October/November Conkers 2021***

Had my appointment today, the consultant said baby is so low down that she thinks I will go natural, so in 2 weeks time at my last scan they are gonna do a sweep and if that don't work then they will book me in, he was 4ib 1, 2 weeks ago but only 4ib 7 today xx
@Mummy2Corban haha I don’t get why babies just love playing on the bladder especially at night, I think the other night I went toilet 3 times in the space of 10 minutes and they were proper long wees like how is that physically possible lol

@Suggerhoney he is so cute, hopefully his weight is ok and you can go home tomorrow

@playgirl666 how exciting they will be doing a sweep in couple weeks
@playgirl666 so looks like bubs will be a teeny one? Great news if a sweep can get you going but at least you know that induction won’t be far behind if it doesn’t.

@Penguin20 hahaha! You know this! I feel like I’m 50/50 sleeping/weeing at night! Hahaha!
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@playgirl666 so looks like bubs will be a teeny one? Great news if a sweep can get you going but at least you know that induction won’t be far behind if it doesn’t.

@Penguin20 hahaha! You know this! I feel like I’m 50/50 sleeping/weeing at night! Hahaha!

Haha sometimes think when it’s a 3am wee if I should just sleep in the bathroom knowing I’ll be back in there within the hour haha
@sil and @Mummy2Corban Thank u so much for thinking of me. The interview went really well (I didn't cry so bonus!) I went through everything was really hones. There was a Dr (lead mental health specialist in the county!!!!!), perinatal mental health lady and Kim the specialist midwife! They were all so lovely and gently asked questions so it felt more like just a review then an interview! The dr leading it was so kind and got me on some tablets to help me sleep right away (took one 20 mins ago and seems to be doing the trick already!), wants me to have an ecg because of the amount of medication I'm on, explained sadly Sophia will prob have to go to nicu for withdrawal of the meds and that I was right to have concerns and the hospital should have done more to support me then just throwing more and more medication at me. She has helped me to cut out on the worst ones so fingers crossed a week to stop some of the addiction!! But she totally agrees a section by no later then 37 weeks. She came off the call and wrote the recommending letter straight away and now the second hard bit of waiting for a call to say when it will be. I have to have 2 sets of steroids, ecg, pre op bloods, covid test, 3 days of isolation and a partridge in a pear tree before section in a week!!
Had my appointment today, the consultant said baby is so low down that she thinks I will go natural, so in 2 weeks time at my last scan they are gonna do a sweep and if that don't work then they will book me in, he was 4ib 1, 2 weeks ago but only 4ib 7 today xx
Must be so scary but at least a teeny gain is a tiny silver lining! You got this mama xx

@Penguin20 I HATE the need to pee every 3 mins I can't get out of bed cos of the pain so I have a tendency to hold until Evelyn decides to randomly wake up then ask my partner to help me but a couple times I have had very near accidents! X
@Catmumof4 you must have been super brave to get through all that without crying! Can only imagine how your feeling. Sounds like you had a great team to talk things through with. I’m sorry Sophia may have to go to nicu but i guess that’s the best place for her if they are concerned?! Well at least you now know that your going to be done in a week. You can recover and baby can be monitored. You’ve a whole lot of stuff to do in a week!!! Eek! Did you say you mum or mil is having the littles when you go in?

happy 36 weeks girl! The finish line is in sight!!!!!!!
@Mummy2Corban thanks babe!! I'm very excited/nervous the call with the date is going to take ages to come in!! My mum should be with the kids it's going to be interesting haha!! It was hard but they were supportive and as u said if she has to be there then at least she is in the best place x

@topazicatzbet Thank you hun yh I'm hoping it will because there is soo much to be fitted into such a little time frame! Xx
@Catmumof4 hopefully they won’t leave it too long seeing as you’ve a few things to get do before the big day. I can understand the nerves lovely! You got this! Come on baby girl!!!!!

@Suggerhoney have they weighed baby boy again? How did it go?
These babies will be here soon and I’m here for it.

my sweet lovely friend has offered to buy baby bits and organise my hospital bags because I just can’t do it. It’s taken a load off for me.
These babies will be here soon and I’m here for it.

my sweet lovely friend has offered to buy baby bits and organise my hospital bags because I just can’t do it. It’s taken a load off for me.
That's wonderful. What a good friend!
Thank you so much everyone for your support it really means a lot to me!

@Reiko_ctu hopefully that will fly by and sweep will work it's magic!!

@daniyaaq what a lovely friend you have there!!! That will be a relief for you!! Xx
My Birth Story

So as u all know I was booked to be induced on Saturday 4th September. I had to wait for a phone call with a time to go in.
It got to 11am ish and no call and my anxiety was through the roof.
So I phoned them and the lady was lovely. Said she wud chat with the doctors and call Me back in half hour but did warn me they were very busy as loads of womon in labour and emergencies.
She called back a hour later and told Me I had to wait for them to call me again at 6pm.

Was a really long boring anxious day. It got to 6:15pm and no phone call so I called them. Was told they was just about to phone me but said its still manic so wud have to wait. I explained how anxious I was and how I was told I had to be induced no later than 37 weeks as stated by my liver consultant.
She looked up the letter sent by my liver consultant and said we do really need to get u in and get things going. In the end she just said come up. She warned I may be put on the ward and I may not get a midwife right away because of how busy they are but explained if I was In at least they can monitor etc.

So by 7pm we were up the hospital. Had to wait in the small waiting room in delivery but only about 15 mins' and I was told they had a delivery suit free but wud have to wait for a midwife. Was took around to my suite and we made ourselves at home.

At about 9 pm after the night staff came in we met my midwife who was lovely.
She told me she was looking after another lady but wud start the induction at 11pm.
However a massive emergency happened so was told to get some sleep and they will start the induction as soon as they can.
Didn't sleep well but at 6am the induction was started and the pessery was inserted. I was then strapped to the the monitor.
Thinking nothing wud happen for ages and looking forward to getting off the monitor so we cud go walking and go to the canteen.

But within minutes of the pessery going in I was in the most worst pain EVER' It was constant pain. Felt like I was being sliced open in my lower belly and also felt like my spine was being ripped out. New something was wrong so pressed buzzer.
I was in so much pain I cudnt get any relief at all.
Turned out the pessery had made me hyper stimulate.
They gave me gas and air which didn't do anything.
And they took the pessery out again.
It took over a hour for my uterus to calm down and by that point I was having contractions.
I had to have the epidural because of the hyper stimulation and when that kicked in it was bliss. My uterus calmed right down and I just continued to contract.
Cervix was checked around 9am and I was 3cm so broke my waters. Contractions had settled and it took ages for them to start again' but when they did they were huge contractions and got close together quickly.

By 5pm I was 4cm and in established labour.
The epidural started to wear off and I started feeling pain down there. Next time I was checked I was 5cm.
Then the pressure down there was getting so bad and cud feel it in my butt and vjjj.
Had to go back on the gas because I cud feel it all. 9:30pm I was 10cm but told to hold off a hour from pushing.
But my body held off for as long as it cud but I cudnt hold it anymore. She said just go with it so we started pushing.
Forgot how tireing the pushing part was.
I kept being sick all throughout labour because my acid reflux was so bad so I kept being sick was horrible.
Felt him come down and cud feel his head was pushing right down on that bit between vjj and butt. The pressure was INTENCE.

And at 10:18 pm on Sunday 5th September he was born and put strait on me.
Best feeling ever I cried tears or joy and relief that he was finally here.

Then it all happened and I started hemorrhaging badly. This was just b4 the placenta. The buzzer was pressed and everyone came running in the room.
I lost a unit and a half of blood and it brought everything back from dd Birth.
I was so scared.
But thankfully the midwife managed to stop the bleeding and the placenta came out in one piece.
And thankfully I didn't need to go to theatre.
That's what I was really scared about.
I had some drip up that helped my uterus to contract back down but that was causing so much pain that I had to have the gas again
Once the drip was over tho it was alot better.

So yeah that's about it really.
Established labour was 5 hours and 18 mins but I was in early labour from 7am that morning.
Did feel everything with the pushing because my epidural only numbed my back and stomach but not down there.
So the pushing part was painful. Felt like he was never going to come out.

Was so looking forward to the tea and toast after. But I was so sick because of the acid that I cudnt even drink the tea or eat the toast.
But I did have some the next morning.

So yeah was traumatic but worth it.
We haven't rulled out ever having another.
But I know I'm not young even tho I feel young. But I'm 42 in December and if I was to come off the mini pill I wud want to wait until Harley was at least over a year old.
And I will be coming up to 43 by then so I know its unlikely.
But u never know.

They had the oldest womon give birth last month. The oldest one so far at my hospital was 48 but now that's been beaten.

Last month a lady gave birth and her pregnancy was a shock because she thought she had cancer like her mum. Who had died from cancer. So this womon thought she was dieing from cancer but turned out she was pregnant.
She is 54 years old.
Yes 54 just wow.
@Catmumof4 so glad everything went well and you had a good team to talk to, hope your not waiting for a call to long

@Suggerhoney wow what a birth story, glad it all worked itself out in the end and fingers crossed not long before you get to go home

AFM - I fell out of bed last night, my daughter snuck in bed with us and I was too tired to put her back in her bed so just left her and didn’t realise how little room I had and just rolled, it hurt but luckily landed on my knees and hands.. what are these nights turning in to haha I didn’t even need to wee at the time for once lol

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