October/November Conkers 2021***

@Suggerhoney yes it is one of the pictures from the photo shoot. She’s sent me 4 so far.

have they said anything to you about bleeding after delivery? Seeing as your baby no.6 too? The drs want me to have a drip for 2 hrs I think to contract things down quickly so the risk of bleeding lessens. Just curious if yours have recommended it as I know different hospitals have different rules etc!
I have to have the drip I don't get much of a choice after having had a massive blood loss resulting in 2 bags of blood and 2 bags of platelets

@Suggerhoney thank you for thinking of me was recovering a bit and busy.... but seem to be busy doing nothing :haha:
Really means a lot. I hope your midwife appointment goes great tomorrow!!!

SO as for me sorry I haven't been on! The pains got unbearable then my body got soo sensitive because of the fibro reacting to the contractions. I ended up in hospital yesterday about 4ish. The contractions were regular every 6 mins but not lasting that long 30-45 seconds. Managed to get them to stop but was soo tired! And have been all day! Really feeling the pain all over but just glad the contractions have stopped. The pain in my left hand groin is absolute agony! Even started wondering if it was a blood clot but I'm sure I would know with that!!!
Sorry to hear the pain got so unbearable for you! What have the hospital said? X
@Suggerhoney how scary! Hopefully after little mans birth it won’t be so stressful.

@Catmumof4 wow! Bit of a worrying day for you. Glad all seems to have stopped now. Have you been able to get any rest? How long does the drip take?? I’m wondering if I should have it or not!!
Awww hon I was worried about you. I new something was going on because u went so quiet.
Just so glad those contractions stopped.
That must of been so scary.
Hopefully thats it now and u don't have any more contractions and u make it to full term.

Yeah I want a really non eventful easy birth with no complications. I know that's asking alot but I can hope lol
I am now starting to have the feeling that this baby will be born between 38-39 weeks. Don’t quote me on it I might go to 40 but the weight of the belly is feeling a lot like my 2nd girl who was 2 weeks early.
Hi guys sorry I went a bit quite. The move really knocked me out, my body gave up on me. We fully moved just organising cleaners for old rental and on the last finishing touches of unpacking new house. So frustrating for me being so slow, I would usually have done this quicker.

I’ll catch up on everyone later on. Just thought I would come on here whilst waiting for someone to finish dance.
@soloso They prescribed morphine the week before and they didn't believe I was feeling the contractions through the morphine even tho the monitors were picking them up and they could feel them. They did an actim partus I think it is called that mostly rules out early labour and sent me home which I was grateful for, all the prodding and poking was making it feel worse. They just said come back if it gets worse. Luckily a hefty dose of meds, bath and a chicken burger (literally craving one every meal!!) Stopped them and I got some sleep. It's the pain in my left hand groin now that is hurting worst nothing seems to be relieving it except laying on my side with a pillow between my legs (where I am now) but I will seriously take this pain over the contractions:haha:
Does anyone know if that is typical spd? @Suggerhoney you know a lot about it? If I can find a way to relieve that then I will be well happy!!!

@Suggerhoney your such a caring lady! Makes me feel someone cares! Feel free to add me on fb hun!

SO I need to have a moan (think that's the best word for it) my partner suffers with depression and is on citalopram for it. The past 2-3 weeks he has been so down but started talking to me and the kids like shit and I'm starting to get really worried. We had a nice calm chat about it last night and I asked him what his main worry is but he doesn't seem to know, or more likely doesn't want to worry or stress or upset me by telling me. When he is stable he is so caring and kind and seriously my best friend. But atm I'm having to step in between him and the kids especially Tyler and it's worrying me so bad he's going to snap too much! Please don't think he's violent because he isn't usually but if never seen him this bad before. I said to speak to the Drs but they usually fob him off and say he needs a break from caring for me and the kids but that can't happen atm cos i can barely move with this pain!!! I'm so sorry to release here but I need to talk to someone that might understand? So sorry xx
Ladies I am freaking out! Just back from my 30 week growth scan and baby boy is measuring 4lb5oz and off the charts so above 98th centile!!! I had to be sent round to day care where they have made a urgent appt for me tomoz at 9am to have a repeat glucose test and see my consultant at 10am while I’m there which was the plan anyway.
How on earth am I going to deliver this baby and what is going on? All my babies have been around the 6lb mark! This coupled with the reduced movements and hypermesis has sent me over the edge
@Catmumof4 ah vent away lovely! We are here for you to share with. I’ve no experience with DH being depressed but my sister, mum etc have been before. I guess like us all we all have times when we feel down more so than other times. I’m sorry that it’s ramped you for him over the past few weeks. Could you organise something for him to do for a morning or an afternoon/evening that he could do with a friend?! Give him a chance for a small breather? Could you speak to the drs and voice your concern aswell to see if they can help?! Or maybe ask him again if he will share his current worries with you?
Big hugs to you lovely!

@Weemcb26 hun!!!! How stressful! Hopefully the scan is a little off and he isn’t going to be a monster. I can see the worry if your previous babies have been mini ones. At least you’ve got some stuff in place tomorrow to see what’s going on!

@daniyaaq it’s a bit frustrating being pregnant and things taking ages to do! Thing you know you would blitz take an age. Make sure you get some rest though as your no good burnt out.
@soloso They prescribed morphine the week before and they didn't believe I was feeling the contractions through the morphine even tho the monitors were picking them up and they could feel them. They did an actim partus I think it is called that mostly rules out early labour and sent me home which I was grateful for, all the prodding and poking was making it feel worse. They just said come back if it gets worse. Luckily a hefty dose of meds, bath and a chicken burger (literally craving one every meal!!) Stopped them and I got some sleep. It's the pain in my left hand groin now that is hurting worst nothing seems to be relieving it except laying on my side with a pillow between my legs (where I am now) but I will seriously take this pain over the contractions:haha:
Does anyone know if that is typical spd? @Suggerhoney you know a lot about it? If I can find a way to relieve that then I will be well happy!!!

@Suggerhoney your such a caring lady! Makes me feel someone cares! Feel free to add me on fb hun!

SO I need to have a moan (think that's the best word for it) my partner suffers with depression and is on citalopram for it. The past 2-3 weeks he has been so down but started talking to me and the kids like shit and I'm starting to get really worried. We had a nice calm chat about it last night and I asked him what his main worry is but he doesn't seem to know, or more likely doesn't want to worry or stress or upset me by telling me. When he is stable he is so caring and kind and seriously my best friend. But atm I'm having to step in between him and the kids especially Tyler and it's worrying me so bad he's going to snap too much! Please don't think he's violent because he isn't usually but if never seen him this bad before. I said to speak to the Drs but they usually fob him off and say he needs a break from caring for me and the kids but that can't happen atm cos i can barely move with this pain!!! I'm so sorry to release here but I need to talk to someone that might understand? So sorry xx
Sorry about your DH hun. We all feel the stress of a rough pregnancy, I know my DH does and he is also on cymbalta for his depression and anxiety. I would say for your DH if he’s snapping a lot and feeling down he needs a higher dose though.
Ugh this morning has been a nightmare with 2 out of 3 kids. I’m wondering why the actual f*** I want another one of these terrors. They are so rude and disobedient.
Hay ladies

Really haven't had a chance to catch up on the thread yet.
Will do when I get time.

Had midwife today.

So the rules at my hospital are..
Because I'm being induced in delivery suite my DH can be with me the whole way through..
And when I'm on the ward he is the only one who can visit me. No kids.
But it is what it is..
Gonna be hard not seeing Tommy for 6 days.
Gonna have to video call.

I'm measuring 34 weeks so pretty much bang on.
Midwife said baby does not feel big and she thinks between 6 and 7lbs at birth.
Yeah believe that when I see it.

I have also been diognosed with ICP.
Hay ladies

Really haven't had a chance to catch up on the thread yet.
Will do when I get time.

Had midwife today.

So the rules at my hospital are..
Because I'm being induced in delivery suite my DH can be with me the whole way through..
And when I'm on the ward he is the only one who can visit me. No kids.
But it is what it is..
Gonna be hard not seeing Tommy for 6 days.
Gonna have to video call.

I'm measuring 34 weeks so pretty much bang on.
Midwife said baby does not feel big and she thinks between 6 and 7lbs at birth.
Yeah believe that when I see it.

I have also been diognosed with ICP.
I trust their hands more so than the scans tbh. Sorry about the icp!!
@Suggerhoney its good news DH can be with you the whole way through. Not so good that you can’t have your littles come visit. Be interesting to see if the midwife is right. I only ever asked the midwife with my first and she said 7lb and a half to 8lbs,.. he was 8lb 2oz. Not long till baby time!
Thanķ you ladies for all your kind words means a lot it's been so hard few weeks but I got up after my nap and the kids that are being little shits non stop pushed me until I snapped and I just let the flood out about how I'm trying.to be the glue but I can't keep getting in the way of everything then I cried....a lot.... and he seems to have chilled a bit for some reason! Lol

@Reiko_ctu I'm so with u on the why??

@Suggerhoney at least forewarned is forearmed I'm not going to lie im looking forward to the days just me and Sophia! With recovering a section and Bonnie being only 1 and clingy I see it as a few days to bond and get to know each other... I will prob still cry and miss them but got to try see the silver lining lol!!

Had a vbac call today even though I know what I want which I thought was odd seeing as I was told I can't have a vbac, anyways she said I will deffo get my date on Mon at my consultant appointment I will only be 33 weeks and a few days! I'm not holding my breath but would be nice!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies lol xx
Thanks ladies.
Yeah I've found the belly measurements more accurate than growth scans too.
I always measured 2 weeks ahead with my biggest.
So I feel a bit more better now that she said ye won't be big. But still a bit worried.

Still need to catch up on thread.

Here is the letter my Liver consultant sent to my pregnancy consultant.
20210818_214453.jpg 20210818_214508.jpg
@Catmumof4 inthink sometimes a blow out is the only way. Hopefully having a good cry as helped too. That’s a bit exciting that you might get your date on Monday!!! Like you say of course you’ll miss your big babies but you get those few days to have 1 on 1 with Sophia.

@Suggerhoney at least you have proof of a 37 week date on paper. Crazy you’ll get your date at such short notice but I guess you know it will be within the next few days of your appointment!! Eek!

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