@Catmumof4 luckily I landed on my hands and knees so think bump was ok, just hurt my leg. I’m sorry you been sitting by the phone all day for nothing and now have to wait all weekend.. I don’t get some
People need to be rude it’s a stressful time as it is for you.. hope your ok
@Reiko_ctu My DD is and always has been a terrible sleep.. she such a night owl.. don’t get me wrong she turning 6 and we do have good nights much more often but we still get the bad ones lol, hoping this little man will be more content.
@topazicatzbet Santa cruise sound so exciting, I love doing Christmassy things with my DD especially when it involves Santa
@Mummy2Corban hope all went ok at midwife
People need to be rude it’s a stressful time as it is for you.. hope your ok
@Reiko_ctu My DD is and always has been a terrible sleep.. she such a night owl.. don’t get me wrong she turning 6 and we do have good nights much more often but we still get the bad ones lol, hoping this little man will be more content.
@topazicatzbet Santa cruise sound so exciting, I love doing Christmassy things with my DD especially when it involves Santa
@Mummy2Corban hope all went ok at midwife