October Pumpkins 2016 [47 Pumpkins - 3 Boys, 2 Girls]

tinkle2, Welcome to the thread. I’ll add your EDD for 13th October. :)

lady3, Welcome to the thread. I’ll add your EDD for 11th. I’m sorry to hear you’ve had multiple complications with this pregnancy. I’m also sorry to hear of your MMC, I’ve had 9 Miscarriages so I know a little of what you’ve been (gone) through. I haven’t heard of anyone having such a high HR, but I wish you the very best of luck. Keep us informed.

Blessedbaby, sorry for the late reply! I’m feeling sick! Still… 16 weeks tomorrow and yep, still being sick! :cry: I hope you’re holding up better than me?

MissCassie, I’m having my gender scan on Wednesday (20th April). Only a few more days for me. I am paying privately for it though. Otherwise I’d have had to wait until 20th May.

Kat079, I hope you decide what to do with regards announcing the pregnancy soon hun. It’s awful to be in such limbo.

clairelouise. Hi hun, welcome to the thread. I’ll add your EDD as 17th October. :)

ajarvis, Funny you mention BH’s. I’m already having them too. I asked my MW and she said the more pregnancies (and children) you have, the sooner they start. Since this is my 15th Pregnancy and hopefully 6th successful pregnancy, here’s hoping.
Glad you’ve heard the HB too, It’s such a nice feeling when you hear it for the first time.

Ella_Hopeful, Glad the scan went well and you’re measuring bang on! :)

As for me, well. Meh. I'm 16 weeks tomorrow and still spewing up. Braxton Hicks are already bothering me and I am only a few days away from my Gender scan. I am nervous but excited, although I think more nervous than excited.

I've bought more pink things, particularly bottles and clothes.

Children are keeping me busy, as is my other commitments. I looked over a friends car for it's MOT (It's a test here cars have to go through every year in order to be 'safe' on the roads). Helped her book it in and have the work completed on it. Usually, I'd be doing it but I am no longer able to.

I put up some bunk beds recently and got stuck by the wall. Bump is growing VERY big and VERY quickly.

Also, I passed brown but watery blood yesterday. Midwifes are not bothered since I am not yet 16 weeks. Keeping an eye on it.

Glad to hear everyone else is okay and doing well, glad that tests keep coming back clear.
Yay for a good test cbeary!

Kat those dizzy spells are no fun. Haven't had any bad ones yet. Hopefully they're few and far between for you!

Almost bought a crib today. But leary of walmart and their cribs. It said it was 100 dollars off, but I don't know.. Wish I knew when the baby sales were lol

Yes here's hoping. I'm thinking it was because it was a crowded, small place and I had kept my jacket on so maybe that just pushed me over the edge.

I'd think buying a crib should be done at a better store but that's just me. I'd be afraid that any cheapo ones would be potential death traps:wacko: I don't think DH and I will be buying one ourselves though until after my 20 week scan for fear of jinxing things. Plus we're in the process of moving anyway so would be silly to buy anything big until after our big move next weekend.
Oh my goodness I am soooo hungry today! I sat down for breakfast and I had 3 pieces of French toast, half a watermelon, and two glasses of orange juice. I was still hungry to the point of my stomach growling so I had a leftover burrito from last night's dinner. I've finished that and I swear as I'm sitting here I'm still so hungry it feels like I haven't eaten a thing! 😂
Kat both my boys used the same drop side crib :p Walmart brand too. This one I am thinking better quality because I want a convertible one so it needs to last super long.

I looked at the reviews and it has great reviews from what I can find, but since there's still 5.5 mnths til baby I don't want to rush. Want to get a super deal!
3 sleeps until I know, Pink or Blue.

Still undecided if I am going to tell the world or just keep it to myself until the birth. 16 weeks today and still throwing up, man I am so done with sickness.
Exciting lost! I can't remember if you said you were hoping for either? Hope your sickness passes. Doesn't it know it's 2nd tri already! Lol.

OMG ladies. Went to Denny's for lunch after my workout and had 2 blueberry pancakes with strawberries topped with whipped cream, and icing. Scrambled eggs. Sausages. Hashbrowns. It's 5 hours later and I'm still stuffed :p
Hoping for a little girl to complete my family, pretty sure it's a little girl. Already bought pink items. :)

I'm tracking my weight closely and I've lost another 2 lb so happy with that. I'm not being as sick as I was but yes, it's second trimester it can go away now! :)
Good luck on your scan Lost :flower:

Glad some ladies seemed to have gotten over MS, I'm on my 15th week and still have sick spells :wacko: Had one yesterday as I hadn't eaten enough for breakfast and the constant bending up and down to pack my clothes (or throw some in the Salvation Army bag) ended up in me needing to have a head-in-toilet moment. But I think on the whole it is getting better so hopefully it's soon gone. They do say MS can last up to 16-18 weeks so that 12 week thing is a bit of a myth although I'm sure for some it does stop around there.

Still haven't heard back from our friend and his new wife in Spain (our friend is Danish but married a Mexican woman after a very short time period of knowing her over the internet and moved to Mexico, they got divorced a few years later but then he met another Mexican that he married last year after a longer courtship) about our pregnancy news. He BTW knew we were having issues conceiving and would be doing assisted conception. DH wrote him an email about 2 weeks ago and no response so he tried sending him an SMS a couple of days ago and nothing yet. So weird. We also thought to mention it because they're planning on visiting us (plus of course his family) in September and our friend was talking about going to a heavy metal/rock concert with us and I can't do that at about 8 months pregnant, especially not any really hard metal music ones as people get rowdy and push and shove and most especially if there's a mosh pit:wacko:
Thank you Kat :flower:

Hopefully your MS dies down soon, I'm 16+1 and still throwing up, not every day but most days... I'm so done with it! :cry:
Lost and Kat I feel for you! I was sick the entire 9 months I was pregnant with my son. Was pretty horrible. By the end, I had lanky hair, my nails were really soft and breakable and I ended up with a lot of cavities from all the acid. My doctor had refused to give me the medicine in the beginning as he didn't feel right giving a pregnant woman meds. Then I kept telling myself it would have to ease up, and so never pushed the medicine thing. If you can get the medicine though, get it! Hopefully it will help you.

On a positive, at the end of it, I had the most mellow, easy-going baby in the world. I never struggled to get him to sleep and he was great at feeding right away. I think it was nature evening itself out for the rough 9 months I had just been through!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

I don't have an inkling what this this baby is at all. I had pretty strong intuition for the last 2 (and they ended up being correct) but I keep going back and forth on what I'm having now.
Thanks lady3, sorry to hear you struggled with sickness. I am so impatient for Wednesday, 2 sleeps now. Just want the wait to be over.

Am I right again or am I wrong for the second time? We'll have to wait and see, although I am not 100% sure I will be sharing the news with anyone. If that's the case, the friend going with me will be sworn to secrecy.
@lady: I hope that the fact I haven't had a rough go of it doesn't mean I'm about to have Rosemary's Baby LOL! I rationalize it as I spent 3.5 years (38 cycles struggling to conceive), 3 failed FSH/IUI cycles, over a year of Femara induction, one MC, so many CPs I actually have lost count... so I feel like that was my suffering and that's why this kid is taking it easy on me!

@ajarvis: I had those same pancakes from Denny's (OK, after two weeks I had to go back for a second round because they were AMAZING). Only I sub the hashbrowns for a fruit cup, haha you know, to try to make it "healthier" :)

@Lost: I hope you get the little girl you want. I only found out so early because of the DNA testing for my "advanced maternal age" and we've only told my single best friend. Not even my mom, this being her first grand is acting like she might die from the waiting. It's pretty funny, actually. Do you have a particular reason to hold back the information? I am super private offline, I just know the minute we tell people if it's team blue or pink, then they will want to know what we are thinking about calling him/ her, etc. and then more and more and more. This has taken so much work and so much time that we are enjoying just keeping it as much ours for a bit as we can.

OMFG... I'm working from home today, less than 2 miles away from a Denny's. I will not go for more pancakes, I won't! I have self-control!
Wow, I wish I was near a Dennys!! Yummmmm!! I think I finally felt a little wiggle/flutter the other day!

Clandestine-My DH found out gender for our first but I didn't. It drove me nuts how much my MIL kept trying to get him to tell her because she HAD to know. I didn't want to know and I think had someone else known before me I'd have been so upset! I hate when people do that as not all that long ago no one ever knew what they were having, so why do some people have to act so ridiculous if you don't find out now, grr, sorry pet peeve of mine. I think each parent can decide whats right for them and if everyone knowing as well is also right. The pressure for sex and names while you are pregnant is just ridiculous. I'm all for keeping it to myself as I don't like lots of attention :) I didn't want to tell people we were even pregnant yet, but as I've got a belly I figured it'd be easier (plus I wouldn't have to listen to family asking if they could tell yet :dohh:) I don't blame you at all if you keep it to yourself!
Thanks, twinkie! It's so good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't want everyone all over them. I keep joking that the only people I want "all up in my uterus" are Hubster, because he helped put it there and my doctors, who we are paying to be there. We had a name for girl and boy already picked out, it's what happens when you have more than three years to think about it, I guess? So we know what it is and we know its name, we just don't want to discuss it (or hear people's opinions about it).

You also have some sort of amazing strength to not ask him! I think I needed to know, because it's my body, but when it's in other people's bodies, I don't mind not knowing.
ClandestineTX, I was supposed to find out at least 4 weeks ago. I just couldn't provide the specimen at home.
With regards withholding the gender, this is my last pregnancy. With each and every pregnancy (bar firstborn) I found out at 16 weeks and always told everyone. I think it would be rather nice to keep it to myself. I'm not an overly private person (hence the reason I have my own YouTube channel lol), but I just feel this is my last child. There's no real reason for others to know, I am buying the baby bottles, planning the nursery etc.

16 hours 31 minutes.. :shock: :haha:
Wow it's odd because we've had no issues when telling people we're Team :yellow: all the way. Even my toxic mother seems to be fine with it! DH's grandmother asked him over the phone if we were going to find out the sex/gender but he told her we wanted to wait until birth and she let it be. Everyone seems pretty accepting of our decision to let it be a surprise until baby comes.

Clandestine and twinkie, maybe it would've been easier if you hadn't/didn't know(n) or maybe just fibbed and told people you wanted to be Team :yellow: all the way? I'd say if people are being a nuisance about it, maybe just shut them down saying that is your decision and don't wish to discuss it any further and then change the subject?
Yes Kat, I think we should have fibbed and said team yellow, I agree most people are very accepting of that. But because DH knew, everyone else seemed to think they had a right as grandma, uncle, whatever, that they should know too!

Clandestine-you give me a lot more credit than I deserve!! I totally asked lots, but DH knew deep down I wanted the surprise so he never gave in and I'm so grateful he didn't!

I am actually considering finding out, dh wants it a surprise this time and I think if I do find out I will just tell everyone we are team yellow so that they don't pester me! it's looking like there's a good chance he won't be able to attend the gender scan so even though he knows I want to find out, I can tease him and say did I or didn't I? Plus it will help with potential oopsie slips! Although I've already tried to get in the habit of going back and forth on he/she to help cover my butt!
AH, Kat, I think you are correct! The issue, for sure, is that WE KNOW. And they know that we know. I've already wasted half my day reading things about gender neutral parenting and, for us, we want kids that feel free to like that they like without being stuffed in a box. That being said, we aren't comfortable hiding what they are once they are here or encouraging them to try the opposite identity, because (to us) that's farther than we are comfortable going. Or more appropriately, too much work. We aren't those extremes and maybe I'll relax a bit more after our scan on the 5th of May (anatomy scan) and I have more confidence about the overall health.
Hey everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been on much. I live in Ecuador, and as I am sure you've all heard on the news there was a massive 7.8 earthquake on Saturday. It was felt strongly where I live but thankfully no damage here and we are ok. However, all of the coastal region of the country is left completely destroyed and devastated. I have been trying to do my best these past few days to gather donations and volunteering to sort donations, and I've been busy trying to help with what I can.

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