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October/November Conkers 2021***

Thinking of you @Suggerhoney sorry not been on! Still struggling with the loss of my dad but will pop in more often! Your in my thoughts xx
Hello ladies

Not said much last few days as been full
of cold and felt rubbish
Welcome any newbies :)
And hope everyone is doing and feeling ok.

So I had some intense cramping on the left hand side of my abdomen and some pink discharge when I wiped a couple times yesterday, the cramping lasted all day yesterday but pink discharge was only there a couple times when I wiped. Fingers crossed I had no pink discharge today and the cramping seems to have eased other than the odd 10 minute niggle but feel like my boobs are no longer swollen they feel a little tender but only if I push on them, got appointment at EPU on Saturday but soooo nervous they are going to say something wrong or I might start getting pink discharge again before then :cry:
Husband being positive but I can’t go to the toilet without be worried there going to pink again or worse. Never had bleeding with my first only after sex or after a scan so never worries me.
Sorry to be so negative just waited so long for this
Had my scan and they bumped me forward 1 day, due Oct 31 now :) I’m pleased with that. Baby’s HB was 174. My sister was due on October 22 but they bumped her back an entire week at her scan so now she’s due 2 days before me ha! But she says she knows her dates and is sticking with her original date... it’s her first baby so she knows everything ;)

Still throwing up all the time here and bed ridden. Hoping it starts to get better next week. I’ve been off work for 2 weeks and I’m hoping I can get back in 2 weeks.

no Easter plans where I am in Canada because we’re still in Covid lockdown.
I had my dating scan today and measuring 12+1 and due the 13th October. I’m pleased about that because at my early scan they dates me a week behind and baby’s now all caught up! Eveything was looking good and we’ve decided we will find out the gender this time! Would love a little girl!!

Penguin hope all goes well at the epu. I had some pink discharge when I wiped with ds3 and all turned out well.

Angie great scan pic

Reiko way for being bumped forward.

My sickness is a lot better now, still in the background after dinner till bed but much more manageable.

I managed to find babies hb again with the doppler and was able to record it this time so dh could hear it.
Penguin hope all goes well at the epu. I had some pink discharge when I wiped with ds3 and all turned out well.

Angie great scan pic

Reiko way for being bumped forward.

My sickness is a lot better now, still in the background after dinner till bed but much more manageable.

I managed to find babies hb again with the doppler and was able to record it this time so dh could hear it.

Thank you for the reassurance :)
Good luck at EPU Saturday, praying for positive results

Hello ladies

Not said much last few days as been full
of cold and felt rubbish
Welcome any newbies :)
And hope everyone is doing and feeling ok.

So I had some intense cramping on the left hand side of my abdomen and some pink discharge when I wiped a couple times yesterday, the cramping lasted all day yesterday but pink discharge was only there a couple times when I wiped. Fingers crossed I had no pink discharge today and the cramping seems to have eased other than the odd 10 minute niggle but feel like my boobs are no longer swollen they feel a little tender but only if I push on them, got appointment at EPU on Saturday but soooo nervous they are going to say something wrong or I might start getting pink discharge again before then :cry:
Husband being positive but I can’t go to the toilet without be worried there going to pink again or worse. Never had bleeding with my first only after sex or after a scan so never worries me.
Sorry to be so negative just waited so long for this
@angie90 I lost my dad 12 years ago and even though it’s easier to accept now I still miss him so so much. Words can’t explain how much I need him at times. I feel your pain so please if you need us we are here! Big hugs! Great news that bubs is all caught up! Fingers crossed for a pink bundle for you!

@Reiko_ctu yay to a Halloween baby!!!! Wonder if you’ll actually get a Halloween baby! I’m so sorry your still feeling so poorly! It’s so sucky! I’m crossing all fingers that you’ll be feeling much better very soon.

@Penguin20 there are so many worries in the first tri. I’m hoping the cramps are just baby settling in and just a small bleed working it’s way out. At least you have a scan booked for Saturday to find out what’s going on. Hoping all is well! Sending hugs x

@Suggerhoney hope all is ok x
Hi ladies I've not long got home what a long day.

Anyway they checked babies HB with a doppler and found it and said it was good.

I also had a internal examination to check cervix and to see If there was blood.
There wasn't any blood but she said there was some discharge but it looked normol.

She told me my cervix is shut but right near where the entrance is I have a errosion, which she explained is like a blood vessel and can get easily irritated and bleed.

She said she thinks that's what it is but cant be 100% sure and she can't tell me if this will or won't lead to a miscarriage.

I just have to rest and if I bleed again or get pain I have to go back.

I had my bile acid levels come back and its at a 7 which is normal.

The bleeding has completely stopped now.
I really really hope they won't be any more.
That was so scary.
So glad all looks OK. I ve been checking regularly for an update. Take it easy.
Hello ladies

Not said much last few days as been full
of cold and felt rubbish
Welcome any newbies :)
And hope everyone is doing and feeling ok.

So I had some intense cramping on the left hand side of my abdomen and some pink discharge when I wiped a couple times yesterday, the cramping lasted all day yesterday but pink discharge was only there a couple times when I wiped. Fingers crossed I had no pink discharge today and the cramping seems to have eased other than the odd 10 minute niggle but feel like my boobs are no longer swollen they feel a little tender but only if I push on them, got appointment at EPU on Saturday but soooo nervous they are going to say something wrong or I might start getting pink discharge again before then :cry:
Husband being positive but I can’t go to the toilet without be worried there going to pink again or worse. Never had bleeding with my first only after sex or after a scan so never worries me.
Sorry to be so negative just waited so long for this

So sorry hon.
It's so worrying isn't it.
I had spotting pink (when wiping) on and off until 7 weeks.
I had a bleed at 6 weeks and another bleed today at 14+5 weeks.
It really is scary seeing any blood in pregnancy.

My baby is still alive and has a good HB but I'm still worried.
My bleeding has completely stopped now.

Spotting is very very common in First trimester hon.

I really hope all goes well on Saturday at the EPU.
I will be thinking of you.

I hope we both don't see anymore blood again untill we are full term and in labour getting the show and that's it.
Evening ladies. Hope your all ok. I’m still really struggling with sickness and just feeling so rotten. I refuse to call it morning sickness as it lasts all day and night! I’m counting my blessings that I’m only sick a couple times a day and keeping some food and drink down. Lucozade and salted crisps my savours so far... really healthy I know. Currently 1:11am typing with my 2 older babies in bed snoring away with me hubs been kicked out no room, little ones missing me as I’m in bed most of time now. I can’t wait to tell my dd mummy is sick because of a baby growing in her tummy. @Suggerhoney so glad baby is ok I got so worried reading you had a bleed xxx
Thank you ladies for all your support and reassurance, I’m only going to be 5+5 tomorrow so I know I won’t be able to see much but fingers crossed baby is growing as it should be at this stage

@Suggerhoney So glad everything is ok, fingers crossed no more bleeding or cramps and you can enjoy your pregnancy
@Suggerhoney I’m so glad your home and all seems as though it’s ok. Hopefully it is just an irritated blood vessel which I’m sure I’ve read about before... still it’s not nice seeing blood. Big hugs!!!!! Let’s hope that’s the end of it!

@Penguin20 hopefully you’ll see everything you need to at this point! Be thinking of you. Update us once you know x

@ciz sorry your still feeling yuk! At least you got some snuggles with your babies. I hate feeling ill I find I don’t do as much with my babies and I feel bad but I think there’s so many of them they don’t seem to notice to much! Haha! Are you planning on a special surprise to tell your littles about this bubba?

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