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October Pumpkins 2016 [47 Pumpkins - 3 Boys, 2 Girls]

Happy V day Blessed and FXed for your appointment:flower:

Cassie I'm not since I don't think it's something for me. I've now checked out what options I have at the hospital I'm planning on going to, mostly looking at pain relief. I'm now seriously considering some of their natural pain relief options e.g. acupuncture and oxygen as it'd be a good compromise between DH's and my own wishes (although I don't think I'll swear to not do e.g. an epidural as I don't know how bad it'll be for me in terms of pain). I did look at their water birth out of curiosity since you mentioned it but they require you to quickly after the birth get out of the water and get to the bed yourself with only the assistance of your midwife and partner. Anyway if you're really into doing a water birth, you may want to ask your midwife if it's an option for you considering your bilobed placenta.
So my appointment today with the specialist picked up that its my heart and not my bp that's causing me to be short of breathe. My heart beats extremely fast and its causing me to feel short of breathe. My lungs are perfectly fine. I used to suffer with migraines pre-pregnacy so the headaches and seeing of stars go hand in hand and is considered normal. My bp has also come down and was 114/73 this was my last reading before I left his office. He says he doesn't think its anything too serious but would like to admit me on Monday for one night to monitor my heart and get the cardiologist in to give a diagnosis. So I've been ordered to rest as much as possible this weekend. I'm just happy its not pointing out pre-E.

MissCassie I'm having a csection but a water birth sounds so relaxing. Hope you get to have one.
No water birth here. But definitely labor in water. It is a HUGE pain relief. Found out we can't do the birth center as it's not covered by benefits. So we'll be at the hospital with the midwife :( But better than at the hospital with doctors, nurses, and ivs :)
Kat and Clan - thanks for making me feel normal about my guilt about pregnancy after my struggle. It's hard but it is my experience and I am allowed to feel any way I would like.

blessed - I'm happy to hear that they don't think it's anything serious. Great news that he's getting your in for a study and to see a cardiologist though. I also get short of breath sometimes but when I mentioned it to my OB she said it's normal and especially because I have twins not to worry. We have so much more blood flowing through our bodies and our hearts have to work so much harder. I hope the cardiologist is able to put your mind at ease!

No water birth here either. Only a midwife center in our local area allows for that and I'm not comfortable not being in a hospital considering I have to give birth to twins. The hospital we are going to has showers that you can labor in and they can run the water directly onto your back or that area to provide relief which I may use. I'm going to get the epidural line put in but not get the meds if I don't have to. My OB highly recommends getting the epidural line at least placed because if something happens and we have to go emergency c-section it will save a lot of time if it's at least placed. Makes sense to me and I want to do what's safest and right for myself and the babies. I'm going to try and go as long as I can without even getting it placed though because I know once it's placed I have to stay in the bed and can't get into the shower or walk around etc.
May I rejoin you ladies? This pregnancy is finally starting to settle down so would love to come back.
Of course you can Conundrum :) Let me know your due date and if you know boy or girl and I'll update for you!
I'll probably have a water labour but I'm still not sure about a birth. My midwives are allowed at the hospital with water birth rights… Pretty cool.
Blessed glad to hear it's most likely nothing serious.

ash no problem and I totally get why you want to be at a hospital for the birth, especially when having twins. I feel the same way and am only having 1 baby:haha: I think the hospital I'm going to also offers the same type of thing with using e.g. a shower for pain relief, I'm also considering that option as well. Think I'll have to ask around and find out how effective these natural pain relief options really are though. DH doesn't seem to think that e.g. acupuncture will be very effective but we'll see, may ask the midwife at the childbirth class I start at on July 12th.

Conundrum welcome back and glad to hear that your pregnancy is going well :flower:
Ajarvis thank you! Due the 20th with a girl.

Kat thank you. I hope your pregnancy has been a smooth one.

Beautiful bumps ladies!
Thanks ladies.

Welcome back conundrum and congratulations on another little girl
Thanks Conundrum! Yes things have been going really well so far so FXed it keeps going that way. Congrats on Team :pink:
Thank you all! Will try to catch up on all of the prior posts and you all.
Oh BTW was at my in-laws for their summer party (that they held instead of a joint birthday) and it went pretty well. I think the only family member that touched my belly was one of DH's uncles (married to my MIL's older sister) which was ok. It was a nice day of first cake and coffee/tea, then grilled food with salad for dinner and for dessert fresh strawberries, vanilla ice cream and homemade chocolate cake:thumbup: The only weird thing was I was absentmindedly holding under my bump while sitting with DH's grandmother and his aunt on his father's side at one point when the aunt suddenly said "Oh that's nothing! Just you wait until your bump is bigger!!!" Totally odd, I wasn't trying to make a statement to the size of my bump or anything:wacko:
Hey everyone, sorry I've been MIA forever! Having a really hard pregnancy, not sure why. Nothing wrong, just very weak, tired and not managing much at all. The weather has gotten very hot here and all I can do is sit down all day, feel so weak when I stand up. Doctor can't find anything wrong with me so I'm just doing my best to eat and drink well and cutting down on anything extra, taking it easy. My poor son has't had the most fun mummy but what can we do.

Also having terrible indigestion and bloating, pain after eating. I don't have a big bump in the morning but by evening I am uncomfortable and massive, with pain in my ribs and stomach. Also have swelling in legs from the heat, can't stand very much. And I'm only 24, thin and tall - you would think I would have some stamina. My last pregnancy was so much easier. Sorry for the vent!

Feeling baby move A LOT all day now. I have my scan finally on Thursday and will hopefully find out the gender.... so excited!!

My son just turned two this week and we held a little birthday party for him. Seems like just yesterday he was born. Can't believe another little miracle is on its way!

So happy to see you joined again ashknowsbest - not sure if you remember me from an LTTTC#1 thread way back when?

Great to see everyone else moving along well, and thanks ajarvis for taking over the thread
Kat glad to hear the party went well for the most part! The comment was kind of odd.

Ella sorry your pregnancy hasn't been smoother. Hopefully it gets better soon! Happy late Birthday to your little guy! They do grow up way too quickly!
Ella sorry to hear you've not been feeling well during your pregnancy, hope it soon gets better for you!

Conundrum yeah it totally was. She also tried giving me a wine glass and when I told her I'm not drinking alcohol while pregnant she said something like "But I thought you could drink some when pregnant?" I told her that I'm sure some do drink some alcohol while pregnant but I have chosen not to. She pressed it a bit but gave up in the end. Have no idea what that was about:wacko:
Hi ladies I've been admitted for 24hrs to monitor my heart. So far its been so boring just having to lay here but what can I do sigh. My daughter cried so much when she and daddy had to leave me. I'm just going to be here for 24hrs though. My heart looks strong according to the cardiologist so it might just be a rhythmic problem.

Kat glad you enjoyed the party and the food. The dessert sounds like heaven now yum.

Ella sorry you feel so weak, do you think its an iron deficiency?
ash if i was having twins I'd definitely want to be in the hospital!

Kat glad you had a good time at your party. Bump comments as you get bigger are pretty normal :) The alcohol is such a strange topic. I've definitely never been offered :p

Ella sorry you're having a rough time. The heat can be killer all on it's own! I'm thankful to live somewhere not hot :) We'll get maybe a week worth of weather around the 30 degree mark but the summer is usually a comfortable mid twenties type thing.

Blessed hope they figure it out and it's just a rhythm problem. I hear that can be common in pregnancy and go back to normal after.

My heartburn is getting worse :( Almost in third tri so I guess it makes sense as I feel her kicks higher up now. She was rolling around and kicking so much on Friday that I thought it was going to make me sick! Can't believe she's about 2 lbs. how time flies. Thankful today for only 58 days of work left and a short work week :) - 4 days!
Thanks ajarvis the heartburn definitely is a killer mine makes me feel sick to my stomach ...

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