 and so we’re just trying to work it in. It’s been a while for me DH so I feel for him! Especially when I can’t be bothered putting on pj’s and laying around almost nude at bedtime XD
@Reiko_ctu thanks lovely! Not feeling fit and healthy though!!! Sex during pregnancy Is hard work at times! Can’t be easy on partners. During the first tri i was to sick and too tired to even entertain being touched. 2nd tri was mostly great! But now it’s tailing off again.
Awwwww the foot photo is sooooo cute and so clear. I'm so glad ure scan went well and yay for team yellow that will be a lovely surprise when u give birth.
Wish I had the patience to stay team yellow esp now I'm so close but I have zero patience hahaha.

So gald ure consultant took u seriously hon and has agreed to 38 weeks. Why do u need the strriod shots? I will only need them if for some reason they need to induce me b4 37 weeks. Even being induced at 37 weeks I won't need the shots.
Is it because ure having a section hon?

So sorry about the pain hon. My public bone has been sore the last few days and my tail bone. Feels like I've been kicked in the toosh and arse lol.

It's so lovely buying those main items I love it.

I only had a tellaphone video call today with my midwife and the mental health team. It went well. My poor midwife looked so hot bless her in her uniform.
I'm definitely gonna be staying in hospital for 5 days after the birth but I'm OK with it.
Also been told I'm aloud 1 birth partner and that will be DH and only he can visit me in hospital unless they relax the rules more b4 I have baby.
Its gonna be so hard not seeing my other kids and esp my Tommy for 5 or more days.
My DH won't be able to come and visit hardly at all either because he will have to watch Tommy.
I hate u covid.

No more appointments for me now untill Tuesday next week.

Another supper hot day here 32+c it's horrible.

I think we're due storms at the weekend and it's gonna get alot cooler. I can not wait. Got loads of fans on but it don't do much.
Skin supper itchy tonight even tho I've has a shower. .gonna bath myself in that menthol cream in a minute. Will stop the itching for a little while.

Not had any phone calls from the hospital regarding my bloods so all must be normol still.

Really do hope my consultant agrees to a 37 weeks induction and no later.

Sleeping has been near on impossible in this heat.
So jel of anyone that has air con in there houses. That wud be bliss right now.
Awwww lovely scan pic hon. U can see little ones face clearly.
My boy wudnt play ball at all and we only got the back of his head and ear and cheek.
I've been re booked for another 4d scan on 27th july and we don't have to pay for it this time. Just hope he shows us his face.

Ure bump looks so lovely hon its so bumpy.
Can't wait to have growth spurt I've not grown at all for weeks now.
Just waiting to pop again.
Well my hospital has opened up visiting hours today. Dh will now be allowed on the ward 8-8 with a negative lateral flow. Hopefully it will stay that way or improve but with the cases set to sky rocket I doubt they will. Will be a shame the boys won't be able to visit the hospital but I hope to only be in 24hr if I have a section. If they change the visiting rules for the worse I may try a vbac so I can go home sooner.
Well my hospital has opened up visiting hours today. Dh will now be allowed on the ward 8-8 with a negative lateral flow. Hopefully it will stay that way or improve but with the cases set to sky rocket I doubt they will. Will be a shame the boys won't be able to visit the hospital but I hope to only be in 24hr if I have a section. If they change the visiting rules for the worse I may try a vbac so I can go home sooner.

I don't know how I will cope not seeing my other children for 5 or more days.
And dh won't be able to visit me hardly at all because he will have the others to look after.
I really hope they relax there rules b4 I have baby but I can't see it happening with the cases rising.
I don't have any choice either' I have to stay in for the very least 5 days after birth :-(
@Weemcb26 such a cute scan pic!! Sorry hg hot you again. Iv caught the kids bug and have d&s which sucks big time!!

@Suggerhoney I have to have the steroids because with a natural labour the gunk is squeezed out of the body but cesarean it isn't so it's to give her the best start and my consultant said it will keep the neonatal Drs happy aswell that we are doing what we can to stop a visit there.

I too won't b able to see my kids for days I have to stay in 4-5 days post birth because of the medication I'm on so that will be hard! Wondering if me being sterilised at the time of section will make it hurt more? X
@Weemcb26 such a cute scan pic!! Sorry hg hot you again. Iv caught the kids bug and have d&s which sucks big time!!

@Suggerhoney I have to have the steroids because with a natural labour the gunk is squeezed out of the body but cesarean it isn't so it's to give her the best start and my consultant said it will keep the neonatal Drs happy aswell that we are doing what we can to stop a visit there.

I too won't b able to see my kids for days I have to stay in 4-5 days post birth because of the medication I'm on so that will be hard! Wondering if me being sterilised at the time of section will make it hurt more? X
My friend had her tubes out when she had her last c section and I don’t think it was any different for her at all!!
I’ve just driven to the late night drug store crying all the way.

DH was supposed to pick up cat food (the cat has literally had zero food all day poor thing) after having a drink with his friend. Well he forgot. By the time he got home the grocery store was closed so had to go to the midnight drug store further away and he didn’t even offer.

so I just got in the car and went, and just started bawling. I think it’s just the weight of dealing with pregnancy and the busyness of having 3 kids already that I never get a break from (not that I want a break from them tbh but I think we all need a break for our mental health). And realizing I still have 14-15 more weeks of this to go (specifically the blood sugar monitoring is very schedule consuming and stressful). It seems ridiculous to think I’m handling things so poorly I had to have a meltdown tonight. And how in the world am Ingoing to manage the busyness of having a 4th child if I can’t even keep it together through the pregnancy?

I’m a mess and I really wish I wasn’t.
@Reiko_ctu it’s ok! It’s totally ok to feel like this. I feel the same at times! As much as I’m excited for summer holidays I’m also dreading it! With no help, being a big round uncomfortable ball and being tired and snappy…. Im also scared about it.I end up snapping and then I feel like I’m an awful Mumma. My two smallest boys when together are a force to be reckoned with! I sobbed so hard the other day I could barely breathe and I too thought to myself what the fuck am I doing! I think emotions and hormones play a massive part right now. You know that you’ll cope when this little bundle arrives and even though it’s hard work you know it’s worth it. Please don’t feel it’s just you feeling this way! I’m right here with you Mumma xx
@Suggerhoney and @Catmumof4 its gonna be tough not seeing your babies if visiting doesnt change. It would look like they will impose rules again before long because all I keep reading about is this third wave etc. But hopefully they will allow some kind of visitors other than a birthing partner.

@topazicatzbet have you heard anything from your consultant regarding c-section?
@Reiko_ctu sounds like you were having one of those really hard days and they can be very very hard and emotionally draining. You are not alone. Once baby is here you won’t be dealing with hormones, random pains and GD, it will be different and you will do great too
@Reiko_ctu my partner can be so thoughtless aswell! And as much as we love our kids we all need a break sometimes. Just to remember we are people too!! I don't think men get that especially when we r pregnant! When baby is here all the pains that we r feeling , your gd and life in general will be easier because we can move! I described it the other day as feeling like a prisoner in my own skin. Even tho my mobility is bad anyway because of the fibro I can't do even more now and it is awful trying to rely on partners or kids etc... big hugs and thank you for putting my mind at ease!

@Mummy2Corban I feel cheeky asking so please don't reply if you don't want to, do you have a partner to help? I got an email last night offering the kids an extra mon-fri of summer school (9-1) and I jumped at the chance then felt crap because does that make me a crappy mama for wanting them There? I feel so confused about how I should feel...

I need a small vent because it has really seriously upset me!! I bought a £30 paddling pool for the kids on Sat brand new. Money is so unbelievably tight atm it was an extreme luxury for my kiddos. Anyway a friend came over Sunday with her daughter to play in the pool. My friend said oh we have a 10ft easy up pool that would fit your hoarde in better with pump etc we only used it once did you want to swap it for this one. My initial reaction was hell no. But my partner and kids were excited about it so I gave in. My friends partner came Mon morning to swap the pools. When we inflated the top ring it deflated found the puncture and used the patch (that was luckily still in the box from our new one) to repair it. Pumped it up this morning and found another hole!! I broke down and my mum leant me the money to get the kids a new one and going to use the repair patch from this one to see if it will fix the problem. But I'm so upset about it all. I tried telling her (I got really anxious) and she has tried saying the one she got from me had a puncture!! Her kid was in it the day before! Anyways rant over and I'm sorry it's so long but I had to tell someone x
@Catmumof4 I’m one of those moms who take every opportunity to have my kids be somewhere else. I do a lot with them when I have them but honestly even they need a break from me. Don’t feel bad about having help there’s seriously no medal for being with your kids 24/7 and compromising your mental health.

but then again I was raised in an ‘it takes a village’ culture literally I’ve never seen a mother in my culture be the only person caring for her children 24/7. Now obviously I don’t have that community so I rely on schools, summer programs and my parents whenever they up to it. It’s respite and we all need it.
@Catmumof4 no not cheeky at all! Yes I have a DH but because I don’t work he does all the work so sometimes his days can be very long! And as he is self employed he needs to work enough for time off with for baby comes and then Christmas time is off. When I say no help I mean from outside…. Me and DH both lost our dads and well I don’t speak to my mum currently as she has mentally abused me, my bro and sis since forever and I’m fed up of it so I’ve distanced myself from her. My MIL offers no support either so for the 6 weeks summer holidays apart from a few days that DH has holiday I have to entertain these monkeys myself! I’m so sorry your friend has done this to you…. That’s really unfair of her to do that. It’s so frustrating when you have lots of children to entertain and something like that happens. People can be so heartless! Big hugs my lovely xxx

@daniyaaq i love the sound of how you were raised. When I become a grandparent I am so going to be hands on!!! Helping however I can. I had amazing grandparents I feel so bad for my children. And I totally agree that as much we need space I think I children need a breather from us too!!! Hahaha!
Thank you ladies for understanding. She has since offered me my now somehow broken pool back to return to the shop. I'm just so fed up. And my partner is now acting like a dick. Took myself for a lie down as feeling over emotional and I'll and he decided to make as much noise as possible and is being a mob to the kids so up I get to go sort that

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