October/November Conkers 2021***

@soloso unfortunately I experience that as well. At least once a night I do, i actually don’t vomit throughout the day but sickness seems to hit the worst at night and throughout the entire night.
Hello ladies

hope we are all doing ok,

@Suggerhoney you have such a perfect looking bump

@soloso sorry your feeling so sick during the night,

@sil i feel the exact same as you with time dragging, I am now 4+6 and feel like I been pregnant for ages, only found out a week ago haha

@Mummy2Corban hope your son had a good birthday

As for me boobs are still tender here and there and still getting the odd wet feeling and cramps still intermittent other than that I feel fine, we brought another clearblue digital as my husband thought be good just to take one a week later to be extra sure and managed to hold my wee for 6 hours haha, tbh I wasn’t desperate to go most the day so was trying to make sure I held it long as possible for a good results especially in the evening and got pregnant 2-3 which made me happy as last week it was 1-2,
Yes my sickness ramps up over the course of the day. During the night I feel absolutely awful. I usually throw up my dinner just before I go to bed or close too. But yes for me the evening and during the night are the worst. I throw up during the day or gag a lot but like I say most nights I loose my dinner at bedtime. It sucks!!!!!

@Penguin20 yay to seeing that 2-3! And thank you he had a super day!
Welcome and congrats new ladies:flower:

@ciz I'm glad all is good<3

@Suggerhoney that is definitely a boy lol, such a clear nub shot! That's actually pretty amazing. Huge congrats! And I hope everything turns out okay with the DS results. Hopefully not much longer:hugs:

I found baby on doppler today and he was moving a whole bunch, it was funny, sounded like a big fish in my stomach:haha: had a couple bouts of nausea but feeling pretty good today. Can't wait til my appt and then gender scan the week after that. April is going to be such a busy month for us. Baby appts, daughter's baptism, 3 birthday's, I'm excited that we have things to look forward too, just hope it won't end up being overwhelming. Hope everyone else is doing well. Sorry I don't get on much, hard to find the time when I have so many kids lol:wacko:

It's such a clear nub shot isn't it. I actually asked the sonographer where and what the nub was and she showed and pointed to that what u see in the picture.
It's for a boy nub I looked at DS 13 weeks scan pics and u can see his nub to and it's the exact same as this one hehe.
We cud of found out the gender with these blood results but we both declined, we just want to hear the baby is healthy and doesn't have DS or anything else and then we can look forward to our gender scan.

@Suggerhoney you look good! Lovely bump. I can suck my bump in so mines just poor tummy muscles!!! I’m definitely the most bloated I’ve been just recently so evenings I look pregnant!

@Abii yay to finding baby! Always a lovely reassuring noise in these early days. Sounds like you have busy month coming up!

My bloat really went down just past 11 weeks and I felt so small and like I didn't look pregnant. This happened in the last few days. It just popped out.

@sil definitely feels like forever when you find out early. Sickness and worries just makes you wanna get through first Tri as quick as possible.

@Suggerhoney loving the bump. I’m so flat even my bloat is gone.

My bloat went away at just past 11 weeks and I felt so small and not preg
Hello ladies

hope we are all doing ok,

@Suggerhoney you have such a perfect looking bump

@soloso sorry your feeling so sick during the night,

@sil i feel the exact same as you with time dragging, I am now 4+6 and feel like I been pregnant for ages, only found out a week ago haha

@Mummy2Corban hope your son had a good birthday

As for me boobs are still tender here and there and still getting the odd wet feeling and cramps still intermittent other than that I feel fine, we brought another clearblue digital as my husband thought be good just to take one a week later to be extra sure and managed to hold my wee for 6 hours haha, tbh I wasn’t desperate to go most the day so was trying to make sure I held it long as possible for a good results especially in the evening and got pregnant 2-3 which made me happy as last week it was 1-2,

Thank you hon.

So I definitely felt movements last night.
I was lead down watching the TV and felt as if something was shifting or rolling. And also little taps.
Right where the baby is.
This is amazing because with my last 2 my placenta was anterior at the front so it took ages to feel movements. I was 18 weeks when I felt flutters with DS and I didn't feel kicks untill 21 weeks but it was so light.
I didn't feel obvious kicks until 28 weeks so feeling something at 14 weeks is lovely.

Not been sleeping well because worrying about these results.
Yes I’m throwing up my dinner every night as well. Managing to keep down my breakfast and lunch most days but this morning my breakfast came back up. I end up only getting about 500 calories in in the day, but I’m laying in bed doing nothing so not expending any energy... I’ve lost 7 lbs but holding steady at 113lbs for a few days so maybe I won’t lost anymore. 9 weeks tomorrow and I hope it starts to get better after that! I’ve always had peak sickness at 9 weeks so here we go.

I can’t even shower though ladies because I’m so nauseous and, I just feel absolutely gross lying in bed all day and not even showering.

Tuesday is my dating scan, it’d be nice if they bumped me forward a few days even though I know my dates are spot on :)
My bloat seems to have gone over past 2 days and my sickness has been less too.

Of course that then gets me worried. Still haven't been able to find a heartbeat with the doppler.

Still over 3 weeks till my next scan.
@Reiko_ctu I feel awful but I’m managing to get the kids to schools etc so you must feel absolutely rotten. I’m so sorry! I’m hoping it’s not to long until you start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

@topazicatzbet bring on scan time and second tri I say! I hate all the unknown! I know I’m going to be terrified on my scan day! Hoping all these bubba’s are all ok c
Sorry ladies I’m so quiet but I’m really struggling with sickness, tablets aren’t working. So I’m having to stay in bed. I feel so awful that hubs is having to do everything but as soon as I stand up I need to throw up. I can’t believe how early this has kicked in, I just hope it’ll ease soon.
Hope everyone else is ok xxx
@Reiko_ctu i feel so deflated at the thought that this is about to get worse at 9 weeks. And yes, everytime I shower I step out and straight to vomit. I don’t even think I manage to get 500calories and I’m still working full time (barely). I’ve moved myself into our office interview room which has couches so even at work I’m just laying around with my laptop and occasionally nodding off.
I’m surviving on Greek yogurt, lemons, any form of ginger drink and the occasional toast. Every time I’ve attempted to eat proper food/meal I can’t go past 3/4 spoons.
Yes I’m throwing up my dinner every night as well. Managing to keep down my breakfast and lunch most days but this morning my breakfast came back up. I end up only getting about 500 calories in in the day, but I’m laying in bed doing nothing so not expending any energy... I’ve lost 7 lbs but holding steady at 113lbs for a few days so maybe I won’t lost anymore. 9 weeks tomorrow and I hope it starts to get better after that! I’ve always had peak sickness at 9 weeks so here we go.

I can’t even shower though ladies because I’m so nauseous and, I just feel absolutely gross lying in bed all day and not even showering.

Tuesday is my dating scan, it’d be nice if they bumped me forward a few days even though I know my dates are spot on :)

Oh hon bless you.
I lost 8lbs in this pregnancy and I'm slowly starting to gain again now. I went to down to just 8st 4 and now I'm 8st 8. My pre pregnancy weight was 8st 12 so a few more lbs and I will be back to that.
I really hope u start feeling better soon that must be horrible being sick all the time.

They mite bump u forward hon. I had dates spot on with O on cd10 should be 13+3 now and my first scan at 6+1 was bang on with when I ovulated.
Then I was put forward 5 days so u never know hon.
Unless I O earlier but that wud have to mean I O on cd5 and I was still bleeding that day. Didn't start doing OPKs untill cd8 and got my peak on cd9 and O pain cd10 then temp shot up cd11.
So it's a weird one.
I was originally due 30th September but now I've had the hospital dating scan and got my official due date it's now 25th September.
So u never know hon. Its always great to get put forward even just for a few days. I did not expect to be put forward 5 days tho that was a happy surprise.

My bloat seems to have gone over past 2 days and my sickness has been less too.

Of course that then gets me worried. Still haven't been able to find a heartbeat with the doppler.

Still over 3 weeks till my next scan.

See its so hard isn't it hon. Ure feeling as sick as a dog and then when u haven't been feeling sick or boobs are less tender u panic.
I did find my symptoms came and went in the early stages, like i wud say even at ure stage my symptoms were worse somedays then others.

I do know some womon can start feeling better around 9 weeks because the placenta is getting ready to take over.
I'm sorry u haven't managed to find baby yet hon. Baby at 9/10 weeks is still tiny and they can move at that stage so it's harder to find.
When u go for ure scan take notice of where they put the probe thing and that's where u need to aim ure doppler. When I went for the Harmony last Wednesday I got told off for using my doppler she told me it's best to not use one until 14 weeks because of how small baby is and how hard it can be to find and cause unnecessary stress.
I've had a fair bit of practice tho because I used a doppler with DS so I kind of new where to look. But when I was looking ealier on I did find it difficult to find baby. It's much easier now with baby being bigger but when I was doing it at 9 10 weeks there was a few times I freekes out because I cudnt find it.
Some womon say a full bladder helps but I find it easier with a empty bladder.
Hope ure scan comes around quickly hon.

@Reiko_ctu I feel awful but I’m managing to get the kids to schools etc so you must feel absolutely rotten. I’m so sorry! I’m hoping it’s not to long until you start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

@topazicatzbet bring on scan time and second tri I say! I hate all the unknown! I know I’m going to be terrified on my scan day! Hoping all these bubba’s are all ok c

Ahhh ure bound to be nervous hon I was for mine. Then when I had the scan I felt so much better but then I got them results.
It's killing me waiting for these new results.
I really I hear back this week and I get low risk.
I just want to start enjoying my pregnancy again. At the moment I just feel on standstill.

Just praying my baby is healthy and I pray that for all us ladies that we all have healthy babies[-o&lt;
@Reiko_ctu i feel so deflated at the thought that this is about to get worse at 9 weeks. And yes, everytime I shower I step out and straight to vomit. I don’t even think I manage to get 500calories and I’m still working full time (barely). I’ve moved myself into our office interview room which has couches so even at work I’m just laying around with my laptop and occasionally nodding off.
I’m surviving on Greek yogurt, lemons, any form of ginger drink and the occasional toast. Every time I’ve attempted to eat proper food/meal I can’t go past 3/4 spoons.

So sorry ure feeling so poorly to hon
@Suggerhoney i done some reading on high results and in most cases it all came back fine even which much higher odds of ds. I’ve got all crossed that it is the case for you too! And that those results come in this week for you. X
Had some sad news this morning, my nan passed away this morning :( x
Going to my midwife appointment and I’ve officially hit the severe morning sickness borderline HG criteria, I’m sick more than 4 times a day and barely have any food stay in my stomach at all. :nope: I’m pretty certain I’m pushing my body a little too far.

anyone else hate naps? I feel awful after a nap, I wake up feeling the absolute worst. Which sucks cos I’m so tired and need them just to get through the day.
Thank u ladies, got my dating scan next Thursday and see the consultant x

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