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October Pumpkins 2016 [47 Pumpkins - 3 Boys, 2 Girls]

Oh squirrel, I'm so sorry. I had to report someone at work for harassing me online (on work time, with work computer resources) just last week. I am glad that you were able to document the bullying and get a resolution. I am also very sorry about your CP, I honestly lost count of my own before getting this little guy to hang around, so I know how hard it can be.

Welcome back, ashknowsbest!

Ajarvis: thank you for taking over the thread! I should have tons of time, considering I am trying to transition my job so that I can move on to something that brings me greater joy - but still crazy busy. I hope your headaches let up.

Blessed: I'm keeping my fingers crossed for nothing serious for you. Do you have a history of pre-E or anything with your previous pregnancies?

Kat: super win on your shopping!!! Well done!!! I have managed to make a list/ registry, and sent out announcements offline so far. I have bought fabric and have started my second quilting project. I should probably post photos of them at some point!

I hope everyone is well!!!
thanks Ajarvis for taking over the thread please change my EDD to 14 October and Im due a girl ... I hope your headache has gone now

thanks ladies I hope its nothing serious too ... Clandestine I had signs of pre-E with my daughter but I was already 34weeks along with her then ... just elevated BP and then swelling and headaches

Welcome back Ashknowsbest

Im already huge I think Im going to be as big as a bus ... I will post a picture later ...
Thanks ajarvis:flower:

Welcome back ash:flower: Nice to see you here, glad that everything is going well with your twins:happydance:

Clandestine thanks, yeah I'm especially loving our baby carriage. I even go out to the out house we're keeping it in every 2-3 days to visit it :haha::blush: Sounds like so much fun making a registry! I'm just circling stuff in a catalogue of things DH and I need to buy since we won't be getting anything from anybody really, at least not before baby's Christening around next April. Oh you really should post a pic of your projects! I now wish I could do stuff like that but my toxic mother was a super harsh teacher so she killed any interest I had when I was younger. Would be really useful now!

Blessed looking forward to seeing your bump pic! I'm planning on taking one very soon myself (I take one every 2 weeks to better see any difference) so will post mine when I get that done.

AFM I've had pretty bad RLP the last couple of days (mostly the ligaments towards the front) but it seems to have died down today, thank God! I've been avoiding taking pain killers since getting my positive beta and want to keep it that way!

Oh and my silly "friend" is now talking about seeing us Saturday since she can't Sunday but we luckily will be going to my in-laws' huge get together with DH's whole family that day so we can't. Which will be fun as it'll be the first time I'm seeing some of them since becoming pregnant and having an obvious bump. I like though how she just assumes we can see her this weekend just because it's the 1st weekend after her 3 week course is done:dohh:
here is my 23w3d bump pic LOL

Im as huge as a bus ... :haha:

oh Kat sounds like fun you must enjoy it ... I myself am not to crafty so Im leaving it for the shops :winkwink:


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Thanks ajarvis for taking over.

Can you put me down for team blue, please.

Also welcome back ashknowsbest. :)
Thank you for taking over ajarvis :)

Does everyone else feel lile this pregnancy is really flying by? Only 14 more weeks and babies will start to be born!
oh yes MissCassie not to mention those whose babies will be born in September ... this pregnancy is really flying by for me ... with my DD it dragged on forever ...

I just bought some baby toiletries now and 3 receiving blankets ... if I think of October it feels far but when I look at the calendar its so close ... 12 weeks of work left for me ...
Great bump Blessed :)

Misscassie this pregnancy is now flying! Just over 14 weeks til due date, but I expect to go in September since I'm due Oct. 1. I also only have 62 days of work left. Crazy!

I bought 3 sleepers yesterday :) I haven't really bought anything yet cause I'm not a fan of alot of girls clothes - all the tutus, and dresses and so much damn pink lol - but freaked the fiance out again holding it up to my belly :p one of those will fit in there in 14 weeks! Crazy she's almost 2lbs right now. My MIL has confirmed she'll come paint the nursery July - end of July. So my job now is to get it ready to paint and pick paint - only 5 weeks til then and my summer is going to be incredibly busy!
Nice bump Blessed!

Yep it's really going by fast! Trying to savor each day as much as possible. Just saw National Geographic's documentary "In the Womb" on YouTube today, very informative, going to get DH to see it as well:thumbup:
I'll post some crafty pics to my journal in a few minutes!
Here's the link: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/p...t-over-here-making-people-8.html#post37455982

I feel like it's flying by, but also... I still really don't have much of a bump at all. I just look a little fatter than usual. I did have to start wearing maternity pants, but it's not really obvious. I will say I've never been so happy to be fat in my life! I am just glad he's doing well in there!

I have a friend who's offered to host a shower for us later this summer. Hubster is going to start work on the crib soon... hopefully this weekend. And I think I am probably going to avoid buying anything for the time being, aside from more fabric!

Honestly, I think it's still part of the not believing this is really really real yet. We tried for 3.5 years, it still hasn't quite sunk in that everything has looked as close to perfect as we ever could have asked for and we might really be taking home a baby in about 15 weeks.
thanks ladies ... I know I love buying cute clothes for my DD but right now I feel so overwhelmed when I walk into a shop and look at the baby clothes LOL

62 days of work left Ajarvis and almost into double digits gosh ... wow 2lbs already ...

Kat I will also try and watch it later thanks ...

Clandestine are you expecting a boy? You are so crafty I like all the fabric you got for the crib ... its like we all in the final preparation phase before our LO's are here ... Im not having a shower this time around and I really don't mind not having one ...

My bump is so big now that I literally sit with my laptop balancing on the edge of my desk at work ... I have my OBGYN appointment tomorrow will update you guys after I get back
Wow Clandestine, very cute, especially like the squid one:thumbup: I kind of know what you mean, although DH and I went through "only" 2 years and 3-4 months of infertility instead. I know in my case it's because I was starting to think it may never happen for us (especially as we never got more than 2-3 eggs each round of IVF) and was looking into perhaps egg donors (If my eggs were the major issue) and starting to consider adoption more. So great about your friend offering to host a shower! Hope yours is fun. I would love to have one but since it's not the tradition here plus I have pretty much 0 female friends, it'd be a sad party as at most only my toxic mother, my MIL, perhaps my youngest BIL's girlfriend, DH's grandmother and my selfish "friend" would show up:nope:

Blessed I hope your appointment goes well!
Yes Blessed time is flying!! Need to get on the Nursery - cleaning it out of all the boys stuff! Find a way to store their toys etc.

My bump is definitely getting in the way of stuff lol. Have to be careful not to burn the belly while cooking :p Will try and post a pic later.

I'm starting to think the countdown of days of work left is getting distracting ha.

They didn't have any decaf when I went to get my Timmies coffee - not a good way to start the day lol - so here I am with a caffeinated tea and I'll probably crash by lunch time and need a nap :p
@Blessed: FX for your appointment today! I am almost embarrassed to admit - those blankets aren't even the official crib bedding! We are doing an owl theme for the actual nursery type things, I am doing a group of other blankets, because you can never have too many for tummy time, or wrapping them after they are buckled into their car seats, backups for when they poop or throw up on the first ones, LOL, extras! After I finish the squids, I am doing a Halloween themed baby bats with stars and some bold yellow and red colors one and then moving on to the nursery items. With work being stressful, continuing to look for a new job, and hiding out at home as much as possible, it's my therapy right now.

@ajarvis: I was told 1-2 cups of caffeinated drinks were OK per day, which I try to stick to one, but this week... I have been needing both.

@Kat: we are having mixed company showers, I am hoping Hubster gets one at work also! I am not into all the ladies sitting around, drinking tea, sharing birth stories, and playing games. I have been to my share of them - but we are thinking more betting pool for due dates (winner gets 10%, we get 90%), seeing who can chug a beer through a baby bottle the fastest, etc. Something celebratory and fun and anything we get gift wise as a bonus. I am really not into having attention focused on me - I like the idea of just having a social gathering, where it's encouraged to bring gifts. If you want one, I would ask someone - even your DH's friend - about throwing a party for you anyway. Could even advertise an American-style baby shower, just for the hell of it. If someone doesn't like it, they don't have to come!
Hi everyone! 24 weeks today and v day :happydance: so pleased to reach milestones

Ajarvis - thanks for taking over the thread. Please can you change my Edd to 12th Oct.

I've been trying to stick to one cup of tea a day but sometimes I have two :blush: I'm full of a cold today so needed the caffeine :coffee:
Ajarvis - Thanx for taking over the thread.. I'm team Pink!

Clandestine - I love the alphabet blanket!!

As for me, I'm so short that my bump is in the way of everything.. I'm even having to lean forward to brush my teeth lol
Still having kidney stone issues.. had another renal ultrasound today and had to have dye injected and two x-rays taken of my bladder & kidneys.. not sounding too good really. May have to have surgery to have stones removed in the next few weeks depending on what the scans showed..
Clandestine. For me I find if I have too much caffeine then I get withdrawal headaches :( considering how little I drink now that sucks lol. But I do ok with tea :)

Faithy mine too. And we're going to get bigger!! oh boy lol. I'm hoping I can drive the entire time. I didn't have a car with my last too so not sure of the logistics there.
So I had a moment of panic today, my belly was itchy and I went to put on lotion and eek! A huge red line straight down the side of my belly, we are talking at least 8" long! I thought a stretch mark had appeared, poof! just out of nowhere. After about 15mins of freaking out that I'm really in for it this time (I was lucky with DD and only had a few small ones, nothing that bothered me) I finally realized that I was at someones house this morning and their dog had jumped on me and scratched my belly :dohh: what an idiot! The fact that it was a perfectly straight line should have given it away, but for whatever reason I couldn't think of anything but stretch marks when I saw the angry red line. I'm sure I'll get more again and I'm fine with it, I just thought with 16 weeks left it's way too soon for that angry of a line to show up! Crisis averted!

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