@Suggerhoney i had 1 other shower when I was with the evil abusive ex but that was more a reason for.his family to come get pissed while I just sat there miserable! I will put the pics on the fb group cos my phone keeps telling me the pics are too big for here. I included one of me and my oldest dd excuse how tired I look xx
Thank u everyone else for your lovely words!
@topazicatzbet that is amazing with the sleep! Iv not had such great luck! Evelyn now 3 will go sleep ok but after midnight wakes up often she goes back to sleep but it is the constant interruptions that's exhausting. Then my oh made a rod for his own back he started taking her down about 4.30/5am so she watches telly and he naps on the sofa. He started getting right moaney about it so we ended up having a fight because I told him not to and won't stop. So I told him it's his problem now he can fix.it but he won't he dotes on her so he made his bed he can lie in it. All the others including my 10 month old sleep through till ev wakes them up (except Bonnie who ignores her haha) but they will sit and read quietly which is how I was raised so tried to raise them!! Sorry for the rant !!
@daniyaaq I'm odd I really love moving even when pregnant it takes my mind off everything but it is exhausting! Hope you find plenty of time to rest today xx
As for me. Im really annoyed with my oh, he promised me we would go to a car boot that is huge but quite far away so we agreed Evelyn would be our wakeup call she wakes every day between 5 and 6, well she woke up at 5.50 but my Partner decided nope he is too tired

so he took Evelyn to watch tv downstairs and now he is completely ignoring her and she is whining constantly! I hope she pisses on his shoes or something equally as bad lol

I don't get to go.anywherr very often money being so tight so I'm sulking.
On another note I definitely just lost my mucus plug! I no it can regenerate but.iv started getting back ache and a weird pain just higher then my belly button