October Pumpkins 2017

I'm really anxious tell everyone about this pregnancy, but we're going to wait. My brother-in-law and his wife just announced their first pregnancy (8 weeks or so ahead of us), so we don't want to go stomping around on their news right now. We've done this before, so we figured we don't need to tell anyone just yet. That said, I'm much more happy and much less anxious with this pregnancy than I was with my last, so I kind of want to shout it from the rooftop!

I met with the midwife today. My last pregnancy was with an OBGYN, but decided to try something different this time. I thought it was a fantastic consultation. She made me feel so comfortable and confident! I'm really happy with my decision already!

And finally, here is a photo of our little bubs from my scan last week. Pretty cute, right? lol!


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Someone did post a thread a couple of weeks ago about a secret October group, I was scared to ask to join incase it came up lol.
I got my bfp 2/16/2017. This is our second. I'm officially 5 weeks today and so nervous! First ultrasound isn't until March 30th. Have slight (.)(.) tenderness, tired, cramping and slight spotting this morning. My current due date is 10/26/2017. Praying for a sticky baby and healthy pregnancy.
Sarah so sweet! Lucky ladies getting early scans.lol

I told my family. I've been through 3 mc and I want the support if something happens. Dh had to tell his because his sister is getting married and wanted me in the wedding. But his step mom has had losses so I was happy to tell her. I don't have Facebook lol
Mayan calender was wrong for two of my pregnancies and it says girl for this one so let's hope it's wrong again lol.

Feeling so icky allll the time. Food aversions are kicking in and next is the actual sickness 😷

Are your food aversions mild or accompanied by actually feeling sick? I've gone off most healthy, low-carb foods in the past week and only want high-carb rubbish, which is really frustrating as I was determined to eat only healthy stuff this time around! I don't feel sick or anything, it's just when I think of certain foods I either think "eugh no thanks" or "that's all I want"!

I feel sick afterwards and have to lie down to keep from feeling like I'm gonna puke on whatever is in front of me :laugh:
Our plan is to tell our families and our close friends around the 5 week mark.
I know that's early, but I don't keep secrets well.
Flyingduster- yuk to having to do nappies my sons are always pretty gross! Fortunately DH works from home some days so I can shout up to him to change them whilst I hide. With my last pregnancy ms was so bad I'd change ds1 nappy with his potty next to me which I'd, more often than not, vomit into whilst changing it! Ugh that was not fun!

In NZ what are the levels is it 4-7 like UK? Or in the 100s?
We do the 4-7 sorta range here. With GD last time they wanted me under 5.0 before every meal, but so far I have only been below 5.2 once, often more like 5.7. I have been so paranoid it was GD kicking my ass already, but my diabetes team has replied to me to say nope, they're happy with my numbers and my A1C and to just carry on eating well and keeping half an eye on my blood sugars. But they weren't at all concerned and said just wait till an early GTT at 16 weeks. So whew!

I wish I were that brace! If we announced it too early and had a miscarriage, people wouldn't believe it were unplanned as we'd be trying again straight afterwards, and they may believe one 'accident' but certainly not two!😜 My family were shocked when we had our third child (I come from a small family with no aunts, uncles, grandparents...and my sister only has one child) and we've struggled for money since moving to australia so they'd think we were crazy and would have little sympathy for any future money problems if we'd deliberately enlarged our family...
Yeah, we haven't hid our intentions of a third so I can see if you're faking an accidental pregnancy, telling early wouldn't work!! Haha!

I did go rather agro at my dad who's first words in the reply email were "oh, I'd have thought two were enough, you already have no money and now you're adding another mouth to feed" omg I was FUMING! Well, and absolutely sobbing too. I'm not cost to my dad, but he's still my dad and while I didn't expect him to jump for joy, I was expecting a cursory congratulations or something..... We had a great big bitch fest at each other through emails, vented lots of old wounds (him and my mum split when I was five) and have come through it, apologised, hugged, and we are in a better place and closer than we were before. He was an ignorant idiot and I was a hormonal mamma, but we are good now haha

Annnnnyway, sorta commiserate at the family and money and more kids thing... Xx

I love seeing all the scans!

To whoever asked about a facebook group, we don't have one yet. I'm honestly not sure how to create a secret group. I would hate to make one and think it is secret and then start adding people and other people be able to see who joined lol. I don't want to out any pregnant ladies! Haha. If anyone knows how to make one, or can point me in the right direction, I'm all for it!

Wrinkly...I might have just missed it but what is your due date so I can add you to our list?
Ok, so to make a secret Facebook group it is 100% secret. Closed, can be found, but secret CAN NOT be found by anyone looking. You can even know it exists, and try to find the group, search it's name, search it's members, and you will NOT be able to find it. You can't even find it to join it, you can't see posts or members or the name of it or anything. Any posts you make in there are hidden, they won't show up on your friends walls, nor will the group show up as a recommended group or anything.

To be added in to a secret group you HAVE to be invited by a fb friend. There is no other way. You can find out who the admin is in here and send them a friend request on fb, then they can accept your friend request and then add you in to the group and unfriend you again. Once you're in, you're in. YOU will see posts on your wall if you follow the group but none of your friends. Unless they logged in as you! Lol.

Just be careful, a CLOSED Facebook group can be searched and found. The posts will not show up at all, but it will show up to your friends that you are a member. So stick to "secret" and you are safe. :)
Just went back to the doc to get blood drawn, and now I have to wait until Thursday to know what my levels and such are. Should hear early next week when my dating ultrasound is. Doc wants to see me every 4 weeks after this next appointment. Work schedules 3 weeks ahead. This'll be interesting, always putting in an appointent related time request just shy of the cutoff. Wonder if they'll figure it out before I tell them :blush:
We haven't told anyone except one of his sisters and his mom. I'm not that close with my family, so I think I'll just wait to announce it when I find out gender lol I'm sure everyone will be surprised!

Oan I've been eating non stop and have been getting heart burn, I don't know how to stop. I'm also getting that starving feeling when I awake, even if I had just eaten before I've fallen asleep 😴
I'm also absolutely starving when I wake up, no matter how well I ate the night before. I'm finding it a little unfair, though. I'm either queesy, starving, or overstuffed. I don't get 5 minutes of an normal feeling stomach. Last night I ate too much at supper (couldn't help it! Baby wanted those mashed potatoes.) and I spent probably 2.5 hours after eating just laying on the couch feeling too full and a little sick, then suddenly I was hungry again. Instant switch.
Ok, now I want mashed potatoes! The first couple of weeks I barely had an appetite, and went off chocolate. Now I'm hungry all the time, but often struggle to eat!!
I'm also absolutely starving when I wake up, no matter how well I ate the night before. I'm finding it a little unfair, though. I'm either queesy, starving, or overstuffed. I don't get 5 minutes of an normal feeling stomach. Last night I ate too much at supper (couldn't help it! Baby wanted those mashed potatoes.) and I spent probably 2.5 hours after eating just laying on the couch feeling too full and a little sick, then suddenly I was hungry again. Instant switch.

Yes! I am either starving, stuffed or sick... I had a sandwich earlier and I was starving before I ate it, then as soon as I did I was stuffed! I'm only now going back to being starving hungry again with no normal stomach in between and my other half wants to order pizza for dinner :haha:
Yep put me in the constantly starving or sick boat too lol
i am in the same boat, i feel hungry but dont wanna eat anything ! Moment i put something in, tummy starts feeling weird. Like not a moment of normal tummy , either its hungry or its over stuffed or feel like puking.
Only thing that's helping is oranges & lemon. I am lovvving those ! Are they safe in 1st trimester ? Ginger Ale & Sprite keeps the upset tummy little low. I got wheat saltine crackers , munching on them too is helping.
I don't see why oranges and lemons wouldn't be safe in first tri?
I'm glad this is so common, though I wish we could all have more cooperative tummies :haha:

OH will be home with supper in about half an hour, and then we're making the 4 hour trip to the cabin for the weekend. Apparently the in-laws are planning to do the annual snowmobile run to the mountain tomorrow. *gulp* I'm 100% not afraid to keep on riding the snowmobiles this early, but that's a LOOOOONG day on a snowmobile, swaddled up in a snowsuit. Like in order to get there and back without doing part of the return trip in the dark, we'll be leaving the cabin before the time in the morning when my stomach starts to settle down. I already warned Peter a couple days ago I might not be up for it when the morning comes, but he's SO hopeful. We're telling parents about the pregnancy this weekend and he wants to tell his on the mountain.
I found out I've already gained 6 lbs. :wacko:

I honestly don't know how I manage to gain weight with as sick as I've been :shrug:
I'm with you ladies for the most part. I'm generally just hungry or stuffed, hahaha. No MS means I'm just eating constantly and at 9+2 my pants are already feeling a little snug, lol. Whoops! I am trying hard to watch my weight but it's hard when the bloat comes and goes so bad I can vary 4 pounds within a 24 hour period!! Anyone else having that problem?!?!

It occurred to me that I am officially in the last month of the first trimester! WOW! That and my baby is now considered a fetus. Exciting!

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