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October Pumpkins 2016 [47 Pumpkins - 3 Boys, 2 Girls]

conundrum - welcome and congratulations on your baby girl!

kat - people can make the weirdest comments. I wouldn't worry about it though. I actually LOVE my baby bump so when people say strange things about it I just brush it off. It's how my babies are presenting themselves right now and I love it and can't wait for it to get bigger! (I'm sure by the end though I'll be wishing it away! :haha:)

ella - I do remember you for looooong ago. I can't believe I've been on this site for 5+ years. I'm sorry to hear that you're having a tough time with the pregnancy. I second what some of the other mamas said to get your iron levels checked. I hope you're able to get relief somehow. Oh and I can totally relate to the rib pain, I'm also experiencing that pretty severely at night after I eat .... it's not fun!

blessed - Glad to hear that your heart seems to be ok! Hopefully it's just pregnancy related and at the end of the pregnancy it will go away.

ajarvis - how far up are you feeling the kicks? I saw your ticker this morning and though oh my gosh how time flies! Yay for only a short time left at work. That must make things seem so real.

Anyone else going on a baby moon? I'm afraid of flying so we're not going anywhere that great but we are going to LA on Friday until Monday. Should be nice to get away and relax with my DH.
For those having rib pain, I had it awful with DD, started around 28 weeks and ended as soon as she was born. I completely sympathize as it brought me to tears at times. While I was not able to find real relief, the one thing that helped make slightly less uncomfortable was to use an exercise ball and squat/lean my back against it, then stretch my arms up and over my head then out to the sides. I would lay as far back on the ball as I could. Of course towards the end I could only do this when DH was home cause sometimes I couldn't get out of the squatting position since my weight was shifted onto the ball, but it really did help. I also had some PT at my dr's office which suggested stretches with the arms up, arms out and so on, anything that helps to open the chest really. I truly hope this helps some of you and I'm praying I don't get rib pain like last time. Haven't yet, but still a little early based on when I got it last time.
ash I can feel her sometimes as much as 2-3 inches above. I can feel my uterus 2 inches above now while sitting. Not just laying. Can see the belly moving all over all the time too in bed.
kat - people can make the weirdest comments. I wouldn't worry about it though. I actually LOVE my baby bump so when people say strange things about it I just brush it off. It's how my babies are presenting themselves right now and I love it and can't wait for it to get bigger! (I'm sure by the end though I'll be wishing it away! :haha:)

I did try but it was like she was understanding me holding under my bump as some sort of statement that I think I have a huge bump already which isn't really the case. Like she was saying "Just you wait until you're bigger, then you'll know discomfort!" which was totally off base as that wasn't the statement I was making - I wasn't going for any statement, it's just how I sometimes sit without thinking about it :wacko: I did wonder if she's a bit bitter as her only child, a son, is 43 and has no girlfriend (he hasn't had one in all the years I've been with DH as far as I know) or anything so it looks like she may never have any grandkids of her own. I don't know, I just found it odd and that she'd also go after me for politely declining wine.
@Cassie: there's only one water birth suite at the hospital (first come, first serve), but if it's available when I deliver - I'm totally up for giving it a go!

@Blessed: I'm so glad your BP is good and it doesn't look like pre-E! I hope they are also checking your hormones, especially your thyroid! FX for a quick diagnosis and getting past this!

@ash: if I were you (and with the IUIs and stuff that didn't work for us, we knew twins were a possibility), I'd get the epidural line too - just in case. I think they call it the "whole birth experience" or something along those lines, where one twin is delivered vaginally, but then the extra maneuvering lets twin B get into a position that's not good and results in a c-section - but I understand that's also RARE! Not meaning to scare you - just sharing what I have heard! For all of us, I think whatever gets mom and baby(s) through delivery happy and healthy is the way to go!

I am going on vacation - not meant to be a "babymoon," per se, but I guess it is. Technically, it's a birthday trip. We were originally going to fly into Denmark and drive into Germany to see one of my friends that took a job there in January, but now doing RT from USA to Czech Republic, then taking the train (with a bathroom, LOL) into Germany to see her and a few other places. My regular doc and specialist (for age and hypothyroidism) both said before 32 weeks they had no worries, even with the transatlantic route. I'll be 28-30 week range for this trip - and already so excited to get out of the f-ing heat! It's already almost too hot to be alive outside in Texas!

@ajarvis: I have the heartburn, too! Hoping it means a head full of hair (as my/ my grandma's curls rock, even on boys, which almost my whole family has). He's still low though, only barely past my belly button, but I think I'm taller than you!
twinkie - thank you for the advice! I will try anything to get relief. Sorry to hear you had it really bad with your first, hopefully this time you will be able to slide by without it! I have been doing prentatal yoga at least 2 times/week. I'm hoping that will help a little bit but we'll see.

ajarvis - that's so cool that you can see her moving around in there. I'm hoping in the next 2 weeks I'll be able to see that too. I feel them often, especially when I'm laying down but haven't been able to see them moving across my abdomen yet. I thought for sure I'd be able to see because I think my son (Oliver) was rolling around this morning. It almost made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't see anything but when I pressed down on the area it felt so hard! I'm guessing I was pushing on my baby. :haha:

kat - I guess it's possible that she's bitter about not having grandchildren yet. It's sad that people can't be happy for other people though ... but each person has their own perspectives and experiences. Oh and about the wine ... wow. I haven't even be offered alcohol. Now when we go out to dinner the waiter doesn't even ask if we'd like alcohol because I'm showing. DH does get alcohol but none for me. And nobody has ever made me feel weird about not drinking. Weird.

Clan - Definitely whatever gets mom and baby through. And you're not scaring me. At my 20 week appointment my OB and I went through all scenarios and basically if they are both breech we are doing a c-section no questions asked, if baby A (closest to cervix) is vertex (head down) we're going to do a vaginal birth regardless of what baby B is up to. She said she has delivered many babies breech (even singletons, i.e the mom didn't make it to the hospital on time and the baby was already in the birthing canal) Also, if baby B decides to stay breech or transverse after baby A is born then she will actually reach up into my uterus and turn baby B (they can also do it from the outside. Worse case scenario they can't manipulate baby B and he gets stuck coming out breech I have the epidural line ready so that they're able to do the c-section quickly. The other thing she said is that a lot of times if baby A is bigger than baby B, baby A basically paves the way for baby B and even if B is breech or transverse they will come out with ease since your birthing canal has already been stretched to allow for the birth of baby A.

Oh and one more thing, I know things can change but as of right now my baby girl (baby A) is actually measuring bigger than my baby boy so as long as she remains baby A she will make it pretty easy for B to come out as long as he stays smaller.

It's really up to them at this point.

So sorry for the long explanation. We definitely have talked about this in depth. I'm really happy with our plan and am just hoping that the babies both cooperate. I did find a statistic that said 70% of twins are vertex (can't remember if that was just baby A or both) but 70% for baby A is pretty good.

That sounds like a nice vacation! I wish I would step foot on a plane while I was pregnant so we could go somewhere awesome but it's just not going to happen :(
kat - I guess it's possible that she's bitter about not having grandchildren yet. It's sad that people can't be happy for other people though ... but each person has their own perspectives and experiences. Oh and about the wine ... wow. I haven't even be offered alcohol. Now when we go out to dinner the waiter doesn't even ask if we'd like alcohol because I'm showing. DH does get alcohol but none for me. And nobody has ever made me feel weird about not drinking. Weird.

Yeah I thought it was weird, especially as it was after she made that bump comment. I don't think I'll be seeing her until after baby is born which may be a good thing. I don't need all that negativity, I get enough of that from my toxic mother as it is:nope:

Oh and DH and I are going on a 1 week vacation to France, Alsace to be exact, in August just after our placenta check scan. He won a 1 week stay at the company's house there back in January I think so it isn't a babymoon at all. He had forgotten I might be pregnant though by that time and it's mostly meant to be a wine tasting vacation:wacko: Guess he'll just have to do all the drinking and we'll have to find other things to do so I'm not bored. DH is planning on driving us although I don't know how smart that is when I'll be about 32 weeks:wacko: He was thinking of dividing the drive over 2 days so I don't have to sit in the car for long plus it'll be easier to take breaks on the way as we won't feel in a rush to get there.

Oh and my "friend" visited us Sunday. She never once asked me how I was feeling or how baby is doing or show much interest when we mentioned how well our scans and midwife appointments have gone. She only asked about how much baby stuff costs, what happens during the scans and midwife appointments, what vitamins to take when TTC and the like. She was clearly just doing research for herself when she starts TTCing and gets pregnant. Oh and when I mentioned at one point that I was unsure about having kids when I was in my teens and early 20s (mostly wondering if I could handle the huge responsibility and lifetime commitment), she said she felt that way too because she found childbirth and breastfeeding "gross":wacko: Which she obviously still does as I mentioned how breasts can leak milk and she said "Yuck!" I honestly don't think she's thought any further than having a baby and hasn't given any consideration to the responsibilty or the commitment or how she'll have to be selfless and think of her child's needs before her own to a large extent.
Hi ladies just a quick update.

I got discharged today. I have sinus tachycardia and have been put on a one month course of cardicor tabs. I'm seeing the specialist on 12 July and my OBGYN on 4 July. Everything else seems to have come back clear including my thyroid. Will see how I feel in a few days time after I've started treatment. But for now its so annoying hearing my heart beating in my ears.
Haha. Ash. I push on her all the time in bed :p my fiance is always telling me to stop bugging our daughter :p For the last week or so she'll push back. She'll kick then I'll push on her then she'll kick back the same spot. Use to do that with my son all the time too. Sounds like you have a decent plan for birth. Hopefully the babies cooperate!

Clandestine I'm pretty short. Just barely 5'3 and I carry high. Have for every pregnancy. So that may be it! I had horrid heartburn with my youngest and he came out with a ton of hair :)

Hope those tabs help blessed. I can see how that would get annoying!!

AFM I've found a crib/change table combo that I will hopefully be picking up on Thursday - off of Kijiji :) The nursery is just looking like a storage room at the moment - half diapers and baby bedding and half children's toys. Guess we should get on clearing that out lol
Hi ladies just a quick update.

I got discharged today. I have sinus tachycardia and have been put on a one month course of cardicor tabs. I'm seeing the specialist on 12 July and my OBGYN on 4 July. Everything else seems to have come back clear including my thyroid. Will see how I feel in a few days time after I've started treatment. But for now its so annoying hearing my heart beating in my ears.

I've never heard of it, it's hopefully not serious? Glad everything else looks good:thumbup:

I push on her all the time in bed :p my fiance is always telling me to stop bugging our daughter :p

Sounds like my DH:haha: I will sometimes poke my belly to see if I get a reaction and my DH practically accuses me of child abuse:haha:
Thanks ladies hope it helps me too.

I have noticed baby girl also moves about more and we can also see baby from the outside.

July babies already, October will be here soon and some of us will have September babies.
Has anyones pets started to become very clingy? My American staffy he has to lay with me on the couch all the time wkth his head on my shoulder its super cute and he paws me for attention.. just has to be touching me in some sort of way.
I don't have pets, but we went camping with a friend and their dog would get super excited every time she came near me and the belly. It was super cute.
I have two cats that are glued to me, more than usual, and my dog has always been my shadow.
All of my pets (1 dog, 2 cats) are very clingy now, they were with DD too, as well as my sister's dog!
I haven't noticed any huge difference with my cat but she's generally pretty social and clingy in general:winkwink: Maybe she'll first start getting more that way when baby is here:shrug:

A pic of her (taken at the apartment we previously lived in):


Oh and I can also often see baby moving from the outside as well. Feels like movements are becoming stronger and happening more often.
Kat I can often see her moving from the outside now and she's way stronger! I don't really count kicks during the day since I'm at work. But at night get tons. Last night there was like 40 in 50 minutes that I recorded :p
Wow that's a lot of kicks ajarvis I've never really counted kicks

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