October/November Conkers 2021***

@Suggerhoney glad you had a lovely day! The joys of being heavily pregnant hey! At least you had a good day before baby comes next week. I’m sure with your appointments, getting the kiddies ready for school and giving the house a clean/laundry the week will fly! It’s super crazy to think that this time next week you’ll have a babe in your arms
@daniyaaq how are things today?

Does anyone have any appointments coming up this week?

I don’t have anything this week. Midwife next week. My monkeys go back to school on the 6th (how is it nearly September already?!) the DS1 start reception on the 15th…. So I’ll have a few weeks with just DS3 before baby. Going to see if I can get him dry as he can do a wee on the potty if I ask him but he doesn’t ask or do it himself so I’m going to try encourage that’s great if he gets it! If not I’ll try again in a few months!
Not much different on my end. Got an ultrasound this week, not sure when but will get a phone call Monday with exact date and time.

then midwife 7th sep.

I’m honestly ready for the next few weeks to go by fast. Don’t want baby to come prematurely but I’m about done being pregnant
@Mummy2Corban iv kind of made it impossible for us to buy a weeks worth at a time because 9o% of the time I don't want it when I get to it etc!! Glad you had a good time at friends! Iv attached a pic of Bonnie enjoying her first mds yesterday haha she's such a chunk lol!!

Today we have decorated the room and got the carpets down so I'm exhausted and really sore but loving it. Lol kids are running wild downstairs while I lie in the new room, Richard went to pick up a bed we have been gifted for him because I don't like sharing a bed while recovering him moving plus the section and fibro is too much. He really is a saint lol xx

@daniyaaq I'm sorry it's dragging for you hun! At least u get to see baby soon!! X

I have a scan on Fri coming then consultant the following Mon and other bits in between. But nothing the week before my section. My birthday is the 17th but I don't really celebrate it got to find something to keep me busy! Xx

I missed my Omeprazole yesterday and boy am I paying for it today despite taking it this morning. I think being a bit constipated isn't helping either. I ve had horrid heart burn all day.
Not good while working. Working again tom and so not looking forward to it as my list is really busy but at least they have changed my visits as I was down to do 9 leg dressings initially. If I can get through the day I then have 6 days off and plan to spend it with my boys for their last full week off school. Not long now til I finish I'm so ready to be done. Really not sleeping well now, I love being pregnant and sad this is my last but Im ready for it to be over now. Fx just over 7 weeks.
I missed my Omeprazole yesterday and boy am I paying for it today despite taking it this morning. I think being a bit constipated isn't helping either. I ve had horrid heart burn all day.
Not good while working. Working again tom and so not looking forward to it as my list is really busy but at least they have changed my visits as I was down to do 9 leg dressings initially. If I can get through the day I then have 6 days off and plan to spend it with my boys for their last full week off school. Not long now til I finish I'm so ready to be done. Really not sleeping well now, I love being pregnant and sad this is my last but Im ready for it to be over now. Fx just over 7 weeks.
Ugh I’m so sorry about the heartburn. I really only get it at night which is of course annoying but to deal with it at work when you’ve missed a dose of meds is annoying!

Honestly I hate being pregnant and this has been my worst pregnancy so far, will be so glad to be done with this when it’s done. Hopefully only 7 and a bit more weeks for me if she comes a tad early. Not sad for it to be my last pregnancy at all - in fact it’s solidified this will be our last baby for sure as I never want to go through this torture again!! I will be sad for our last baby to go through all the stages and know we won’t ever have newborn again etc… actually 9-13 months is my absolute fave and will probably cry when that’s don’t with this one. But also excited to move onto different stages as well.
Ladies hang in there. Remember when I was saying I had like 8 weeks left and now I just have 5 days. It has gone kind of fast but slow at some points.
The last few days have absolutely flown.

I put some extra bits in my hospital bags today. I added a dressing gown because it's getting a bit chili and I don't want to get cold.
I've brought a 3m charging cable for my phone so I've packed that today to.
On Friday when the kids are at school me and DH are gonna go over to morrisons so we can get some drinks and snacks to take in with us.

I did some laundry today and managed to put a load of it away.
Just need to do another wash tomorrow and put that out to dry.
My nanna and my brother are gonna pop over Tuesday evening so they can both see me b4 I go In.

Then up early Wednesday for my growth scan and consultant appointment.
Not sure If i will need more bloods and monitoring but will find that out on Wednesday and if I do then will have that done on Wednesday too.
Then Thursday I'm gonna clean all the house
Then it will be Friday and kids back to school.
So busy week.
I've had a few more contributions this evening. Painful ones but nothing getting regular.
Back is really sore and so is my whole pelvis.
Don't think baby has engaged yet because still feeling breathless.

Because I had to add some extra bits to my bags I found babies coming home outfit and I've took a photo especially for you @Mummy2Corban because I remember u asking hehe.
Will have to add a knitted cardigan and hat to keep him warm.

So here it is.
Having lots of BH lately which are annoying… they make me feel short of breath. And they are hurting a bit (like period pains) which they never have in other pregnancies. I’m sure they’re just doing their job and getting the old uterus ready to evict LO XD
@Catmumof4 awww she is beautiful hon.

Urgh so sorry about the heart burn hon its awful.
I had some love hearts yesterday and that seemed to help with mine.

@daniyaaq and @Reiko_ctu I really hope the weeks fly for u ladies.
I've felt done for a few weeks now. And now I'm completely done. Just can't wait for Saturday.

Gonna try and keep all u guys posted as much as I can on Saturday even when I'm in the hospital and while things are not going to crazy

Keep wondering I will need the pessery or they will just be able to break my waters.
Not bothered either way tbh.
@Catmumof4 I know what you mean but I hate doing an online food shop more than once a week so I just have to eat it. Hehe! Bless your little chubby lady! She’s a cutie. Did she enjoy her Mc Donald’s? Sounds like you’ve been busy! I enjoy sorting stuff out! I sorted one of our cupboards out today…. Man I do t know why I keep half the stuff I keep!

@daniyaaq hopefully this bubs follows suit like your girls and comes a little early.

@topazicatzbet sorry about the heartburn. I only had it with no.5 but it sucked. Hopefully the next few days go quickly so you can spend those last few days with the boys. Not long till you finish! And 7ish weeks till the big day… you’ve got this. Happy 32 weeks!

@Reiko_ctu id actually love to have the feeling of being done. I just don’t feel it and it saddens me that this really is our last and I know that I’ll always have some kind of longing to be pregnant and have a newborn. Bit sucky your having BH! Hopefully like you say it’s all helping getting ready to pop out that baby! Happy 31 weeks!

@Suggerhoney thats the cutest little outfit! Look how teeny those trousers are! Sounds like you’ve a busy week so hopefully that will pass the time quite quickly! 5 days girl!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!
@Catmumof4 I know what you mean but I hate doing an online food shop more than once a week so I just have to eat it. Hehe! Bless your little chubby lady! She’s a cutie. Did she enjoy her Mc Donald’s? Sounds like you’ve been busy! I enjoy sorting stuff out! I sorted one of our cupboards out today…. Man I do t know why I keep half the stuff I keep!

@daniyaaq hopefully this bubs follows suit like your girls and comes a little early.

@topazicatzbet sorry about the heartburn. I only had it with no.5 but it sucked. Hopefully the next few days go quickly so you can spend those last few days with the boys. Not long till you finish! And 7ish weeks till the big day… you’ve got this. Happy 32 weeks!

@Reiko_ctu id actually love to have the feeling of being done. I just don’t feel it and it saddens me that this really is our last and I know that I’ll always have some kind of longing to be pregnant and have a newborn. Bit sucky your having BH! Hopefully like you say it’s all helping getting ready to pop out that baby! Happy 31 weeks!

@Suggerhoney thats the cutest little outfit! Look how teeny those trousers are! Sounds like you’ve a busy week so hopefully that will pass the time quite quickly! 5 days girl!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!

My nanna brought it for Tommy and he wore it.
But not when I brought him home. He wore it when he was about 2 weeks old.
I just love what it says on the vest it makes me lol.
It's newborn up to 7lb 5oz but Tommy was 7lb 6 and was wearing it at 2 weeks old so hopefully it won't be too small for this baby.
Can't wait for my growth scan on Wed.
Been looking at my growth scan charts.
And his length is on the middle line. But head and tummy just above the middle line.

I know hon 5 more days eeeeek.

I really hope they call me nice and early on Sat because I just want to get in there as early as possible and get things going.
Keep praying for them not to be busy.
Ideally wud love a phone call at 8am and be able to go in strait away.
But we shall see.
If I'm left waiting I'm gonna do my hair and makeup just to pass time haha.
@Catmumof4 I know what you mean but I hate doing an online food shop more than once a week so I just have to eat it. Hehe! Bless your little chubby lady! She’s a cutie. Did she enjoy her Mc Donald’s? Sounds like you’ve been busy! I enjoy sorting stuff out! I sorted one of our cupboards out today…. Man I do t know why I keep half the stuff I keep!

@daniyaaq hopefully this bubs follows suit like your girls and comes a little early.

@topazicatzbet sorry about the heartburn. I only had it with no.5 but it sucked. Hopefully the next few days go quickly so you can spend those last few days with the boys. Not long till you finish! And 7ish weeks till the big day… you’ve got this. Happy 32 weeks!

@Reiko_ctu id actually love to have the feeling of being done. I just don’t feel it and it saddens me that this really is our last and I know that I’ll always have some kind of longing to be pregnant and have a newborn. Bit sucky your having BH! Hopefully like you say it’s all helping getting ready to pop out that baby! Happy 31 weeks!

@Suggerhoney thats the cutest little outfit! Look how teeny those trousers are! Sounds like you’ve a busy week so hopefully that will pass the time quite quickly! 5 days girl!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!
Yeah honestly I’ve never had a great pregnancy. I think the quick easy labour’s make up for it but having an easier pregnancy would definitely make it hard to say I’m done. I know no pregnancy is easy but there are some that are easier and that would definitely make me want to have more if that was my lot In life! But between Hg, low bp, GD, SPD… nope I have to be done lol. If I get pregnant again I will cry and cry lol. So we need to get something permanent done soon!
@Suggerhoney the vest is very funny! Go your nan for getting it! Hopefully bubs will fit in it but you said you’ve packed a few different sizes just encase? Excited to see what they say he is at your scan. Fingers and toes crossed that they call you in nice and early and that they can get on with your induction swiftly. I look forward to getting updates when you can do!!! Baby spam time!!!!!
Aw my sister just texted me, she is just a few days ahead of me and has been admitted to the hospital for preeclampsia :(. Not sure what they can do for her but her babe isn’t ready to come out yet! Anyone with preeclampsia experience? Her Bp was 170/100 :(
@Reiko_ctu i think you deserve a swift labour after a hard pregnancy. I can’t really handle the first part of pregnancy with the sickness and nausea and it does make me question why I do it because I struggle so much but once that’s over I can’t get enough of it. Yes I’m tired and I just but I can kind of cope with it… unlike the sickness. I think DH will have to take permanent measures so there can be no more! Otherwise I think ill know that there is a possibility and I don’t think i need any encouragement! Haha!
@Reiko_ctu no experiances sorry but send her luck!

@Suggerhoney I'm sure with all your liver people etc behind u they will get u in super quick. Good luck and really look forward to reading your updates!!

@Mummy2Corban yh been a super busy day but seriously fucked myself over pain wise! When will I bloody learn!! Only 3 weeks 4 days tomorrow to go! Xx
@Catmumof4 makesure you take it easy over the next few days! 3 weeks and 4 days!!! Eek!!!! I’m sure it will be here before you know it!!!!!
Looking at my bump I think gosh he's gonna be massive but I don't feel like he is big if u know what I mean. Considering he's still not engaged as well. But I have packed a few first size which is up to 9lb something just incase.
I've packed alot of tiny baby because Tommy was in that for 3 weeks. And it was a bit big on him even tho it says up to 6lbd 5oz and he was 7lb 6oz.
He was a short arse and still is haha. This baby is not long either. His length is on the center line. But his head and tummy are just above.
Tommy was the same and it was the head and tummy measurements that put him on the 98th centile. But he was teeny.

Hehe I have packed alot of tiny baby hon. And then a few newborn and some first size. First size is up to 9lb something but hopefully he won't be that big. Gosh lol.

I had pre eclampsia with my 8 year old dd hon.
It started with swelling around 27 ish weeks.
But I Wasn't diognosed untill 31+ weeks.
They were gonna get her out at 32 week via c section because I had it really severe.
I was in hospital for a whole week. And it was from boxing day which here in the UK is the day after Christmas day. They had me all prepped for the section and I was nill by mouth.
But they managed at the very last minute to get my blood pressure under control they gave me some kind of blood pressure pills.
My blood pressure went down and they said I cud keep baby in.
I was then booked in for induction at 37 weeks but at 33 weeks I was diognosed with ICP and my blood pressure was high again.
So they Brought my induction forward to 36 weeks.
At 35 weeks I was having contractions so was admitted again.
The contractions settled but my bile levels were through the roof and so was my blood pressure. So in the end they induced me at 35+4 weeks.
She had to spend 18 days in SCBU but came home healthy but tiny.
I'm sure they will try and keep her baby in as long as possible.
I had to have steroid shots in my legs which stang like a bitch but they were to help mature her lungs faster.
She's in the best place hon.
Tell her I'm thinking about her .

@Reiko_ctu no experiances sorry but send her luck!

@Suggerhoney I'm sure with all your liver people etc behind u they will get u in super quick. Good luck and really look forward to reading your updates!!

@Mummy2Corban yh been a super busy day but seriously fucked myself over pain wise! When will I bloody learn!! Only 3 weeks 4 days tomorrow to go! Xx

Thanks hon. Yes I am priority but emergencies happen and if loads of womon go into labour then my time will be delayed.
I was told to be up by 8am because that's the earliest they can call. But if I haven't heard anything by 3pm I have to phone them. Hopefully that will not happen.
I really hope they call me early morning and get me in in the morning.

Not long for you now hon.

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