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October Pumpkins 2016 [47 Pumpkins - 3 Boys, 2 Girls]

@blessed: my next appointment is next week, too! But Tuesday!

@Kat: Your pictures are so cute!!! If I stay in this area, there's no telling who would be on call anyway!

Flying out tonight for interview tomorrow, KMFX this goes well and we move quickly!
Hi all. We had our scan yesterday and we're having another boy! We have one little boy and a little girl, so didn't mind which we had. We found out for the kids as they were hoping for one or the other. Our daughter was a bit upset at first, but she's been great today. Really singing and talking to the baby today and enjoying the baby kicking her back. Glad she's happy now and I'm very glad we made the choice for them to find out so that whichever was the disappointed of our children would have time for it to sink in before the baby came.

Glad to see everyone here is doing well. We get up to a year for maternity leave which I'll probably be taking close to. I'm in education, so will return to work in September for a few weeks handover, then probably go on maternity at 37-38 weeks depending on how I'm feeling.
Clandestine FXed for your interview! As to midwives, it's the same here but I'm supposed to have a "steady" midwife for my appointments. So them changing midwives on me is really crappy of them. I don't know if it's because we moved in the end of April and they're having issues now finding someone that can fit me in on a steady basis:shrug: Still it stinks:nope:

lady congrats on you having a :blue: Yeah I can see how it might be good that your children are prepared. I'm sure your daughter will love her little brother:flower:

BTW I forgot to mention that DH and I have now been put on a birthing class team which starts on the 12th of this month (it's 3 classes, one each month I think). Needless to say, DH isn't looking much forward to that:haha: He'll probably be a bit hopeless when I do give birth (he can't even see women giving birth on TV:haha:) but oh well, better than having my toxic mother with who'd just badmouth me to everyone and annoy me with her nasty comments. I'd probably go nuts and throw her out anyway:nope:
@Lady: congrats on your little boy! I am glad you are able to let your kids interact with the new baby already!

@Kat: the practice I use in TX rotates the appointments through the midwives, so you've met them all before you deliver. That way they aren't total strangers, even if they aren't super close to you. I prefer it because it also allows them to be on a regular shift and have no incentive to try to rush things along. The US is notorious for pushing unnecessary treatment or procedures for the sake of hurrying things and that's just not what I want. I haven't even looked at classes or anything - waiting to see how this interview goes, as if we move beforehand it seems like I would be better to wait and do them where I'm going to be.
Good luck with the interview Clandestine. How exciting for you!

Kat- I always had rotating midwives as well. This is the first time I will have the same one throughout as I'm on the home-based programme. I'm considering a home-birth as my last labour was under 2 hours, so think I'd just rather stay home! Enjoy the birthing classes. I did that with my first and my husband was the only man who came out of 6 couples. I was surprised as I would have thought they would all want to come!!
Clandestine & lady, here they usually give you 1 steady midwife that you get to know and who gets to know you. Although there is always a chance you won't have that same midwife at the actual birth as it depends on if she already is with another patient when you go into labour. I think there are so many midwives that are tied to the hospital I'll be giving birth at that I wouldn't reach to meet all of them anyway even if I had a new one each time:shrug:
Peanut are you from South Africa?

I see there are like only 4 or 5 of us on here from SA LOL ...

Yes! Went back for a visit last Christmas.
I think it's the lack of internet/service and really crap companies. I'm not sure if it's the same where you are, but in JoBurg I had a hell of a time setting up a cellphone. :dohh:
So my youngest BIL's birthday went fine. We ate brunch up in his apartment which was nice (there was even some yummy pancakes:thumbup:) and when we went outside afterwards, he had made sure one of the benches was in the shade so we were all in the shade the vast majority of the time. The only time I was out in the sun was when I had to play croquet which I totally suck at:dohh: DH's whole family has been playing for years and my family never played (nor any other outdoor games actually) so I always come in last (which is why I hate playing, they're all so experienced):nope: It's always so embarrassing because everyone knows I stink so they're always nice when they e.g. roquet me so I either don't get totally sabotaged or they even help me:blush: But the food was good, great fruit cake for dessert and there was plenty of water for me to drink. My youngest BIL's only mess up was there was a wine glass at my place at the table for the brunch so had to quickly turn it over when my eldest BIL forgot I'm pregnant somehow and told someone to give me some of the Asti that was offered:dohh: I took 1 teeny tiny sip of DH's though at one point as I was seated next to him since I love Asti :haha: Oh and luckily my IL's didn't tease me about the spf 50+ sun lotion I used or me using a wide brimmed hat when I was in the sun:thumbup:
hi ladies

Clandestine how did your interview go?

Lady congrats on team blue ... so great that your kids are excited for the arrival of their little brother ...

Kat Im glad you had a good time at your BIL's party ...

Peanut Im in Joburg too and I do have some complaints with internet etc but I also have nothing to compare it too as Ive only lived here all my life LOL

AFM - Im still on study leave and I had my monthly check up yesterday with my OBGYN and my BP is quite high so I have to go back after my exams next week Tuesday to see if its dropped or to see if Im going to be started on meds ... I had BP issues with my son and showed signs of Pre-E with my DD at 34 weeks so I hope its just the exams stressing me out ... other then that my baby is healthy and was kicking so much and her movements are becoming stronger ...
Blessed sorry about the high BP, I hope it goes down soon and it's because of exams! Sounds like your baby is doing fine though:thumbup:

And thanks:flower: Yes it was a pretty nice day. Next up is my eldest BIL's daughter who celebrated with her mother's family (wasn't to be a joint party like it was for his son) this past Saturday, this Saturday it'll be DH's side of the family's turn. Although there's no wish list yet and DH and I are thinking she probably got lots of stuff from her mother's side of the family so there's probably not much left to choose from :nope: Told DH if we don't get a wish list really soon we'll just have to get her a gift card to a toy store although DH isn't much for it - he hates giving people gift cards, especially children:dohh:
Clandestine- hope the interview went well! Maybe we've not heard from you as you're busy packing ;)

Blessed- fingers crossed bp just related to the stress from the exams and goes down next week.

Kat- how old is the little girl? My daughter (almost 8) loves nothing more than getting a gift card. She likes to be able to choose her own present and shop herself like a grown up :)
Kat- how old is the little girl? My daughter (almost 8) loves nothing more than getting a gift card. She likes to be able to choose her own present and shop herself like a grown up :)

She just turned 8 so still into dolls and doll houses. Although her and her now 11 year old brother are rather spoiled so they're not into gift cards, they want stuff and preferably what they wished for and heaven forbid you've bought something that someone else already got them:wacko: DH's family generally isn't much for giving gift cards and definitely not to kids which explains why my DH isn't much for it.

Problem may be partially solved though as my BIL wrote us last night with a list he compiled himself of what he thinks she would like. He says his daughter won't tell him anything about what she wants:wacko: Makes me wonder if it's because she got so much from the mother's side of the family last Saturday or if the mother told her not to say anything to make things difficult for the father's side of the family - I wouldn't put it past her as she's as toxic as my own mother and very bitter about the divorce (blaming my BIL for the whole failed marriage even though she's clearly contributed her fair share).
Just checked Lost's profile and she hasn't been active since May 28th:wacko: Hope nothing bad has happened:nope:
Is anyone in the due in october group on fb? Its no longer there?
Is anyone in the due in october group on fb? Its no longer there?

I think some are, I'm unfortunately not one of them since I'm keeping my pregnancy on the down low due to my toxic siblings that I'm still "friends" with on FB. Hope someone can help. It does sound really bad if the group has been taken down though:wacko:
Some people were, but I tried looking for it since I've now told work etc. and haven't been able to find it.
I was in it, i know she made it secret but youd still see it in your groups...

And now its not their unless i got deleted for no reason lol
its still there and she is doing well and Charlie is still a boy ... I don't know if she is taking a break from bnb ...

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