October Pumpkins 2017

I'm with you lilmisscaviar! I've gained more than a couple pounds but the bloat is throwing me off so much that I can't tell you if I've gained 2 pounds or 6. BAH!
Yessss, I'm totally either starving or stuffed or nauseous too. Ugh. But also, yay! Haha
Soooo embarrassed! I went to my favorite clothing store to shop hoping I can distract myself from wanting to eat everything in site. Well, while standing in a fairly long line I began to feel light headed and start having shortness of breath, I felt like I would pass out right there. I asked to cashier to give me a moment as I began getting hot and sweaty. So I hurried outside to get some fresh air. My OH had went to grab a bite to eat as I'm sort of picky when shopping and sometimes it takes me awhile to finish. Well as soon as I got outside I started to feel really sick and puked all over the store fronts side walk! Sooo gross! At that moment my OH arrived and rescued me lol but I was so embarrassed because there were people waiting in their cars outside of the stores and also people walking around! OH had to go pay for my things 😞
Trying4: that does sound embarrassing. Thankfully the ms hasn't hit me yet.

To everyone: I know what you mean with the constant hunger. I eat and feel full and sick and then out of nowhere I'm hungry again... or like this morning. Woke up at 7 am and was starving. And omg the amount I spend on the toilette. Lol have to pee constantly. How about you girls?
lol I don't think I can show my face at that mall again 😂

Constant peeing for me too.
I'm so confused. This last week I've been SO bloated and my boobs huge and dense. I was planning to go shopping this afternoon for some slightly larger work pants. This morning I wake up and my boobs are, like, deflated almost and the bloating is nearly gone. What the heck body?!?!

If it wasn't for the fact I'm grumpy as heck today and I have those little bumpy things on my areolas, I'd be more concerned.

Has anyone had huge differences in boob size and density practically overnight? So weird!!!
ME, my bloat comes and goes completely... multiple times a day! Boobs seem to be about the same size but the pain in them comes and goes too. I almost went and got some of those bump bands, but don't seem to need them ATM.
This pregnancy has honestly been kind of weird for me. I usually get bloating so bad that I have a sharp, stabbing pain in my stomach from *tmi* gas. This time I do have bloating but only at night is it uncomfortable and I never pass any gass. Funny how each pregnancy is different.
I'm so confused. This last week I've been SO bloated and my boobs huge and dense. I was planning to go shopping this afternoon for some slightly larger work pants. This morning I wake up and my boobs are, like, deflated almost and the bloating is nearly gone. What the heck body?!?!

If it wasn't for the fact I'm grumpy as heck today and I have those little bumpy things on my areolas, I'd be more concerned.

Has anyone had huge differences in boob size and density practically overnight? So weird!!!

My boobs do this daily! They're extremely small (I don't even fill out a 34A cup) but they go from feeling extremely dense one moment to back to normal or smaller the next morning. Thankfully I don't wear bras or this would be extremely challenging. Oh the joys of pregnancy!!
Trying: That is pretty embarrassing however I almost had the same thing happen to me while I was standing in line at a subway once. Never know when MS will hit the hardest :hugs:

Still feeling a lot of nausea here and seems like every time I turn around someone is asking me to go out to eat :dohh:

I still have a lot of bloating but don't feel like I've gained much. My boobs are on the small side as well and are sore from time to time but I don't think they've gotten any bigger although I wouldn't mind if they did :haha:

Anyone have any scans coming up? I still don't have one for a couple of weeks at least so I enjoy looking at others scans until then! Is anyone hoping for a certain gender? I am kind of hoping for a baby girl.
Shanlee- I'm so glad it's not just me! It was so weird waking up this morning with boobs that were smaller than the ones I went to bed with the night before!!!

Angelgirl- DH and I are really hoping for a girl. But really strong intuition is telling me it's a boy. We'll find out in about 10 weeks or so!!
I would love to join you all! My calculated due date is Oct 22nd. This is my first pregnancy and feel like a complete newbie to all of this!
Hi Everyone, I'm new to this thread but recently joined another with some of you ladies on here already.

I found out on Jan 30 at 9 days prior to ovulation (I did bloodtest) that I'm pregnant again. This is the 4th time, with one successful pregnancy (son who's 3 in a few days). I had a m/c in Jan 2016 and a mmc (I thought I was 10 weeks but baby was only measuring 6 with no HB). I had one cycle and here we are. I am very nervous after my last 2 losses, but praying and hopeful this one is ok.

I had my first scan two days ago and was told that there was a heartbeat! I was 7+4 based on LMP but measuring just under 7 because I ovulated late (I did OPK so I know this). Based on O date, I'm 7 weeks today which is further than the last two have been. Because they aren't supposed to tell you anything here (I'm in Ontario) until you are 12 weeks, I don't know the HR or get a pic but I see my OB for my first appt on Feb 28 so I'll ask her for the HR. I'm also hoping to get another scan to check my dates.

As for symptoms I haven't really had any other than sore boobs. My sense of smell is a little heightened but I've had bloodwork which came back that I'm anemic and I haven't really even felt more tired than usual. With my son I didn't have any other symptoms either so I know it's normal for me but with the majority of you, I'd feel better having more?

I'm happy that there are so many BFP's here and everyone seems to be doing well! As of now, I'd like to wait to post my EDD if that's ok. Just having it in writing seems too soon to me. This seems like a great group and I look forward to all of us posting baby pics in a few months time :)
Congratulations Mediterranean!! Try and enjoy this pregnancy, my bff has had a loss and then was so nervous her whole subsequent pregnancy. But we're here for support and reassurance if you get worried. It all sounds so good though, I bet hearing that heartbeat felt amazing!

It's a worrying time for everyone I've been lucky to have suffered no losses before but got myself in a panic yesterday as I've been feeling well for 3 days and by last night almost 'good'. This has never happened to me, I usually vomit 20 times a day and can't eat. This was actually one of the occasions that googling reassured me that this can be normal!
Hi everyone,

Feeling really sorry for myself as ms hitting hard. Not actual vomiting but nausea all day and night. So comforting to feel I'm not alone which is why I love these forums!, I have 2 other children 14 and 11 and I was not this bad with those two pregnancies. Having to work and keep it under wraps is really difficult and exhausting! Heart goes out to all others suffering.

I am 6wks 2days and we are thinking of telling OH mum today as I feel I:happydance: need a hug and some sympathy! Haha we won't be telling the other two kids until 12 weeks or making a formal announcement - mid April to save any confusion and heart ache if mc should happen.

Please could admin add me to 20th Oct for EDD? Look forward to sharing everything with you all xxx
Thanks KRobbo. I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard. You'd think the relief of not having ms now would be like a huge relief but I totally understand it being the opposite. Try to enjoy the sick-free time as your ms could come back anytime.

Kdee what's the sex of your 2 children? It's exciting that you are dishing the news today. We haven't told anyone. I told my family early on with the last two and I don't want to disappoint them again. I feel like it's so up and down, I'm pregnant, I'm not, I'm pregnant, I'm not. I know it's nice to have the support because I didn't really get much from my hubby but I'd love to tell them once I'm well past the high risk weeks and have them more reassured too. There's no right or wrong time, just whenever you ready. I love the announcements though!

So I had a strange thing happen tonight at work. I work in the mining industry and a miner came into my office tonight. He's into sweat lodges and has visions, etc so not your typical manly unobservant male. He asks about my trip (I just got back from Jamaica a few days ago), and then he asks me when I'm due?!!!!! He said you have a pink glow. (WHAT?!) He said you're having a girl, you'll see. I haven't told anyone, never mind anyone at work. Kinda strange! Secretly hoping he's right though hehe. Just thought I'd share. Nothing like that has happened before, especially with a male.

I'm feeling a little sickly tonight. Not really nauseous, although I'm burping quite a bit and I feel I may have more than air come out. I don't know if I feel hungry or don't want to eat at all.
14 is Boy, 11 is girl....so 1 of each. I'm thinking it might be that I'm older this time around. I was 18 and 22 with them and 33 now, maybe my body is weaker and less robust to withstand pregnancy, or twins! I had a really quick strong positive at 4 weeks so after reading a post above, I'm wondering??? No twins in my family but OH grandmother is (not sure that has any affect though as I'm sure I read it's usually my genetics not his that come into play with that).

My previous are not my OH so when we tell his mother today we will be breaking the news that she's expecting her first grandchild! Hope she's pleased! My mum died 8 years ago so she's pretty much my mother figure too. Won't tell my dad till later as not very close and I feel his reaction will be like someone else's above and judgmental "Wasn't 2 enough, you are back to square 1" etc....meh

That's really spooky Mediterranean! Be exciting to see if he is right! Will you be finding out or leaving it a surprise till delivery?
I totally know how it is with loss and no symptoms. The pregnant that I lost I had literally no symptoms at all. And I knew something was wrong.

So when I don't feel my boobs hurt, or I'm not feeling the ms coming on makes me worry like crazy. I'd rather be puking constantly then have this worry that something might not be right again.. .
I'll just feel so much better when I get my first scan. That's still 3 weeks away :hissy:

I want one now... lol was watching pregnancy movies last night xD makes me want to hurry this up to get up the good parts lol and get past this scary moment. Still have a little bloated belly bump and nips are still sore... and really hungry but besides that I feel fine.. but I remember I didn't have ms until 8 weeks with my first pregnancy so it might still hit me xD

Am officially 5 weeks pregnant today... yay first week survived xD
My nausea was rampant 24/7 until about 9 weeks, then it started to come and go. Now it is mostly in the evenings or when I have an empty stomach but I'm *finally* starting to get an appetite again so there is light at the end of the tunnel girls! We just have to get through this dreaded first trimester which seems to drag on FOREVER.

We're hoping for a little boy to even out the genders but it'll probably be a girl knowing our luck lol. My DS was the first boy born in my side of the family since the 1980s so boys are really rare. I'll be fine with another little girl though since my girls have been much easier. My DS likes to push my buttons :wacko:

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