Kat: One of my TWW groups used to roll over and get a new name each month - three years ago a group of us ladies not having an easy go just kept at it so, we just kept carrying on. There are only four that haven't had babies; one of them lost a pregnancy at 28 weeks to HELLP, another the other had a MC (so technically even they had BFPs), I am one of two who were the holdouts on BFPs who are currently pregnant. None of us really do journals, we just check in that thread every couple of weeks or so. Honestly, it's been much nicer having a small group I really 'know' rather than a large group that I don't. I feel that way about this one, the ones of us who have kept up and posted regularly, like I actually am getting to know you all and genuinely care about what's going on for each of you.
Regarding your mother - honestly - every post you make about her increases my gratitude that my MIL passed years ago and that I don't have to deal with her finding ways to make my pregnancy and this baby all about her. She was exactly like you describe your mom and the best advice I can give you with respect to well-meaning folks like your MIL is to not talk about your mother with them. Unless someone has dealt with a true narcissist, they honestly do not (and likely cannot) understand. Trying to defend yourself for setting actual or emotional boundaries, because that's the healthiest thing to do, just won't make sense to them. Politely change the subject or directly tell them it's not up for discussion with them and move on in conversation.
@ajarvis: well done on maintaining your weight and getting the room ready despite the challenges with your family/ schedule. I also think it's great that you are getting out for the gym and especially for camping!!!
@Blessed: happy early birthday to you, LOL, or maybe just happy birthday, given the time difference between us!
@JCh: thanks for the FB links, I think we are almost ready to post something on there, but still not sure about joining a group. I am also bigger to start with, swelling included, I'm only up 5 pounds (2.27 kg) and that's after a nearly two week trip, eating my way through it!
Are you moving in your local area or moving far away? Not like it really makes a difference, as packing up all of your things is basically the same, regardless of how far they are going once you get outside.
As far as work goes, right now, I am a researcher and instructor at an academic institution in biological/ medical science/ genetics. I am applying for jobs all over the US to return to government laboratory work with the same specialty. It just takes forever for them to hire and do background studies before you can start work. There are a few chemical hazards that we have made minor accommodations to avoid me being exposed to, thankfully we work with a small collection of chemicals and the ones with reproductive hazards are well know and their avoidance is commonplace.
@FaithyJ: your job description gave me a mental image of a pregnant Rosie the Riveter from WWII and I think it's badass. I am just now starting to have feet swelling issues, but before I went on my trip they were only problematic on days I didn't work out in the mornings, I'm hoping that returning to that schedule tomorrow will get it back under control!
@MissCassie: you are at least the third one of us, so you are in good company! What are you doing for monitoring/ treatment?
AFM... apologies for all that catching up - two weeks away and this board came back to life while I was gone! I did the two weeks of monitoring for the GD and other than baked goods/ pastries, which I really don't eat, I didn't have anything above 120 mg/ dL at two hours post-meals and all my fasting tests were less than 95 mg/ dL (honestly most of my two hour levels were back to fasting). I also got results of blood work from before I left and my HbA1C was only 5.5, so I am curious if they are going to keep the GD diagnosis or not. I see the midwife tomorrow morning and the specialist next week, so we'll see.
Our trip was awesome - we walked 4 to 8+ miles per day - I wasn't given restrictions for eating, so I ate what I wanted, but I generally eat very healthy. The time away was great, I feel like I have a lot better perspective on getting my professional stuff in order. Hubster and I are still completely in love with each other and enjoy as much time together as we can get - even after ten years together! I actually bought some clothes and two stuffed animals. The quality of 4.50 EUR onesies (~5.00 USD) at a drugstore are better quality that a lot of things I see for 2-3 times as much in the US. I climbed 299 steps in 30+C (nearly 90F) weather with no air conditioning and felt good mostly! I have some swelling going on and a dull ache in the joint between my pelvic bones in the front (like someone is slowly ripping apart my legs), but it hurts no matter what, so I haven't avoided anything because of it. We got some great photos, including ones of me and my belly, and visited one of my friends who is overseas and another stateside, who is a professional photographer, who did photos for us - I'll try to post at least one in my journal with the purchases by the weekend. Still tired from the last few days of travel home, so not moving quickly at the moment! Baby is a bouncy boy, for sure, he danced for me all the way across the Atlantic Ocean this weekend, which is incredibly reassuring. We see the midwife tomorrow, so hoping for a good report!