October/November Conkers 2021***

@Catmumof4 dont you just love a Wetherspoons breakfast! Not a bad price for what you get either. Sorry your dey got worse after that though! Kids! We all go through these times and having a bundle of kids you always end up with a couple that are being turds. My girls are on 7.30 bedtimes because they keep being so naughty! I’ve not really experienced any of mine wetting themselves after potty training. Is something upsetting her?! Hopefully your day is going a bit better today. I not to bad thank you! Defo got the pregnancy waddle going on! Tired and aches but I’m ok thanks lovely.

@Suggerhoney as if your 35 weeks tomorrow. I guess at least your now having an extra eye on you so that’s good right! Only 2 weeks till baby time though!!!!!!! As if your that close. What have you chosen for babies first outfit? Or coming home outfit? Sorry your now constipated! It’s either one or the other isn’t it!!!!
Hi all moving has taken everything out of me. Trust is our anniversary and really hoping to just relax and have a good day with it.

@sil fantastic news about little girl’s growth. So lovely

@Catmumof4 so sorry the kids are full on. I think we all deal with those behaviours at some point or another. With your DD wetting herself, my oldest did this at that age and we found limiting gluten from her diet actually stopped it, some sort of intolerance she had. We had tried everything else to stop it.
I'm so sorry your feeling it after the move!! And thank you so much for making me feel not alone! Will deffo try the no gluten! Was that a medically advised thing or did u just decide to do it?
@Suggerhoney Sorry you didn't get your date it sucks when they keep holding out for literally no reason at all!! Icp can suddenly bolt up that's y they do it weekly! Hopefully yours are still the better end of ok for you!!

@Mummy2Corban I love a Wetherspoons breakfast it had been ages! Feeling a little more achey today but deffo manageable and now I have sent Millie to her dad's until sat they are all say quietly so I let them have their tablets (I don't let them have that much screen time I feel guilty as much as I would love to sit them there like zombies Lol!)

Afm today Bonnie and evelyn entered the Lynn newspaper cutest baby competition Bonnie in th 0-18m and ev in the 2-5. Hope they win cos you can win a whole set of the pictures they took which are gourgeous. Got to go back Tues to pick up the little prints I paid for and fill in the paperwork so they can be published hopefully fri next week or week after!
I just saw my neighbour and she said iv absolutely ballooned the past few days!! Starting to feel massive and Down to 3 t-shirts that cover my bump!!!
@Catmumof4 goodluck to your girls! It’s so rubbish when you get to the point of only having a few items of clothing to wear. I refuse to buy anymore at this point so I just somehow make do! Hopefully October isn’t to cold!
Haha same it's just too expensive lol!!

I just had a look and my consultant said nearer to 37 weeks for my section which is the 16th of Sept. I really want baby born on the 17th which is my birthday! My family would start on the 17th sep (me) and end on the 17th sep (sophia)

Roll on Mon hopefully getting my date eeekkk x
I’m gonna sound so ungrateful here lol… you can tell it’s my fourth pregnancy cause today I’m just so tired of feeling this baby wiggle around. She is giving me no peace this morning, every square inch she can move she is moving. It’s making me nauseous. I don’t necessarily mind if I’m laying down but if I’m up and about and she’s being so active it just makes me feel so ill! Ugh.

My sister is on her first pregnancy and every movement is magical for her lol.
@Reiko_ctu I feel you there some days it would just be nice to have a bit of peace lol. I'm in the bath and she is kicking the daylights out of my rib!!!! Most uncomfortable! Hopefully you will feel a little better soon x
@Catmumof4 yeah it's so shit still not having a date but hopefully I will get it on Wednesday. I did hear the doctor saying something about the 4th September to the midwife so hopefully that's the day they are planning as I'm 37 weeks that day..
I just don't think they like giving dates to early.
I really hope u get ures on Monday.

There was a lady being monitored in day assessment in the bed next to me and she was booked in for induction for today. So it does go to show they can book it right at the last minute.
But u really hope I get mine on Wed and praying it will be the 3rd or 4th September no later.
If I don't get my date Wednesday then I'm just gonna have to wait to get it at 36+4 weeks.
I hadn't eaten yesterday and ure supposed to eat b4 the bile acid bloods because if u don't if can lower the levels.

Gonna make sure I eat b4 I go Wednesday.
My levels were only a 14 so not major but I know they can jump up really quickly.
I keep thinking today is Saturday and then realising it's Friday urghhh.

My DH surprised me today and did the hosuework. Well he did the top floor and middle floor and all I had to do was the bottom floor. He hoovered everywhere as well and gave it a good going over so a propper spring clean.
And I've just finished doing all the mopping so now it's all done.
Think he's nesting hehe.

Still no signs of labour here.
No mukas plug and no stong contractions just braxton hicks.

Still haven't pooped but I hope u go soon. Last night the pain was awful.

Gosh I still love feeling the movements but some of them are so painful.

Yes 35 weeks tomorrow and hopefully only another 2 weeks left.
I turn 37 weeks on Saturday 4th September and the kids all go back to school on Friday 3rd September.

So midwife I saw yesterday at the hospital told me I probably won't need a pessery or anything. She said because u had a baby 2 years ago they will probably only need to break my waters.
Obviously I've not been examined down there or anything so not sure..
But I had a little feel of my cervix and have noticed its gone up higher and its supper soft and it feels open at the tip. Didn't root around too much because didn't want to cause any damage..
But my cervix has been very low my whole pregnancy and now its shot up and so so soft. Not sure if that means anything..
The only reason I noticed was because when I'm constipated u can sometimes feel the very hard stools on the wall of vjj and I find I can push a little on that wall to help get the poop out without getting poopy hand. So that's how I noticed my cervix.
I've packed so much stuff for baby so I'm gonna let DH choose what to put him in first. But it will be a very and baby grow abs hat..

Coming home outfit is a little pair of trousers and a vest that says
"I'm not crying I'm ordering dinner, haha.
@Suggerhoney that outfit sounds adorable!! Wish my oh would nest LMAO!! Iv only got vests and Sleepsuits for Sophia because I like them on newborns and find dresses so hard to keep down etc! I feel you on the sat thing iv been thinking that today! I hate weekends atm they seem to draaaag lol
And I have had quite a few Braxton hicks this evening not painful just noticeable!
I had horrendous spd during the day but I fell asleep about 2.30 ish and didn't wake up until 5 then had a warm bath and put my feet up after and the pain has nearly gone (touch wood)!

My partners 2 kids from a previous marriage is with us tomorrow but with the week iv had and Millie Tyler and Isabella all at their dad's iv convinced my oh to take Bonnie, Evelyn and his 2 to the woods with the dog! I can just relax with Jasmine and carry on watching once upon a time together! My oh can't stand it and with him being my carer I don't get the tv v often at All! Also having a lamb roast and haircut (not at the same time lol) Then Sunday might convince him to go a differnent Car boot!

Fun filled weekend!
@Suggerhoney that outfit sounds adorable!! Wish my oh would nest LMAO!! Iv only got vests and Sleepsuits for Sophia because I like them on newborns and find dresses so hard to keep down etc! I feel you on the sat thing iv been thinking that today! I hate weekends atm they seem to draaaag lol
And I have had quite a few Braxton hicks this evening not painful just noticeable!
I had horrendous spd during the day but I fell asleep about 2.30 ish and didn't wake up until 5 then had a warm bath and put my feet up after and the pain has nearly gone (touch wood)!

My partners 2 kids from a previous marriage is with us tomorrow but with the week iv had and Millie Tyler and Isabella all at their dad's iv convinced my oh to take Bonnie, Evelyn and his 2 to the woods with the dog! I can just relax with Jasmine and carry on watching once upon a time together! My oh can't stand it and with him being my carer I don't get the tv v often at All! Also having a lamb roast and haircut (not at the same time lol) Then Sunday might convince him to go a differnent Car boot!

Fun filled weekend!

Oh yummy a lamb roast sounds so nice.

That will be nice having some time to yourself with just little one.
What's Once Apon a time?
OK so probably nothing but I've just had TMI TMI TMI........snotty cm:sick: followed by clear cm with red blood. Not much just a bit.
Looked like the bloody show or part of it.

Nothing else. No cramps nothing..
Probably nothing.
It I get more then will call in.
@Catmumof4 that sounds like a good plan! Get everyone out the house and enjoy some quiet tv chill time! Hopefully you get to go to another carboot too. My DH usually takes a few of our monkeys to the carboot on sundays.

@Suggerhoney the coming home outfit sounds good! Hehehe! Oooo mucus plug! I never get anything that exciting…. I lost a little bit a few days before labour with my first but that’s it! Dod you loose anymore?
Oh yummy a lamb roast sounds so nice.

That will be nice having some time to yourself with just little one.
What's Once Apon a time?
Well that's my day ruined!! Evelyn was sick this morning so his ex kicked off big time even tho he sent pic proof! And then my ex.. more on that at the end. So I'm currently on my bed moping! Hope was your show you had! Things could be moving in the right direction after All!!
Once upon a time is a tv series about fairy tale stories in real life and all sorts it's hard to explain but quite good Lol!!
Happy 35 weeks I'm v jealous Lol!

Soo the dad of Isabella and Tyler has been a total arse today. He was so controlling and evil in the relationship it took me so long to get away etc but because I didn't jump to his tune straight away he got really abusive again by text and iv had to block him. Police are involved and I have to have a call at 5.30 tomorrow evening. It's wiped me out I feel so drained and exhausted dealing with my ohs ex and then mine. I just want a quiet life ffs. I can't wait until the next court date but been waiting since May for it!!! Sorry it's not baby related but I feel so shit and drained and awful x
@Catmumof4 oh no! How bloody frustrating! I’m so sorry that your ex is being a dick! At least it will be logged with the police and hopefully all adds up towards your court case. Sorry DH ex is also being an arse. If your little lady has been sick what can you do?! Big hugs lady! You don’t need all this rubbish going on.
@Catmumof4 sorry you are having trouble with the ex. My Sperm donor concieve kids are great for no baggage from an ex.

@Suggerhoney happy 35 weeks. You are so close now.

I was exhausted after our day at flamingo land yesterday and was really disappointed with it. Half the rides were shut meaning the ques were ridiculous.
Hi hon so all i had after was pale orange cm some like jelly.
Was pale orange when I wiped with toilet paper.
Today it's gone back to clear and no cramps or anything.
Just feeling very hot and bothered today (even tho it's raining) and really really tired..
I slept OK ish so not sure why I feel so blah and no energy.

Have cut my 10 year old DS hair ready for school. I also did DD the other day.
And I have Tommy his very first cut. He looks like such a little boy now bless him.

All I need to do now is write names in uniforms.
Mite do that today or maybe tomorrow.

Also I've gone from having no appointments this week to now 2 appointments. I have day assessment on Wednesday for monitoring and bloods.
Then on Friday I have my mental health team coming over for a appointment with them.
Then the following week I have growth scan and consultant on the Wednesday Then hopefully induction on the Friday or Saturday.
Have a feeling there gonna make me wait until the Sunday or Monday tho but hopefully not.

Gosh hon what a dick. At least with the police involved it can all go down on record and can be used with the court case. But not really what u need when ure so heavily pregnant.
Sorry about DH ex being a idiot too.
Gosh u just can't win can ya.

I think it was definitely some mucas plug. I had all this snotty gross stuff then the clear stuff with bright red blood.
Then after that it was just a pale orange when I wiped and did have some jelly pale orange stuff too.
Not loads just a but.
Not sure what that was unless it was a bit more plug.

All back to normal today tho and clear.
No contractions or anything like that so pretty sure nothing is gonna happen and I definitely will make it to induction.

Thank you hon

TBH now I'm 35 weeks it does feel close. Another week and I will be 36 weeks and then it really is count down.

Still haven't managed to cut down on the codeine as much as I wanted.
I have a bit and I guess that's something.
But I get worried.
Will try and cut down a bit more these last 2 weeks but it's so hard.
Just hope baby won't have any side effects from it.


Makes me feel so guilty.
They all know I'm on it though.

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