October Pumpkins 2017

I don't have a scan until March 10th. But your Lil peanut is so sweet! I'm confused though, you said you're measuring 7 weeks tomorrow but the sac is measuring 7.5?

Thanks. Yes that got me a bit worried too, but he said it's probably going to catch up and not to worry. I wonder if it's got anything to do with my ovulating very late...?🤔
Mayan lender was wrong for two of my pregnancies and it say girl for this one so let's hope it's wrong again lol.

Feeling so icky allll the time. Food aversions are kicking in and next is the actual sickness 😷

Are your food aversions mild or accompanied by actually feeling sick? I've gone off most healthy, low-carb foods in the past week and only want high-carb rubbish, which is really frustrating as I was determined to eat only healthy stuff this time around! I don't feel sick or anything, it's just when I think of certain foods I either think "eugh no thanks" or "that's all I want"!
Feeling a bit better today.. but woke up last night feeling nauseous... I had MS in my last pregnancy at night too though. .. so that's probably gonna be this time again lol..

Just a bit tired..

It's so exciting to see all these scans already. Makes me want to have mine so much lol

Hope these weeks go by fast :)

All the scans look great ^^

@shanlee: I thinking spotting and all that is pretty normal but I can relate to how you feel. If I start spotting again I'll probably cry on the spot. Just try to relax I guess.. that's all we can do. Go day by day I guess. :hugs: I bet everything will be fine :)

Can't wait to see more scans :)
Soo exciting to see all your lovely buds scans !! I cant wait to see mine,, its exactly 1 week from now. Good news is my hcg level is rising & i am at 7.4 weeks !! Cant wait :)

MS has started kicking in , i feel like puking the moment i do brush & from then gagging starts.. It feels so exhausting.. I just wish to sleep on my couch & watch movies :) But cant do that in office :(

We told family this past weekend & everyone soo excited !! Will wait for 12 weeks before i inform in my office.

Tk cr all , Cheers, Keep the pics coming !
Well, MS is definitely here. I was trying to sleep in this morning, and IBS sent me to the bathroom (I get painful gassy diahrea, lucky me), and while I was sitting there waiting for that storm to pass, it switched to dry heaving. I choked down a granola barn and an Ensure (meal replacement) drink so I could take my prenatal vitamin and then napped the rest of the morning. Now it's 1pm, I've got a dr appointment at 2:30, and although I'm STARVING, I'm kinda scared to eat. I bought a 6 pack of personal size bottles of gingerale when we were grocery shopping last night, so I'll have gingerale with me all day I think. I just boiled the kettle so I could make a cup of ramen. Don't really feel like eating anything else.

Today is my confirm with my GP / get everything else scheduled and referred appointment. Both my regular GP and my regular gyn are on maternity leave right now, so I'm meeting with somebody new, and asking for a referral to somebody new at my OBGYN office.

Funny enough, since I'm usually quite healthy and don't go to the GP often, I've only actually met with my actual GP once. Every other time she's been on a day off, on holiday, or on mat. I don't mind too much, but I need her permission to have the office add my fiance as her patient (his doc moved offices 2 years ago and didn't tell him), and I haven't seen her since about then.
Seems like so many of us are struggling with MS now! So far the only things that have helped me at all are mints and ginger ale. Good thing I love the taste of both. The worst part is staying constantly hungry but food makes me feel worse so I bought some nutritional drinks to hopefully find an inbetween until the MS eases off. Anyone else tried doing that?

I wish I knew what my hcg levels were but we aren't going to see a doctor until I see my OB on March 15th so we're kind of in limbo until then on everything. Honestly I'm kind of glad to be experiencing MS because it eases my worries a little to at least have symptoms.

I'm so jealous of the ladies who have already had scans! I want to see our baby so badly but still have a couple weeks till we get one. Hopefully I don't go crazy in the meantime but keep sharing those scans, I love seeing them!
I have not symthoms accept can't sleep, I'm also starting to think I may not be due until Nov. We will see.
Lilmisscaviar- I remember you from the TWW board. You got your bfp before me but my little bean is apparently determined to be a big one so he (I'm convinced it's a he vs she although I really want a she!) is measuring days ahead of schedule. You and I have the same due date! Bump buddies!

Has anyone tried the Ramzi method with their previous pregnancies? I have tried but I have NO idea how to identify where the placenta is. Hahaha. I know where the yolk sac is and where the umbilical cord is, but not the placenta. I heard the yolk sac is near the placenta???? What do you all think?

I'm sorry for everyone who is experiencing MS! And other crazy symptoms. I almost (but not quite, lol) wish I was experiencing some of that. I honestly would have NO clue I am pregnant if I hadn't seen my bean with that strong heart rate. No cravings/aversions/MS/headaches/cramping.... nothing. Just slightly sore boobs when I poke them and just a smudge more tired than usual. I guess I might be one of the 'lucky' ones. I can't imagine it would suddenly start when I'm already almost 9weeks, right?
I go back on Friday morning for bloods, and hopefully she'll have y scan date then :D

Doc listened to me figure my dates, did her little caculation wheel thing, and came up with October 13th. When I did it last week I got 17th. So tentatively, I move to October 13th. lol. My scan will verify or change that date.

Edit- When I told her my dates and then described the home tests I did last week, she was surprised. Apparently getting a quick, bold positive at 5 weeks (which I'm pretty sure I was last week) is a possible indication of twins. Now I REALLY can't wait for that scan!
Just got my bfp today at 10 dpo which puts me due around Halloween (What to Expect says October 28).
So, I'll be around here and there to visit with you all!
FlyingDuster that's really good news, I bet you're so relieved! I've also always had low iron in pregnancy as was vegan then veggy and now just eat chicken breast (!), but until this pregnancy I never worried about it and don't think I even took iron pills. I figured it wasn't going to hurt me and didn't want any more pills to pop!

However, it's only this time around so I've been made aware of the miscarriage risk with low iron, so I've been popping all manner of prenatal vits and supps pre-pregnancy, and am now just on Elevit. I'm also eating lots of nuts and eggs (with my other pregnancies nuts were banned, but that was 7 years ago and the 'rules' have changed now, thank goodness!).

So did you always / usually have low iron then?
We told family this past weekend & everyone soo excited !! Will wait for 12 weeks before i inform in my office.

Wow, wish I were brave enough to tell my friends now! I'm uber-paranoid though as have 3 healthy kids and worry that I'm "due" a miscarriage and am pushing my luck with #4 - does that sound crazy?!

When is everyone else breaking the news? We were going to wait until after the nuchal scan (11w5d) to tell friends and the kids, and then after the anomaly scan (20w) to tell my family back in the UK, as they'll freak (we'll have to pretend it's 'unplanned', lol) ;-)
Flyingduster- that is great news. I did the gtt early last time (around 9 weeks) they had to give me antisickness meds to keep the lucozade down for 2 hours. Are you UK or US? I'm 🇬🇧 and already seeing rises after meals
Neither actually, I'm in New Zealand! I'm seeing my midwife next week so I'm going to talk to her about the next steps.

My 8 weeks ultrasound is this Friday, so I can't wait to hear the heartbeat. I will try not to get my hopes up about girl vs boy, but I admit I would like a little girl as I already have a step-son. I don't want to be even more outnumbered.

My husband and I like to argue about which is more likely... I'm one of 5 girls, and one of my sisters has 2 girls. He's an only child with a son, and he thinks since his father has 3 brothers (and a sister) a boy is more likely.
Us women have no real say in the gender of our babies! We only give out the X chromosome, whereas those sperm might be X or Y!! The only influence we can have is having an environment more hospitable to one or the other, but in the end it only takes one!! Haha

I'm also diabetic. I never heard of you having gestational and then not having it again. That's awesome, means you are maintaining glucose better than last time. I can imagine they may just closely monitor, maybe have you test at homes regularly to monitor and run another fasting later. The more hormones maybe it can develope? Wishing you the best .

Ok so gestational diabetes is hormonal, and caused by the placenta. As it turns out, every single pregnant women gets somewhat more insulin resistant than those not pregnant. It's hormonal, and there isn't a problem with it normally. But for some people those hormones are just too much for our bodies and we become TOO insulin resistant, and they diagnose us as having gestational diabetes. It is totally only related to being pregnant, and once the baby is born it goes away. Although a lot of women who become diabetic later, have often had GD previously, so it's seen as a risk factor for type two later.

As you are already diabetic, you will be under careful watch because your body will become MORE insulin resistant and you may need to change your medication and/or diet. Also they go craaaazy strict on the levels they want you under with GD compared to normal diabetes so it's tough.

I worry about getting gestational diabetes so much, but I still keep eating sugar. #-o I think it's part craving, part convenience (post Valentines & Girl Scout cookie season). I'm hoping I beat the odds, but it doesn't look good with all my risk factors (obese, older, mom w/ Type I).
Oh Hun, you CANNOT make yourself have it, or make yourself avoid it, by what you eat. Eating sugar won't make you get it, it's a hormonal thing!!! Yes you have risk factors, but even the skinniest healthiest mamma with no risk factors can get it too!! Eating sugar won't cause it. If you have a problem with insulin resistance (ie, diabetes!) then eating sugar when your body cannot reduce that sugar properly is a risk to your baby, but if you don't have an insulin resistance problem, then eating sugar is not going to CAUSE an insulin resistance problem!!
Being overweight, we (me too!) naturally will have a slight issue with insulin resistance already, so weight loss is a great help, but it's not the only factor, and you can NOT cause yourself to be GD. I promise, it is never anyone's fault. It is hormonal and out of our full control. Xx

FlyingDuster that's really good news, I bet you're so relieved! I've also always had low iron in pregnancy as was vegan then veggy and now just eat chicken breast (!), but until this pregnancy I never worried about it and don't think I even took iron pills. I figured it wasn't going to hurt me and didn't want any more pills to pop!

However, it's only this time around so I've been made aware of the miscarriage risk with low iron, so I've been popping all manner of prenatal vits and supps pre-pregnancy, and am now just on Elevit. I'm also eating lots of nuts and eggs (with my other pregnancies nuts were banned, but that was 7 years ago and the 'rules' have changed now, thank goodness!).

So did you always / usually have low iron then?
No I haven't always had low iron, but as a older child/early teen I had low iron along with other stuff going on, as well as in my last pregnancy I had low iron and needed supplements, and I know I've had supplements some other time but I'm pretty sure it was before kids. But it was more that I haven't been to a doc for a checkup at all in years, the best it has been was being pregnant and getting checks then, so actually since my last lot of bloods to do with my last pregnancy, I had no idea if I was actually ok in regards to iron! So I'm glad I am good. :)

Whew, yay for the multi quote feature! Haha!! Thanks for the words of kindness from others too xx.

Shanlee, we've never found out any of our babies genders, it is amazing at the birth to finally find out who I was meeting!! Haha. Both times I was the one to see first too, so that was special. We won't be finding out this time either!

Ooohh the nausea is setting in well now. So far no vomiting, although gross nappies are making my dry retch. But yeah the nausea has me floored at times, and I get hungry but NOTHING looks good and I really struggle to eat, I pick at it slowly and it just isn't appetising at all. It was like this with my other two pregnancies too, and never got worse than this, so fingers crossed it stays the same again!!!
We told family this past weekend & everyone soo excited !! Will wait for 12 weeks before i inform in my office.

Wow, wish I were brave enough to tell my friends now! I'm uber-paranoid though as have 3 healthy kids and worry that I'm "due" a miscarriage and am pushing my luck with #4 - does that sound crazy?!

When is everyone else breaking the news? We were going to wait until after the nuchal scan (11w5d) to tell friends and the kids, and then after the anomaly scan (20w) to tell my family back in the UK, as they'll freak (we'll have to pretend it's 'unplanned', lol) ;-)

We told the world (announced on Facebook) like two weeks ago. Haha. We told family directly first, then announced it subtly on Facebook. Loads of people have missed it so it's been funny dropping it in to conversation and they're like "what!?!" Haha. But yeah, we aren't worried, we are also very open to sharing if we have a loss too. We have no issue with that, and when we had an early loss in Nov, that never got to the point of announcing it as a pregnancy yet, I still shared that on Facebook too. I don't like to hide those things under the rug. But that's just us!! It's lovely being free to chat about it to others, and to simply use morning sickness as the real reason I feel shit and am cancelling stuff!! Haha
Ugh, my anxiety is back up to its old tricks this morning. Back to worrying about m/c again. My boobs are very slightly less sore, but they have been wavering in soreness... doesn't stop me panicking! Still feel a bit queasy, but no actual MS yet. Got another week until my next scan :( I should be about 7 weeks 3 days then.

We probably won't tell family until after the 12 week scan. A couple of my friends know but that's it. Too worried about m/c. I'm not actually planning to tell Facebook until baby's born.
Flyingduster- yuk to having to do nappies my sons are always pretty gross! Fortunately DH works from home some days so I can shout up to him to change them whilst I hide. With my last pregnancy ms was so bad I'd change ds1 nappy with his potty next to me which I'd, more often than not, vomit into whilst changing it! Ugh that was not fun!

In NZ what are the levels is it 4-7 like UK? Or in the 100s?

Wrinklymummy- I have had 2 healthy pregnancies and sometimes feel the same. I have friends who have early losses so the only reason I haven't told ds1 is that I wouldn't want him to go through it too. That being said if I'm practical about it I feel like death warmed up so I think deep down it'll stick.

I have told close friends and family and I think other friends are starting to be suspicious as I'm grey on the school run and already have a bump (it's mostly bloat but it's all in the uterus). As someone who normally drops the kids off in my gym kit and runs home it's a pretty obvious change! I'm going to try and wait for the scan though.
We told the world (announced on Facebook) like two weeks ago. Haha. We told family directly first, then announced it subtly on Facebook. Loads of people have missed it so it's been funny dropping it in to conversation and they're like "what!?!" Haha. But yeah, we aren't worried, we are also very open to sharing if we have a loss too. We have no issue with that, and when we had an early loss in Nov, that never got to the point of announcing it as a pregnancy yet, I still shared that on Facebook too. I don't like to hide those things under the rug. But that's just us!! It's lovely being free to chat about it to others, and to simply use morning sickness as the real reason I feel shit and am cancelling stuff!! Haha

I wish I were that brace! If we announced it too early and had a miscarriage, people wouldn't believe it were unplanned as we'd be trying again straight afterwards, and they may believe one 'accident' but certainly not two!😜 My family were shocked when we had our third child (I come from a small family with no aunts, uncles, grandparents...and my sister only has one child) and we've struggled for money since moving to australia so they'd think we were crazy and would have little sympathy for any future money problems if we'd deliberately enlarged our family...
Wrinklymummy- we are waiting until the 12 week mark to tell anyone, family included. Primarily because of my elevated miscarriage risk since I have PCOS. I am a very lean person and yet to have any bloodwork definitively identify what hormone imbalance I have, but I have some classic signs of PCOS minus the weight. I've been taking metformin which should help that m/c risk but all the same.... I've read that the risk can be as high as 40%. Im a fairly private person and wouldn't want to have to explain to anyone, immediate family included, why I might have miscarried. My mother is on 24/7 grand baby-bump watch and she's incredibly perceptive so it's been hard trying to hide it even though I'm not showing yet. I did tell my closest friend, mostly because she already knows my medical history and has had an early miscarriage herself. I feel like she is the only one that could truly show any empathy vs sympathy. There is a part of me that wants to keep the news all to myself.
Hey guys! I've been MIA for a bit. Morning sickness is taking me by storm. I've already had one trip to emergency where I received IV fluids to rehydrate.

As for sharing my news with my friend who has had repeated losses and no kids for about 8 yrs now, she was really great. Such an awesome person. She was genuinely happy for me and trying to keep a positive and hopeful outlook for herself. I'm sure she'll have her rough moments but she's such a sweetheart.
I love seeing all the scans!

To whoever asked about a facebook group, we don't have one yet. I'm honestly not sure how to create a secret group. I would hate to make one and think it is secret and then start adding people and other people be able to see who joined lol. I don't want to out any pregnant ladies! Haha. If anyone knows how to make one, or can point me in the right direction, I'm all for it!

Wrinkly...I might have just missed it but what is your due date so I can add you to our list?

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