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October Pumpkins 2016 [47 Pumpkins - 3 Boys, 2 Girls]

Kat I don't think that will help ... when I asked her why she no longer posts here she said she was blocked from BNB due to catching someone out that lied about a MC ... its none of my business really and I told her so just told her you ladies were concerned as to where she was and boom blocked and deleted

ooh I just love baby shopping now ... we got some avent bottles as we couldn't find any tommee tippee ones
Kat I don't think that will help ... when I asked her why she no longer posts here she said she was blocked from BNB due to catching someone out that lied about a MC ... its none of my business really and I told her so just told her you ladies were concerned as to where she was and boom blocked and deleted

ooh I just love baby shopping now ... we got some avent bottles as we couldn't find any tommee tippee ones

Ah ok I had no idea, makes sense than to just let things be then. I thought that if it was just due to a minor misunderstanding, perhaps someone could ask her. But in this case, it's probably best to leave it be. Although it does mean that we don't have anyone that can update the front page as to genders and EDDs and the like :wacko:

Avent, that's also the brand I'm looking at for bottles and a breast pump (we also have a gift certificate for the breast pump so can get it a bit cheaper). It's a good brand then? Yep love baby shopping, just wish we could've bought a few more items but we have to keep a certain budget each month and the carriage and car seat were still a bit pricey despite the sale (it's the 25% Danish tax on everything:dohh:). I'm sure we'll reach to get everything we need before October though! Looking most forward to getting some of the clothes, just so cute:cloud9:
yes hey maybe we should start one in the of this thread LOL

yes two of my friends and my niece swears by Avent hey so I think we made a good choice ... Im also hoping to breastfeed again this time around although last time I could only do so for the first 2 months ... one thing I know for sure is to stock up on breastpads ... those first few weeks its just a leaky mess ...

we haven't started buying clothes yet besides DH's purchases he made at the beginning of this pregnancy ... cant believe we in the 6th month of our pregnancies ... just a few more weeks and we will be in the final stretch - 3rd tri ...
Anyone willing to do it maybe ask the administrator to change the owner of the thread? As I'm sure they would change it if you explain to them.
yes hey maybe we should start one in the of this thread LOL

yes two of my friends and my niece swears by Avent hey so I think we made a good choice ... Im also hoping to breastfeed again this time around although last time I could only do so for the first 2 months ... one thing I know for sure is to stock up on breastpads ... those first few weeks its just a leaky mess ...

we haven't started buying clothes yet besides DH's purchases he made at the beginning of this pregnancy ... cant believe we in the 6th month of our pregnancies ... just a few more weeks and we will be in the final stretch - 3rd tri ...

Yeah that's what I was thinking, that maybe someone needs to start a new list of EDDs and genders so we can update it. My EDD never did get changed to October 9th:wacko:

Ok so guess I'll go with Avent, will see if I can buy the breast pump plus a few bottles next month along with the nursery stuff plus some pads. Is it worth investing the extra money in an electric pump or is a manual one just as good (here the electric one costs a little over double the cost of the manual one:wacko:)? How often do you change the pads? I'm thinking it must be at least 1 a day?

Yeah it's going by so fast! Trying to really enjoy it now. Especially as I spent most of my 1st trimester super worried about MCing:nope: Think I even had a couple of panic attacks over it:wacko: So here's to savoring these last few months:thumbup:
Great buys kat!

Blessed hope your BP comes down! Any suspected reason for it being high? Can't wait for third tri. 2 more weeks for me!

If everyone is ok with it I'll message an admin and see if I can take over the thread. My understanding is lost is not coming back. They are phasing all of my work over to someone else so I have some free time :p
Hi there ladies. I just wanted to shed some light on the situation, as I've seen you wondering where Lost7 is and now with the suggestion that she was banned for catching out someone who lied about a miscarriage, I can't hold my tongue any longer. Lost7 was banned for going on a sustained off-site attack on me, slandering me for lying about a miscarriage (which is so utterly hurtful and dispicable). I had never been anything but nice to Lost7, but somehow, she got very upset by my recent chemical pregnancy last cycle and decided to blog about me and slander me on Facebook. I reported her for it and had evidence of her attacks and that's what got her banned.
Great buys kat!

Blessed hope your BP comes down! Any suspected reason for it being high? Can't wait for third tri. 2 more weeks for me!

If everyone is ok with it I'll message an admin and see if I can take over the thread. My understanding is lost is not coming back. They are phasing all of my work over to someone else so I have some free time :p

Thanks ajarvis:flower:

I'm ok with you taking over:winkwink:

Hi there ladies. I just wanted to shed some light on the situation, as I've seen you wondering where Lost7 is and now with the suggestion that she was banned for catching out someone who lied about a miscarriage, I can't hold my tongue any longer. Lost7 was banned for going on a sustained off-site attack on me, slandering me for lying about a miscarriage (which is so utterly hurtful and dispicable). I had never been anything but nice to Lost7, but somehow, she got very upset by my recent chemical pregnancy last cycle and decided to blog about me and slander me on Facebook. I reported her for it and had evidence of her attacks and that's what got her banned.

I'm so sorry that that happened to you squirrel and I'm also so sorry about your CP :hugs: I hope you haven't been scared off from BnB by your experience as the vast majority on here are very nice and supportive. I wish you luck on your journey :dust:

AFM DH talked to my MIL and mentioned our purchases yesterday (even though I told him not to) and it sounds like she's gone nuts about how much money we used (despite the fact we bought them during a sale) :wacko: I honestly don't know why she's mixing into our finances:growlmad: Sounds like she's suggesting we buy only used items, even suggesting us using an ancient cradle that's over 40 years old and was bought when DH's big brother was born. I don't have anything against used items, I just like to be able to decide for myself with DH what we buy used and what we buy new without his parents interfering in it!
I take everyone's opinions on everything baby with a grain of salt. Buy what you want and smile and nod lol.
Great buys kat!

Blessed hope your BP comes down! Any suspected reason for it being high? Can't wait for third tri. 2 more weeks for me!

If everyone is ok with it I'll message an admin and see if I can take over the thread. My understanding is lost is not coming back. They are phasing all of my work over to someone else so I have some free time :p

I'm also ok with you taking over it. :)
I take everyone's opinions on everything baby with a grain of salt. Buy what you want and smile and nod lol.

True but it's hard when you feel like your MIL often sticks her nose where it doesn't belong. I think she had this idea DH and I would buy everything 2nd (or even 3rd or 4th) hand which was never the plan. Think we only were thinking of getting some of the clothes 2nd hand if we can find any.

BTW heard back from my "friend" today. She's now saying she finishes her course Thursday and we can meet up any day after that. Her only other question? Are we (DH and I) going to Copenhell (a Danish heavy metal festival in Copenhagen) this year:wacko::nope: Like seriously, no asking how I'm doing or the baby or anything? Plus what a question! We now live 45 minutes by car from Copenhagen and would either have to drive back and forth (which would be insane!) or sleep on the camping grounds (like I'm going to do that at 24-25 weeks pregnant:wacko:) in a little tent plus find a cat sitter for those 3 days. She doesn't even like that type of music and never goes so extra weird question.
Ajarvis Im ok with you taking over this thread ... thank you so much for offering up your time ... just 2 more weeks Im jealous LOL but I will follow two weeks after you

so sorry for your loss squirrel and that you got bullied :hugs: hope you have your rainbow baby soon

Kat Im sorry about your MIL always sticking her nose where it doesn't belong ... besides this is your first baby and Im sure you guys would like to give the baby the best you possibly can ... as for your friend give her some time and see what she says when you guys meet up

AFM we celebrated father's day yesterday and went out for lunch with my DH and our kids ... I all of a sudden started feeling sick and out of breathe and Im still struggling to catch my breathe ... Im calling my OBGYN today to find out what the bloodresults are and will mention to her that I even feel claustrophobic sometimes ... gosh this has been my hardest pregnancy thus far ...
Kat Im sorry about your MIL always sticking her nose where it doesn't belong ... besides this is your first baby and Im sure you guys would like to give the baby the best you possibly can ... as for your friend give her some time and see what she says when you guys meet up

AFM we celebrated father's day yesterday and went out for lunch with my DH and our kids ... I all of a sudden started feeling sick and out of breathe and Im still struggling to catch my breathe ... Im calling my OBGYN today to find out what the bloodresults are and will mention to her that I even feel claustrophobic sometimes ... gosh this has been my hardest pregnancy thus far ...

Yes plus we went through a 2 year struggle to have this baby, something my MIL has never experienced and has about 0 understanding of. For her, babies have always been a "given", she never had the slightest issues getting pregnant all 3 times. As for my so-called friend, I'm still a bit upset that she hasn't asked about me or baby even once (plus never did answer that SMS I sent her at the start of May about my 1st midwife appointment). Even DH's super selfish friend that annoys the heck out of me asked yesterday about how the pregnancy is going when he called! One thing's for sure, she won't be the "aunt" she kept talking about she would be! And I can't even talk to her about how she's hurt me because she'll just turn it around and say I've hurt her by saying that and make it about her, as she always does:dohh:

Hope everything turns out ok with your results and there's nothing serious:wacko:
I have just spoken to my OBGYN and she wants me to come in on Thursday again to see her as she is concerned about my short of breathe, extreme fatigue and dizzy spells ... on the upside my bloods came back clear but she also doesn't want to leave anything to chance ...

I would've gone tomorrow but I have to be at work and on Wednesday she is in theatre
Hope they figure it out blessed. That doesn't sound fun at all!

I was in the mountains camping this weekend again :) So beautiful. So afraid the last half of the summer will be camping free because I'm too big lol.

Have a massive headache this morning. It's brutal. Hope it goes away as the day goes or it will be a long day. Thankfully I only have 63 days of work left :p then I can be in misery at home haha

Thread has been switched to me. Let me know if there's anything you want me to update etc!
Blessed I hope they find out what's going on soon and help you:flower:

ajarvis wow sounds like fun although maybe a bit less fun with a 24/25 week bump. Hope your headache goes away! As for changing anything my EDD was changed to October 9th at my nuchal scan some weeks ago so maybe we should go with that?
Thanks for taking over the thread ajarvis!

Silly, but my username isn't right, it's twinkie2 but the front page says tinkle, edd is the 13th :)
Mind if I join again girls? I'm feeling so much better about my pregnancy now that I'm further along.
Will make the changes ladies!

Welcome Ashknowsbest :) Let me know your due date and if you know what you're having and I can add to the front page!

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