October/November Conkers 2021***

@daniyaaq wont be long till wine time! Hopefully you won’t find out what 39 weeks looks like. I’ve had 7,9,2,5, and 4 days over DD so no.3 was my earliest.
I’ve done 41 weeks induced, 38 weeks, and 39+5… going overdue was just the hardest thing. I laid in bed and cried every day. I will say my 38 week baby was the hardest to feed, it took her longest to catch on to nursing although she was just the same size as her sisters she wasn’t as developed I guess. So I didn’t really want an early baby again after that experience.

but I think this go around my mental health will do better dealing with the difficult newborn stage rather than the physical trials of this pregnancy, since it’s just been my toughest one ever. So ready to be done with the diabetes and aches and pains and shortness of breath and insane lack of energy. At least when baby comes I can eat when I want to keep up my energy. Now I can only eat when/what my blood sugar dictates.
@Reiko_ctu the diabetes must be hard to deal with. The aches and pains sure are hard. Hopefully she plays ball and comes a little early so you’ve not got to do that very last stretch!
Hello everyone! Omgosh I'm so tired today! Sorry I can't remember who wrote what...

But I seriously can't wait for a glass or bottle of wine :wine:!!!

I had a call today my icp bloods are still 4 so that's good my lft are still slightly raised so they want me to come in for testing for all the other things that can cause abnormal blood liver results and a liver scan.
My daughter's 3rd birthday today so been busy busy busy x

Wondering if any UK ladies might be able to offer some knowledge… I am having an elective section, saw consultant after my 20 week scan and they said i will see them again at 36 weeks for app to confirm the date and stuff. For anyone else who has the same, when did the 36 wk app get booked and how? Will I hear from someone, will my midwife do it, or should I be calling someone to book it?

Will contact my midwife to ask when she is next in but it just sprang to mind and I’m like hold up should I of done something that I haven’t already…lol

Wondering if any UK ladies might be able to offer some knowledge… I am having an elective section, saw consultant after my 20 week scan and they said i will see them again at 36 weeks for app to confirm the date and stuff. For anyone else who has the same, when did the 36 wk app get booked and how? Will I hear from someone, will my midwife do it, or should I be calling someone to book it?

Will contact my midwife to ask when she is next in but it just sprang to mind and I’m like hold up should I of done something that I haven’t already…lol


Sorry I'm no help, I'm still waiting for the consultant appointment I should have had after 20 week scan. I'm hoping the midwife can chase it up tom when I finally see her. I would have thought they would send you an appointment through the post.
I went 2 weeks over with my second and I was not a happy bunny haha.

Haha number 3 is the wild card lol. My number 3 came at 39+6 weeks.

Going over due is the worst
I think I also cried everyday.
I was absolutely massive and he was my biggest baby.
Even 38 and 39 weeks is hard let alone 40 41 42. No just no lol.

My dd was born at 35+4 and ds was 37 and no problems with feeding at all.

So glad it's not ICP hon. Hope ure liver scan goes well.
I had one a few weeks back and my liver was OK but I have a enlarged spleen.
Haven't had any calls from the hospital today today take it my bloods yesterday were normol again. Unless they call tomorrow.

I'm in the uk hon and my appointments come through the post. I won't be getting my induction date untill 36+6 and I'm supposed to be going in at 37 so cutting it very fine. But they always do that.

I'm so glad ure finally seeing someone hon
@Suggerhoney i actually think I need those extra few days going over to prepare myself! The nerves defo start getting the better of me in those last few weeks so having a few more days in my head helps?! I mean this little guy could come early? It’s the first time finding out the sex so maybe he will be my first and only early one?! Who knows!!!!!
Hahaha oh @Reiko_ctu that made me giggle so much. I sincerely hope u do not go over or u @daniyaaq.

U watch him come early now Hahaha.
Oh hon bless ya. Tbh I'm not feeling too nervous just yet more excited but I'm gonna be a nervous wreck when it's the last week.

I do worry about the pain and the epidural not working. With Tommy I had a birth matters meeting and everything was all planned because of my traumatic birth with dd.
Even down to the epidural and them making sure they top it up half way through.

But I haven't had that meeting this time.
I'm going to chat with my midwife on Wed tho and tell her I'm worried and see if she can make sure I have a good epidural and they top that bad boy up when it starts wearing off.
And hopefully she will be able to speak to them at the hospital.
Gonna chat with my consultant as well and on the day I go in I will have a good chat with what ever midwife I get on the day. Really hope i get one of the nice ones and not one of the old school mam ones that don't give u gas and air untill contractions are bang on top of one and other.
Really hope I get a lovely sympathetic one.


I do worry about the baby and things going wrong. I hate having then sort of thoughts:-(
@daniyaaq 3rd is deffo the wildcard it was my only son Lol!!

@Suggerhoney and @Mummy2Corban try to stay as calm as poss, they say any kind of stress can delay labour because when we was cavewomen going into labour when not in a good safe place would have killed us all off- now wether that is true or not I have no idea but it makes sense to Me!

Sugger I love the idea of going in and they say delivery tomorrow! I'm a very spur of the moment person and as long as bags are done (all bar a few bits atm) then bring it on lol.

I have a lot of fears with the planned section but all around the spinal because my meeting with the anesthitist he said I have a very tricky back that they struggled to get the spinal in last time and because 3rd sections take a lot longer and being sterilised I will need an epidural in aswell to top up when the spinal starts to fail!!!

Iv got my baby shower tomorrow, we decided to do one as it's my last! Everyone is having a covid test and having it outside to keep safe, bit worried about the weather tho xx
My 3rd was my wild card too. He was naughty with the unstable lie causing lost of stress about cord prolapse and resulting in a c section. Not sure if number 4 is gonna follow the same path though as so far he is still breach.

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