October/November Conkers 2021***

Heya everyone! I had a midwife that swore on evening primrose oil up by your cervix, drinking raspberry leaf tea and after baby is done cooking Clare sage oil... I seriously love clay sage oil smells lush!!

Feeling real poopy all day! Had to come to bed to read at 7 cos I was really sick! Xx

I did all of those for ds2 and he was born at 40+4.
Yh I never went early either with them! Lol just made me feel like I was doing something to help and I love the smell of clay sage oil in the bath! :haha: :shipw:
@Mummy2Corban i think the raspberry leaf is the best for the uterine contractions and bleeding. I might get that too cause I did bleed a lot after my third. But I’ll have to do the capsules because I can’t stomach the tea! Tastes yucky to me! Oh @Catmumof4 i did the EPO vaginally with my 2nd as well. Primes the cervix I think.
Don’t know why I’m talking about any of this labour stuff, still got a full 10 weeeks before I can even start it XD
Yeah I’ve read some stuff about raspberry leaf… I’ve never tried it but I doubt I would like the tea. When do you need to start taking the capsules?
@Mummy2Corban it makes the uterus contract and boy does it do it's job. You can mix it with olive oil and rub on belly or put on a tissue under the pillow or my fav put some drops in the bath and wallow LMAO!! It's never put me into labour before but I didn't use it every day etc but it did always start off contractions xx
I really do hope I get an early one here too. I can’t imagine making it to November still pregnant. All I did with my other two was lots of walks and dates. I’m keen to try raspberry leaf tea
Hello ladies.

I really need to catch up on the thread because I've been MIA.

I just thought I wud update.
My itching has been bad and my skin is such a mess that I decided not to risk waiting for my consultant appointment next week to get more bloods taken.

I ended calling the day assessment unit yesterday afternoon and I was told my bile levels have gone from a 4 to a 13 so borderline ICP.
That was the results from 2 weeks ago so she told me to come in rite away and have more bloods taken.

So I spent 4 hours yesterday evening in the day assessment unit.
I was monitored for the first time this pregnancy and baby was really active and HB was great then I had the bloods taken and then they wanted the Dr to take a look at my skin.

He said it does look like ICP but we will see what my levels are now.
In some countries a bile level of 10 and over is classed as ICP but here is 14 and over and mine 2 weeks ago was a 13 so I'm right on the threshold.

They said if my levels have gone up higher they will call me.
So just a matter of waiting now.

Busy day today. I have a hospital appointment (neurology) at 11am and I have my repeat 4D scan at 3:40pm. It was at 6:20 but I've brought it forward.

No more news as of yet about induction but I guess it all depends on these bile acids and if they are going to keep rising.
If they get to a certain level then induction will be earlier than 37 weeks but that's only if they get close to 100.

My bile acids with Tommy got to 50 odd so I was induced at 37 weeks.

So it's just a matter of waiting to see latest results and continuing to have bloods taken for rises.

Will hopefully get a chance to get on here later and have a good catch up.

Hope ure all OK.
@daniyaaq i mean who knows but seeing as both your girls were a few weeks early do you think baby boy will come early too?

I think I’m defo gonna have a look out for some raspberry leaf capsules as even though I’m not thinking I’ll bleed more than I have before I think if I can naturally do things that could lessen that then it makes sense to do so. I’ve been taking liquid iron everyday so if I was to bleed I’m hoping my iron levels wouldn’t already be low.

I’m happy for this boy to be a little later as it would mean I would have an extra pair of hands at home over the October half term.

@Catmumof4 ill have a little read about this clary sage oil.

how’s everyone getting on? Has everyone decided on names for there babies?
I really do hope I get an early one here too. I can’t imagine making it to November still pregnant. All I did with my other two was lots of walks and dates. I’m keen to try raspberry leaf tea

It doesn't work hon.

With my 2nd I tried everything to get labour going from 37 weeks. Raspberry leaf tea. Brisk walks' running up an down hills' jumping up and down, lunges' hot hot curries' pineapple. U name it I tried it.
I ended up going 2 weeks over due.

None of my others were over due so I think I hindered it by doing all those things.

I didn't do anything with number 3 and went into labour on my own at 39+6 weeks so I really do think messing about and trying to get labour going early with number 2 made him late.
I was 42 weeks absolutely massive and miserable.

He also ended up being by biggest baby 8lb 15. Prob because he was late.

I'm so glad I get induced early now. But that's only happened with the last 2 and will with this one.
My others were all full term practically 40 weekers.
@Suggerhoney ah honey I really feel for you! Your poor skin! If the level gets higher does the itching become worse? I’m hoping that your appointment goes well today and baby boy is gonna let you get some lovely pictures of him!!! Can wait to see them!
I honestly don’t know what this one will do. So far my pregnancy with baby boy is much the same as the girls so if trend continues then be should make an early entrance. Only thing that bugs me is I was very very sure number 2 would be early, no one could convince me otherwise and she was early now I just don’t get that inkling at all. I can only hope these contractions I been having aren’t for nothing nothing.
@Suggerhoney ah honey I really feel for you! Your poor skin! If the level gets higher does the itching become worse? I’m hoping that your appointment goes well today and baby boy is gonna let you get some lovely pictures of him!!! Can wait to see them!
Yes the itching can get worse hon or u can have mild itching and levels be through the roof.

I really hope he cooperates today I want to see his face.
At hospital now waiting to see neurologist and then I'm gonna go home and eat ice lollies and have a can of fizzy drink in the hope that gets him on the move.

Really hope I will have some decent pics to show u all.

The thing about boys compared to girls is boys are lazy haha.
My eldest dd came at 39+4 weeks.
Ds 42 weeks
Ds 39+6 weeks.

Next dd was 35+4 and last ds 37 weeks but I was induced with both because of ICP. And pre eclampsia with DD.

I had pre Dominal labour with my last ds at 29 33+6 35 and 36 weeks.
Pre Dominal labour is real labour that starts and stops.
It was agony and I was admitted a few times because we thought baby was coming and so did the midwifes and consultants.
My contractions were in my back and front and got as close as 2 mins apart.
They wud go on all night long but then by late morning wud stop.

I was devastated when I went in at 37 weeks to he induced because I thought they wud be able to just break my waters but nope. I had to have a passery because my cervix was only 1 measly cm.
So all them strong painful contractions for weeks on end for nothing.

Not had pre Dominal labour with this one yet only braxton hicks.

Hope it stays that way
@Suggerhoney see this is why I’m still meh about having a boy. With girls I know what I’m dealing with most of the time. All this new things is going to annoy me. ( I bet you can see how much I love change) haha

out here waddling to kitchen for food at 2am and stressing about GTT, which I need to do this week.
@Suggerhoney see this is why I’m still meh about having a boy. With girls I know what I’m dealing with most of the time. All this new things is going to annoy me. ( I bet you can see how much I love change) haha

out here waddling to kitchen for food at 2am and stressing about GTT, which I need to do this week.

Boys are lush hon. I have 2 girls and 3 boys this is my 4th boy and boys are so much easier than girls.
There just lovely and so cuddly and they stay babies longer.
I find girls grow up really fast.
So scan went well. Sorry I still have to catch up I'm so tired it's been a long day.
But baby boy cooperated this time.
I really can not wait to meet him now so excited.

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