October/November Conkers 2021***

@Mummy2Corban Thanks for thinking of my sweet, I'm feeling a lot better the amitriptyline seems to be helping a little already!!

@Reiko_ctu I'm so sorry your still struggling. I so wish I could pay for my partner and kids to go on holiday and have a great time just so I could mong out naked with a fan and binge netflix and read... I would literally be in heaven with all the screaming and fighting that goes on around here!!

@Weemcb26 I'm so sorry you couldn't shift that headache. I had horrendous migraines with my 3rd pregnancy so feel for you with the hg aswell!! Hope your fry results come back negative

As for me I had midwife today. Baby had a good strong heartbeat and I asked her to see if the consultant had written down what she had said to me about allowing me to have my section at 38 weeks providing I had the steroids (you know how consultants usually say 1 thing then write another!) Well my wonderful consultant had put that if I'm still on the strong painkillers and struggling section will be booked between 37 and 39 weeks!! So even possibly a week earlier then I had hoped!! Could seriously kiss her! LMAO
I have the potential to have 8-10 weeks left! This pain and exhaustion won't last forever! :dance::headspin::happydance::ninja:
I'm right there with you both @Mummy2Corban and @Catmumof4.

I really do think it's down to the rising hormone levels again in 3rd trimester.
I've been so snappy because of the heat as well and it makes me feel so bad.
I feel like a bad momma but I know its mainly down to hormones.
I keep having that how will I cope with another baby. My almost 2 year old is a ball of energy and is in to everything and sometimes I feel all over whelmed.
I also worry how he will take to the new baby.
I remember having these same feelings when I was pregnant with him tho.
I think when ure In 3rd trimester and u know how close u are u just start getting them worries.

Awwwww hob bless you. It's very normol to feel that way hon. Even more so when ure in pain etc. Ure doing great momma and I really hope the last weeks fly for you.
Oh sweetheart bless you. I'm so sorry ure so unwell and I really hope u feel better soon. Sending hugs.

It's still unbearable hot here. Was anther 32c day today and tomorrow is gonna be about the same. Friday is gonna so say be 27c and Saturday 23c with storms' then Sunday its supposed to drop to 21c and I really hope it does.
I can't take this heat it's made so miserable and so grumpy and snappy.
There's just know getting away from it because our homes do not have air con and are designed for cold weather.

I decided to walk up the school today with DH to get the kids and I almost passed out.
I walked home at snails past and flopped onto the sofa as soon as we got through the door.
I felt extremely tired and just exhausted and dizzy.

The heat is not helping at all with my itching either. My skin is a mess from scratching.

Definitely gonna push for that 37 and no more weeks induction.
I see the consultant on 4th August and I really hope I get a induction date.
It’s so horrible being pregnant in the heat. I feel for you guys.
I was looking forward to a day off today but woke up and realised I never requested to have the day off ](*,)
Well headache as finally went away!!! Wooohooo and I’m actually feeling ok today so anti sickness is working and I’m managing to keep myself hydrated which I’m sure is helping!

it’s to hit 30 odd degrees here today again so it will be a day at home with the paddling pool to let the kids play and cool off while I hide in the shade which is so unlike me I love the sun but not being this pregnant it’s such a struggle in the heat carrying a bump around isn’t it.

hope all you ladies have a nice Fay whatever u get up to xx

p.s what’s the Facebook page? Xx
I'm struggling with the heat car said 32 degrees a min ago iv had to come home and flake. It's my daughter's last day at primary school today and feeling a huge load of guilt that I just can't cope with the spd in this heat!! My partner will be there so hopefully that will ease her upset!!
The heat is unbearable.
It was another very hot day today reached 32c again and being so heavy pregnant in this heat is just no fun at all.

Thankfully tonight feels a little cooler than it has been but still too hot for my liking..
Tomorrow is gonna be hot but not as hot as it has been.
Saturday is gonna drop alot and I can't wait for the rain and storms.
I hope there won't be anymore heatwaves this year i don't think I can cope with another one.
This one nearly wiped me out.
@Weemcb26 that’s awesome that the headache went and that you’ve had some relief from the sickness! May that continue for you! I added @Catmumof4 and then she added me to the fb group.

@daniyaaq ah that sucks thinking you’ve the day off and then realising you didn’t!!!!

@Catmumof4 how did you little lady get on with her last day at primary? Hopefully she wasn’t to sad about it all!

@Suggerhoney we’ve only had another 26/27 degree day. Today it’s dropped right off and is cloudy! Then as for tomorrow it just says rain, rain, rain! It’s hard work being a round ball of baby in this heat!
I'm glad it's cooling down but we go on holiday a week today and it's looking rubbish all week. #-o
We’re experiencing some rain here too. So cold. Not much happening on my side dealing with painful braxton hicks. 3 weeks till we move to our new home. I’m anxious about that.

Covid outbreaks and lockdown has meant my best friend decided to postpone her wedding. I feel bad for being glad about this. Now I’ll get to enjoy her wedding without being heavily pregnant.
@daniyaaq 3 weeks! Wow! That’s a bit exciting! You’ll have to share some pictures. Im sorry your friend has had to cancel her wedding but im sure in the long run it will be better with all the covid restrictions. Plus like you say at least you won’t be heavily pregnant! I really feel for you with the braxton hicks being painful. I get enough aches and pains and having that on top can’t be easy.
@Mummy2Corban it’s morning that side of the world isn’t it? What’s plan for day.

i been searching the Internet for a nice armchair/nursing chair. Somewhere snug to feed baby during the day.
@daniyaaq its afternoon here. Not got many plans for today! I’ve just washed all the littles bedding so I can get it out to dry as it’s meant to rain rain rain over the day/week. Got to test my DD2 for covid as her bubble at school someone had it but apparently she doesn’t have to isolate I don’t think?! Well that’s what the school email said?!
No rain here yet. Was another very warm day think it reached 27c but alot of wind so felt alot cooler.
Tomorrow its dropping to 21c and rain and thunder. Gonna get all my house work done this weekend. I normally have it done by now but it's just been far too hot.

Gonna be so nice to be able to cook again without feeling like a melting mess lol.

So sorry ure braxton hicks are so bad hon.
I get them alot now and they can get a tiny bit uncomfortable but not painful.

31 weeks for me tomorrow and hopefully that means another 6 weeks and baby will be here.

All depends if I can work my magic when I see my consultant.
Hope he agrees.
I really can't cope with going any longer than 37 weeks with the itching.
@Suggerhoney im sure you’ve got a good case to be induced sooner rather than the later?! It’s super crazy thinking that in a possible 6 or so weeks baby boy could’ve in your arms. What a crazy journey you’ve been on. I bet you can wait until his safe and sound in your arms!
Hey everyone!!
@daniyaaq I'm sorry your Braxton hicks are strong!! I was supposed to be getting married this year but moved it to 19th August next year then on the 20th Aug we go to Majorca on honeymoon for 7 nights. All 7 kids are staying with my mum and we are staying in an adult only hotel!!!!! Don't know if we r more excited about the day or the honeymoon lol!!

@Weemcb26 add me on fb I'm catx thurlow I have a pic of me and my other half on there and I will add you to the group. Not a lot has been said on there just yet but it's more when baby is born I won't be on here anymore so will want to keep up to date with u beauts lol

@Suggerhoney the weather has been much more bearable today was about 22degrees ish and went to Norwich to get uniform shopping today with so many sizes etc to get it is always a nightmare. I got the majority of it.

@Mummy2Corban I got weirdly excited when I saw it was gizmo :haha: my oldest had a bit of an argument with a on off friend before she left on Thurs. My partner isn't great with girls emotions so she had a cuddle and a cry when she got home then we had a laugh about it and she is just soo excited to be going to high school!! Thanks for asking xxx

@topazicatzbet sorry the weather may be crap. Hope it brightens up for you but pleeease no more heat waves lol!!

Got home to an email saying there was a positive covid result in my son's class so he has to isolate, the rest of us can go about like normal tho.... is it just me that doesn't see that logic?! Used an at home test which was negative (i no theu arent reliable but i wanted to just see) will take him to get a proper test Mon or Tues (give it time to incubate) fingers xd he doesn't get it he has asthma :cry:
Worked it out that if I get the section at 37 weeks like my consultant said then I will have 2 weeks to recover for Bonnies 1st birthday!!
@Catmumof4 my DD2 got sent home on Wednesday morning because of a positive test but we were told they don’t have to isolate as that rule is no more for school children?! Unless track and trace message you?!? It’s all so confusing because my DS2 got sent home and went back on Monday but he had to do the 10 days because it was before the 19th. Ohhhh as much as I would be excited about the wedding I think a whole week in the sun that you can actually relax in!!!!! Oh my what bliss!!!!!!!!!!

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