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October Pumpkins 2016 [47 Pumpkins - 3 Boys, 2 Girls]

There was an update on Lost's YouTube popped up yesterday so she seems to be ok, just not on here for some reason

How odd hope all is ok

This place is great for releasing pent up energy and I hoped lost realised we could be there for her when she needs us,
Hope she comes back soon xx
So weird:shrug: Hope Lost comes back on BnB soon though.

AFM DH felt baby kick for the 1st time today :happydance::cloud9:
So awesome your DH got to feel Kat :) He must've loved that!
I think he did ajarvis, he got a goofy smile on his face:haha:

Oh and we're ordering a baby carriage on Saturday. I've decided on the one I want since DH was taking forever and there's a 6-8 week waiting period on getting them. It's a really good quality Danish brand called Odder and the model we're going with is Zip for anyone interested:winkwink: Think we'll need to buy more stuff and do that every month so we can reach to get the nursery ready before October. ATM we don't have anything in there:wacko:

Also DH has finally decided to accept a wedding invite he got a while ago:dohh: It's in the middle of August so here's hoping I can find a nice maternity dress that fits my bump. It'll be impossible to buy something in the small town I live in now (0 maternity clothes stores here) so we'll have to go to a larger city to find something. May have to find a Saturday 1-2 weeks before to do that. He's also mentioned our pregnancy now to some friends he doesn't see very much (as they all have 1-2 kids and us being childless before meant we weren't often welcome at their gatherings, only for the annual Christmas luncheon) while discussing with them via email on what to do for the groom's bachelor night but none of them have said anything to it yet:nope: Don't know if they haven't noticed or what:wacko:
Cassie should I ask her to add you again?

There would be no point..
I messaged her on fb asking to be readded as i dont know why i have been deleted and she blocked me so no thanks.

That's ridiculous. I'm part of one I can add you too. Not a huge group which is nice, but it is active :)

I think he did ajarvis, he got a goofy smile on his face:haha:

Oh and we're ordering a baby carriage on Saturday. I've decided on the one I want since DH was taking forever and there's a 6-8 week waiting period on getting them. It's a really good quality Danish brand called Odder and the model we're going with is Zip for anyone interested:winkwink: Think we'll need to buy more stuff and do that every month so we can reach to get the nursery ready before October. ATM we don't have anything in there:wacko:

Also DH has finally decided to accept a wedding invite he got a while ago:dohh: It's in the middle of August so here's hoping I can find a nice maternity dress that fits my bump. It'll be impossible to buy something in the small town I live in now (0 maternity clothes stores here) so we'll have to go to a larger city to find something. May have to find a Saturday 1-2 weeks before to do that. He's also mentioned our pregnancy now to some friends he doesn't see very much (as they all have 1-2 kids and us being childless before meant we weren't often welcome at their gatherings, only for the annual Christmas luncheon) while discussing with them via email on what to do for the groom's bachelor night but none of them have said anything to it yet:nope: Don't know if they haven't noticed or what:wacko:

That's cute :)

His friends may have not noticed if it was a mid a different conversation or they'll just say something in person. Email can be weird!
Wow Cassie that's just super odd:wacko: Maybe someone else could try asking Lost on why she's blocked you? Maybe she has you confused with someone else or something?

ajarvis he wrote it at the end of his email, right after congratulating one of the other guys that wrote at the end of his that him and his wife are expecting baby #2 (another boy apparently) at the end of September.
Has anyone had a bilobed placenta before? Where the placenta is seperated into two near equal lobes? So essentially i have 2 placentas...

Which means i have a higher risk of hemorrhage after birth or the other placenta not coming out properly and the doctors having to go in and get it out
That's the first I've ever heard of that misscassie. Sounds interesting and a little scary. What are their plans for your delivery then?
Anyone else super itchy? Last few days I've been ridiculously itchy and I think it's getting worse. I don't remember this from my last pregnancies!
I'm itchy, but I've had dry skin for most of this pregnancy. My hands are finally not scaly.

I haven't heard of the placenta stuff, misscassie - but agree I'd ask about the birth plan. I hate to say, maybe a planned c-section would be safer, but couldn't hurt to ask about all of your options and the risks of each. I keep thinking I am all for an unmedicated all natural birth, but I think at the end of the day, I'm going for whatever gets me and this kid to the other side of this in the best shape possible.
I go for another scan at 32 weeks to see how everything is going so i guess ill find out more then.

I would really like to have a watet birth, but if i have to have a c section then im completely fine with that too. At the end of the day she has to come out either way. And as long as shes happy and healthy thats all i care about :)

On a side note.
Happy V day to me :)

And yes my belly has been getting itchy and tight.. the joys of stretching skin haha
I haven't been particularly itchy but it does come occasionally, mostly on my bump but also my breasts. I do have dry skin issues too.

Cassie I don't know anything about that particular placenta issue, may be worth asking your midwife about potential birth plans like everyone said.

I'm however not thrilled if I end up needing a C section though, my toxic mother told me about mine (yep, I was born via C section) compared to her 5 other births that where vaginally. According to her, it sounds like you're free from pain during the "birth" but you're in a lot more pain afterwards and for a longer time period compared to giving birth vaginally. So yeah will do the C section if necessary (on the off chance my placenta hasn't moved or a complication arises during labour) but I'm not going to be happy about it:nope:
So there was a sale at the local baby store and we went in today. Ended up getting an Emmaljunga Big Star Supreme Limited Edition baby carriage (the last one they had:thumbup:) and this baby car seat since the prices on them were so great:

Emmaljunga LE 1.jpg

Emmaljunga LE 2.jpg

Autostol 1.jpg

Autostol 2.jpg

Can't wait til next month's shopping trip:happydance:
Cassie I haven't heard of anything like that before ... maybe speak to your doctor to find out what your options are ... happy Vday

Ajarvis I have been feeling itchy mostly on my arms and wrists but not all the time ...

great buys Kat ... I love it ...

AFM - I went back to my OBGYN on Tuesday and my BP came down a bit but was still high and because Im also short of breathe now I got sent for some bloodwork after my appointment ... I have to call back on Monday to find out the results if it comes back clear my next appointment is on 4 July if not she wants to see me on Tuesday again ... gosh I hope it comes back clear
Wow Blessed that's so odd you're also blocked. Maybe someone who isn't could ask Lost why?

Too bad your BP is still high, I really hope your results come back clear!

And thanks, going to prioritise nursery stuff on our next shopping trip as we don't have anything in there yet:wacko:

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