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19 weeks bump View attachment 1097909
It's so strange because even tho my bump is big it's definitely not all baby. It's not hard at all and really squishy still.
I got my official due date at my dating scan and I remember with our son I got my due date but when i went for a gender scan at 16 weeks with him i was measuring 3 days ahead.
But this one was measuring bang on at 13+4 and 16 weeks and not a day over.
This is mine and DH 4th baby and I also have 2 older teens from a previous relationship so I think my tummy muscles are rubbish.
I'm also short and very slim so.
I've only put on 3lbs since being pregnant with this one.
With our youngest DS I had put on 21lbs by this stage with him. And he was only 7lb 6oz.
With I him I was worried I was putting on too much weight to quickly and with this one I'm worried I haven't put on enough weight so I don't think this will be a big baby.
I'm still not feeling loads of movements either.
And when i do its so light.
I felt more at this stage with our DS and I had a anterior placenta.
My placenta is prosteria this time so was hoping I wud of felt movements alot ealier than this.
I'm 19+1 weeks and I really thought by now I'd be feeling lots of movements but nope.
Mine and DH babies are always around the 7lb something apart from our DD who was just 5lb 7 but was early.
The biggest baby I had was with my ex.
I was 2 weeks over due and he was 8lb 15oz which I know is average but for me that is huge and he got so stuck, they had to use forceps and he was born not breathing because he got so badly stuck.
I put on 4 stone with him and I was massive.
Hardly no water and my belly was rock hard.
I am being induced around 37 weeks so I'm expecting another 7 to 8lbs.
I never trust the growth scans because they have been way out for me.
With my biggest they said he was 7 and a half lbs and he was 8lb 15.
With mine and DH DD I was told at 35 weeks she was already 7lbs.
I was so scared.
I had he 4 days later and she was a tiny 5lb 7oz.
And with out DS I was told at 34 weeks he was already 7lbs.
I got asked over and over it I had Gestational diabetes which I didn't .
I was told he wud be 9 to 10lbs, and he was only 7lb 6oz.
Getting told to expect a 9 to 10lb baby really really frightened me.
I had been denied a c section and new I had to do it naturally and I'm so tiny and I was so scared.
My midwife reassured me that growth scans are not accurate and can be up to 2lbs difference either way.
Turned out she was right thank goodness.
@topazicatzbet i hope they respect your want of a section too! Surely it would be much better than to risk the worry of babies position. Will you have to meet with your consultant to find out?
@Suggerhoney such an impressive bump!
@playgirl666 has a sweep ever set you off? Does it take much to get you going with induction?
@Reiko_ctu when you say 48 days it does seem a long wait! Hopefully you’ll be feeling a bit better soon and time won’t drag so much!!!
Thank you hon.
I'm very small so I tend to be quite big.
It's still very squishy tho and not hard at all which is odd.
Still not feeling strong movements and don't feel all movements yet either.
Just tiny light taps here and there.
But not all the time and I can go days without feeling anything.
I'm so disappointed about that because when I was told at 10 weeks I had a prosteria placenta I was so excited because with my last 2 I had a anterior placenta and didn't feel movements untill 18 weeks.
Was so hoping I wud of felt movements way earlier than this, and by now I thought I wud feel consistent strong movements but no.
I felt more with our DS at this stage and I had anterior placenta with him.
I'm also a bit worried because I have only gained 3lbs since being pregnant.
With DS I had gained 21 lbs by 19 weeks.
With him I was worried I was gaining too much.
But this one I'm worried because I've not gained hardly anything.
Just 3lbs.
Maybe I'm carrying alot more water this time and that's why I'm big and why by bump is still soft and squishy, and also why I'm not feeling much