@daniyaaq hope you dont mind me popping over hereI hd trouble nursing both my babies. It was an awful painful mess with my dd (inverted nips, oversupply, difficulty latchin) but I was so determined I stuck it out for a year. After her I had read from a lady on the boards a tongue tie can cause issues. When I had my so , same issues so I had him checked around 1 month old, he had one, they quick snipped it at his appt and nursing was a breeze after that. With my dd the drs nurses and lactation consultants(!!!) blamed me for the difficulty. The whole time she had a tongue tie - NOBODY checked for it. I could have had such a closer bond with her but it was just pain and stress instead. Sooooo anyway not sure if maybe thats worth checking with new babe if theres still issues.
hey no I don’t mind. The thing with me, both girls latched fine and all but I had pain in my breast, with every suck there was a shooting pain from top of my breast down to my nipple. It was uncomfortable and hurt like crazy. I got checked and nobody could find reasons for it. I was checked for mastitis wasn’t it and even took antibiotics just incase but never helped.