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October Pumpkins 2016 [47 Pumpkins - 3 Boys, 2 Girls]

lol twinkie2..

ajarvis- driving has never become too difficult for me, just requires a little adjustment to the seat. However, I have a different job this time and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to reach to do it lol
@ajarvis: I am a caffeine junkie, I don't know how I've gotten down to a single cup each morning on most days!

I am still smaller than I was at my heaviest (non-pregnant), but my family gets stretch marks, so I'm sure they'll show up sooner or later. I am not going to lose any sleep over it!
but my family gets stretch marks, so I'm sure they'll show up sooner or later. I am not going to lose any sleep over it!

This is my family too so I totally expect them (and got some with my first, but somehow got lucky compared to the rest of the family, so I've got wishful thinking on this one, but fully expect it to explode on me later in pregnancy!) Just freaked me out cause I literally thought this huge one popped up in just hours!
thanks for all of the welcomes girls!

blessed - I hope everything went well at your OB appointment today.

kat - Sorry you're not going to be having a baby shower. I live on the west coast in the states and my family is all on the east coast so I thought I wouldn't be having a baby shower. As it turns out though, my mom is flying out and she's throwing me a small one with friends that I have in the area and herself. I think she is bringing some other people from the east coast but I'm not sure and she won't tell me .... she wants to surprise me. (I think it's sort fun (although expensive) to buy most things yourself anyways) I took my DH and I a LONG time to get pregnant as well so I'm all into buying most things myself.

ajarvis - no decaf?! How dare they! I try not to drink it everyday but I do like even my decaf every once in a while. I'm also starting to feel like bending over things is becoming more difficult. I will still load the dishwasher but cleaning dishes by hand is becoming very difficult on my lower back so I try to have DH do that job.

Clan - I'm very jealous that you know how to quilt/sew! I've always wanted to learn but never got around to it. I am crafty in other ways so I've been knitting for my LOs. Maybe I will take a quilting class before they're before. God knows I'm not going to have time once they arrive. I feel like it's now or never. Crafting is so good to help pass the time and relax though. Keep it up!

cbeary - yay for v-day! I'm counting down the days until v-day also. Especially with twins if I can get there I will feel a little sense of relief. Everyday I go with these babies inside of me the better though.

twinkie - Oh gosh that's scary! I'm glad you realized it was just a scratch from the dog and not a huge stretch mark! I've got stretch marks on the outside of my thighs (not many and my mom got them on her thighs and her breasts, so I'm not surprised) but nowhere else yet. Hoping I can avoid them. My DH has been lotions my belly with stretch mark cream every night so FX'd!

If I missed anyone I'm sorry!

AFM - For fun I thought I'd share my 22w twin belly picture with you all.
Clandestine I suppsoe I could do that although it would first be a possibility closer to August/September as everyone in DH's family is going on vacation in July. Don't think any of them are even home for his birthday (except his grandmother) but that seems to be standard:wacko: Which is why DH was planning on having his birthday party in the start of August and we'll be going on a 1 week vacation that month. So I have a conflict in scheduling anything now :dohh: I'll have to ask DH and see if there are any August dates possible as I'm thinking September is a bit too close to my EDD?

twinkie glad that it wasn't a stretch mark:thumbup: I don't have any yet but am pretty sure they'll show up within the next weeks.

ash wow such a great mother you have:thumbup: My toxic mother would never dream of doing something like that for me, she has almost 0 interest in my pregnancy or the baby. I tried showing her my 20 week scan pics from our anomaly scan and she just thought it was a weird pic of my cat and when I told her it was of the baby she responded "Who's?" and I said "Mine":dohh: She then looked at each pic for a total of a few nanoseconds before talking about herself and her hatred for Muslims:nope: Yeah, continuing her lifetime emotional and mental abuse of me but I've emotionally detached so it didn't affect me too bad. Anyway great pic and I hope your shower is awesome:happydance:

AFM my DH totally annoyed me last night. First he got on my case about drinking a coke (I drink mostly 1 can although on weekends I will sometimes drink 2 cans in 1 day) and I got pissed because it's one of my few enjoyments I still have since I can't drink wine, alcoholic ciders or the occasional whisky anymore. In the meantime, he drinks coke, whisky and beer in front of me all the time:dohh: Then he started talking about how Katja might be a cute name if it's a girl and I pointed out that I mentioned that possibility many months ago but he didn't want it because it's so close to my name while I wanted it as it's the name of the main character's love interest in a book my father wrote. Ugh, men:nope: Anyway on a more positive note, here's my 24 week bump pic I promised:flower:

24 weeks.jpg
@ash: I can't knit (like I don't even know what to do with knitting needles, LOL), so we're even! I am really good at math, geometry was my favorite of all the maths, so for me quilting is like the best nerd outlet ever. At least knitting is quiet, so if you are lucky enough for the twins to sleep in tandem you can still knit after they arrive. Your bump picture looks great, I didn't realize you were such a small-structured lady! I am a big-boned sort, so one one guy is quite a bit more hidden.
@Kat: they usually do baby showers around 8-ish months around here (30+ weeks). I have never heard of them being too late, though every once in awhile someone will have a baby before their shower and presents just get forwarded on! I had a coworker who had one the Wednesday before he daughter was born the following Monday! I think if you want one, you should have one - in whatever way is appropriate for you. My husband and I do everything together, I would feel weird doing that without him.

Hubster has also self-imposed a no drinking policy for himself. He's been a good sport about coming to all the appointments and doing the same things as me, as well as his share of preparations (let's see him get the crib made, first, LOL).

I should get a bump pic - maybe tomorrow, 25 weeks? I will get Hubster to do it, as I want to make sure there's no unique features visible (I have a lot of tattoos that anyone who knows me would recognize). I swear there's really almost no difference and I was only a 16-18 US size before pregnancy, so it wasn't that well hidden LOL! I think he hangs out near my back, which should make for fantastic back labor on exit.
Understandable mix up twinkie lol. I keep watching my stretch marks which are nicely faded to see if they're going to angrily come back :p

Faithyj good to hear! Someone mentioned it and I had just never considered it! I'll be 37+6 on my last day of work!

Clandestine I'm typically a caffeine junkie too. I have a few coffees a day. I went cold turkey for a month when I got pregnant to get the withdrawal headaches etc. out of the way. Now I can have the occasional caffeinated and be ok. On Vacation I had one a day and had headaches for 2 days after coming home :( It's probably the thing I'm most excited for in October. A nice hot cup of real coffee on the deck in the snow ha.

ash bending over is getting difficult for me too. Silly belly lol So glad it's sandal weather for the rest of pregnancy :D Cute bump :)

Looking Good Kat! I like the name Katja

AFM I have a midwife appt. tonight - first one in 6 weeks lol Need to call my benefits policy today and see if a birthing centre is covered cause if not we'll be going to the hospital likely. My fiance is terrified of a home birth. Planning on starting to read a couple of natural birthing books. My last one was super close to no meds. So I'm sure it'll be fine. Just want to be prepared!

FYI ladies I'm updating as I see update requests. So let me know if I miss you!!
I want to try the all natural approach, but am fortunate that the midwife group I picked works out of a hospital here. So if all goes well, it's all midwives whatever I want (or don't) in the way of interventions, but if there are any issues - I'm already in a hospital full of doctors and scientists. And everything is fully covered by my insurance, unless I need surgery (c-section).
Clandestine ah ok then I may first be able to have one in September, it may be easier given how much is going on in July and August for us and members of his family. Wow, kudos to your DH! Wish mine would do that but he enjoys his beers and whsky too much I guess:nope: Although I can't fault mine much as he goes to as many appointments as he can, he definitely comes to the most important ones and was at both scans and is planning on coming for my 32 week placenta scan as well. He's also coming to the birth prep classes although he's not much for it, especially hearing about breastfeeding and labor:haha: Oh please do get a bump pic, I'll be looking forward to seeing one:happydance:

ajarvis thanks, I've been also thinking about Nadja (Danish name) as I like that it means "hope" so it's both in relation to my infertility but also the dysfunctional family I come from (and am currently ostracised from due to my toxic brother smear campaigning me). DH and I are still not in total agreement with boys names but we do have 2-3 we do agree somewhat on so I'm sure we'll agree on one of them in time. Either way, my father will be included in baby's name as I'm thinking in terms of middle names: Georgina (his middle name was George) for a girl and Serge (his 1st name) if it's a boy. DH isn't keen on Georgina though:wacko: Anyway hope your appointment goes well! I can understand your fiance, I'm not much for a home birth either (neither is DH) but this is also my 1st baby so will be having him/her at a hospital. Wow natural birthing, is it really painful? DH is really into me going all natural for the birth but I'm not sure as I'm more into at least having the option of doing an epidural and anything else e.g. laughing gas if it's available. Easy for him to say though, he won't be the one pushing baby out:haha:
Hi ladies I'm loving all the bump pics. Hope everyone is well. I'm posting from my mobile as I just wanted to update you ladies. I had my appt today and got referred to a specialist whom I'm seeing tomorrow morning. My bp is still high and I have been experiencing shortness of breath, headaches and latest symptom being seeing stars. I hope the specialist can help me. I will update again tomorrow after seeing him.
Clandestine my midwife also will work out of the hospital so at least I wont' have to go the OBGYN route. It's my last baby though and I really wanted to avoid the entire hospital thing altogether. We shall see I guess.

Kat I'd say natural is painful for sure, but not unmanageable. It's not unbearable. I think it's pretty funny that your DH is saying he wants an all natural birth. He doesn't have to do anything :p

Blessed hope they figure this out for you quickly! Those symptoms don't sound good!
kat - You'd think it was sweet of my mom and it is but we have our own set of problems. I do love my mother very much but if she doesn't get her way sometimes she gets extremely passive aggressive. It's exhausting...especially since she is an adult! She deals with difficult situations like a child and I cannot even deal with her when she's like that. But yes, it is very nice and I am very appreciative of her planning a little baby shower for me. Ugh about DH! I would have been so irritated with him too. My DH hasn't even given up alcohol although he did cut back. I get so jealous though because I really feel like I can't do ANYTHING I enjoyed doing before pregnancy. I'm trying to keep in all in perspective though ... it's only 9 months. I also struggle with feeling guilty for feeling that way because it took us so long to get pregnant. I said the whole time we were going through treatment that once I got pregnant I wouldn't complain about anything but ... I have to say that feeling your ribs spreading is so uncomfortable, not sleeping sucks .... yeah. I am happy to be pregnant though. Oh and you look great btw!

Clan - Before I started to knit I was always like ... what the heck am I supposed to do with 2 needles ... ? :haha: It's great that quilting taps into your math skills though! I'm not big on math although I suck it up so that I can knit since it does require some level of math skills. No geometry thank god! I've been small my whole life. I worry about carrying twins with my size but my doctor says she has women my size carry to term even with twins so I'm trying to just .... stay positive and hope for the best. Plus once I hit viability I will feel SO much better. That's sweet that your hubby has a self imposed no drinking policy! Wish my DH did that but he has been good about going to every single appointment.

ajarvis - good luck at your midwife appointment! I'm also trying for a natural birth with my twins but I'm trying to stay open minded at the same time as to avoid any disappointment.

blessed - I'm so sorry you're going through those symptoms. That must be really scary. I hope the specialist can help you. :hugs:
Just popping in quick and wanted to say cute bumps ash and kat!!
@Blessed: I know at least here, if they sent you home to see a different doctor tomorrow, then it's not too scary! If it were super bad, they would have admitted you straightaway. I can't imagine how stressful that is and hope you get things sorted tomorrow!

Ah, Kat, thank you for mentioning the classes... I was supposed to pre-register with the hospital in the 4th month (no friggin' clue why so early) and didn't because of job interviews. I need to do that in order to enroll in classes, since we are likely not moving before he arrives.

Haha, and tell your DH he doesn't even get a vote in how the kid comes out of YOUR body!

@ajarvis: I have made more than one half-joke about going out in the woods and squatting by a tree and getting him out unattended entirely, so I completely understand!

@ash: I think everyone that has struggled feels the same way. I went from being terrified of another miscarriage, to completely miserable professionally. And so stressed that I'm insane for conducting a nationwide job search as a pregnant woman in SCIENCE of all things. I worry that I'm not happy enough about it or enjoying it enough for my friends who haven't yet and some who may never be pregnant. I don't think there's a right or wrong way to experience or feel about pregnancy after infertility. Your pregnancy is YOURS. You get to feel however you feel and that's all you can do!

And try not to worry about your baby-carrying ability! Nature designed it so they have plenty of room to move outwards, so they aren't limited by your pre-pregnancy size or bone structure! I was only surprised because I think when you don't see people, you imagine them, and I suppose I had imagined you much taller from your photo!
Kat I'd say natural is painful for sure, but not unmanageable. It's not unbearable. I think it's pretty funny that your DH is saying he wants an all natural birth. He doesn't have to do anything :p

Yep it's super funny:haha: I told him it's a pity he can't try being pregnant because I would love to see how he'd feel about natural birth in that situation:haha:

kat - You'd think it was sweet of my mom and it is but we have our own set of problems. I do love my mother very much but if she doesn't get her way sometimes she gets extremely passive aggressive. It's exhausting...especially since she is an adult! She deals with difficult situations like a child and I cannot even deal with her when she's like that. But yes, it is very nice and I am very appreciative of her planning a little baby shower for me. Ugh about DH! I would have been so irritated with him too. My DH hasn't even given up alcohol although he did cut back. I get so jealous though because I really feel like I can't do ANYTHING I enjoyed doing before pregnancy. I'm trying to keep in all in perspective though ... it's only 9 months. I also struggle with feeling guilty for feeling that way because it took us so long to get pregnant. I said the whole time we were going through treatment that once I got pregnant I wouldn't complain about anything but ... I have to say that feeling your ribs spreading is so uncomfortable, not sleeping sucks .... yeah. I am happy to be pregnant though. Oh and you look great btw!

Wow your mom sounds a bit like my toxic mother. I can't reason with mine. Any hint that she's wrong or you disagree and she gets nasty. I've tried being super polite in disagreements but it makes no difference, it always ends in her screaming nasty stuff at me and either her or me hanging up (although when I do it, it's because I refuse to be called all sorts of nasty things). Passive aggressiveness yep that's how my toxic family members communicate as well so know it all too well. Feel you on having to do without certain things during pregnancy although I've thought about it and if you're going to breastfeed, it's longer than 9 months as e.g. alcohol goes into your breastmilk:wacko: I don't think the struggle in any way lessens any uncomfortable things you feel, it just makes you appreciate being pregnant more as I think some that get pregnant easily tend to take it for granted. Thanks, you too:flower:
Is anyond planning on a water birth?
I really really want to try for one, depending on the situation with my dual placenta and if that allows me to have a natural water birth.
Thanks ladies 2.5 hrs til I see him. Oh and its my vday today yay

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