October Pumpkins 2017

Stillpraying- I have a sonoline b doppler I bought from ebay during my 1st pregnancy. I was able to hear her heartbeat by 9 weeks. I'm also an ob nurse so I know what I'm listening for, but it's not difficult.

Afm...I've thrown up 5 out of the last 6 days, but I've gained 6 pounds in the last 10 days. Wtf? I'm seriously bloated.
Babifever- your lines look great! Just as mine did on those tests. I completely understand being cautious until you hear the hb, I know I was!

ME-good luck on your scan tomorrow!!

AFM- I'm still nauseous all the time and it keeps me from wanting to eat which then makes me more nauseous AND feel like crap. What a wonderful thing the first trimester is :nope:
7 weeks today! I've had a full nights sleep so hopefully I won't be falling asleep at work today, although I did wake up an hour earlier than my alarm! :(
Struggling with sickness it seems to be from 9am-8pm after that I feel fine!
I could not stop eating yesterday day as well, I went food shopping and literally everything I bought made my mouth water lol, need to start eating better!

MEpride - good luck for your scan!

Stillpraying - I have a sonoline b, I'll start trying with it next week! So excited :)
Seems I've missed a lot while I was away, congrats to those who have already seen their little one and heart the hb! I have considered an early scan but trying to just wait until my appointment in March, just really nervous!

At first I had no nausea or MS at all but as soon as week 6 hit it started. Now I constantly feel nauseated and don't want to eat but if I don't eat I feel worse :dohh: I'm actually pretty relieved to be experiencing nausea, makes me feel like everything is fine, as weird as that sounds. I've found that ginger works pretty well for it and so does peppermint!

ME: Good luck with your scan!

I've considered buying a doppler as well but this being my first I probably wouldn't be able to hear anything until at least week 10 which is my appointment anyway so I'll wait. Those who have it please let us know how early you hear the hb with it!
Angelgirl i haven't tried peppermint I'll have to try that.

Saara I'm like that every day. Non stop eating. I'm going to gain so much this pregnancy lol

Flying fx your blood work comes back clear!
Is it too early for pregnancy brain to set in? Back on Thursday I called my GP office to set up an appointment (to confirm, ask questions, get referred to an OB at my gyn office, etc.). I specifically asked for "Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of next week" (which would be this week, since this was last Thursday). They set me up for March 1st. Realized this morning that March 1st isn't this week. Had to call and get it changed. I work on March 1st.

I was starting to feel morning sickness last week, not to the point of vomitting but a rather unhappy stomach. On Friday I started losing the battle with this awful cold that's going around (I usually don't catch these things), and yesterday & today I called in sick from work. I fell asleep on the couch around 5:3pm on Saturday and wasn't awake for more than 15 minutes at a time until 5:30pm Sunday, at which point I still felt exhausted, but couldn't sleep. Today's the same deal. Exhausted, but can't sleep. Tried to go back to sleep after my fiance left for work and gave up 20 minutes later.

Edit- to respond to a couple things I saw catching up on this thread:

I poke my boobs too!

My username is just a word my Mom and I made up when I was a kid, but I've gone on to use it for my web design ventures.
Hello all! I did see some newcomers and I promise to add you to the list tomorrow when I am on my computer! Welcome.

I had my first appointment today! The baby measured right at 8 weeks so my due date stays 10/2. HR was 169 which doc said was perfect. Everything looked great. My blood pressure was okay so no need to start no meds during first tri. I ended up on ten at 20 weeks with my daughter which I am okay with I was just so worried they were going to make me go on them early and I hate taking medicine in the first tri!


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Scan went great today!! I'm measuring ahead of schedule (as of now) and my EDD has been bumped up to 9/28. Considering I've been on the October thread since the beginning and am really hoping for an October baby, I'm just going to stay put and stay up to date with all you ladies.

Baby is measuring 8w4d and is 1.92cm. HR is at 172! It was so great seeing the future little dictator's heartbeat! Baby even moved for us on the ultrasound!! Shouldn't be surprised since my husband NEVER sits still, lol!! We got a great view of the little guy. My husband was a big baby so I am still banking on this one being a boy considering it's already measuring ahead of schedule.

Lindsay- your scan looks great!!! So exciting to see more scans on here!


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Hi can i join
My due date is 31st december based on my oviulation day and 28th based on my lmp :)
Sophi do you mean 31st October? :haha:

ME glad your scan went well! Are you hoping for a boy?

Lindsay glad you get to stay away from meds for awhile :)

Oglethorpe sorry to hear you've been sick :hugs: hope you can get over it quickly!

Having a sharp digging pain on my lower left side:nope:
Yeah thats exactly what i meant
My brain fog has taken over again lol
Hey everyone I would like to join the October thread. Due date according to apps is the 29th of October. Maybe I'll have a Halloween baby :)

Hoping this is our Rainbow baby. Had an MC in June 2016 and a bit worried this time around but also have a better feeling about it this time.

Symptoms are sore nipples, cramps, tired and heartburn.

Can't wait for my first scan so I can feel a bit better. :)
It's so incredibly exciting seeing these scans and the little ones already! Does anyone have a feeling what they are having? I looked back at my son's heartbeat and his was at 122 at 6 weeks, and this one is at 122 at 6 weeks, so I am thinking it's a boy, not just solely on the heartbeat but I have been having more cramps way down than up higher, I had the cramps up higher with my daughter, so we will see. I'm so excited, all my intuitions have been correct.

Today's been a long day, I'm pretty much exhausted all the time now, my belly and back is hurting big time...we had a couples massage on Saturday for a late valentine's day present...well not really a present since we got once a month..but it was so nice, and she could feel my back curve really bad because of the baby already!
Kittey I'm not sure entirely because I haven't had an ultrasound yet but I'm leaning boy. This pregnancy is much more mild than either of my girls, but im much more cranky than I was with either of my girls!

Sophi no worries I found my phone in the fridge the other day so I'm right there with you! :friends:

Welcome to the new ladies :flower:
ME- beautiful scan!!

Soph- welcome and congrats on BFP! If you are planning on staying pregnant all the way until December 31st you might get a bit uncomfortable!

Stillpraying- The pain could be you little one burrowing in a bit further. Hope you aren't too uncomfortable!

Velathria- I'm there with you on the heartburn and sore nipples. Sometimes my nipples feel like they might be bleeding and I'm scared to look but then they are fine when I check. I'll be crossing my fingers for your rainbow!

Kittykat- Is 122 a fast or slow heartbeat? I know girls and boys apparently have different heartbeat speeds, but since this is my first I'm a bit clueless about what normal is. I have an intuition that mine is a girl, but DH says boy and that's based on absolutely nothing.

Today I am having more sore nipples, a bit of low nausea, heartburn, and bloating at night to the point where I unbutton my pants!
Welcome to all the newcomers!!!! And yay for scans already guys!!

As for me, WHEW!! My diabetes test (hba1c) came back perfectly normal. Not even pre diabetic, not anywhere near it, totally normal. I'm not diabetic! Whew!!! So I've now emailed my diabetes team I had last pregnancy and enquired that if my fasting bloods are at this level already, what do we do? Maybe nothing, maybe they need me to do the damn GTT already? I dunno, we shall see, but either way I am deeply deeply relieved this is NOT undiagnosed type two, and that even if it does ed up being gestational diabetes, there is an end to that!!!! Whew.

Also good, was that my iron levels were great too, which has been an off and on concern my whole life at times, especially as I don't eat red meat really, but nope, all good there too. For now anyway. Lol.

So, I've quit testing my blood six times a day and timing my food and stressing over everything. I'm giving myself a break for the moment, if I end up with GD I'll be having to go back to that, but for now I can just eat well and not stress over the recording and timing of everything.

One more week till midwife appointment! Yay! Begiinning to feel a bit more real at times now. eeeeee!!!!
Flying- I'm so happy for you that your appointment and tests turned out well! What a relief!!

As for feeling the gender of the baby I'm convinced it's a boy and have already started referring to it as a him. Haha I've felt like that since the moment of my bfp. I'm waiting to find out the sex until birth as it's always been my dream and my DH loved the idea of it, so these next 7 1/2 months are going to drag on!!

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