October Pumpkins 2016 [47 Pumpkins - 3 Boys, 2 Girls]

Lost I hope they find out what's going on, that doesn't sound very good:nope: FXed it's nothing serious and you soon feel better:hugs:

Blessed I hope your DD soon feels better and that MS gets better for you soon. My DH is the opposite, he's always been mostly leaning towards only having 1 child. ATM I'm just super thankful to be having this one after the 2+ years and all the IUIs and 2 IVFs I went through to get this far. We'll see, the only chance would be if I'm suddenly more fertile after this one, otherwise it's very unlikely that a 2nd child will come as we never got any frosties from any of our IVFs:wacko:

Oh man. Morning sickness so bad today. It's crazy. I should stop saying I feel better and my symptoms are gone haha. Cause every time I do they come back with a vengeance!

1.5 weeks til second tri!! Super excited for that. My mother in law is sending me some mat clothes too :)

My symptoms do that as well, I'll have them for a few days then they stop for a short while and then come back. At least I don't throw up very much. Think it's only happened like 3-4 times and I've had about 3 close calls as well (one time was because I was taking the metro home from my 8 week scan; I can't seem to stand the rocking sensations now and there were no seating places available since there were so many people so had to sit on the floor or risk puking on the metro:wacko:).

You're so lucky to be getting maternity clothes from your MIL:flower: Are they her old stuff or someone else's or....?
thanks Kat I hope you do get another chance after this pregnancy ... anything is possible just have faith ...

I know a lot of people that have went on to have babies naturally after years of trying to conceive the first ones

so its basically autumn/fall in South Africa and I will be mostly pregnant in winter this time around ... so Im looking at getting myself just more leggings and tunics for winter ... should be easy as I do already own a lot of leggings but not much tunics
thanks Kat I hope you do get another chance after this pregnancy ... anything is possible just have faith ...

I know a lot of people that have went on to have babies naturally after years of trying to conceive the first ones

so its basically autumn/fall in South Africa and I will be mostly pregnant in winter this time around ... so Im looking at getting myself just more leggings and tunics for winter ... should be easy as I do already own a lot of leggings but not much tunics

Thanks Blessed:flower:

Hope you manage to find a lot of good winter stuff:happydance: So lucky, I'll be having a lot of my pregnancy during the summer so hoping it doesn't get that hot. Air condition isn't a huge thing in this country so it can get hot (for me:haha:) in an apartment or house depending on how much sun comes in and how many options you have for airing out. Only option is normally to open doors and/or windows to get more air in which isn't always good since bugs will then fly in (to the delight of my cat that loves to catch flies):dohh: Think we'll invest in 1-2 more fans once we move to our new house (one for the kitchen, one for the living room area). But I'm dreading my youngest BIL's birthday this year since it's at the start of June (so I'll be about 5 months pregnant) and his apartment gets so much sun so it's soooo hot inside although going outside doesn't always help much even though he normally does hold the vast majority of it outside in the apartment complex's garden area. It's blocked off by all the apartments so not much breeze or air gets into the garden:wacko:
oh no I dreaded my pregnancy with my little girl as it was in summer and nothing helped not even sleeping naked LOL

but I did like being able to wear maxi dresses as Im very short and could never wear any before I was pregnant as it was always too long or I had to have it tailored ...

are u and your younger brother close?
oh no I dreaded my pregnancy with my little girl as it was in summer and nothing helped not even sleeping naked LOL

but I did like being able to wear maxi dresses as Im very short and could never wear any before I was pregnant as it was always too long or I had to have it tailored ...

are u and your younger brother close?

Hence one of the reasons we need extra fans, I want the one we have in the bedroom on my side of the bed:haha:

I'm also thinking dresses (or maybe skirts with cute tops?) but of course will need to buy a couple of maternity ones. They'll come in handy for summer birthday parties.

He's not my brother, he's my DH's brother (BIL = brother in law). I only have dysfunctional relationships with my siblings as all 3 are more or less toxic, especially the younger of the 2 brothers:wacko: Plus I'm the youngest sibling so don't have any younger siblings. As for my BIL, no not especially but we seem to get along fine when we do talk and see each other. He's turning 34 this year and still parties pretty much every weekend like he's in his 20s:dohh: His girlfriend, a few years younger than him, is a sweetheart and I'm hoping this one sticks but we'll see. As you can tell no kids in the near future for them, if ever:shrug:
Well I have my 8.5 week ultrasound today. I'm hoping everything is ok even with the lack of symptoms. Wish me luck!
Hello everyone.Anyone experience blurry vision while pregnant ? i wear glasses but lately my vision has been blurry.Its like i need a new prescription with my glasses. wasn't sure if this is from being pregnant and what could cause it
Amy - when was the last time you had an eye appointment and your prescription checked?
HM I don't know if pregnancy would cause that but I would make another appointment with your eye doctor to check on it.
Scan looked great. Both babies have fast heartbeats and yolk sac and are measuring 8w1d and 7w6d. :happydance: I feel like I can breathe!!
Amy my vision got worse wiTh my last pregnancy and I can feel it worse with this one too. Pregnancy tends to change your vision. It's why my dr won't do lasik on me until I am done with kids and breastfeeding, so I would say it's totally normal :)

I had a quick scan today to check On my hematoma; it's finally gone! There was a tiny bit left but he said not even big enough to measure. I am so relieved! Baby was so cute too, looking all baby like!
Great news about your scans, ash and borr!

Blessed and Kat, I am also hoping that this pregnancy turns things on and my kid won't end up an only child... though it will be much less working for it and much more, NTNP. I have a much older stepsister who was never able to have a second and her only kid grew up in the shadow of her parents desperately trying for a second (like 40K in IVF, plus having a complete nursery in the home, etc.) It was creepy and really unhealthy - now, even though their daughter is barely employed and dating, they are pressuring her to give them a grandchild. I know I don't want to do THAT.

And the idea of no AC during the summer.... I would DIE. It's only the 80F (~27C) and I'm already not interested in being outdoors after 7 AM!

Someone please tell me the fatigue ends soon. I worked out this AM, ate breakfast and took a 2.5 hour nap. So much for "working" at home today!
borr and ash congrats on your respective scans going well:happydance::happydance:

Blessed and Kat, I am also hoping that this pregnancy turns things on and my kid won't end up an only child... though it will be much less working for it and much more, NTNP. I have a much older stepsister who was never able to have a second and her only kid grew up in the shadow of her parents desperately trying for a second (like 40K in IVF, plus having a complete nursery in the home, etc.) It was creepy and really unhealthy - now, even though their daughter is barely employed and dating, they are pressuring her to give them a grandchild. I know I don't want to do THAT.

And the idea of no AC during the summer.... I would DIE. It's only the 80F (~27C) and I'm already not interested in being outdoors after 7 AM!

Someone please tell me the fatigue ends soon. I worked out this AM, ate breakfast and took a 2.5 hour nap. So much for "working" at home today!

I may be biased but I don't think growing up an only child is necessarily so bad. In a way, I grew up as an only child (since my 10 year older sister was living with her father and his wife and my brother is 23 years older). My father grew up an only child and he was one of the most loving, caring and unselfish people I knew. I think the whole "only children are bratty" thing is all on the parents and how you raise them. My eldest BIL's 2 kids are pretty bratty and selfish (plus super, super picky eaters) and especially the son doesn't play very well with other kids - both of them get pretty much whatever they point at:wacko: I don't think they play very much with each other either but that may partly be because it's 1 boy and 1 girl:shrug: Now I grew up in dysfunction (so had issues making friends since most kids considered me shy and weird so most kept away) but I would think that as long as you socialise your child and there are plenty of friends for the child to play with that they'll end up fine.

As for your stepsister that's also a pretty messed up way to let their child grow up:wacko: Plus I don't think your stepsister should be demanding grandchildren, no parent should. Deciding to have kids is up to your child once they're grown up, I would never butt in, it's just too creepy. My child is free to be herself or himself so if mine doesn't want kids, that's their choice.

As for no AC yeah it's really bad. I think you can buy AC units but it's pretty expensive here so the vast majority don't and just open doors and windows. Last summer wasn't much fun in this apartment so got DH to buy one of those tall floor fans because opening doors and windows wasn't cutting it and it helped a lot. In Denmark the temperature rarely goes much above 25 Celsius anyway but that can be hot enough if there's no breeze and you get lots of sun in your house/apartment.

Yep I still have fatigue, I'm taking a minimum of 1 hour naps every afternoon and start yawning around 9-9:30 PM every night. I have no idea when or if it ends though:shrug:
I'm here and just about to do it.

Sorry I am rather ill at the moment, won't be surprised if I am in hospital by the end of the week.
I'm so sorry you are ill lost. I hope you get better soon :hugs:

On a side note. Heart burn sufferers. What are you doing to combat it??? It's bad bad bad. I'm scared for third tri at this rate.
I use gaviscon - doesn't really touch the sides though :cry:

Congratulations on being a lime! I can't wait to be one of those

Scan looked great. Both babies have fast heartbeats and yolk sac and are measuring 8w1d and 7w6d. :happydance: I feel like I can breathe!!
Great news - so pleased for you!

I had a quick scan today to check On my hematoma; it's finally gone! There was a tiny bit left but he said not even big enough to measure. I am so relieved! Baby was so cute too, looking all baby like!

Really good news!
@Kat: that was about the temperature range where I grew up (a little south of Frankfurt, Germany). If my work opportunities weren't what they are here, we would leave. Still haven't ruled out going back to Germany, Pacific NW USA is also quite promising - almost entirely for the climate!

I do agree parenting has a ton of an effect on a kid's brattiness. As it stands, I have my mother, brother, and cousin that live nearby and will be huge influences on this kid - none of these people, or myself and Hubster, will let them get away with brattiness. We are all close-knit and really have each other's backs, whomever needs it at the time.
Lost I hope they find out what's going on, that doesn't sound very good:nope: FXed it's nothing serious and you soon feel better:hugs:

Blessed I hope your DD soon feels better and that MS gets better for you soon. My DH is the opposite, he's always been mostly leaning towards only having 1 child. ATM I'm just super thankful to be having this one after the 2+ years and all the IUIs and 2 IVFs I went through to get this far. We'll see, the only chance would be if I'm suddenly more fertile after this one, otherwise it's very unlikely that a 2nd child will come as we never got any frosties from any of our IVFs:wacko:

Oh man. Morning sickness so bad today. It's crazy. I should stop saying I feel better and my symptoms are gone haha. Cause every time I do they come back with a vengeance!

1.5 weeks til second tri!! Super excited for that. My mother in law is sending me some mat clothes too :)

My symptoms do that as well, I'll have them for a few days then they stop for a short while and then come back. At least I don't throw up very much. Think it's only happened like 3-4 times and I've had about 3 close calls as well (one time was because I was taking the metro home from my 8 week scan; I can't seem to stand the rocking sensations now and there were no seating places available since there were so many people so had to sit on the floor or risk puking on the metro:wacko:).

You're so lucky to be getting maternity clothes from your MIL:flower: Are they her old stuff or someone else's or....?

She's out getting me new stuff. Not sure from where etc. but she buys me clothes all the time. I love it cause I hate shopping. I do consider myself lucky there too :)

When I was pregnant with my oldest the bus/train use to make me sick as well. Glad this time around I drive myself. Don't miss that!

Scan looked great. Both babies have fast heartbeats and yolk sac and are measuring 8w1d and 7w6d. :happydance: I feel like I can breathe!!

Woohoo!! Wonderful news!

Amy my vision got worse wiTh my last pregnancy and I can feel it worse with this one too. Pregnancy tends to change your vision. It's why my dr won't do lasik on me until I am done with kids and breastfeeding, so I would say it's totally normal :)

I had a quick scan today to check On my hematoma; it's finally gone! There was a tiny bit left but he said not even big enough to measure. I am so relieved! Baby was so cute too, looking all baby like!

fabulous that it fixed itself!

I'm here and just about to do it.

Sorry I am rather ill at the moment, won't be surprised if I am in hospital by the end of the week.
I'm so sorry you are ill lost. I hope you get better soon :hugs:

On a side note. Heart burn sufferers. What are you doing to combat it??? It's bad bad bad. I'm scared for third tri at this rate.
I use gaviscon - doesn't really touch the sides though :cry:

Congratulations on being a lime! I can't wait to be one of those

Scan looked great. Both babies have fast heartbeats and yolk sac and are measuring 8w1d and 7w6d. :happydance: I feel like I can breathe!!
Great news - so pleased for you!

I had a quick scan today to check On my hematoma; it's finally gone! There was a tiny bit left but he said not even big enough to measure. I am so relieved! Baby was so cute too, looking all baby like!

Really good news!

Thanks ha. I stood in the grocery store on Sunday staring at the limes for a while :p Last time I was this far along I found out about my miscarriage at exactly 12 weeks so I don't remember what that is. Excited to be getting past it on Saturday!! I don't know what I'm going to do about the heartburn. Have yet to decide. Today it's calm. But the days it's bad it's brutal.

I'm suffering from a brutal headache today. HOpefully it's just cause of being tired. My oldest I had nasty headaches in second tri for weeks. That sucked. I also hit the gym today! First run in about 8 days. Which is a long time for me. So that was good. Until 11 when I was ready for bed and had to work all day haha.
@Kat: that was about the temperature range where I grew up (a little south of Frankfurt, Germany). If my work opportunities weren't what they are here, we would leave. Still haven't ruled out going back to Germany, Pacific NW USA is also quite promising - almost entirely for the climate!

I do agree parenting has a ton of an effect on a kid's brattiness. As it stands, I have my mother, brother, and cousin that live nearby and will be huge influences on this kid - none of these people, or myself and Hubster, will let them get away with brattiness. We are all close-knit and really have each other's backs, whomever needs it at the time.

Maybe we should switch, I'd in some ways rather go back and live in the US:winkwink: I hate how the job market is here that you only can get work through connections - I think it's because it's such a small country:dohh: Plus it's hard to find friends in this country when you haven't grown up here, most make friends during kindergarten and up to college and then most stop wanting new friends. I've heard it's very hard for even very outgoing people to make friends with the Danes. DH and I were thinking about moving to the US, mostly because it'd be easier for me to find a job, but have pretty much dropped the idea. It's also too late now since I've been unemployed for too long anyway for any employers to want me at this point:shrug:

So great your family is like that. DH's family is normally like that but I think because the mother of the 2 kids is really volatile (me and my FIL suspect a personality disorder, most likely Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and DH's family tends to be a bit too diplomatic at times that no one has said anything against how the kids act, only when the mother and father (DH's big brother) aren't around. I think it's so sad that these kids at big family gatherings only eat tiny portions of food so they're only sitting with the family for maybe 20 minutes tops and then leave the table to play video or computer games and only come back for dessert:nope:

Lost I hope they find out what's going on, that doesn't sound very good:nope: FXed it's nothing serious and you soon feel better:hugs:

Blessed I hope your DD soon feels better and that MS gets better for you soon. My DH is the opposite, he's always been mostly leaning towards only having 1 child. ATM I'm just super thankful to be having this one after the 2+ years and all the IUIs and 2 IVFs I went through to get this far. We'll see, the only chance would be if I'm suddenly more fertile after this one, otherwise it's very unlikely that a 2nd child will come as we never got any frosties from any of our IVFs:wacko:

Oh man. Morning sickness so bad today. It's crazy. I should stop saying I feel better and my symptoms are gone haha. Cause every time I do they come back with a vengeance!

1.5 weeks til second tri!! Super excited for that. My mother in law is sending me some mat clothes too :)

My symptoms do that as well, I'll have them for a few days then they stop for a short while and then come back. At least I don't throw up very much. Think it's only happened like 3-4 times and I've had about 3 close calls as well (one time was because I was taking the metro home from my 8 week scan; I can't seem to stand the rocking sensations now and there were no seating places available since there were so many people so had to sit on the floor or risk puking on the metro:wacko:).

You're so lucky to be getting maternity clothes from your MIL:flower: Are they her old stuff or someone else's or....?

She's out getting me new stuff. Not sure from where etc. but she buys me clothes all the time. I love it cause I hate shopping. I do consider myself lucky there too :)

When I was pregnant with my oldest the bus/train use to make me sick as well. Glad this time around I drive myself. Don't miss that!

Wow that is so great! Maybe I should mention that to my MIL:winkwink::haha:

Yeah if I'd known it'd make me sick, I'd have gotten DH to drive me home before he headed off to work. DH wanted to save time so he could get to work faster but says if he'd known, he'd have driven me home instead. Now we know to avoid the metro though! Haven't tried the buses yet but fear it may make me sick as well so not keen on trying:wacko:

AFM I'm going in to hear the results of my blood test this afternoon with DH:wacko: Here's hoping that they all look good, especially the one concerning the chances of Downs Syndrome (although I think they know more in correlation with the scan).

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